How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Brantia’s security and public order were essentially nonexistent. Even so, no one was stupid enough to pick a fight against an army of more than 200 mercenaries and 30 beowulf warriors. As such, Eugene’s army traveled from Brighton to the Riwad territory without any disturbances. Rather, they even liberated several villages that were occupied by bandits on their journey. There weren’t any grand battles, since most situations were resolved within ten minutes by 40 to 50 mercenaries accompanied by five or six beowulfs.

The bandits and thieves of Brantia had no bounties on their heads, so Eugene had them killed on the spot after reoccupying the villages. The residents of the village praised Eugene after their liberation and wanted to swear allegiance to him, but Eugene declined. To be precise, he redirected their allegiance to someone else.


“What? Me?” Luke asked with an astonished expression.

Eugene nodded.” That’s right. It will be better for you, Count Crawlmarine, to rule over them rather than me. In that way, the other nobles won’t be able to find any fault with the situation.”

“B-but Master, I would be taking credit for your great deeds…” Luke muttered in disbelief.

“It’s fine. This is my decision, so you just need to follow my orders,” Eugene responded.

“Ah… Yes, Master,” Luke said. He had no choice but to accept his benefactor’s orders.

‘He’s not wrong about this. And I’m certain that he has a plan…’

“Then go get their seals,” Eugene said.

“Yes,” Luke answered vigorously before heading toward the residents with a few of the mercenaries.

Pythamoras was watching Eugene with a meaningful gaze. Once Luke left Eugene’s side, Pythamoras approached Eugene and spoke, “Sir, I sense something strange. But do you think that it’s a misunderstanding?”

Eugene responded, “I don’t know what you might be referring to. And whatever it might be, it’s a misunderstanding...”

“Hmm. Is that so?” Pythamoras spoke with a smirk. He then continued with a bitter expression. “I only wish that the lords of this land would be half, no, even a quarter of a man that you are. Even those who claim themselves to be king only wish for domination. Even if any of them succeeds in taking the throne, they will soon be faced with another division.”

“Couldn’t the druids help them by staying by their sides?” Eugene asked. He was genuinely curious. The lords and nobles of Brantia were dying to have the support of druids, and the same went for the self-proclaimed kings. If the druids were truly concerned about the future of Brantia, couldn’t they find a good candidate and help them to the throne?

“Haha! Sir, you really don’t know anything about kings and nobles,” Pythamoras responded.

“…?” Eugene was puzzled, but he waited for Pythamoras to continue.

“There were many who were fit to be king, but all of them simply wanted to use our power to rule. Moreover, they wanted to monopolize the respect and reverence of the people and didn’t want to share their glory with anyone else. Such was even truer for those who possessed higher status and purer blood.” Pythamoras explained bitterly.

Eugene nodded. “Hmm. So they only wanted to use the druid’s powers.”

“That’s right. What do you think they would do to the wise ones after taking the throne?” Pythamoras asked.

“Cut them off,” Eugene answered.

“Well, yes. But it somehow sounds even more insulting when you say it, sir. Anyway, do you understand now? This is why druids want to remain the people of the land rather than the people of the king.” Pythamoras said.

“I understand. You have your own concerns and difficulties as well. By the way, Pythamoras, won’t the other druids criticize you for being by my side?” Eugene asked.

“Not at all. If they don’t like it, there’s no one stopping them from finding their own lord to help. But I don’t think that such a thing would ever happen.” Pythamoras chuckled before lowering his voice and whispering, “Anyway, whatever it is that you are up to. I will feign ignorance until you make it known yourself.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Eugene responded.

“Ah, should I say it now?” Pythamoras asked.

“You have to wait for people to finish their words. I have no idea what you are talking about, but I think it would be better for you to keep your mouth shut,” Eugene replied.

“Since it’s your request, I shall honor it. Hmm~” the druid said. Eugene found the druid’s grin annoying, but he ignored it.

“Kiek? Sir, even you are helpless in front of that druid? That’s why you should have just done as I said. My seniors told me that all druids are black-hearted and shrewd.” Mirian poked her head out of her pocket and chattered.

“Even if you call me insidious, how could I compare to your companion, undine?” Pythamoras responded.

“Kieeeeek!” Mirian shouted and retreated into her pocket at the speed of light.

“What a cute little fellow. From the scent of mana, she must have left the spirit world about twenty or thirty years ago. Good things will happen soon,” Pythamoras commented.

“Good things?” Eugene asked while narrowing his eyes.

Pythamoras’s eyes widened, then he responded with a mischievous smile, “Well, it seems like you don’t know it yet, sir. It won’t be a bad thing for you to know either, so should I tell you, or not?”


How could someone be so annoying at such an old age? Eugene contemplated kicking out the old druid for a moment.

“Haha! Don’t glare at me like that. Anyway, it will be a good thing for you, so you can look forward to it. Ehem. Is it a good thing? I’m sure it will be!” Pythamoras exclaimed. He was annoying to the end.

Eugene turned his head away.

“Master, I’ve received the signature.”

“Yes. Take it with you.”

“Yes.” Luke carefully packed the parchment with the village representative’s signature inside his bag. Over the next three days. Eugene reoccupied four more villages and hamlets and received their loyalty in a similar fashion.

Crawlmarine’s land was expanding little by little.


Eugene’s troops traveled for half a day before finally coming to face the Riwad territory’s castle town.

“Dark Lord. Are we finally going to fight a proper battle?”

“I was itching all over. Fighting against bandits is so boring.”

“Kehe! It’s my first siege, so I’m looking forward to it.” The beowulfs burned with spirit as they peered at the long, high walls surrounding the castle.

The mercenaries got into formation with their respective captains, and the workers of the military depot also busily prepared ladders and battering rams. It was certainly encouraging to see the troops preparing on their own without receiving any instructions.

However, Eugene raised his hand and shouted, “Everyone, stop! Stop!”


His words garnered everyone’s attention.

“Luke. Stop them from doing anything and keep them safe. Give me a flag,” Eugene spoke.

“Yes, Master,” Luke answered.

After handing over control of the troops to Luke, Eugene placed his flag behind his own saddle and slowly headed toward the castle town.

“Huh? What is he doing?”

“What if they fire at him? No, never mind. Arrows wouldn’t be effective anyway.”

After a moment of thought, they realized that there was essentially nothing to worry about. Since it was Eugene he would be completely fine even if he charged at the enemies by himself. As such, the troops watched Eugene with interest as he slowly approached the castle town.

Suddenly, the gates started to open…


“Huh? W-what’s going on?!”

The eyes of the troops widened in shock. A figure exited the door on a horse, then started making their way toward Eugene.

“Kuhh?! That’s…” The beowulfs exclaimed. They had recognized the figure’s identity earlier than the humans due to their enhanced visions.

“It’s the dark knight!”

“Why is that fellow coming out from there?”

The warriors shouted with astonishment and started chattering with each other. Although they knew that Galfredik had been dispatched elsewhere, they had never guessed that it was to the Riwad territory.

Pythamoras gazed at Eugene with profound eyes, then approached the beowulf warriors before asking, “Ehem. Do you know who that knight is?”

“Ah, of course. It’s the dark knight. He serves the dark lord. He’s incredibly strong as well,” one of the beowulfs responded.

“Dark knight? Why didn’t you mention him before?” Pythamoras asked.

“What? That’s obviously because you only asked about the dark lord.” the beowulf responded.

“…That’s true. But that man, the dark knight. Is that knight a vampire as well?” Pythamoras asked.

“That’s right,” the beowulf answered.

“I see…. Hmm?!” Pythamoras started nodding before suddenly gasping.

“What’s wrong?” the beowulfs asked. Pythamoras stared at Eugene and Galfredik with a blank daze, then opened his trembling lips.

“Even his knight is capable of walking around during the day? That means Sir Eugene is…”

‘An Origin!’

Pythamoras’s hands started to tremble as he finally realized Eugene’s true identity. He knew that Eugene was a vampire with great status, but he never dreamt, even in his wildest imaginations, that Eugene would be an Origin.

“I must have been out of my mind. I was actually trying to dissect an Origin,” Pythamoras muttered.

“What? Did you say something?” one of the beowulfs asked.

“No, it’s nothing,” Pythamoras responded while shaking his head. From now on, he would make sure to visit a druid capable of divining the future before descending from his mountain. Of course, he couldn’t worry about such a thing for the next three years.


“Hooh? So you were welcomed?” Eugene asked.

“Kuhahaha! That’s what I’m telling you. It seems the Lanslo family’s quite famous in Brantia. At first, I intended to stay in the village, just like you told me. But when the nobles and knights heard the name Lanslo, they started dying with happiness. As a result, I was invited to the castle.” Galfredik explained.

“I see… Knight of the Lake,” Eugene muttered while riding his horse by Galfredik’s side. The title was rather suitable for Lanslo.

“Kieek! Now I know why the elf knight can see me. It was all because he had inherited the blood of elves living on the lake!” Mirian shouted.

“I guess so. By the way, you seem quite lively when Pythamoras is not here,” Eugene commented.

“Kieeee… Druids are a bit scary. I know a few seniors who were tricked into slaving away for free by druids. Anyway, I don’t like that old man,” Mirian replied. Eugene wondered if there was anything that the spirit liked besides gold and silver, but he didn’t voice out his thoughts. He felt a little sorry for the spirit, who had been staying in the leather pocket for the past few days because of Pythamoras.

“Anyway, what then? What happened after?” Eugene asked.

Galfredik revealed his fangs and responded with a grin, “Hehehe. It’s a surprise. You’ll find out when we enter the castle.”


Eugene’s curiosity was resolved before he entered the castle. The nobles of Riwad territory had come out of the gate with the few remaining soldiers of the castle to greet him and Galfredik. A white flag was hanging next to the banner of the Riwad family.

“A-as the acting lord of Riwad, I, Pmerarian declare that all of Riwad’s nobles will surrender unconditionally to Sir Jan Eugene and Sir Luke Crawlmarine!”

“We surrender!”

Eugene was taken aback. He was sure that they weren’t yet aware of the fact that Baron Riwad was dead, and that his troops had been defeated. So how could they surrender when their lord was still waging a war with all of the territory’s troops?

“W-we will surrender unconditionally, sir, so please return the lord’s children.”

“Sir! Please have honor and mercy!”

The nobles shouted and kowtowed.

Eugene had a hunch.

‘It seems as if…’

“Ah! Sir Eugene! You’re finally here!” Lanslo’s clear voice resonated, and Eugene raised his head.

“Haha! I’ve been waiting for you. So, it appears that you’ve managed the war just fine without us.” Lanslo continued while smiling brightly and waving his hand. There were four trembling children with pale expressions by his side. Partec and his men bowed toward Eugene. They were holding shortswords and daggers against the throats of the children.

“Hostages?” Eugene muttered.

“Hehe! We told them that whenever anyone leaves the castle without my permission, we would cut off a corresponding number of ears and fingers. And before you say anything else, this wasn’t my idea. It was purely that man’s plan, and I was just keeping pace.” Galfredik explained.

“Lanslo?” Eugene was surprised. Lanslo was a righteous and honorable knight. He had never imagined that Lanslo would resort to taking young children hostage.

As if reading Eugene’s thoughts, Galfredik spoke with a grin, “Surprised, right? I was surprised too. But it’s understandable since it turns out that the orc blood flowing in Baron Riwad’s veins belongs to an old enemy of Lanslo’s family. He had just discovered this as well.”

“Is that true? Well, then it can’t be helped.” Eugene nodded. He recalled the blurry memory of the three vampires jeering at him and Jung Dircht.

“But Baron Riwad died at my hands, so Lanslo can take that as revenge. We can let the children go.” Eugene continued.

“What?” Galfredik said.

“Hmm?” Eugene stared at Galfredik. It wasn’t a reaction he had been expecting.

All of a sudden, Galfredik burst into laughter and shouted, “Kuhahahahahaha! Hey, Sir Drak! It seems that your wish has come true!”

“What? What do you mean?” Lanslo responded.

“Master has sliced up the baron! Just as you wished, it seems that we’re going to have a scuffle with the Bayman Orcs!” Galfredik shouted.josei



Lanslo rejoiced while Riwad’s nobles shouted in horror.

“Bayman… Orcs?”

The Bayman Orcs were one of the superpowers of Brantia. They had once ruled northern Brantia and were now seeking her throne. Eugene had unknowingly severed any hope of peace with them with the death of the half-orc baron.

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