How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Federique couldn’t comprehend the words of the knight, but he could deduce the knight’s intention.

It was either a glaring mockery or an open provocation.

He was a daywalker and the only child of Duke Helmond, the ruler of the Helmond Clan, who was allowed to carry the last name of Helmond. Even so, he couldn’t even think to react with anger. The opponent was unaffected by his fear, which meant…


“Then I’ll take the initiative! I’ll shove my mace down your mouth and up your ass! Kuwuuuuugh!”


Federique’s eyes filled with shock. If his own fear could be compared to a river’s torrent, the fear he was facing was like a tsunami of immeasurable size.

‘I have to avoid it!’

His instincts warned him, but Federique was rendered immobile by Galfredik’s fear. He couldn’t budge. However, he was able to incite his own fear thanks to his desire for survival.


One of Galfredik’s maces hurled through the air toward Federique’s head with a shockwave. However, just before the terrible weapon was about to make contact with Federique’s helmet, Federique’s head suddenly transformed into black smoke.


The ownerless helmet was crushed and tossed away. Federique’s armor and clothes fell off the side of his saddle.

“Huh?” Galfredik muttered with surprise. His opponent had suddenly dissipated without warning. Federique attempted to escape from the fight after transforming into black smoke.


“Uaagh?!” Reyma shouted as the black smoke brushed him by and tore his clothes. He had been quivering a little distance away from Federique.

“Is it magic? Damned bastard!” Galfredik shouted after belatedly coming to a realization. He threw his axe toward the black smoke.

However, smoke couldn’t be damaged by physical weapons.

“Hey! You cowardly vampire bastard! Stop right there!” Galfredik shouted. However, Federique ignored the furious shout and quickly widened the distance between himself and the burly knight.

‘It worked!’

He was overjoyed after barely managing to escape from certain death by using the mysterious power only high-ranking vampires could utilize. He had never imagined that Duke Batla was a duke-ranking vampire. Federique was simply relieved that the duke was unskilled with handling his fear, although he had no idea why.

‘What’s going on? Why would such a powerhouse come all the way to Brantia and cause trouble?’

Federique thought so while maintaining his immaterial form to flee the battlefield. As he ran, something caught his eye.


Duke Batla’s subordinate knight was looking his way after slaughtering his vampire knights.

‘What’s that bastard doing?’

The knight’s face wasn’t visible, but Federique could feel that the black knight wasn’t surprised at all. Any human being would have been surprised to see a vampire’s immaterial form, even if they were a knight. But the black knight appeared unfazed…

‘Arrogant bastard. I will kill you when I see you again.’

However, Federique could only grit his teeth while running away. Suddenly, the black knight’s crimson eyes emitted a glow from inside his helmet. Federique started to speed up as an ominous sensation washed over him.


His surroundings were suddenly colored crimson.

‘T-this is…?!’

Federique was eventually forced to a stop. A huge net composed of hundreds of crimson threads was blocking the direction where Federique was flying.

‘Fear?! Fear?!!’

Federique was shocked out of his soul. He almost wished that he was surrounded by a wall of silver instead as he was immediately struck with panic and confusion.

Duke Batla had appeared to be inexperienced in utilizing fear, so how?


“You. You have a rather fascinating skill, don’t you?” a voice whispered from right behind him.


If it wasn’t for his lack of physical body, Federique would have forgotten his dignity as a high lord and leaped with shock.

Eugene’s hand grabbed a hold of Federique’s immaterial form.


A terrible scream resounded. The disturbing, piercing screech was enough to affect the very souls of ordinary humans.


Kuwaaagh! Kuwaaaaaaghhh!

“Huh?” Eugene was taken aback. He had simply grabbed Federique to keep him from running away, but the black smoke in his hand was being swept away by a crimson flame. Simultaneously, a portion of Federique’s knowledge began to permeate Eugene’s mind. However, rather than learning something new, it felt as if he was recalling an old, forgotten memory.


And after the flame subsided, the black smoke fell apart like grains of sand and scattered in the wind. The vampire high lord was extinguished in such a vain manner after living a long life of nearly a hundred years.

“Dammit.” Eugene felt disappointed by the unexpected outcome. He assumed that the enemy would be special since they were a high lord. Who would have imagined that they would die so quickly?

But this was a natural and obvious result… Vampires were immune to physical attacks in their immaterial form, but they were extremely vulnerable to magic and mental attacks. Moreover, the hand that grabbed Federique’s immaterial form contained the fear of the one who reigned over the vampires.

A mere touch would have been enough to cause Federique to burst, so it was no wonder he died when Eugene snagged him with the full force of his fear. But, of course, Eugene wasn’t aware of this fact.

“At least I found out how he transformed. This encounter was fruitful in its own way.” It didn’t matter to him if the vampire high lord died or not. Although the transfer of knowledge was cut short due to how quickly Federique died, Eugene was still satisfied with learning how to utilize his immaterial form. He didn’t care about the consequences of what he had done at all.


“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Your Excellency,” Reyma Fransil declared in a passionate voice after kneeling on one knee. However, Eugene’s gaze was somewhat disapproving. It was because Reyma was completely naked. His clothes had been torn to shreds when the vampire high lord’s immaterial form passed him by.

“Stand up,” Eugene said.

“Yes, Your Excellency,” Reyma answered before slowly rising. Eugene’s frown deepened further.

“Hooh! Look at this pretty thang. It’s solid. A horse, a horse!”

“Kieeeeeh?! I-impressive! However, Sir Eugene’s big, beautiful c—Kuagh!”

The spirit was struck down before she could reveal the Origin’s deep, dark secret.

“Y-you’re so mean…” the spirit muttered while slowly falling to the ground like a lonely falling leaf.

“Big and beautiful? Hooh! Hoooh…” Galfredik ignored the spirit and muttered while alternating his gaze between Eugene and Reyma’s certain parts. He soon made eye contact with Eugene.


“As expected from my master!” Galfredik shouted.

“That’s right! As expected from our sir!” the spirit harmonized with Galfredik’s comment.

The two of them raised their thumbs at the same time. Ever since they gained the ability to communicate, the two of them had been getting along strangely well. Eugene ignored them and turned to Reyma. “Put on some clothes.”

“What? But there aren’t any clothes…” Reyma responded.

“Just get something from the dead bodies,” Eugene said.

“Ah, yes.”

It wasn’t an act befitting a noble. However, Reyma could not disobey the command of his benefactor. As such, he searched the bodies of the dead knights for suitable clothing. Soon after, Reyma was fully clothed. He retrieved his armor and the weapons from the corpses of Brodia’s knights, and once again expressed his gratitude with a polite bow.

“I really don’t know how I could possibly repay this favor. I will make sure to inform my father of your valiant, honorable deeds, Your Excellency. Although we will soon become family through the noble ritual of marriage…”

“Shut up.” Eugene interrupted.

“What?” Reyma was dumbfounded.

“You. What the hell were you thinking? Why did you go around saying that I was going to marry your sister?” Eugene asked in an icy voice.

“W-well, that’s because… Huh?” Reyma started to respond, then stopped himself. He could finally understand Eugene’s reaction. Come to think of it, he had no evidence that Duke Batla and his youngest sister were going to get married. The only thing he knew was that Lorraine had been accompanying the duke ever since she was taken prisoner.

He didn’t even know why, or whether it was even voluntary or not.

“Uh… T-then…”

“That’s right. Your knights are dead, and you were taken prisoner because of your groundless imagination,” Eugene responded.

“…!” Reyma’s jaw dropped. He was responsible for the deaths of his valuable knights? Moreover, his sister was still a prisoner.

‘Don’t tell me… Me too?’

Reyma naturally came to the conclusion after coming to his senses.

Eugene spoke, “You must have realized it now. You are my prisoner now as well.”

“Heuk…” Reyma felt his heart drop as his mind went blank. This was an unprecedented situation where two direct descendants of the Fransil family were captured by one person. Reyma was devastated. However, that wasn’t the end of it…

“Your mistake. Do you want a chance to atone for it?” Eugene asked.

“What?! W-what do you mean by that?” Reyma asked after raising his head.

Eugene continued. “Contact your father, Lord Fransil. The ransom I want is this…”

As he continued, Reyma’s expression gradually became more and more serious.

“Sir Reyma, I will let you go if you accept my offer, but if you refuse…”

Eugene pointed at the pathetic, grotesque corpses of the dead knights.

“You will end up like them as well. And your family, in the end, will share the same fate.”

“…!” Reyma trembled. Soon, he replied with a determined expression, “My father will follow Your Excellency’s suggestion. I will make sure of it.”

“Good. As expected, the eldest brother is better than his stupid sibling,” Eugene remarked. Reyma flinched after hearing Eugene’s remark, he could not refute it. It was a known fact that everyone in the Fransil family acknowledged.

“Well, if I follow Your Excellency’s suggestion, you will release Lorraine with me, right? Since you swore on your honor as a knight…” Reyma said, hesitating.

“What? When did I say that I would let your sister go?” Eugene replied with a frown.

“Huh? B-but you said that if I sent a letter to my father…” Reyma stammered.

“Your ransom is one thing, and your sister’s ransom is another. Isn’t that obvious?” Eugene stated.


Reyma looked up at Eugene with disbelief. Duke Batla was an incredibly talented knight and one of the greatest nobles in Brantia. Moreover, all of his material possessions looked extremely valuable, including his horse, sword, spear, and others. However, for such a great man, he seemed rather petty and slightly greedy.

However, Reyma wasn’t stupid enough to voice his thoughts.

“N-naturally. Yes, you are right, Your Excellency,” Reyma said, compromising.

“I’m glad you know. Well, let’s go.” Eugene ordered.

“Ah, yes!”

Reyma attempted to climb on the back of his horse, but Eugene interrupted him. “You’re a prisoner. You have to work as such.”josei


Eugene gestured toward the bodies with his jaw and continued. “Grab everything that’s useful. You have to live frugally to live well.”


Reyma’s felt reaffirmed in his suspicions. It wasn’t just a little either. Duke Batla, an unparalleled knight and a great noble, was genuinely greedy and petty.

“Sir, sir! Can I take their money? Hmm? Hmmmm?” Mirian asked.

“Sure,” Eugene responded.

“Kieeeeehhh! This is exciting! Kieh! Silver~ Gold~ I like it, and our sir likes it~ Grab all the money~ And put it in my piggy bank~ Sir will think~ Oh, you nice little spirit~ Kieehhh~”

It appeared that the greedy spirit was just meant to be with the duke. Reyma scavenged all the useful items from the dead knights and stored them on two horses before wiping off his sweat.

“Phew! I’m done. So, will we be joining your army and returning home?” Reyma asked.

“What are you talking about?” Eugene asked with a frown.

“Hmm? Then how will you send a letter to my father...?”

“I will send a messenger. We will be attacking the Brodia family immediately after this,” Eugene casually said.


Reyma’s face turned pale as he suddenly thought of something.

“T-then! If our family is late in accepting your offer…” he muttered.

Eugene revealed his fang in a grin and responded while drawing his thumb across his throat, “You’ll be damned.”

“I will write a letter immediately!” Reyma became flustered at the duke’s words. Although the duke was truly greedy and petty, he was far more violent and brutal than he had ever imagined.

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