How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 900 - 901 I ambushed your ambush

Chapter 900 - 901 I ambushed your ambush

Chapter 900: Chapter 901 I ambushed your ambush

"Keep up! We have to get those things before they reach the ambush point!"

In the universe, a bunch of strange-looking intelligent creatures cross the void with their bodies, but compared with the gods, they are much better. At least human beings will not lose their san value and will only feel ugly.

These intelligent creatures wear clothes, and these clothes are basically the same. A clear-eyed person can see at a glance that these intelligent creatures belong to the same camp.

At the forefront of them is the leader of this group of intelligent creatures, a humanoid creature with a long nose similar to an elephant.

Hearing the leader's shout, someone asked in this pile of intelligent creatures.

"Will those things really follow our guidance and appear at the ambush point?"

"This is not your concern. The master has already arranged everything."

The long-nosed leader answered, his words paused, and the long-nosed leader warned again.

"I want to remind you that when you meet those gods at the ambush point, don't take the initiative to provoke. This time, it is a joint action. The master has his life, and all predeprejuries should be put down for the time being. Put the overall situation first. Do you understand?"

"So...what if the gods take the initiative to provoke? Do we have to give in?"

"No, this is not necessary. We can't shame the master. This is the bottom line." josei

It took nearly a month for the intelligent creatures led by the long-nosed leader to finally arrive at their destination.

The long-nosed leader saw from afar that a group of intelligent creatures had been stationed there, with strange appearances and more deformed, all of which were to assist their divine races.

"You came so late. Aren't you afraid of being criticized when you go back to neglect the task like this?"

Seeing the arrival of the practitioners, there are gods in the race of gods, holding chicken feathers as a Wrigley-style accountability.

It is not difficult to understand this, that is, to rub the spirit of the practitioner and get the leadership of this action.

The long-nosed leader naturally saw through these and replied disdainfully.

"Humph! It's not your turn to talk about our business yet.

"What's the use of arriving earlier than us? If you are not strong enough and unable to complete the task, you should really be held accountable." The long-nosed leader sarcastered.

How can you stand being told that you can't do it?

It's just individuals, but now they represent the gods as a whole.

Although the long-nosed leader did not have such an idea, it did be provocative on the side of the gods.

"Do I have the strength? Do you want to feel it yourself?"

"What? Want to do it?"

The long-nosed leader, who noticed the smell of gunpowder, was speechless. Unexpectedly, he didn't follow what he had just warned others.

However, the long-nosed leader did not choose to be soft, because it was not only their face, but also the master's. If they go back like this, they will become a laughingstock among the practitioners together.

For a moment, it was difficult to ride a tiger on both sides.

"Forget it, the overall situation is important."

"Leader, calm down, the overall situation is the most important."

One person stood up one after another to persuade, and the leaders of both sides who did not want to fight at this time could just borrow a donkey.

"Humph! I'll write down this matter first and ask you for advice next time.

"I'm happy to accompany you."

Just as the two sides spoke harshly to each other, a strong light was suddenly released, accompanied by a stormy rhythm of thunder, which made those gods and practitioners who could hear the rhythm of thunder feel that their hearing ability was about to be broken.

"Here we go!"

Everyone is ready to work together to capture the unknown things that flow through the world.

But when the light dissipated, what appeared made them shocked and shocked.

"God! What is this?!"

"Impossible, how can there be such a huge thing?"

"Is this thing as big as a boundary?"

It's too huge!

What appears is completely beyond the cognition of the gods and practitioners, which is the scale of a boundary.

The two huge round faces are so eye-catching and breathtaking...

At this moment, the successors who have just arrived have learned the details of the whole area through the previous release of radar waves.

The gods and practitioners are not too far away from their successors. At least at this distance, their successors can obtain more detailed information only through radar waves.

"The number of practitioners is a little small..."

The successors have known this ambush point for a long time, and it can even be said that they jumped in voluntarily.

Practitioners and gods are inducing their successors to act by hunting. How can they not see the successors with a macro perspective star map?

It happened that they wanted to capture the practitioners, so they took advantage of the temptation of practitioners and gods in turn.

This is not only the ambush point for the gods and practitioners, but also the ambush point for their successors!

"After catching it, don't waste time. It's a priority to figure out the upper limit of the strength of the practitioner."

"What about the gods?"

"They are useless. There is no need to stay on their part."

In one sentence, the ending of the race of the gods was finalized.

Just as the races and revisers of the gods were stunned by the huge bodies of supergiant-massive creatures, their long-arning successors launched a raid.

But in an instant, the practitioners saw that there was a lot of dazzling light in the empty void, and the gods were also wrapped in light.

After the light dissipated, all the fighting power of the gods disappeared.

With the raid effect brought by superluminal speed and high-energy gamma rays, the gods were taken away by a wave of offensive before they could even scream.

This scene saw the scalp numbness of the practitioners, which was no less than their combat effectiveness, but the smoke of resistance dissipated in the blink of an eye. Until it completely disappeared, they didn't even have time to scream.

How can I fight this? It's not enough to stuff people's teeth!

"Quick, run away!"

I don't know who opened the mouth first, and the practitioners who were completely shocked by the powerful power of the unknown fled in panic. Only a few people still had the courage to challenge their successors.

"Come back! Come back!"

"Don't leave your back to the enemy!"

The long-nosed leader shouted, but in front of the overall escape, he could not stop it alone, let alone beware of the enemy's attack.

"Damn it!"

In the end, the helpless long-nosed leader could only lead a few people who still have the will to fight together to prepare for a battle with their successors.

They showed a variety of moves, some of which made a fingerprint through the palm of their hands, and a round pattern appeared inexplicably, from which dazzling lasers gushed out, and some dripped their blood on the objects they carried, and the objects immediately became larger, showing unexpected abilities. Power, a huge shadow appeared behind him and attacked in the direction of supergiant-massive creatures.

The offensive is very fierce, at least it looks like this.

But such an offensive suddenly stopped, because the drivers were already unconscious, and naturally they could not use their thought-driven skills.

The micro-individuals quietly spread directly control the captured brain from the inside and completely incapacitate them without the other party's awareness.

The superluminal creatures did not spend much time catching up with the fleeing practitioners and quietly put micro-individs in front of them, and the practitioners were all captives without surprise.

"Capture is complete."

"Hurry up and transport these prisoners to the giant structure. Don't waste time."


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