How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

As the therapist Jerok said, Speranza quickly regained her energy.

While I was worried about holding her in bed for a long time, Speranza showed her usual appearance, relieving the farm members.

While the fox girl was quietly recovering, we also briefly discussed why this happened suddenly.

I was the only witness when it happened.

What I saw then was very simple.

An open space where there was obviously nothing.

When Speranza arrived there, rainbow-colored energy poured out, and the vacant lot quickly turned into a flower garden.

And Speranza, who poured out all her energy, collapsed.

When Andras heard my story, he spoke very carefully.

"She made a flower garden in the open space. I'm not sure about the situation, but…… I think this might have something to do with the power of creation that the Angels talked about.”

The power of creation…

Andras' guess reminded me of the Angels who visited the farm.

"Wait a minute. You said Speranza created a flower bed. Isn't Senior, not Speranza, the one who should use that power?"

"That's true.”

"If you think about the situation before and after, it doesn’t make sense."

Alfred questioned, followed by Lia and Kaneff.

"I'm not sure about that. As Elaine said, Sihyeon should be the one who should have used that power…….”

When everyone was failing to come up with a clear answer, Lilia pointed out another possibility.

"Isn't it because she’s from the Erul tribe?"



All eyes were on her.

"I've seen it in a book before. Some Erul people have mysterious abilities."

"I've heard of those mysterious abilities. The Eruls consider it a blessing from God.”

"Speranza could have been born with that kind of ability, right?”

Lilia and Andras continued to explain the mysterious ability of the Erul tribe.

In a flash of inspiration, Lia opened her eyes wide and clapped her hands.

"Come to think of it, members of the Erul tribe came to the farm before, right?"

"Oh, I remember. They weren’t afraid to break into someone else's farm and tried to take Speranza away.”

"They tried to take Speranza, maybe it's related to this incident?"

Once again, everyone was lost in thought at Lia's new guess.

Various speculations and possibilities were raised, but they all seemed to be insufficient to reach a clear answer.

Kaneff broke the silence with a frown.

"Ah! I'm going to get a cramp in my head."

"I think it's better to stop talking about this here. I don't think we can come to a decision with this limited information…….”

As Andras said, everyone agreed to put the matter on hold. At the same time, it was decided to ban Speranza from entering the Vision world for the time being.

There were many questions about the phenomenon that took place in the Vision world, but I didn't want to take risks that might pose a threat to Speranza's safety.

Speranza's safety was the most important thing for everyone.

Perhaps because of the complicated story, Kaneff said with a relieved look.

"By the way, Sihyeon, didn't you say you had something to give to us?"

"Oh! That's right. Wait a minute……!."

I took out the prepared documents from the bag and handed them out one by one.

The farm members showed signs of confusion at the letters on the document that they saw for the first time.

"SIHYEON, I can't read anything written here”

"Me too…"

"This is a text used in Sihyeon's place in the other world. I think it’s called ‘Hangul'."

"What… Uncle?"

“No, Hangul.”

Meanwhile, Lilia, who had lived in Korea for a few months, read the top of the document.

"New phone……Application form?"

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

As soon as I heard Lia's request to have a smartphone, I immediately asked Ryan for advice.josei

As expected, it was not easy to get a smartphone for a Demon. This was especially true in Korea, where identification was essential for all contracts.

Still, it was said that the Demons can buy one after going through some complicated procedures.

Ryan was also using a smartphone through that process.

When I asked Ryan for help buying a smartphone for Lia, I suddenly thought of other farm members.

If I bought Lia a smartphone……. the rest of the members will be upset.

After much consideration, I decided to give a smartphone to all the farm members.

Of course, I didn't think it was a waste because it was a gift to precious people even if it cost more.

Ryan also responded positively.

There will be more documents and procedures to be processed, but it will be less troublesome than doing it later on…….

And as a result of me and Ryan's hard work we were finally able to prepare smartphones in each member’s name.

"Take this."

I handed boxes of smartphones to the farm members one by one as if I were Santa Claus.

In the box, there were smartphones with the colors and designs they wanted.

Andras and Alfred took the box with a blank design.

"This is the thing that Senior uses…"

"SIHYEON, are you really giving this to me?”

"Yes, it's a gift. There are many functions, so I'll tell you one by one later. Oh! And Andras! You can't break open the smartphone just because you're curious."


"How… How can I break the precious gift that you gave me, Sihyeon?"

Andras excused himself with an awkward smile.

The response was very suspicious, but I decided to trust him and move on.

When I handed the box to Lia, who first said she wanted a smartphone, she was so happy that she was slightly teary.

"Thank you so much, Sihyeon. I'll cherish it like my life."

"Haha! You don't have to do that. Even in our world, it's normal to use it for a few years and change it. So you can use it comfortably.”

"But it's Sihyeon's gift, so I want to cherish it."

Lia hugged the smartphone box preciously.

Her joyful smile made me smile.

"Brother Sihyeon, can I really take this? I already have one, so it's okay…….”

"You got one used by someone else. You also had a hard time making the dimensional door device this time, so don't feel too pressured, take it."

I patted Lilia's head slightly, after which she smiled and thanked me.

"Hehe. All right. I'll use it, Brother Sihyeon. Thank you.”


Finally, I handed Kaneff a box containing his smartphone.

He acted as if he didn't care much on the outside, but he kept fiddling with the box as if he felt good on the inside.

Looking at everyone's joy, I felt really proud of buying a smartphone for everyone.

After the smartphone was delivered to everyone, life on the farm began to change little by little.

At first, it was mainly used for simple functions such as calling those who are far away or taking pictures.

The biggest obstacle in using the smartphone was that most of the functions were in Korean.

Except for me and Lilia, it was impossible to send a text message because others didn't know how to read Korean.

So, when farm members used text messages, conversations were mainly made with emoticons, not letters.

The farm members made a group chat, and in the beginning, it was always filled with emoticons to express what they wanted to say.

In the end, farm members who wanted to use the smartphone better began to learn Hangul in earnest.

With help from me, Lilia, and even Speranza, they learned Hangul little by little.

And it didn’t take them that long, after all, Hangul was an easy and simple text created by the great King Sejong thinking about increasing the literacy of the common people.

Farm members quickly became accustomed to expressing their thoughts in Korean, and clumsy Korean words, not emoticons, began to fill the group chat.

Speranza was also into texting with other people, so she often held onto my smartphone all day long.

The spread of smartphones on the Demon farm also brought a new change that I never expected.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"Sister Lilia, Sister Lilia!"

Speranza came running calling Lilia, who smiled broadly at the cute fox girl's visit.

"Oh…Speranza came to see me. Are you bored? Do you want to play with me?”

"No, I want to use this."


Speranza held out her dad's smartphone to Lilia.

"This is Brother Sihyeon's phone, right? What are you doing with this, Speranza?"

"I want to hear Yoon Jiwoon’s song. Papa played with this for me last time."

"Really? Do you want me to play it on my smartphone?”

Lilia asked, lifting her smartphone. Then Speranza smiled and nodded.

Lilia, who was used to using the Internet, quickly found Yoon Jiwoon's song on YouTube and played it.

On the smartphone, a video played with a sweet voice.

Speranza, who sat next to Lilia, gently wagged her tail to the rhythm.

In the chorus part, she hummed and sang along.

"Speranza, do you like this guy's song?"

"Un! It's my favorite song."

"I think Speranza sings better than this guy."

Speranza blushed shyly at the compliment, and Lilia, who was looking at the figure with satisfaction, looked at the man on the screen and Speranza alternately for a moment.

Then, her eyes twinkled as if she had an idea.



"Speranza, you like to sing, right?"

"Yes! I like it."

Lilia pointed to the smartphone screen with an excited look.

"How about you sing like this guy and upload it?"

(To be Continued)

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