How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis

Chapter A Week Off

Chapter A Week Off


This is the second post today. If you missed Ch.115 please read that first.

I'm taking a week off to cool my boots. RRL chapters will resume Wednesday 27th July.

I noticed when compiling the ebook versions of the first three books that the second half of each volume tended to feel a bit rushed. Not surprising as I got more and more tired and tried to finish things off before I collapsed. This time I'm going to try and pace myself a little better. No idea if it will make a difference.

Speaking of ebooks, thanks to all who bought one on Amazon. I got into the top 10 fantasy>humour charts. Also noticed the first book's been pirated on various sites. Feel like I'm a real writer now.

Judging by the reaction on the other site where I post, a lot of you will be annoyed by the direction the story has taken, which is fair enough. You have every right not to like what I decide to do with my characters. But for the last hundred or so chapters I've been taking pretty standard (sometimes cliched) set ups and taking them in directions no one expected, and I'm pretty confident I can do the same with the Jenny/Colin relationship. Whether or not people have faith in me to do so is up to them, but hopefully some of you will stick around to see where I go with it.

Managed to snag the top spot on Top Web Fiction for a whole 24 hours! (Damn you Wildbow and your endless army of minions). If you'd like to support my book (even though you question some of my choices) please vote for me. Voting refreshes every week so takes a dive whenever I take time off. No signup required. VOTE

See you in a week.

mooderino sunburnerinojosei

p.s. if you're looking for something to read in the meantime, try Grin the Cheat, my other series. It's a bunch of short stories featuring the same main character. Stories all have endings! Here's the blurb:

There was a time when heroes roamed between the Four Great Cities. They fought for kingdoms and princesses and they lived and died by their valour. Or so the stories say. The way the minstrels sing it, everyone had a swashbuckling good time.

Nowadays, buckles are rarely swashed. All the great beasts have been slain, all the great treasures unearthed. Princesses are few and far between — the ones worth fighting over, anyway — and the kingdoms have been divvied up between the sons of sons of sons of the heroes of old. No valour required.

Frankly, the hero business is in a sorry state. Luckily for Grin the Cheat, thieving and murder are thriving as usual.

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