How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 611 - 612 The Civilization of castration

Chapter 611 - 612 The Civilization of castration

Chapter 611: Chapter 612 The Civilization of castration

Dom high-level meeting

"It's not a way to go on like this. We are too passive and should take the initiative!"

A homme's anxious solemn statement at the meeting attracted others at the meeting to turn their eyes to the speaker.

"But we don't know what this alien force that defeats our country needs." Another Domman replied helplessly, "Do you like to collect rare metals like capitalists?" Or do you love art creation as much as Bedou? Or specialize in industry like the Watts? Or do you like cheap labor like aliens?

In response to this question, the speaker said bluntly.

"Then it's better to test than to do nothing. We must make this alien forces realize the value of our Doombang, so as to ensure that they will not hurt us, instead of pinning on the illusory kindness of the other party. We all know that it is the most unreliable thing."

The lacklessness of the collectors makes the Dom people very uneasy. If there is no demand, there is no burden. There is no scruples, which means whether the other party will destroy the Doms, purely depending on their mood.

And who can be sure of the 'mood'?

After the demand, there is a bondage of interests. The stronger the bondage, the safer the Dom will be.

But the problem now is that Dom people can't find the needs of collectors and adjutants, which makes them very difficult.

The idea of temptation has been put forward, which has aroused a discussion among many elites at the meeting. After this private discussion lasted for a period of time, a Dom got up and spoke.

"Testing is necessary, but it should be hidden as much as possible and should not arouse the disgust of the new owners of this star system."

This speech was unanimously agreed by the Dom people present and was regarded as a final direction.

However, what the speaker wanted to say was not over, and he continued to speak. josei

"In addition, I don't think it's necessary to express a position in a hurry. Standing in a hurry will make us very dangerous."

Because of this passage, the meeting, which had been whispering in private, suddenly fell into a strange silence, and the air seemed to freeze.

"What do you say?" Someone asked.

The speaker replied, "That alien force did defeat the state's fleet, but the state can't easily give up. As one of the mainstay industrial stars in the state, we are different from the lowest agricultural star. There are also a large number of factories on the planet, and the state will definitely come back."

"Once the state counterattacks and comes back and drives away this alien force, we will be in trouble."

The Doms don't know about the collector, and the Doms don't know what military cards there are on the side of the state. It can be said that both sides are blind, and it is too risky to stand in line too early.

"Then you mean..."

"Watch the change. For the current new owner, we should still flatter or flatter, and meet any requirements. As long as we don't make a statement in advance, it means that we will stand against the state without reservation. It's too dangerous."

The speaker's idea was affirmed by the Dom elite at the meeting - it's nothing to win a battle. Winning a war is a real winner, and they only need to stand on the side of the winner. The best way is to bet at both ends. Anyway, one side will win.

"It makes sense that the war will continue, and the final winner is worth showing our loyalty..."

"That's right..."

The Doms discussed at the meeting did not realize that there was a hole in the wall of the hall where they met. The organism in the hole transmitted the Domes's speech at the meeting to the information network arranged by the collectors on the planet through the life field.

In addition to this kind of life responsible for monitoring the high-level Dom, there is an extra sesame-sized black bug that can fly in the streets and alleys of the home city of the Dom.

The Doms are unaware of all this, because there is no shortage of bugs on the planet.

Places such as garbage dumps, urban sewers, public toilets, etc. are all attracted by small insects that are decomposers in the planet's ecological chain.Therefore, the collectors easily completed the arrangement of the surveillance network in all the Dom cities on the whole planet.

According to the original plan, these bugs quietly walk through the buildings of the Dom people, looking for official announcement information carriers such as newspapers. At the same time, they will also pay attention to every sentence spoken by each Dom to identify useful information about the Holy Worm.

Originally, the collectors wanted to search the library on the planet. The space-time teleportation technology of the Holy Wormite State really coveted them, even if it was just a vague concept. As long as they knew the basic principles, the collectors were confident that the cluster could be reproduced soon.

This is the confidence to have a sound science and technology tree civilization.

Unfortunately, collectors did not find storage buildings such as libraries for knowledge and information records. Instead, there are many chemical plants of all kinds.

At first, the collectors just thought that the Doms were very deep. After a period of time, they finally determined that there was no place for knowledge storage on the home planet of the Doms. There was no land, underground or sky. The social structure was very simple, and the workers and the ruling class leading workers.

There are no merchants. Even art creators have only one-digit number in the world, and they are so deep that few people know their existence.

Based on the simple social structure of the Dom people, the urban design structure is also very simple. The city center is the ruling center of the regime, so it is a very tall tower building. The tower radiates outward is a low house, giving people a great visual gap, like the feeling of an ant standing next to an elephant.

In a more peripheral circle, there are factories. There are many types of factories, which are generally divided into two categories, heavy industry factories and light industry factories.

Light industry factories are close to the inner circle of the city, and heavy industry factories are close to the outer circle of the city. These factories operate by burning coal to drive steam, and the lighting facilities also use kerosene lamps and electricity-less machinery.

The reason for this social structure, it took collectors nearly a month to finally find out with the intelligence network covering the world - on this planet, books are contraband, and whoever owns it will be sentenced to death. Similarly, professions such as businessmen and artists are also crimes, Dom There are only two legal occupations in human society, managers and workers, which are the whole content of Dom society.

Many Dom people don't even know things like 'books'.

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