How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 576 - 577 Analysis of Remnant Words

Chapter 576 - 577 Analysis of Remnant Words

Chapter 576: Chapter 577 Analysis of Remnant Words

"What does this information mean?"

The collectors who interpreted the remnants of the historical sites began to analyze the information left by Huiwen. The messages are intertwined in the channel and communicate with each other.

"Even Hui people with such a high level of civilization can't avoid some quirks?" There are tentative questions from collectors.

"Hey, the focus is wrong."

Collectors can't understand the author of what it means to write information on the wall, just as collectors don't understand why some Serin people are in estrus with some online cartoon pictures, stay at home without socializing, seduce the opposite sex, but laugh at themselves as single animals all day long.

Turning the topic back, the collectors continued to discuss and analyze the information content in the remnants of the monument.

In the combing of information one by one, some individuals put forward their own opinions.

"At least we have a preliminary understanding of the experiment of Hui civilization, and 'it' is mentioned in the twenty-sixth paragraph, that is to say, it was someone who caused the destruction of Hui civilization."

Individual opinions quickly found a rebuttal, because in the language system of Hui civilization, 'it' does not just refer to a certain creature.

"It's hard to say. In Huiren's language, this word refers to a certain life, a certain force, or something."

This insight soon sank into the sea. Because the amount of information was too small to accurately analyze, it was temporarily put aside by the collectors and waited for an in-depth understanding of the experiments carried out by Hui civilization before making judgments.

They began to discuss and analyze other information, and some individuals put forward another insight.

"According to these cruel words, the Carter people should have been created by Hui civilization."

This view was quickly refuted by many collectors.

"No, the history of the Carter people is not so long. When the Carter people awakened the wisdom of civilization, the Hui civilization had already died for a long time."

"Not to mention 800 million years of history, even if it gives the Carter people 100 million years of history, they completely crush us. They have such potential."

If the Carter people are really the Kate people mentioned in the words, it means that the Carter people have a history of 800 million years. What is the concept of 800 million years? It is the time scale when sows can climb trees. Even if a civilization does not reach 90% of the sublight speed, it can establish a large colony in the river system only by conventional navigation and nuclear fusion, not to mention the addition of the concept of technological explosion. If the factors of material resources are not taken into account, civilized Development will show exponential growth.

Not to mention 800 million years, which has been given 100 million years of collectors, they are confident that they are confident to approach the height of Hui civilization. Carter people do not have the impact of thinking delay like Zeshu civilization. There is no reason for a healthy civilization with a normal view of time to develop to this extent in 800 million years.

At this time, other individuals put forward their own ideas.

"Is it because of the civility fault incident in the middle? Wasn't the first generation of Kate civilization destroyed in the nuclear war? Although it is not mentioned in the words, it is not difficult to imagine that Hui civilization is facing the fate of destruction because of experiments. In the face of this crisis that even Hui civilization cannot solve, it is inevitable that the second generation of Kate civilization will be destroyed.

However, this speculation was quickly refuted.

"It feels unlikely. The strata inside and outside of Soli have been surveyed. The history of the Carter people has only been traced back to hundreds of thousands of years. Earlier, the species was not Carter people, but some kind of foodivore."

Collectors have investigated the evolution of the Carter people. They like to collect knowledge as much as they like to collect matter, because this can strengthen the strength of the ethnic group and make it more prosperous.

The predecessor of the Carter people was a herbivorous creature, because after a forest fire, they began to eat the burned creatures without food, which accidentally awakened the wisdom of the species and began to establish civilization.

Of course, this is speculation that when the collectors searched for Carter fossils in the formation,

Gradually following the traces of evolution, the most primitive fossil sample was found, and then the cause of death of the fossil owner was investigated, and the judgment was made.The Carter people originated 50 million years ago, which is a little far away from the Hui civilization 800 million years ago.

"That is to say, Kate and Carter are not the same species, and Kate civilization has become extinct, or they have left the planet."

Another individual heard this and said, "I think they probably left."

"What is your basis?"

"We have not found fossils of other intelligent species other than the Carter people in the formation of Sori. If the second generation of Kate civilization dies in large numbers for some unknown reason, the global population will eventually leave some fossils, but this is not the case."

This is a place that puzzles the collectors, because the remnants record the information of a large number of Kate's deaths for unknown causes, and the collectors want to find more information about civilization-level experiments from the Kate's fossils through archaeology. josei

But it's strange that the collectors used the rhizomes to search the inside and outside of the whole Soli, but they couldn't find Kate's fossils, which made the collectors feel very puzzled - is it possible that Kate's corpses are popularly cremated?

It's not that no collectors have raised this possibility. However, if it is a high mortality rate like the Great Plague, it should be social turmoil. There will always be some Kate people exposed their bodies in the wilderness and no one cares about it, right? The global high mortality rate is not so high that even a skeleton fossil can be found. It is too clean.

Therefore, some individuals among the collectors proposed that Kates fled on an interstellar voyage after the derenization of Hui civilization.

"I agree that as the 'unknown mortality rate has soared' as the remnants, the decision makers of the Kate people must have noticed this strange phenomenon, and under the intentional guidance of the Hui civilization, they discovered the civilization destroyed by the nuclear war of the previous generation, so the second generation of Kate civilization is bound to have a strong sense of crisis. ."

"After the demise of the Hui civilization, No one directed the spiritual realm, and the mortality rate of Kate civilization will suddenly recover, which gives Kate civilization a great stimulus. In the face of the crisis, they abandoned their home planet and organized a fleet to think about the distant star. Chen Hang went..."

"Hui civilization can't be avoided. Can Kate civilization avoid it?" Some collectors asked.

" doesn't seem to work."

If only the interstellar voyage can escape, the Hui civilization will not perish. After all, the Hui civilization has a superluminal speed. As long as they want, they can move from one river system to another river system with a few breaths.

It turns out that this is not feasible, and I'm afraid that the authors of the remnants of historical sites are also more or less auspicious.

"Then there is no need to discuss this."

Even if all the fugitives who fled into the stars die, the initial speed of the spacecraft still exists and will move down forever. Considering the gravitational interference of the major celestial bodies, God knows where the Kate's escape fleet has drifted to in 800 million years.

"Speaking of, there is a passage marked with a coordinate, which is the location of the author's partner's laboratory. It is necessary for the group to go to that place for exploration and may find more useful information." Some collectors proposed this.

"This coordinate... is a little familiar."

"The coordinates of this star are far from the stars in the rescue mission." A collector replied.

"We can deliver information to our peers on seed rescue missions, and two things can be carried out together."

This proposal was unanimously approved by the collectors.

"Then start delivering the information."

"Adjust the brightness!"

The brightness of the star began to change again, like a gorgeous spark in a summer night.

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