How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

“Sir Eugene beat up the vampires?”

“That’s what I’m telling you! I don’t know much Brantian, but I can understand that much. The pub owner at the wharf said…”

For the majority of the Elion’s crew, this was their first time visiting Brantia. The eyes of the sailors were filled with wonder and awe after hearing the words of an old, veteran sailor who had returned from buying food and water.

“Graham? Anyway, they must have committed a ton of evil deeds. Apparently, they were trying to hurt Sir Eugene by conspiring with the mayor, but Sir Eugene and the other knights stepped up and decapitated them.” The veteran sailor continued.


“What a bunch of insane bastards!”

“Exactly! What a bunch of cuckoos. Who did they think Sir Eugene was?”

“Maybe they were eager to die”

That’s right! That’s right!

The captain of the Elion felt his head throb as he listened to the sailors talking.

- The sailors don’t speak Brantian, and only a few landed in the harbor, so there won’t be any problems. But Captain, you now know that I’m a vampire, right?

‘I never wanted to know such an outlandish truth!’

The captain felt like crying, but he had nowhere to complain. Eugene was keeping him in check with the carrot and the stick.

- If you tell the truth in Maren, the city will be thrown into chaos. The mayor will also be in quite a bit of trouble. Moreover, even though he trusts you, Captain, maybe he will try to keep your mouth shut. Maren’s waters must be pretty cold by now, right?

He recalled how Eugene spoke nonchalantly as if it were someone else’s business. The captain felt a sudden chill as if he had been thrust into Maren’s cold sea.

- However. What if you only report the fact that I killed vampires in Brantia and took control of a harbor? Wouldn’t the mayor’s trust in you grow even further? Ah, perhaps he’ll appoint you to head all the merchant ships that will travel back and forth between Mungard and Maren. Oh, you know I have a pretty strong say in these matters, right?

When the captain recalled Eugene’s following words, the chills quickly subsided, and wealth and honor seemed to glimmer right in front of his eyes instead.

- And what if you get caught later? Captain. People are… once the bet is escalated, they can’t just walk away. Could you put forth all your money on a bet and then just walk away and forget about it? Without even opening your cards?

Of course not!

Moreover, it wasn’t just one or two individuals, but rather two entire cities. Both Moffern and Maren were involved in the matter, and it wasn’t just his own head on the line. The ship had sailed already, and it couldn’t be overturned with just the captain’s head alone.

- Now, take this as a souvenir and evidence.

Galfredik had stepped up at Eugene’s words and held out around ten small boxes with a vicious smile. The boxes, which were now stored in the captain’s quarters, contained the heads of dead vampires. The vampires had died in fear with their fangs clearly visible.

- I don’t expect to be revered as the defender of faith or anything. However, let’s just say that I wouldn’t want the central church to use my expedition as an excuse to start trouble with Moffern and Maren. I believe in you, captain.

I believe in you. I believe in you. I believe in you…

Eugene’s voice echoed in the captain’s head.

At that time, the voices of the sailors started to grow louder.

“Come to think of it, Sir Eugene converted an undead on the Carls Baggins Peninsula, right?”

“That’s right! That’s what Partec’s mercenaries had said!”

“Sir Eugene is the guardian of true faith. Would you not agree? Even the holy knights had no choice but to concede to Sir Eugene without saying a word!”

“Maybe the vampires of Brantia will start to repent because of Sir Eugene!”


A sudden thought came to the captain’s mind as he listened to the stories and laughter of the sailors.

“Yes! That’s it!” the captain shouted.

“What? Captain, what do you mean by that?” The navigator turned his head with a frown. The captain jerked his head towards the navigator before continuing. “Listen carefully. Sir Eugene did not occupy Mungard.”

“Um… w-well, o-okay?” the navigator responded.

“Instead, he crushed a vicious plan of Mungard’s vampires. The guild leaders of the city were moved by his actions and opened the port to Sir Eugene,” the captain added.

“That’s also true, but…” the navigator muttered.

“Oi! So Sir Eugene didn’t take Brantia by force! He made them open their doors voluntarily! Do you understand?” the captain asked.

“W-well, we already know that,” the navigator responded.


“Sir Eugene’s honorable deeds and true chivalry allowed Mungard to open their doors to us. That’s what everyone thinks already,” the navigator explained.

“…Ah, yes,” The captain answered despondently, then soon clenched his fist.

That’s right! He would also board the sailing ship!

“Weigh the anchor! Raise the sails! Get on the row! Boys! We’re going home!”


I am a sailor from Maren!

Yahoo! Yahoo!

Our mast is broken like the captain’s leg!

Yahoo! Yahoo!

Blow, wind! Blow for Maren’s Cape!

A harbor full of gold and silver!

We shout for!

“The Harbor of Mungard!” The captain shouted the last verse of a traditional song of Maren’s sailors, which always changed depending on where the ship was arriving. The crew of the Elion began excitedly preparing for their return voyage, knowing well that each of them had earned a minimum of 100 silver coins.


“Please take good care of me, Sir Eugene.”

“The same for me. I’m just afraid of something like this recurring in the future.”

“Oh, my! No, I can promise you that it will never happen.” The former fabric and leather guild leader shook his head and waved his hands. He had succeeded the dead mayor as the new Mayor of Mungard.

“Anyway, regarding the promise that you would send all of the monster by-products from any evil lands you’ll subjugate…” The new mayor started.

“I’m a man of my word. If nothing else, I promise that all of the leather will be processed through Mungard,” Eugene responded.

“Ahh! Oh, my! Sir Eugene!”

As soon as the guild leader was announced as the new mayor, Eugene received an apology and compensation from the city. Despite his greed, the previous mayor’s wealth didn’t amount to much. However, the Graham family had been in possession of quite a bit of money. Eugene had the choice of claiming all of the Graham family’s wealth as a member of the Dark Clan, but he decided to take half and donate the rest to the city. In addition, he promised to process all of the by-products he gained from any evil lands in Brantia through Mungard in the future.

And this was the result.

“It would have been a world of difference if there were only a few more knights as honorable as yourself on the continent. Now, now, please, drink,” the mayor said.

“I hear that quite often. But I only did my duty as a knight. I’m flattered to know that you think so highly of me.” Eugene took up the mayor’s toast with a smile. He stole a glance at the other guild leaders and Markus, who were looking at him, before slightly raising his voice. “Then. From now. The flag with my crest. Those carrying it can come and go to Mungard? May I rest assured?”

“Whew! Naturally!”

“Sir Eugene is Mungard’s friend. You have treated us with honor.”

“That’s right. Mungard isn’t some rascal who would respond to your kindness with disrespect.”

The guild leaders spoke up in unison. Of course, it was highly likely that only around half of them were being truthful, and that the rest were speaking out of fear and greed. However, no one denied the fact that Eugene had taken good care of Mungard, unlike any other knight.

In addition, those gathered at the table knew that it wasn’t an act of altruism, but rather a cooperative exchange of favors.

‘What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!’josei

‘In any case, the city will make more profits because of that knight, right?’

‘What if he’s not just all talk? What if he really stabilizes the southern coast?’

‘Then we can be comfortable regardless of who becomes king!’

Brantia was an isolated country in general, but many different races were gathered in the port cities. Moreover, Brantia had been without a real king for a long time now, so no one really cared who ascended the throne.

The guild leaders of Mungard simply wished for someone who would guarantee their interests, like Eugene, to ascend the throne of Brantia.

‘But that would be a stretch, right?’

‘It might be possible for him to become a count or a marquis, but it would be unprecedented for a foreigner and a member of the Dark Clan to become the king.’

‘But what if he can gain a significant influence in the new royal family?’


The new mayor and the guild leaders quickly calculated their possible gains, then raised their glasses with bright smiles on their faces.

“Then! Let us drink to the friendship between Sir Eugene and Mungard!”

“For friendship!”

“For Mungard and Sir Eugene!”


There was a constant stream of laughter.

Except for Lord Markus, who was forcing himself to smile.


“Who’s in charge of purifying the mana stones here? The priests?” Eugene asked.

“That’s correct. However, once you go inland, there are more wizards and sorcerers performing purification rather than priests,” Markus answered politely. Since it was just the two of them, he was on one knee and his head was held low.

“And who is doing the purification in Mungard?” Eugene asked.

“Well… no one,” Markus answered.

“What? How come?” Eugene said.

Eugene could not understand. Mana stones were the second most important resource for nobles and territories after food. Nobles would disregard even their own family and honor in front of the enormous profit they could make from mana stones and monster by-products. But there was no one in Mungard who purified mana stones?

“Well… to tell the truth, there were some members of the Graham family who were gifted with magic. After the Graham family settled down in Mungard, they took care of purifying mana stones.” Markus explained.

“And before that? There must have been those who were responsible for the purification before the Graham family arrived,” Eugene asked.

“The first thing Lord Graham did after arriving in Mungard was to kill the orthodox priests…” Markus said.


Eugene finally came to a complete understanding. He finally understood why Markus had allowed the Graham family to stay, and why several of the city’s guild leaders had a close relationship with the Graham family.

“Tsk. I would have kept the purifiers alive if you had told me earlier,” Eugene said.

“It’s this humble one’s fault! Please k…” Markus shouted.

“If you ask me to kill you, I will kill you.” Eugene interrupted him.

“K…k-know that I will take responsibility and look for those capable of purifying mana stones,” Markus said.

“Hmm.” Eugene’s eyes glimmered as he looked down at Markus.

“Markus,” he called.

“Yes, my lord. Please speak,” Markus responded.

“How much did Graham charge to purify the mana stones?” Eugene asked.

“All of the mana stones were either low-grade or intermediate-grade, and he charged them 30% of the purchasing price,” Markus answered.

“What? So he was a complete swindler?” Eugene muttered.

“You are absolutely right,” Markus commented.

“Then that means everyone will be happy if we only charge 20% instead, right?” Eugene asked.

“That’s right,” Markus answered.

“Then let’s do that. You will be in charge of purifying mana stones from today on,” Eugene declared.

“I-I am eternally grateful for this opportunity, but my humble self is lacking in the ability to purify mana stones…” Markus stuttered.

“I have someone. She is a decent wizard, but I will lend her to your family for a while. Treat her well,” Eugene responded.

“Ohhh! My king!” Markus shouted with joy and raised his head. He had absolutely no doubts about Eugene's words. Most wizards didn’t have antagonistic relationships with vampires. Moreover, a wizard would be much preferable to the terrifying Origin or his vassal…

“Ah, do you know about the Blood Shadow School? The wizard told me that she succeeds the Blood Shadow School. Well, I don’t really know too much about it, but I heard that its founder was similar to me,” Eugene stated.


Blood Shadow.

It was the name of a school that was known to only recognize vampires who were at least high lords as ‘true members of the Dark Clan.’ A drop of sweat flowed from Markus’ forehead.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Eugene said.

“Y-yes! Please speak!” Markus hastily responded.

“Do you happen to know about the Batla Duchy? Do you know how to get there?” Eugene asked.

“Yes, indeed. If you would like some information regarding it…”

“Organize it and bring it right away. And a map to get there as well,” Eugene said.

“As you wish. H-however, my king,” Markus called out.

“What is it?” Eugene said.

“With all due respect, the road to the Batla Duchy is extremely chaotic. I fear for your safety, my king,” Markus responded.

“That’s not your concern. Why is it chaotic?” Eugene asked.

“The roads are rampant with robbers and bandits, and those who claimed to be knights are fighting for their own interests, disregarding their faith and honor. In particular, you must pass through Crawlmarine to get to the Batla Duchy, and…”


Eugene frowned after hearing a familiar name. Crawlmarine was definitely the name of the family that was responsible for Luke’s participation in the war.

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