How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

‘Why does it have that?’

Eugene’s question was soon answered. His thoughts were disrupted as the lycanthrope king rushed towards him with a roar.


A shield was not just an object used to block attacks. It had the potential to be used as a great weapon, and there were countless cases where one defeated their enemies with only their shields. There was also a reason why knights learned and practiced using the shield.

Of course, there was no way for the lycanthrope king to have had a similar level of expertise in using the shield. However, it was still a champion monster who stood at the apex of its race.

The lycanthrope king possessed unimaginable speed and terrifying power. Simply swinging the shield randomly resulted in a terrifying series of attacks.

Clang! Kang!

Sparks scattered as Wolfslaughter made contact with the shield.

‘How annoying.’

Eugene had sufficient experience dealing with opponents armed with shields. In addition, most of them had been knights with proficiency in wielding a shield. On the other hand, the lycanthrope king was only a monster, even though it was a champion. The creature was swinging the shield without any techniques or skills. Despite that, Eugene found it hard to gain an advantage.

First, the shield was too big. The shield of the Batla Duchy was easily five or six times larger than the round shields commonly used by mercenaries and was almost four times as large as the kite shields usually employed by knights. In addition, they were in a narrow cave. Despite its large size, the lycanthrope king was able to easily defend against Eugene’s attacks by hiding behind the large surface of the shield. It only needed to move the shield slightly to cover any exposed areas.

Above all else…

‘My Fear isn’t working?’

Surprisingly, the shield of the Batla Duchy was blocking Eugene’s Fear. The shield seemed to possess a mysterious power, just like the other pieces in the set. Eugene felt dumbfounded by the ridiculous situation.


The lycanthrope roared with joy. Unlike before, it seemed as if Eugene was struggling. However, the monster did not rush to attack Eugene after suffering a large blow earlier on.



“Sir Eugene!”

Three voices resonated from behind Eugene.

Eugene shouted while keeping his gaze fixated on the lycanthrope king. “Galfredik! Lanslo! Prepare your javelins!”

“Got it!”


Both knights were outstanding, and they immediately came to an understanding after hearing Eugene’s shouts. Eugene was confronting the lycanthrope king, and the monster was holding a large, bizarre shield in front of it.



The two knights loaded javelins onto their spear throwers before collecting their breath.

“I will aim for the head. You go for its testicles,” Galfredik said.

“But the testicles are smaller than its head. Would that not put me at a disadvantage?” Lanslo answered.

“But there are two testicles and only one head, right? You only need to hit one of them. Why? Are you scared you’re going to miss?” Galfredik asked.

“No way,” Lanslo responded with a grin before glaring at the ‘kingly’ testicles of the lycanthrope king. The testicle was one of the biggest weaknesses of male beasts and monsters. Therefore, in evil lands, monsters that were at least intermediate-rank usually protected their jewels with metal they had obtained from expedition teams. However, the lycanthrope king’s testicle was fully exposed. It wasn’t clear whether the monster was simply unaware of this particular weakness of it or it could be overconfident.

“Throw it when I give the signal,” Eugene said.

“As you wish!”

“I understand!”

The two knights responded while preparing to throw the javelins. However, the lycanthrope king was quite smart, and it immediately noticed that something was off. The lycanthrope king took a deep breath, knowing that its Fear would affect the two knights.

When the lycanthrope king opened its jaws to release a roar, Eugene shouted, “Now! Kuwuuugh!”


Eugene roared, the lycanthrope king roared, and the two knights released their javelins, all at the same time.


Eugene’s Fear materialized into numerous arrows of sound and nullified the lycanthrope king’s roar. Immediately after, the two javelins shot through the air, aiming for the monster’s head and groin.

The monster relied on its instincts and curled up into a ball while thrusting the shield forward. An empty space appeared above its head, and Eugene kicked leaped off the ground into the air.

Shuack! Kakang!

As the Batla Duchy’s shield deflected the two javelins, Eugene landed on the lycanthrope king’s back.


Both Wolfslaughter and Madarazika dug deep into the monster’s back.


The lycanthrope king roared with a terrible scream. It was an instinctive response to pain, but also a decisive mistake. Lanslo and Galfredik didn’t stop after throwing a single javelin.



Two more javelins shot through the air slightly after the first round of projectiles. One pierced one of the monster’s eyes while the other struck its groin. Although the javelins weren’t made of meteoric iron and didn’t contain any silver, they were enough to deliver a moment of pain for the lycanthrope king.

Kuwuuuugh! Kuwugh!

The lycanthrope king struggled in pain while pulling out the two javelins from its body. The sight of blood and various fluids spewing out from the lesions was indescribably disgusting and bizarre. Nevertheless, the wounds were from ordinary weapons, and they would heal in less than a minute. The lycanthrope king was well aware of this fact.

However, it had forgotten about one crucial piece of information.

“Now, you can’t hide behind the shield anymore, can you?” Eugene said.

The lycanthrope king’s cognitive abilities had been temporarily diminished by the enormous pain, and it had committed a mistake by throwing away the shield to pull out the two javelins. The monster had involuntarily abandoned the object, which was nothing short of his lifeline.


The lycanthrope king’s remaining eye filled with disbelief as it belatedly realized its mistake.

Crackk! Shhuack!

However, Madarazika had already dug deep into its heart, and Wolfslaughter lived up to its name by cutting the monster’s throat.


The large head rolled on the floor, and the giant, headless corpse of the lycanthrope king dropped to its knees. Crimson smoke emitted from the bloody stump instead of blood.


To Eugene’s surprise, countless cracks began to appear on the monster’s body. Then, it crumbled into black dust and scattered with a loud crunch.

The appearance of a splendid object accompanied the transformation.


It was a red mana stone that gave off a vivid, scarlet hue.

A new red mana stone had fallen into Eugene’s hands.


“A-all of these are gifts from the count?”

“That’s right. He bestowed it upon the Bosch family. He values us as the most loyal family in all of Crawlmarine.”


The people of the Bosch family stared at the objects neatly lining the floor with bewildered eyes. There was a box filled with silver coins, precious armor, and clothing made from the by-products of intermediate-rank monsters.

It was nothing short of treasure for the people of the small demesne in the countryside. Calburn Bosch looked down at the members of his family with a prideful, arrogant smile.

‘Now you will finally recognize me as Bosch’s true master. I’m different from my ignorant, sword-wielding father.’josei

In addition, his father’s boastful swordsmanship had been utterly crushed in the last war. The knights from the continent had overwhelmed Brantia’s knights in terms of equipment and skill. If it hadn’t been for the lack of supplies and the aid of Brantia’s other races, the nation would have long fallen into the hands of the continental kingdoms and the Central Church.

Calburn had been enlightened after experiencing the war.

The honor of a knight? The duties of a vassal?

None of it mattered at all. If it was to save oneself, it didn’t matter even if you lived like a swaying reed.

‘As long as I know his secret, the count will never be able to ask too much of me. Hehe! All I have to do now is to live a comfortable life. I won’t mind rewards like these from time to time either!’

Calburn Bosch had one goal in life—to live a long life as the master of the Bosch manor.


“S-sir Bosch!” the guard captain rushed into the room while shouting urgently. There were less than 20 soldiers in the Bosch manor, and the guard captain was the biggest and the strongest of them all.

“Hmm? What’s going on?” Calburn responded with a frown.

The guard captain raised his voice. “K-knights! There are knights armed with incredible armor and weapons!”

“What did you say!?” Calburn jumped up from his seat with a terrified shout.

“A-are they attacking us?” Calburn asked.

“That’s not it!” the guard captain replied.


The guard captain shouted with joy and surprise. “Young Master Luke! Master Luke has returned as a knight!”

“Heup!” Calburn drew a sharp breath.


“Sir, sir. You can’t even live in a place like this, okay? This is a mockery of a castle. Just give it to Aide Number 2 in the future. Kiephew! What is this, a pig pen? Tsk, tsk.” Mirian voiced her discontent while shaking her head with crossed arms.

Eugene agreed. Bosch Castle was embarrassingly shabby compared to all the castles of the great, prestigious nobles or even the buildings of wealthy port cities. Even the Tywin Castle, which had been the smallest and the shabbiest place Eugene had seen until now, seemed like a palace compared to the Bosch Castle.

“I apologize, Master. The castle is quite shabby.” Luke bowed his head with embarrassment when Eugene looked around the building.

Galfredik responded while patting Luke on the back, “Why should you apologize? Poverty is to blame here. Hmm? Someone is coming out.”

Everyone’s eyes turned at Galfredik’s words. About a dozen men and women followed behind a young man in decent clothing.

“Calburn!” Luke shouted while running towards the newcomer.

“L-Luke…” Calburn’s shoulders quivered, and shock filled his eyes as he muttered. On the surface, he looked shocked and thrilled at the return of his sibling.

However, Eugene felt something strange about Calburn’s reaction.

‘He’s surprised, but he doesn’t seem happy.’

Eugene was still inexperienced with human emotions, but he was confident in identifying one emotion better than anyone else. Calburn’s face had clearly expressed ‘fear’ when he saw Luke and Eugene.

“Young Master Luke!”

“You’re alive!”

“Young Master!”

The people of the Bosch family swarmed around Luke. Unlike Calburn, they appeared to be genuinely pleased with Luke’s return.

“Hehe! It seems like Aide Number 2 has good fortune to have a few kind friends. Brat! I’ll cut you some slack in the future even if you get cheeky,” Mirian said.

“It just goes to show that he is a respectable man, seeing as how he is welcomed back home,” Lanslo said with a smile.

Galfredik responded while spitting on the ground, “Dammit. My aide is a useless piece of luggage. I’m jealous.”

“Lady Selena has changed quite a lot, has she not? I am sure she will have improved even more when you see her again.”

“If she can’t make progress from where she’s at, then she shouldn’t dare to call herself human,” Galfredik responded. Partec and his men laughed silently. Although Galfredik appeared to be unsympathetic, everyone knew that he took good care of Selena and properly guided her.

In any case, everyone had satisfied, delighted expressions as they watched the people of Bosch Castle rejoice at Luke’s return.

Everyone except for Eugene.

“Hahaha! There’s one happy news after another!”

“That's right! Yesterday, the count has blessed us with his presence, and today, Young Master Luke…”

“L-Luke! Come, let’s go inside! Please, all of you sirs…” Calburn hurriedly interrupted the words of his people and smiled awkwardly while gesturing.

Eugene stepped forward. “The count? Was Lord Crawlmarine here?”

Eugene’s Brantian was still lacking, so he asked in a simple, direct way.


However, his manner of speech was sufficient to cause stress and tension in those meeting him for the first time. In particular, Calburn felt even more pressure, since he already knew who Eugene was. Even so, Calburn kept a straight face and smiled awkwardly before speaking, “Well, who might you be, sir?”

“Lord of the Eugene territory. Jan. Your brother’s master. And…”

Eugene took off his helmet and continued with a cold smile, revealing his long fangs.

“I have many things to ask you and Count Crawlmarine.”

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