How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 567 - 568 200,000 Handhelds (Part 3)

Chapter 567 - 568 200,000 Handhelds (Part 3)

Chapter 567: Chapter 568 200,000 Handhelds (Part 3)

Unfortunately, the development of facts will not make them so easy. The Grand Fleet still has nothing. Even if each warship opens optical detection, no traces of stars have been found. Carmen, the companion star, is like evaporating from the world. This situation is beyond the Carter people's understanding. They can't imagine what means to rely on. It can make such a massive celestial body disappear without a trace.

"Why can't I find it? This is impossible! Does Amoeba have the ability to make such a big companion star disappear out of thin air?!"

Over time, many staff officers began to be anxious, because according to the theory of mass war, Amoeba needs to obtain mass from their star system to conduct war unless the theory of mass war is wrong.

"We must have found the wrong way. Judging from the observation trajectory of the card window, the Carmen companion star has not left its original position. It is still there."

The staff who still remained calm expressed their views. After a short discussion, a decision was made - that is, to use people to go to the orbit of the companion star in person around the card window to see if there is physical contact. This is to test human life, but there is nothing they can do at present. They must be ruthlessly. Heart.

"We can't continue to waste time like this."

"Yes, they want to delay. We can't do what they want."

"Let the space fighter group go out."

The commander-in-chief issued another order, and the fighters swarmed out of the side of the warship and gathered into a large group. From a distance, it looked like bees out of the nest.

Such a test really tested some visions. Suddenly, after marching to a certain position, a large number of fighters broke off contact for unknown reasons.

"Emergency! The space fighter group was attacked by unknown, and a large number of fighters lost contact one after another, requesting the flagship to give instructions immediately!"

The fighter group sent tactical information to the Grand Fleet.

The warship then shelled, but nothing was hit.

"Has the radar caught anything?" The commander-in-chief asked the radar officer again, but his report made him look embarrassed. josei

"No one has been caught! The radar is empty!"

"How is this possible! Is it possible for the Amoeba civilization to use magic?!"

I thought it was just the commander-in-chief of radar stealth, but I couldn't sit still. This is not something to hide. This is a real disappearance! Together with such a high-quality companion Carmen, it disappeared!

If the enemy has such a technology, how can they fight? He reported the matter to Sori, and soon Sori took action.

The academic team led by Dopps was assigned by civilization to crack the hidden technology of Amoeba and build contact with the Grand Fleet through video communication.

"I know. Send me all your radar observation data." Dopps Road.

After several minutes of light speed delay, Dopps saw the radar observation information on the warship.


The old Carter scholar's look changed from calm at the beginning to accident, and then from accident to shock. He picked up the speaker with a trembling hand and said to the commander-in-chief in an almost commanding tone.

"Immediately downgrade the radar search band on your warship to search for heat source information in space."

At this time, the commander-in-chief immediately asked the radar personnel to adjust the receiving band of the radar according to Dopps' instructions. Sure enough, the radar captured an obvious target, which was very small and was so inconspicuous in the debris left by Space City 8.

"Capture unknown heat sources! The heat source revolves around the card window!" The subordinates reported their findings happily.

"Mr. Dopps, what is this heat source?"

The commander-in-chief was relieved with the discovery, and it was easier to find the target than to deal with an unlockable enemy.

To be on the safe, the commander-in-chief still asked Dopps in detail the true face of this unknown heat source.

Dopps's answer surprised him.

"This is the black hole after the companion Carmen's decline, the celestial body I am currently studying."

"Black hole?! Isn't that an extreme object that only forms after star exploration? Amoeba wants to destroy our star system!"

Hearing the word black hole, the commander-in-chief's face changed. He knew what a black hole was, the most horrible object in the universe, a conventional black hole with a small mass. Gravitational disturbance alone was enough to destroy their star system.

Dopps explained this.

"Don't be nervous. The mass of the black hole has not changed. It is the mass of the companion star Carmen, so it is still bound by the gravity of the main planet's window and will not have any impact on the star system."

Although Carmen has shrunk into a black hole, its mass is still the mass of the companion star Carmen, which leads to the formation of a black hole very small, smaller than rice grains. Radar is used to scan such a thing at a scale of millions of kilometers, and there are so many debris around it to interfere with detection, which leads to the Carter fleet. This horrible foreign body cannot be found.

During the explanation, Dopps's face suddenly changed. He never thought that there was such a small black hole.

"Huh? Wait, if the mass of the black hole is so small..."

Since the Amoeba civilization did so, it must have been a plot. Dopps immediately began to derive his summary black hole formula according to his understanding of the black hole.

At this time, the commander-in-chief and Dopps heard a report from the radar officer.

"Commander, there seems to be something wrong with the thermal imaging radar. Through the analysis of the heat of the heat source through the thermal spectrum, the data shows that the temperature of the heat source is actually more than trillions, and the temperature is still increasing."

Hearing this, Dopps is like finding a lightning strike and no longer needs formula derivation. He has learned the preliminary concept from the actual phenomenon.

Dopps shouted at the commander-in-chief with a panicked expression.

"Escape! Order the fleet to withdraw from there! There is no time to explain, run away! Either direction is OK! Anyway, run away quickly! The farther you escape, the better! Hurry up!"

Through the communication screen, the commander-in-chief was able to observe the emotion called 'fear' in Dopps' eyes.

The commander-in-chief was the first time to see Xiang Dopp such a prestigious big man show such a look. When he was still young, Dopps, an important academic member of civilization, gave him his first impression of calmness. was selected as the commander-in-chief. Then, the same is true.

Although he had doubts, the commander-in-chief still did so, but unfortunately, everything was too late to do it at all.

"The whole ship transferred..."

Before the commander-in-chief finished speaking, something broke out. That thing was an ultra-small black hole formed by the temperature of the decline of Carmen's companion star, and the endless brilliance was released. It was the sickle of death. It stretched out from the ghost gate and began to harvest all the life within the affected range.

The wreckage of Space City No. 8 closest to the outbreak first showed a vision. In just a moment, the wreckage vaporized into a plasma state, followed by the wreckage at a longer distance. Further away, those warships were vaporized off one side, some heads and some tails, and dared to lie sideways without leaving the wreckage.

Millions of tons of gas from the gas giant were forcibly thrown out for a long distance.

In this way, Death's sickle completely harvested the lives of 200,000 warships, and then spread further away to continue its harvest.

After ten minutes across, the sickle arrived at the agricultural space station. The plants in the farmland in the station began to necrot at a speed visible to the naked eye, their cells were destroyed, and the metal shell of the agricultural space station showed slight signs of melting.

After a while, all the lives of Space City 1 in Sori's orbit were harvested, and a large number of radiation diseases occurred in the dungeon within one kilometer of Sori's underground depth.

After a short while, all the No. 3 Space City, which entered the orbit of another planet, died.

When the sickle of death completely swept out of the Carter's mother star system, except for the Carter people who hid in the dungeon and the few lucky people who hid on the back of the planet in space, no life could survive, and no bacteria could survive.

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