How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

“You’re not offended, are you?” Eugene asked.

“O-of course not. You saved me, and I misunderstood you, sir. I am not offended at all,” Ortos responded with a stutter. He had already recovered considerably, perhaps because he possessed strong tenacity as an orc and due to the mana stones. However, judging by the way he stole glances at Eugene, it appeared that the aftermath of the beating still remained.

“I forgot myself after hearing such nonsense. I apologize, Sir Rodrick,” Eugene said.

“I-it’s completely fine,” Ortos responded with a forced smile. However, it only made him look even more miserable. It was hard to believe that he was the only descendant of the lords who ruled over the archipelago throughout history.

“Excuse me, sir,” Ortos spoke up.

“What is it?” Eugene responded.

“What will happen to me now?” Ortos asked. Even though he was the only descendant of the Rodrick family, he was a lord only in name over an island that had long been neglected by Brantia. Moreover, Eugene wasn’t Brantian, but a knight from the mainland.

Ortos was not so foolish as to be ignorant of the fact that his fate lay in Eugene’s hands.

“What do you mean? You’re going to be the lord here,” Eugene responded.

“Ah, as expected. I’ll have to live as a prisoner for the… Kwegh?!” Ortos was stunned by Eugene’s response and flared his nostrils. “M-me? The lord of Rodrick?” he asked.

“Why? Is there a problem? Your family originally lorded over the archipelago, right?” Eugene asked.

“That’s true. But why me…? Couldn’t you simply take over the islands?” Ortos hesitated.

“I didn’t cross the sea for this island. And I heard that your father was an excellent ruler. His honest and honorable temperament must have been passed on to you as well. I believe in you,” Eugene stated.

“S-sir Eugene…” Ortos muttered. His eyes started to fill with tears. In addition, the small animosity he had toward Eugene due to the beating disappeared like melting snow. Although Eugene’s thrashing had made the pirates’ beatings seem like child’s play, who wouldn’t be angry after being called a pervert during their first meeting? Right, and it would only be more applicable for knights who were honorable and wise like Eugene.

‘I’ve made a huge mistake.’

“Kuagh! Sir Eugene! I, Ortos of the Rodrick family, swear on my honor that I will do my best!” Ortos shouted as tears started to drip from his little eyes.

Eugene was convinced that Ortos was almost his. He spoke generously while hiding his insidious thoughts. “Yes, yes. I believe in you, sir.”

“Of course. Pwease leave it to me!” Ortos shouted while wiping away his tears.

But his expression darkened slightly when he continued. “However, Sir Eugene. There are only a few residents left on the archipelago and only hundreds of Pocas. I am a little doubtful as to whether I can properly manage this place.”

“Ah, don’t worry about that. Sooner or later, ships will be arriving here from Maren and Moffern,” Eugene responded.

“What? Maren and Moffern?!” Ortos exclaimed. He was knowledgeable about the two famous port cities as the child of a lord. He remembered when ships from the eastern kingdoms and cities would stop at Rodrick Island when he was but a child.

“That’s right. The two ports are supporting my expedition. My ship was also generously provided by them as well. And…” Eugene also hinted that Count Winslon and Essandra Archivold were his backers. Considering the relationship he had with the two figures and their current circumstances, they would never send him funds or troops to support his expedition, but words could have different levels of impact depending on how they were packaged.

Ortos had spent a long time in miserable confinement, so he could not help but be struck with awe after hearing Eugene’s stories.

“You are truly amazing, Zir Eugene! Not to mention the great cities, but even the great nobles! I can’t believe it!” Ortos shouted.

“It’s not a big deal. Anyway, the Rodrick Archipelago must play a role as an intermediate supply stop from now on. Lord Rodrick, it should be possible considering our friendship, right?” Eugene asked.

“Of course!” Ortos answered immediately. He would be a fool to refuse such a great opportunity, not to mention the fact that Eugene had saved his life.

‘God has not abandoned Rodrick! Sir Eugene is a messenger sent to me by God!’

Ortos felt his heart pounding against his chest as he revealed a bright smile.

“Good. First, let’s make use of the Pocas and send a ship to Maren. There are a few ships that were being used by the pirates, so we can remodel them. The ships will sail much faster if the Pocas are pushing them, right?” Eugene stated.

“Ah… certainly. However, there’s…” Ortos hesitated with a grim expression.

“What is it? Is there a problem?” Eugene asked.

Ortos spoke cautiously, “It seems that you aren’t aware of it yet, Sir Eugene. There is a place called Pering Island behind this island. A large sea monster known as the demon god resides there…”

“Water Dragon Bomagelle? I already killed it,” Eugene responded curtly.

“Whaaat?!” Ortos’ mouth went agape. Then, he learned from Eugene that Romari and the other sailors were currently busy dismantling the body of the large sea monster.

“So, there aren’t any remaining threats to the Rodrick Archipelago. There won’t be any problems for the Pocas to move through the sea, right? So, all you need to do is to be a good lord with the support of Maren and Moffern,” Eugene stated.

“...!” Ortos quivered as tears started to drop from his eyes. The devil of the sea had remained undefeated even though numerous warriors had challenged it from his father’s time. However, Eugene had successfully put an end to its tyrannical reign, and he was even presenting Ortos with an unprecedented opportunity!

‘W-wait. But what if… What if Sir Eugene turns a blind eye in the future or becomes hostile? What if there’s a misunderstanding between us?’

Ortos felt goosebumps rising on his dark, grey skin. His benefactor wasn’t simply presenting him with an opportunity. Eugene was also hinting that an even more miserable fate would await Ortos if he refused and dawdled.

“Oh, my! I apologize for displaying such an ugly sight after hearing such wonderful news, Sir Eugene,” Ortos said. He quickly wiped away his tears while hiding the fear he felt, then jumped to his feet.

He made a decision for himself and his family’s future—he knelt down in front of Eugene.

“Sir Eugene! I, Ortos, son of Batu Rodrick, swear on my honor and my family—until the day I return to the side of the great earth god, I will surrender myself and my allegiance to your crest! Please take Rodrick as your loyal vassal!” Ortos declared.josei

‘What’s with this stroke of fortune?’

Eugene was a little surprised, but he never missed an opportunity when it was in front of him. Eugene quickly took out Wolfslaughter before placing it on Ortos’ shoulder.

“Yes. Ortos Rodrick, from this moment on, you are a vassal to me, Jan Eugene, and your territory shall be the entirety of the Rodrick Archipelago. Do you solemnly swear in accordance?” Eugene asked.

“Yes! I understand and I swear!” Ortos shouted.


Eugene raised Ortos to his feet with a satisfied expression.


“So, the Rodrick family has decided to become a vassal?”

“That’s right. He has already made a vow. Isn’t that right, Sir Rodrick?”

“Of course. I, Ortos of Rodrick, solemnly swear that I vill rule the archipelago as a loyal vassal of Sir Eugene! I swear it on the name of my family and the great earth god!”

Everyone was stunned by the sudden turn of events. Only an hour ago, the orc was being beaten up while squealing like a pig, but now, he was speaking like the most reliable, loyal subordinate in the world.

Everyone knew that Eugene had been planning to take the Rodrick Archipelago as a bridgehead in his Brantian expedition. However, no one had ever dreamed that he would take the Archipelago’s ruler as his vassal.

“Why are you all standing around like that? Oi, captain, you heard what I said just now, right? Rodrick Island is the territory of my vassal, which means that it is a friend to the City of Maren. Make sure you tell your crew upon their return,” Eugene said.

“Y-yes, Sir Eugene!” the captain answered.

“Good. Anyway, how do we make use of the Pocas? Do we need to teach them our language?” Eugene asked.

“What? What do you mean by that, Sir Eugene? Pocas can speak our language.”



“No, there’s no way.”

“Is that really true? I thought they only knew how to say ‘Kyu, kyu.’”

Everyone expressed disbelief, but Selena seemed to be especially shocked after hearing the truth.

“Ah, that. Well, their race as a whole was always taken advantage of, so it’s a type of defensive mechanism they utilize to deal with newcomers. They look quite pitiful and cute if they cry like that. In reality, they are capable of understanding human speech, and there are even Pocas that are capable of speaking the language of the kingdom… Hmm? What’s with your expression?”

“I-I feel so betrayed. Hmph! We’ll see about that!” Selena expressed her disappointment and resentment.

Anyhow, the incident in the Rodrick Archipelago was processed in a timely manner, and the remaining pirates were completely wiped out four days later.



“If you send us to our respective families, we will never forget your mercy and generosity. We will make sure you are compensated greatly, Sir Eugene.”

“We beg of you, Sir Eugene.”

There were several people pleading with their heads bowed deeply. All of them were skinny and haggard. They were nobles who had been captured by the pirates while riding supply ships during the crusade.

Most of them had died due to hunger and abuse, but a small portion had persisted and recovered after consuming the mana stones that Eugene provided them with.

“Of course, of course, sirs. However, if your families had intended to pay the ransom for your release, wouldn’t they have done so earlier?” Eugene asked.

“W-well, there were certain circumstances…” The nobles started to make excuses, but Eugene interjected coldly. “It won’t be difficult for me to let you all go. However, I implore you not to taint my honor by speaking of rewards or whatnot.”


Everyone stared at Eugene with surprise. Until now, he had been willing to do anything to make a profit, so why was he suddenly acting like this?

“If anyone would like to return to their family, I will let you go unconditionally,” Eugene said.


The nobles exclaimed. Eugene raised his hand. “However…”


“I, Jan Eugene, am receiving the full support of the City of Maren and the City of Moffern and the support of His Excellency Count Winslon and Her Excellency Archivold, the margrave of the Carls Baggins Peninsula. If any one of you would like to join me in my expedition to Brantia, I am willing to provide you with a spot,” Eugene stated.

The eyes of the nobles quivered mercilessly. They were all born into nobility, but they possessed insignificant positions in their own families. If they truly were successful nobles, why would they have to board a supply ship to Brantia in the first place? But in the end, it was also true that most of the nobles who had been on supply ships in the crusade were those who wanted to somehow get ahead by borrowing the power of the central church.

‘…is what I heard from Ortos. He told me all about how much you’ve lamented over your situations in the prison.’

“I leave the choice in your hands, sirs. Now, what will you choose?” Eugene said while looking at the nobles with relaxed eyes.

The nobles did not contemplate for very long. Their families would have forgotten about them long ago, and it would be much better to align themselves with Eugene, who had wiped out the pirates and was supported by great nobles and cities.

“If you will take me, I will live for you, Sir Eugene!”

Eugene suppressed a smile before solemnly speaking, “Good. Gentlemen, you will make the best of your abilities for me and Rodrick. I am really looking forward to it.”


The nobles cheered for now. Although the word ‘Rodrick’ seemed to have been forced into Eugene’s statement as well, they had been mere prisoners living out their remaining days until yesterday. As such, they were more than satisfied that the captain of an expedition would take them in.

Once the cheering nobles returned, Lanslo asked, “Are you sure you don’t want their ransom?”

“We’re short on men here. I will put them to work first, and if it doesn’t work out, I will send them to Maren and claim the ransom,” Eugene responded.

“Aha! It’s a very benevolent, yet reasonable decision,” Lanslo commented.

“I think I’ve heard something similar from you before,” Eugene said.

“Haha! Wouldn’t you say that it’s your unique, defining characteristic, Sir Eugene? You are a lord with both a benevolent heart and a rational mind befitting a leader. At least, that’s what I think,” Lanslo responded.

Eugene paused at Lanslo’s remark. Only a year ago, he had been struggling to find himself a proper identity. He couldn’t believe that he was being referred to as a ‘lord.’ by now.

He felt proud of himself, but he could hardly believe it.

‘My own land, my own territory. A place where vampires like myself can live without any worries.’

A specific goal was slowly forming in his mind. Eugene let his thoughts settle and organized them before looking around at his people. He raised his voice. “Now! Let’s settle the accounts first, then talk about how to get into Brantia.”

“Settle the accounts?” Galfredik asked.

Eugene responded with a nod. “We have all the goods we seized from the pirates, right? And we have the by-products from the water dragon’s corpse. We need to collect all of it and sell it.”

Even if it had only been for a moment, some of them had doubted Eugene’s love for money. However, they immediately repented after hearing Eugene’s words.

“Everyone worked hard, so the money will be shared equally amongst all of you. Let the sailors know as well,” Eugene continued.


Then, they were forced to repent once again. No one in the world, including themselves, hated money.


“The best way would be to use the Pocas to get us through the quiet shore. As such, I recommend this place,” Lanslo said while pointing at a specific place on the map.

The Rodrick family had ruled as the lord of the archipelago for a long time. As such, the map they possessed was precise and detailed. It displayed Brantia, as well as the Rodrick Archipelago.

“Then we’re heading to the City of Mungard?” Eugene asked.

“Yes. I’m not sure how it is now, but when I left Brantia, it was considered the most liberal city in Brantia. They were welcoming of foreigners and other races. Hundreds of years of history and tradition certainly wouldn’t change overnight, and I think it is also the best place to acquire information. Moreover…” Lanslo paused, then continued while looking at Eugene with a meaningful smile. “Rumor has it that there are noble vampires living in Mungard.”

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