How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 908 - 909 In the bag

Chapter 908 - 909 In the bag

Chapter 908: Chapter 909 In the bag

"Demon, why did you refuse our prayers? Isn't this the meaning of your existence? Answer us!"

The strange behavior of Lingzun stunned a group of immortal kings.

In the call of the immortal king, the spiritual master who returned the full price had no reaction and seemed to have completely cut off the contact with the immortal kings.

Why did Ling Zun refuse?

Why is Ling Zun unwilling to answer their questions?

Is it today's enemies that cause Ling Zun to give up the meaning of their existence?

The three views of the immortal kings have been refreshed again. The previous one was the meteorite of the immortal king, and this time it was the abnormality of the spiritual master.

Obviously, it is difficult for the original demon god to do such a thing. They are just attached to the demon god, which is the source of their power. What does the demon god wants to do? That is not something that the demon god can stop.

"What are the demons afraid of?"

"How is this possible?! Demon gods are born immortals. They are thousands of incarnations of the Supreme Heaven. What can make them afraid of such an existence?

"But how to explain what's going on now?"

Yes, if not, how should we explain what's going on now!?

Suddenly, the deeper palpitations hidden in their hearts arose. The original speculation was overthrown, which could make the demon gods so afraid that it could never be the vein of the dead demon gods.

But... it's not the vein of the demon god, so what is the enemy they are fighting with?!

There is not so much time for the immortal kings to think about other things. In this period of time, several immortal kings have died.

After the death of King Joa, the immortal kings spontaneously hid their position on the battlefield.

But this does not 100% avoid death. The enemy can unearth the hiding places of their immortal kings, and they can only delay their death.

The prayer to Lingzun began again, and this time, the immortal king found a nameless meditation.

In view of the last spiritual thing, the immortal king did not pray to the nameless meditation to solve their current dilemma, but sought an answer from it.

"Demon God! Respond to our prayers! Tell us who the enemy fighting against us is?


The strange name stunned the known immortal kings.

However, since Ling Zun gave them a reply, the enemy who is fighting is 100% this 'Amoeba'.

"Amoeba? What is that? We need to know everything!"

[They are endless, and all the obstacles they encounter turn into their own driving force... They are devouring, and everything they encounter will be turned into their own use. They are accidental, born in a long period of time. The only race that breaks the cage, they are... Now, they are free from the cage and will be devoured. Everything you know and don't know.]

Devour everything we know and don't know?!

The horror of the immortal kings is even more fierce. Aren't they familiar with the heavens and the world? This 'Amoeba' is trying to devour the world?!

And what do those 'unknown' mean? Beyond the heavens and the world?

"Where do they come from? We have never seen such a devastating thing! Is it the devil who stayed to revenge on what I was waiting for?"

"Demon, tell us how to live!"

There are still immortal kings who think that they are the ghosts of the demon god. After all, crossing the heavens and the worlds is something they have never heard of and seen.

[They come from other heavens and worlds, and the space-time barriers they have crossed have reached here. Expansion and encroachment are their nature, which has nothing to do with revenge or spiritual realm.]

[Your only hope of survival is to return to the spiritual realm. Their interest in you has been exhausted, and the time you can survive is decreasing...]

"Ah! No--! My strength doesn't work! I don't want to die! I don't want to die--!"

King Merlot howled, and it was hit by the black hole bomb of his successors. The violent gamma rays washed away every cell of his eye-like body, and the devouring power of the black hole.

"King Melo is dead?!"

Before the immortal kings who received the news of the death of King Meiluo had a better sense of crisis, they no longer hesitated and began to destroy their disguises, allowing the spiritual realm to forcibly isolate themselves from the heavens and worlds.

"Demon, is there any other way to live? We still need to find a way out for thousands of people. I hope you can guide us. An immortal king asked respectfully.

[It's meaningless. They no longer exist now. At the moment of Operation Amoeba, their chance of resurrevenation was completely lost.]

Generally speaking, it's all dead.


"Amiba! I will wait and die with you!"

The hatred of the immortal kings swept through the eight wildernesses, and there was a turbulence in the spiritual realm. josei


It receives feedback from fellow ethnic groups in various parts of the river system. It is the commander-in-chief of the whole river battlefield. The strategic layout of capturing the whole river system within half a month is from sustainable planning.

After the whole river system became a bag of Amoeba, sustainability also began to plan the overall construction task, giving priority to supergiant-quality organisms.

"The river occupation has been completed, and supergiant-quality organisms are being built in large quantities, with a quantity of 400 billion."

"Two hundred years have passed now. Although there are still more than 90,000 years left, there are hundreds of river systems that need to be explored. With this scale of supergiant-massive biota, we can complete the exploration of strange river systems in a short time."

Among the many individuals in Amoeba, only supergiant mass organisms can shuttle between rivers and river systems in a short time.

Moreover, if there are enough supergiant mass organisms, one can be allocated to each star system after arriving at the destination, which will certainly minimize the exploration time of the star system and eliminate the process of building other giant organisms.

The stellar system size carrying capacity of supergiant-mass organisms can carry a complete system of amoeba production sequence.

Amoeba as a whole will only become more endless over time!

"You have done a good job."

"By the way, those immortal river aborigibles have not been cleaned up?"

Perpetual rhetorical question, it recalls the information that the immortal king escaped to the spiritual realm in the feedback.

"They hid in the spiritual realm and were recognized by the spiritual realm. They became as immortal as the spiritual master. Later, the cluster that entered the spiritual realm could be resurrated even if they used black hole bombs."

The reported individuals are also helpless. Although these immortal river aborigin are not as capable as them in combat, they are not as capable as Ling Zun. If they deliberately hide, it is not something that can be done immediately if they want to kill them.

"Forget it, they can't get out anyway and pose a threat to the ethnic group."

What should I do next?" Individual questions of feedback.

After thinking for a while, a message flashed in my mind, which was the information given to the ethnic group at the beginning.

Perpetual answer, "Next... Don't worry, build all those supergiant-massive creatures first."


Explain all the things that should be explained, and Si was handed over forever. They entered the superluminal state together with the bodies of superluminal creatures.

In the superluminal state, you can avoid the sight of the spiritual realm.

"Emanent, why did you call me out on a special trip?"

"I have cracked the information left by the ethnic group, which explains the structure of the spiritual realm and its weaknesses."

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