How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

The crown prince of the greatest nation in the world truly lived up to his name. Crown Prince Voltaire’s delegation consisted of more than two hundred people, and they had rented the entirety of a luxury inn—the same inn where Eugene had stayed in the past for a few days as well.

“No wonder they stopped taking anyone since three days ago…”

“The prince of Tron was making such a ruckus about why he couldn’t reserve the annex, but it seems he returned quietly because of the Crown Prince.”

The nobles from other kingdoms stared at Crown Prince Voltaire’s delegation with awe and disappointment. They were simply at a loss for words. In addition to the maids and the servants, even those who appeared to be private slaves of the crown prince looked as if they were nobles. Moreover, almost half of the delegation consisted of imperial knights and their aides, and almost all of them were equipped with remarkable plate armor and plate mail.

“Jokes aside, it looks like they have enough troops to burn down a regular-sized territory…”

“Even if they are escorting the Crown Prince, isn’t this too much?”

Tsk, tsk. It’s all for show. They want to make a statement, that anyone who dares to touch the Roman Empire will be destroyed.”

“I heard they even brought along members of other races and wizards as well, right?”

“Nobody has seen them yet, but it’s for sure. It’s not common for the Crown Prince to leave the empire’s land, after all.”

Hmm. I would like to see the Crown Prince… Do you think he would meet me?”

“Don’t even bother. You won’t get the chance, even if you bring a few chests filled with gold coins. Even your king would have to wait his turn, let alone you or even the lord you serve.”

Welp. Anyhow, the Crown Prince came to see Maren’s king in person.”

The nobles remembered that the Roman Empire only ever sent counts or marquises whenever a country’s leader was replaced.

“It appears that the King of Maren is as great as his reputation.”

“Even if only half of his reported achievements are true, it would still be hard to find a match for a knight like him.”

“I still cannot believe that he had killed a wyvern. They should make the stories at least somewhat believable.”

“I heard that he had taken down and conquered all the orc tribes in Northern Brantia. Does that even make any sense?”

“Even if that’s true, apparently, he had even killed a drake and an undead twin-headed ogre in the royal castle of Caylor not too long ago. They’re just going too overboard with trying to make him seem heroic. Tsk.

The foreign nobles clicked their tongues or scoffed. They were obviously mocking Eugene. They understood that it was important to inflate the achievements of their king ahead of the country’s founding, but this was just too much.

“They have a knight competition prepared after the enthronement ceremony, right?”

“It won’t be an official, grand thing. It’s just a series of one-on-one duels for three consecutive days. 128 participants will be allowed to participate on a first-come, first-served basis.”

Oh, my. These people. They’re determined to extract as much as they can. Just what you would expect from merchants comparable to bloodsucking vampires.”

The participants would be allowed to participate on a first-come, first-served basis, which meant that even foreign knights and mercenaries could compete. Therefore, nobles, regardless of their nationality and race, had their knights register in the participation to show off their honor. As such, there was no need to mention the other knights and mercenaries. This was their opportunity to show off their skills at a gathering of many nobles from various countries. No one would be willing to give up such an opportunity.

In the end, no one would return to their respective countries for the three days following the ceremony, which would result in them spending more money.

“Come to think of it, this is appalling.”

“I feel to same, but what can we do about it? It’s not like any of you are going to stop trading with Maren.”

“That’s true, but still…”

The complaining nobles soon smacked their lips with disappointment.

One noble spoke in a quiet voice, “Sirs, what about this?”


He continued, “We provoke the King of Maren to enter the knight competition…”

“The king?”

“Yes. Does it make any sense to you all? A knight who is supposedly as great as he is will not participate in a competition held by his country? It’s not rare for members of royal families or great noble families who claim to be knights to participate in a knight competition.”


Indeed. There were many kings and great nobles who were also knights and had some skills with the blade. In fact, there were many who trained hard to establish their authority, and a small portion of them were excellent knights with excellent skills with the blade.

“Let’s try it. Why not?”

“If we all work together, he should have no choice but to participate if he wants to save his face.”

“Good, good.”

Thus, the foreign nobles got to work on their plan to deliver a blow to Maren’s obnoxious king—the one who only had groundless rumors to prove his skills.


While the foreign nobles were working on their insidious scheme, Eugene headed to the inn where Prince Voltaire was staying.

“His Majesty the King!” the knights of Maren announced proudly with Sir Madrica at their front, and the crowd parted.

“It’s His Majesty!”

“His Majesty just looked at me!”

“Bullshit! He looked at me!”

“Hurray to the king!”

Similar to before, Eugene’s popularity with the citizens of Maren was at its peak due to the various things he had achieved while touring around the dukedom. Moreover, their king was unlike the leaders of other kingdoms. He was merciful and generous, and he hated being pretentious or stamping over the citizens. Although his expression had always been cold and indifferent, he would nod or give slight waves whenever he looked around the people. He was truly the perfect king for the free city of Maren. After he had arrived at the inn where the crown prince was staying, he commanded Madrica and Edmund in a soft voice, “Command the knights and surround the inn. You must not let even a single rat get away.”

“Please leave it to us…”

It was a significant show of diplomatic disrespect to surround the quarters of the Crown Prince of the Roman Empire, but the knights found the matter exciting. They were completely loyal to Eugene, and they possessed not even a shred of hesitation when it came to obeying his orders. Moreover, they also had the desire not to lose to the Roman Empire.

Of course, such wasn’t the case with everyone.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty. I implore you to reconsider the matter and—” The governor of Maren attempted to persuade Eugene with a ghastly expression.

“I will take responsibility for everything. You may return, governor. Go and calm down Prince Localope,” Eugene answered.

The governor’s attempt was futile.

Ha… yes,” the governor muttered dejectedly before returning with the other members of the parliament. They had no idea why Eugene was doing this, but considering Eugene’s track record thus far, they knew he wouldn’t act without thinking ahead.

Eugene dismounted from his steed and walked up to the knights guarding the entrance to the inn.

“I’m the King of Maren. Show me to the Crown Prince,” he said. Though his words could be called short and straight to the point, it was also incredibly arrogant.


Normally, the imperial knights would have expressed their anger, but they opened the way after recalling the order they had received from the crown prince. However, they couldn’t help but be shocked at what they saw.

“Will you be entering by yourself, Your Majesty?”

“Yes. I’m strong, unlike a certain someone.”


Although the crown prince had come personally to celebrate the founding and the enthronement ceremonies, the Dukedom of Maren and the Roman Empire hadn’t officially established any diplomatic relations. Moreover, no one knew what would happen to Maren if the king—Eugene—disappeared. Despite that, the king insisted on entering an establishment practically teeming with incredible knights by himself.

‘We were planning to say that he has to enter alone…’

‘He’s even crazier than the rumors.’

‘Or is he really that confident in his skills?’

Their plan to discourage and intimidate Eugene from the beginning went up in smoke. The knights felt their hostility toward Eugene grow even amidst their regret as they guided him. Soon, Eugene disappeared into the inn, and Edmund and Madrica gave orders to the knights who accompanied them.

“No one shall be allowed in or out until we have permission from His Majesty.”


The knights scattered. They wondered if anything would happen, but they also wanted to have a go at the imperial knights.


“His Highness is waiting for you in the back garden.”

“Got it,” Eugene answered before slowly walking through the garden filled with organized rows of trees.

‘Twelve in total. A wizard? No, they could be assassins.’

Although only trees were visible throughout the garden, Eugene sneered inwardly after sensing many hidden presences. It made sense. The next absolute of the Roman Empire wouldn’t only be accompanied by knights.

“Sir? Do I have to keep staying inside?” Mirian asked.

“If they have a wizard, they will sense you. Just quietly stay inside,” Eugene answered.

“Got it…” Mirian mumbled from inside the leather pocket, and Eugene gave a slight nod. After fully grasping the locations of the crown prince’s real guards, Eugene arrived in front of the decorated pavilion located at the end of the garden.

A man who looked to be about thirty was half stretched out in the pavilion, surrounded by about twenty slaves, servants, and maids.

Eugene’s crimson gaze clashed with the man’s golden gaze.


The eyes of both figures quivered simultaneously.

‘A strange feeling. What is it?’

Eugene was quite surprised. What he felt from the crown prince was something he had never felt before. It was a natural emanation of intimidation and authority different from his own Fear. If Eugene had met the man pre-awakening, he felt as if he would have knelt and gave his greetings.

Meanwhile, on Prince Voltaire’s side…

‘The mystery of the golden blood doesn’t work on him? What is he?’

He was even more surprised than Eugene. The empire housed many different races aside from humans. Although most different races had become accustomed to and had harmonized with the empire over the years, there were still those who harbored hostility for the empire and the imperial family. However, even those hostile would transform into meek sheep when faced with the ‘selected royals’—the ones who would succeed the throne from generation to generation.

It was because of the mystery contained in the glorious golden blood of the Roman imperial family.

And the mystery of the golden blood…

‘He’s not affected at all by the spirit of the dragon? Ha! What in the…’

The imperial family of the Roman Empire originated from a dragon. Of course, no one knew exactly how a dragon had gotten involved with a human family. In addition to the members of the royal family, not even the emperor had any idea of their family’s founding. All they knew was that ‘something’ had caused the power of a dragon to become imbued in the blood of their family.

In any case, members of any and all races would be forced to surrender before the mystery of the golden blood, and Prince Voltaire also actively utilized the power of the golden blood throughout his life. However, for the first time in his life, he had met an opponent unaffected by the mystery of his blood.

‘I’m flustered? What?!’

Prince Voltaire was surprised by the fact that he was flustered. He clearly regained his composure and fixed his expression.

“King of Maren. I am one continuing the glorious golden blood—”

However, Eugene interrupted him. “Shut up.”


Had he heard wrong? Crown Prince Voltaire’s jaws became slightly agape. His attempt to hide his agitation had been rendered useless.

The next absolute of the strongest empire—the Crown Prince—stood above any and all existence, and that very existence could not believe his ears.

He must have heard wrong.

Even so, a king of a dukedom…

“My wizard, you took her, right? Do you have a death wish, you bastard?” Eugene continued.

“Y-you… Youuu!”

The Crown Prince of the Roman Empire was rumored to be cold-hearted, but he immediately lost control of his reason. Talks, conciliations—it didn’t matter. It was just all gone.josei


A bright golden energy similar to the sun radiated from the crown prince’s eyes, and it stretched out above his shoulders.



Fear started to envelop Eugene’s entire figure. The golden energy was calmly and perfectly scattered like a spider web before being devoured by the space surrounding Eugene.

In the end…


Crown Prince Voltaire’s golden energy was vanquished.

“Should I start by killing those 12 rats in hiding? Or do you want to return my wizard peacefully?”

The Origin’s fury formed a dagger held against the jaw of the Roman Empire’s Crown Prince.

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