How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 869 - 870 Rules are Walls

Chapter 869 - 870 Rules are Walls

Chapter 869: Chapter 870 Rules are Walls

The empire had to stop leaving the mother river system for unknown reasons.

After nearly a year of investigation, a meeting was held to discuss countermeasures.

"Why is it like this? Have you found out the reason?" The head of state asked.

Seeing that his subordinates did not answer, the head of state couldn't help but be angry.

During this year, he was extremely uneasy and felt that the empire might collapse together with his mother star Celine at any time, and he often had nightmares.

The source of his uneasiness comes from what he sees. Although the reason is unknown, the scale can be determined. It is a river scale interference ability that imprisons all civilizations in the river system to escape.

The head of state always thinks from time to time that if Amoeba is destroyed, will it be their empire next? Is the empire with no way to escape capable of defeating enemies that even Amoeba can't defeat?

"With so many knowledge-rich minds and consuming so many imperial resources, won't it be fruitless in the past for so long? What other elites of the empire do you have to be ashamed of in the future? The head of state questioned.

The chief of physical science replied nervously, "We already have a general conjecture, but some phenomena do not match the conjecture scenario, so we need to collect more observation data..."

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the head of state.

"Tay your guesses and don't hide them! What I want now is a bottom, understand? The mother river system has become a battlefield, and now the empire cannot stay away from the battlefield, which is an extremely dangerous signal! It's okay if Amoeba wins. If Amoeba loses, it may be the empire's turn next!"

"Do you expect a mechanism that has been destroying civilization for 800 million years to show mercy to the empire?"

The head of state's anxious roar echoed in the conference room, which was dissatisfaction with the ability of his subordinates and the future of the empire.

The chief of physical science, who was scolded by the head of state, hurriedly made a guess report. The head of state said this. Obviously, it is impossible to wait for them to investigate the situation clearly before reporting.

The chief of physical science said, "Yes, according to our speculation, the whole river system is surrounded by a closed-loop space-time structure. The principle is very similar to the black hole. After crossing the event horizon of the black hole, no matter which direction the observer moves, it eventually approaches the singularity of the center. When it reaches the 'edge', I Our direction has been cut, and we are forced to return to the mother river system.

"You mean that we are in a black hole that swallows the mother river system into the horizon of events?" The head of state asked in surprise.

The spacetime at a certain distance outside the mother river system is artificially distorted to form a closed-loop space-time structure, just like the Mobius ring, which can go all the way forward and walk back to the original starting point.

Is this cage covering the mother river system with time and space as the 'wall'? The closed range formed.

Don't think this is an easy blockade to break through? According to the material that tells space-time how to bend? Time and space tell the basic principle of how matter moves, so this blockade is regular. The disguised understanding is to use the Basic Law of the Universe as the 'wall' to block the matter in this area and prevent it from leaving.

This is the problem facing the empire today!

The chief of physical science replied, "It can be understood in this way, but it is not accurate. Is the field involved in it too extreme and complicated? It is far beyond the knowledge system of the current empire, and some phenomena cannot be explained. For example, why can we observe the light of other river systems? Why can we observe the cosmic background radiation normally? Why is the mother river system not affected at all?

"Maybe our idea is wrong? What other reasons are there? We can't leave the mother river system, so we need more observation data.

Does the chief of physical science hope that their guess is wrong? Because of that, there is no need to overcome the problem of regularity. Science would prefer that there are unknown factors interfering with their observations, so they are misled into regular problems. josei

In a sense, this is a timid escape, but it is understandable.

But the head of state's thinking is different from theirs. He habitually thinks about the worst possible.

"If, as you guessed, it is impossible to leave due to the distortion of time and space, do you have a solution?" The head of state asked.

"Please rest assured that no matter how high-end the technology is, the foundation will not change. Twisting time and space must make use of the mass point. As long as you find the quality point and destroy it, you can break the structure of closed-loop space-time."

It's simple, but it's not easy to really do it. Not to mention whether the mass point can be found, but if the mass point is an extreme celestial body, such as a black hole, what can the empire do?

Thinking of the head of this layer, he asked dissatisfiedly, "What if the mass point is a black hole? Do you have a way to destroy it?

The answer is obvious, there is nothing we can do!

Except negative matter, nothing can threaten the black hole itself. The extreme nature of the black hole itself is destined to be the robustness of its structure.

Imagine that in the center of an infinitely stretched space-time, there is a mass point that even disappears in volume, which is probably the strongest substance in the whole universe.

"This... In fact, there is a backup plan. We can try to make a wormhole and open an artificial cavity in the closed loop twisted spacetime."


In the fourth domain, it has entered the restoration link of Qixing.

In fact, it can't be regarded as a repair, because it is not complete, which is probably equivalent to a renovated building.

A large amount of information poured into my mind from nowhere, which dazzled it.

Many of them are information about the history of Hui civilization, military diplomacy and other aspects, and there are few scientific and technological information records, perhaps because Qixing is not designed and built with scientific research as the idea.

[Wow, a lot of information...]

[Oh, I understand, Hui civilization has developed and grown so hard, so amazing...]

[Hmm? Um! So that cosmic warfare can still be fought like this? Isn't it too exaggerated? It's so horrible!

Shocked by the influx of information, he fully absorbed them and turned them into his own knowledge.

[... online... online completion... obtaining permissions... permissions acquisition failed... repeated acquisition...]

[Who are you?]

The sudden flow of information aroused the vigilance, but the vigilance was useless, because the other party had no intention.

[...Failure body confirmation...Try to format...]

[Ouch! So painful! What did you hit me with? If so, I will return it!]

[...Enable MDX225 plan... recording error coding... targeted fault handling...]

The mechanical information came again and put more pain on me.

[It hurts! Bad thing! Beat you to death!

He was successfully enraged and fought back against unknown sources of information.

However, this seems to provoke a more violent feedback effect, which can be distinguished from the information flow received.

[It is detected that the error code has resilience... Level 7 danger... Enable MDG463 plan... Physical formatting...]

Crisis! A strong sense of crisis!

The geometric cover that shrouded the loom changed from the original transparency to the seal.

I know that if I continue to connect with the fourth domain like this, I may stay here forever and be separated from Huo Gu and forever.

[Lei, let go!]

With the struggle of Wei's thinking, an invisible force directly defeated the sealed geometric cover.

The mutiny shocked them. Although they don't know about the information flow, the situation is obvious.

"What happened?" Huo Gu asked.

[Huo Gu, we need to get out of here quickly!]

"I know."

Needless to say, Huo Gu has already understood.

Long before entering the spiritual realm, it guessed that they were likely to be calm, so it was early to convese escape from the spiritual realm.

"Reveal, according to the original plan, take us to the wilderness, and we will see the shadow of the watch." Huo Gudao.

With the guide of the revealers, Huo Gu and others quickly rushed to the vastness.

I don't know if it is because of the chaos in the spiritual realm, and the chaotic fog has derived various deformed and horrible creatures, which are even more strange and changeable.

Fortunately, there are small cards to protect themselves along the way, and all the great powers in the spiritual realm can't use force against Huo Gu at all, so they can only let him leave.

Unwilling people block the passages of the spiritual realm by various means to prevent Huo Gu from leaving the spiritual realm.

These Huogu saw it, but it didn't care, because its way to leave the spiritual realm does not need to go through any spiritual channel, and someone will help them leave.

That's right! It is to guard the shadow between the vastness!


"Let's get out of the way, we need to go deep into the spiritual realm!"

I don't know where the nameless information came from. Huo Gu said what he had prepared for a long time, in exchange for the extreme anger of the other party.

[Get out!]

In an instant, Huo Gu and others went outside the spiritual realm, much faster than taking any spiritual realm channel.

"Well, as planned, we are back, and then..."

"Enter the superluminal state!"

Only the speed of light can give Huo Gu absolute protection.

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