How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Galfredik, Edmund, Partec’s group, and four Beowulf warriors hurried to Mungard.

“Oi! Monotheistic knight! Let’s go hunting and scouting together!”

“How many times have I told you to call me by my name?”

“Oh, right. Sorry. I forgot again. Anyway, you’re coming, right?”

“Right. Sir Galfredik, I will be right back.”

“Yes. Hurry back.” With Galfredik’s permission, Edmund and two Beowulf warriors quickly left the ranks.

“Bring back some deer meat!”

“Boar for me!”

The remaining two beowulfs waved their hands, and Partec’s team conversed while laughing.

“At first, they were at each other like mortal enemies, but it seems that they’ve grown closer recently.”

“It’s because they’re real warriors, not fake ones. And kids are supposed to fight a little as they grow up. Hehe.”

As a holy knight, Edmund could not hide his disapproval when he first met the beowulf warriors. It was because he had experienced a devastating defeat against the beowulfs when he first arrived in Brantia. Transformed Beowulf warriors were identical in appearance to lycanthropes, but they were much stronger. Unlike lycanthropes, beowulf warriors were able to fight systematically.

Nearly half of the ten holy knights had been killed by beowulf warriors after arriving in Brantia, so it was no wonder Edmund harbored hostility toward the beowulfs.

However, the beowulfs were different. Similarly, the Perseus beowulfs had also lost a good number of their members to the silver weapons of the holy knights, but they didn’t really care. It was a great honor for beowulfs to meet their end fighting against the strong. And after accompanying the beowulfs for several days and learning of their honor and pride, Edmund had a change of heart.

Just as Galfredik said, the beowulfs were ‘real warriors.’

“Anyway, I hope the new arrivals didn’t cause any trouble in Mungard.”

“It won’t happen unless they’re eager to meet their deaths. And supposedly there are quite a few knights from Carls Baggins, so they’ll keep everyone under control. They’ve already experienced how my master can be,” Galfredik responded and grinned.

“That’s certainly true.” Partec’s team agreed.

A good portion of the 1,000-or-so troops from Moffern and Maren were said to have been previously employed by Essandra and Eugene on the Carls Baggins Peninsula. And among the knights, many of them had been mercilessly beaten up by Eugene in duels. Since they were claiming themselves to be Eugene’s army, they shouldn’t do anything to tarnish his name.

“But why do you think they came over? And it’s not like there’s just one or two of them, but over a thousand,” Lavan asked with a curious expression. Although he could now be considered a fairly experienced mercenary, he was somewhat ignorant of people’s intentions.

Glade clicked his tongue and responded with scorn, “Oh, you punk. Are you really a mercenary? What do you mean why? They’re here to score big.”

“To score big? But there are quite a few evil lands in the Carls Baggins Peninsula and in Maren’s vicinity. Why would they…” Lavan responded.

Partec interrupted him. “Do you know how much we earned in expeditions before we came under Sir Eugene? It was ten or fifteen silver coins at most. Besides, it’s not like there’s an evil land expedition happening every second day. It was usually only a couple of times a month.”

“Was it like that?” Lavan asked.

Partec replied, “It was almost impossible to earn more than fifty silver coins even on the luckiest of days. But how much did you make in a single battle? After we started following Sir Eugene, how much have you been earning every month?”

“Ah…” Lavan came to a realization.

Partec nodded. “That’s right. At least double, and as much as triple or quadruple compared to what we were making before. Moreover, Maren and Moffern must have recruited troops in Sir Eugene’s name.”

“All the Carls and Joes from every cranny of the country must have applied,” Lavan said.

“Most likely,” Partec said.

Galfredik stepped in. “I don’t think so. They would have screened the applicants quite thoroughly.”


“Maren and Moffern know exactly how hot-tempered my master is, don’t they? They wouldn’t risk being cursed out after sending any random dog they picked off the street. Hehe. And you know what? I don’t know about Maren, but those guys from Moffern shouldn’t be those who responded to the recruitment,” Galfredik said.


Even Partec, who was a veteran with a plethora of experience, smacked his lips as if he were lost. Galfredik continued with a grin. “Hundreds of mercenaries departed Carls Baggins for Brantia at the same time. It doesn’t really make sense unless it’s part of someone’s plan. And there’s only one person on the Carls Baggins Peninsula capable of such a thing, right?”

“Perhaps… Are you referring to Lady Essandra?” Partec asked.

“Her Excellency Archivold would be a more suitable term now. She must have sent the mercenaries as a gift to the master after cleaning up the entirety of the peninsula. Well, I guess you could say that she was ridding herself of a problem as well,” Galfredik explained.

“Ridding herself of a problem… Ah!” Partec muttered with a frown, then shouted as if he had come to a realization.

“Her Excellency Archivold must have been almost done with clearing up the disputes in the Carls Baggins Peninsula. Which means… she wouldn’t have needed the hired mercenaries any longer?”

“That’s right. She sent the mercenaries to master quickly before someone took the liberty of hiring them with exterior motives. Since they’re a bunch of experienced veterans, they would serve as a valuable power for us even though they would be a potential headache on the peninsula,” Galfredik explained.


“What an amazing person.”

“Phew! That’s right. As expected, not just anyone can become a marquis or a margrave.”

Partec’s team was truly impressed. They had mistakenly assumed that the newcomers were nobodies trying to leech off of Eugene’s achievements and reputation.

“Ah! Then Sir Eugene sent Sir Galfredik and Sir Edmund to Mungard because…?” Partec said. As a leader, he was quite intelligent, and it appeared that he had come to a realization.

Galfredik nodded. “They’ve been fighting exciting battles until they crossed the sea, and we don’t know yet if they’re shit or cheese. Who else could keep them under control, knowing that they’ll probably abuse master’s name and cause a ruckus in Mungard?”


Partec and his men nodded in understanding. Galfredik’s reputation for having a bad temper was above Eugene’s, and he was also a well-known, strong knight in his own right. In addition, anyone from the Caylor Kingdom would show respect to a holy knight. Although the combination of a vampire and a holy knight was quite unusual and unbecoming, the two of them would be more than sufficient to keep wild knights and mercenaries under control.

Naturally, knowing Galfredik’s personality, he would most likely be using ‘physical force’ as a means of control than honor or status.

“Hehe! My master is so sneaky and gracious, and I’m not saying this just because he’s my master. I wonder how he knew that I am the perfect fit for the job? Hehehehe!”


Galfredik laughed insidiously while cracking his neck.

‘There will be a bloodbath in Mungard.’

‘I wonder how many of them will come to regret their lives.’

‘Poor bastards. They should have just led a comfortable life back home.’

Partec and his men could only silently pay their respects to the newcomers.


“Sir Galfredik is here!”

“Greetings, sir!”

The guards of Mungard saluted and greeted Galfredik and the rest of the group as soon as they saw the document with Eugene’s stamp. They appeared quite nervous.

It seemed that the group’s arrival had been expected since, upon their arrival, they were immediately guided to the largest building in the port—the sailor guild’s headquarters. The mayor of Mungard, several of the city’s guild leaders, and Markus rushed in about half an hour later.

“W-welcome back, Sir Galfredik. It has been a long time.”

Although Galfredik’s appearance had improved after becoming Eugene’s vassal, he still left a rough and threatening impression. Furthermore, it was commonly known that he was Eugene’s right-hand man. The mayor could not hide his anxiety while politely greeting Galfredik.

On the other hand, Markus had directly witnessed Galfredik crushing a vampire family. He knelt down in front of Galfredik and shouted as if he were receiving an apostle of god, “Oh, great, exalted one! The cold, noble blood of…”

Galfredik interrupted him. “That’s enough. Just tell me what’s been going on.”


Markus bowed immediately and explained, “Ten days ago, a group of troops carrying a document bearing the seals of the Archivold marquisate and the mayors of Maren and Moffern…”

“Not that. Tell me what’s going on with the guys on board,” Galfredik asked.

“Yes. At first, they attempted to land all at once, but Miss Romari dissuaded them. They have been sending two hundred men to the port at a time. There weren’t any problems for the first few days but since then…”

According to Markus, the mercenaries remained relatively quiet for the first few days. But they began to show their true colors little by little as they became bored of sightseeing and drinking. Frustration caused by the language barrier led to various fights, and the cultural difference regarding the acceptance of other races even caused some to unsheathe their weapons.

Fortunately, the knights had apologized and provided compensation due to Romari’s presence. However, the knights also started to lose their patience after having to wait without any updates, and they began to cause accidents as well. As a result, the relationship between Mungard’s residents and the self-proclaimed “Sir Eugene’s Loyal Army” began to deteriorate rapidly. Now, they were walking on thin ice.josei

“They really are eager to see hell. Did those bastards lose their minds after shoving anti-mana stones up their asses?” Galfredik spoke while grinding his fangs. His red eyes were filled with fierce energy.

“Tell all those knight bastards to get over here right now,” Galfredik said.

“A-all of them?”

“That’s right.”

“Well… There’s quite a few of them…”

“How many?”

“A little over fifty.”

“Hmm?” Galfredik was slightly surprised. Knights lived and died by their pride and honor. For so many of them to have crossed the sea meant that Eugene’s reputation in the Caylor Kingdom had become even greater than before.

“Um, I’m wondering if it might be a better idea to have five or six of them come in as representatives.” Markus carefully suggested.

However, Galfredik shook his head while grinning. “No, bring them all. Little brats, babies, gusty little munts. I’ll take care of the whole lot all at once.”

Galfredik gripped hideous maces in his hands while speaking in a low, raw voice.


Less than an hour later, boats from the large galleys arrived at the port. A group of knights armed with chainmail and plate mail rushed up to the pier and flocked over to Galfredik, who had been waiting for their arrival.

“Oh! Sir Galfredik!”

“Hahaha! Long time no see! Have you been well?”

“I can’t believe that we’ve been reunited in a faraway, foreign land!”

Some of the knights shouted excitedly. They were the ones who fought with Galfredik on the Carls Baggins Peninsula or knew Galfredik when the latter was still residing near Maren.

“I’ve been well. Unfortunately, however, I’ve been hearing that the people of the port haven’t been doing very great,” Galfredik responded.


Galfredik gestured, and the knights turned their gazes to the leaders of Mungard. They took on awkward expressions. They were quick to realize what Galfredik was referring to.


Galfredik placed the two maces on his shoulder in a cross, then continued with an extremely arrogant look. “You dared to hang Sir Eugene’s flag and claim to be his army, just to make a scene here?”


Those who knew Galfredik turned pale. Unfortunately, however, the majority of the knights didn’t really know who Galfredik was.

“Sir! That’s a little too much! Aren’t minor conflicts to be expected when attempting to establish true chivalry in a pagan land like this?”

“I never officially joined Sir Eugene’s army. I came here only because I heard there was a good opportunity in Brantia.”

“The same goes for me. Sirs! We have been patient for long enough, so isn’t it time to let our ambitions loose?”


“That’s right!”

About twenty knights gathered together. Given their behavior, they had obviously already formed some kind of plan among themselves. And the rest of the knights, except for those who knew Galfredik, stood still as if to spectate.

“Ha! Look at these bastards. You never had any intentions to come under my master in the first place, did you?” Galfredik shouted.

“Hmph! I might have considered it if Sir Eugene came to greet us personally. But how could we bow our heads in front of a knight like yourself? You simply fawned your way over to Sir Eugene’s side!”

“Oh! You have spoken my heart, sir. Hey, where is Sir Eugene?”

“I want to talk to Sir Eugene in person!”

The knights were in high spirits.

Galfredik was convinced.

These bastards were here to take advantage of Eugene’s reputation and fame. They weren’t here because they were impressed and wanted to serve under him.


Galfredik slowly lowered his maces from his shoulders.

“The master is busy. He’s on his way to take care of the Fransil Duchy and become the Duke of Batla. He doesn’t have time to play knight with babies like you.”



Galfredik spoke in a bloodthirsty voice before lowering his visor. He suddenly charged forward like a spring.

“So you can talk to me instead! Let’s have a long conversation between men! A conversation with our steels! Kuhahahahahahah!”

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