How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

“…This is the plan. Can you do it?”

Lanslo nodded after hearing the details from Eugene and Galfredik. “That’s simple. I will pass it on to the mercenary captains. Will you be heading right away?”

“Yes. I will send you a signal before sunrise.” Eugene responded.

“I understand,” Lanslo answered before turning around. He smiled while glancing at Clay and the four vampires, who were standing around with awkward expressions.

“You guys are lucky. Lord Markus of Mungard had been beaten like a dog by Sir Eugene.” Lanslo said.


Both Galfredik and Lanslo were saying the same thing. The expressions of Clay and the four vampires turned even bleaker. Simultaneously, their curiosity regarding Eugene’s true identity deepened.

“But that’s not the end of the story.” Lanslo continued with a deeper smile, noticing their curiosity.

“All but one of the knights belonging to the Markus family were killed, and all members belonging to another clan were wiped out, including the lord and the knights. That was the price they paid for trying to act against Sir Eugene.”


The vampires’ faces rapidly paled.

“But that’s simply what happened, so don’t be too scared. Sir Eugene won’t rip off your entire head, pull out your spine while you are alive, or literally burst your head unless you try anything against him. Then, please excuse me.” Lanslo finished his threatening words with a bright smile before slowly leaving the tent.

The vampires didn’t even dare to glance at Eugene. They would also kill when it was necessary, but they preferred to do things neatly since vampires pursued beautiful things. As such, Lanslo’s vivid descriptions instilled a sense of shock and fear into their hearts.

“Let’s go,” Eugene called out.

“Yes,” the vampires answered at the speed of light before quickly leaving the tent.


“A siege, right?”

“Naturally. Did you ever see city bastards fight outside their walls? It’s definitely going to be a siege.”

The mercenary captains conversed while huddled together around a bonfire. Their gazes were headed towards Brighton’s walls.

“Then, Sir Eugene won’t be fighting, will he? He won’t be able to climb the walls since he’s a vampire. Those city scums won’t invite him in unless they’re completely out of their minds.”

“Hnng. Does that mean we’re on our own? Well, at least we have those mutts, but…”

“Many of us will die. It’s true that things will be much more difficult without Sir Eugene.”

The mercenaries were disappointed that Eugene could not participate in the siege. After all, they had experienced Eugene’s prowess first-hand. Vampires could not enter any buildings unless they were invited by the owner. This was the most crucial reason why vampires rarely left their own residences and participated in wars, even though they possessed greater power than humans. They were always faced with the possibility of being left out to dry.

“Sir Eugene might have a bit of a headache this time around.”

“Well, Sir Drak can take command and win the battle before inviting him in.”

“What about me?”

“Ah!” the mercenary captains shouted with surprise as a clear voice resonated from behind them.

“S-sir Drak!”

“You surprised us, sir.”

The mercenary captains greeted him with startled expressions, and Lanslo responded with a gentle smile, “I’m sorry to interrupt your break, but everyone should start preparing for battle.”

“What? During the night?” one of the mercenary captains asked.

“Sir Eugene’s orders,” Lanslo responded. The attitude of the mercenary captains underwent an immediate change.

“O-of course. I will wake up my men and have them get ready.”

“I will talk to Odd and have the ladders and battering rams prepared.”

“For the torches…”

Lanslo interrupted them, “No. There will be no siege.”

“What?” The mercenary captains expressed their puzzlement at Lanslo’s words. But the latter simply smiled and turned toward Brighton’s walls.

“Sir Eugene will take care of it. Ah, I think it’s starting,” Lanslo commented.

“…?!” The mercenary captains turned their gaze altogether as if they had agreed beforehand, and their eyes soon widened with shock. The torches illuminating the walls of Brighton, which were placed at regular intervals, were being extinguished one by one.


“What should we do? We can’t possibly do anything if they’re blocking the way.”

“Shall we have some men secretly sneak through the back?”

“Are you an idiot? Do you really think that Odd wouldn’t have informed them about the back passage?”

“An idiot? Sir, rescind your words immediately! That’s extremely offensive!”

The guild leaders of Brighton were once again squabbling and shouting. The mayor observed them with pathetic eyes. He silenced them by banging his fist against a table. “Silence! Please be quiet! The citizens are looking to us for guidance! This isn’t the time to be fighting like this.”



Some of the guild leaders quickly released their grasp on the opponent’s collar and sat down while tidying their shirts. The mayor sighed before continuing with a grim expression. “Since we’re talking about Odd, it seems like he informed them of our current situation.”

“That little rascal is really asking for it…”

“We should have killed him instead of driving him out of our city.”

“Ha?! Are you stupid? Do you really think that other merchants would have continued to visit our city if we had done such a thing? Thanks to the improved security around Mungard, travel has finally become less restricted. Are you trying to drive our city into a bust?”

“No, what I’m trying to say is…”

The guild leaders started to argue once more.

“Oh, please! Are we going to have a meeting, or not?!” the mayor shouted, no longer able to suppress his anger.

The guild leaders shut their mouths, and the mayor glared at them with irritated, tired eyes before continuing. “Anyway, if the enemy knows our current situation, enduring things without doing anything isn’t a viable option. As such, I will make a suggestion. Let’s call for outside help.”

“Outside help? Where are you talking about?” one of the guild leaders asked.

“I have a place in mind. It’s…” The mayor attempted to continue, but he was interrupted as the door burst open.

“There’s an emergency!” a guard shouted urgently while sweating profusely.

“What’s going on?” the mayor asked.

“Enemies! The enemies have climbed the walls!” the guard shouted.


“How many of them are there?! How could you not have spotted them?”

The mayor and the guild leaders burst out of their seats and asked. The guard stuttered a response, W-well, there are… t-two. There are two of them.”

“What? Only two?”

“What’s the problem? Just kill them or capture them.”

“I thought… hmph!”

“I was surprised for nothing.”

The mayor and the guild leaders spoke with relieved expressions, but the guard continued with a tearful expression. “Vampire knights! Both of them are way too strong! More than 30 mercenaries have died by their hands already! I’m certain more would have died by now!”

“Heuk?!” The mayor and the guild leaders finally realized the urgency of the situation. A short moment of tense silence followed, and they exchanged glances before rushing outside.

“I’m quite busy, so please excuse me!”

“I have urgent business at home, so I must get going!”

“What? Who will take command of the army if you leave, mister mayor?!”

“We have Sir Golman and Sir Tornara! We pay them expensive wages to stay in the city to take care of issues like this!” the mayor shouted. His demeanor was truly undignified and no different from the guild leaders from earlier.

The guard shouted back, “Sir Golman is dead! Sir Tornara also had one of his arms cut off!”


The faces of the mayor and the guild leaders started to turn blue out of fear and shock. They paused for a moment, then began bolting as fast as they could.

“Home! I must hurry home!”

“Carriage! No, a horse! Bring me a horse!”

“Hurry up!”

They had been holding their meeting at the watchtower located just above the gate. As such, they shouted desperately, calling for their manservants. They were well-informed about other races as Brantians, so they were trying to take advantage of the fact that vampires could not enter buildings and homes without invitations.



The horrible screams began to grow louder and louder, and their sense of urgency dramatically increased as they ran down the narrow stairs.


“This way!”

Their expressions loosened slightly once they spotted their manservants waiting for them with horses and carriages. Now, all they had to do was return home and lock their doors…



“W-what is it?”

Something fell down from the wall with a heavy roar, and the mayor and the guild leaders screamed. The object, or rather, the figure slowly stretched its legs and raised itself. They were adorned in a black cloak.


Those who saw the mysterious, crimson eyes glimmering from inside the figure’s helmet felt their hairs stand on end.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” the figure asked.

“Kihehehe! That’s right! Where are you going in such a hurry?” Mirian echoed Eugene’s words with a giggle.

“P-protect me! Protect me!”

“What are you all doing?!”

The mayor and the guild leaders faltered while shouting with extreme fear.

“Uaaah!” Some of their loyal, brave slaves rushed forward with shortswords and daggers. However, they needed but a moment to discover that it wasn’t courage, but rather reckless bravado.

Shiing! Shing!

Wolfslaughter painted an eerie glow through the air, and the heads of the slaves were decapitated and split. It was an obvious outcome since the slaves had no skills with blades and they were without any armor at all.


“Save me!”

The other slaves threw away their weapons and fled. In an instant, six people had been turned into corpses. The mayor and the guild leaders attempted to flee as well.


Eugene unleashed all the fear he had been suppressing thus far along with his roar.



All different types of fear only worked when the user looked directly into the eyes of their target. However, an Origin’s fear could terrorize ‘all creatures’ within a certain radius with its sound alone.

“Uaghhh... Huaahhhh…”

It was the first time they were experiencing such overwhelming fear. They could only crawl on the ground in a pathetic attempt to escape.

Eugene ignored the slaves and grabbed the ones dressed in nice clothes before throwing them by the gate.



They could only shiver with fear and pain as they crumpled to the ground like luggage. Their minds were consumed by Eugene’s fear.

“If you don’t want to die, stay still,” Eugene spoke in a voice filled with killing intent before raising his head.

“Kuhahahaha! How lame! But I had fun for the first time in a while! Hahahaha!” Galfredik burst into maniacal laughter from the walls. He had mercilessly slaughtered countless enemies. Then, he picked up two torches before drawing large circles in the air.

Tap. Tap.

Eugene confirmed Galfredik’s actions before slowly moving forward.

“Hiek! Hiek!”

“S-s-save me!”

“P-please. Please…”

The mayor and the guild leaders pissed their pants as Eugene slowly approached. Not even an ounce of the pride and honor belonging to the leaders of a city could be found in their appearances. Eugene walked past them indifferently. He stopped in front of the gate, then took a big breath.


Although they were still filled with fear, the mayor and the guild leaders became slightly puzzled at Eugene’s actions.





A single, fully powered punch from Eugene left a large hole in the castle gate. It was as wide as two opened palms.


The cry of Eugene’s army could be heard through the hole, and despair began to bloom on the faces of the mayor and the guild leaders.


Eugene succeeded in capturing all of Brighton’s key figures within thirty minutes of crossing the walls. He gathered them in a single location. In the meantime, the mercenaries roamed the city and visited the homes of the city’s influencers to detain their families.

With even their families in Eugene’s hands, the mayor and the guild leaders were left with no choice but to give up. A unanimous decision was made to surrender.

They signed a document that indicated all their properties would now belong to Eugene.

“Kieeeeeek! Sir, you finally took a city! Hurray! Hurray! Hep hep horray! You losers! Give me all the gold-silver-jewels-deeds-clothes-everything! Everything! Kieeee! Kieeeehhhhh!” Mirian flew around like a deranged insect while scattering an aura of greed as if she was the one who had become the city’s master.

Eugene ignored her and turned his gaze toward the mayor and the guild leaders. He scanned them with his eyes and spoke, “From this moment on, Brighton will swear loyalty to the Count of Crawlmarine.”




Eugene’s unexpected declaration surprised everyone in the room.

‘What belongs to Luke belongs to me anyway. Who cares about who actually owns it?’josei

Regardless of the truth, it would cause fewer troubles in the future if it seemed like a Brantian was trying to unify Brantia.

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