How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

“They would have sent a high lord like my humble self. There’s no questioning it.”

Christian returned after the first day of the knight competition after having completed Eugene’s orders. He spoke with certainty. As was the case with almost all the vampires Eugene had met so far, Christian’s loyalty toward Eugene was greater than his devotion to his clan. Even Christian himself could not fully understand it, but it seemed to be caused by a mystery imprinted on the blood and memories of the vampire species.

“I thought that would be the case. The Crown Prince would not have sent just any random dog to kidnap my wizard,” Eugene responded. Although Prince Voltaire had reassured him of Romari’s return, Eugene hadn’t simply taken his words for granted. Rather, he made preparations of his own. Voltaire had promised on his name as the Crown Prince of the Roman Empire, but preparing for contingencies wouldn’t hurt.

“I can’t help but wonder if Markus of Mungard will be sufficient to receive the wizard… Ah! Please forgive me. I’m not questioning your decision by any means, my lord.” Christian hurriedly bowed while giving his report on one knee.josei

“Well, it’s fine. Markus might seem lacking in your eyes,” Eugene remarked.

“My humble self is in complete awe of your generosity, oh supreme one,” Christian responded.

“Just call me Your Majesty. And just use regular, respectful words,” Eugene said.

“Keugh! Y-your Majesty…” Christian cried out. He was truly thrilled, and he even started to tremble. How could the noblest member of the tribe be so generous?!



The two people with Eugene and Christian watched the scene play out with flabbergasted expressions. It was Prince Localope and his servant, Vizak. They knew vampire high lords were extremely arrogant beings, regardless of which clan they belonged to. They did not easily bow their heads to anyone, even to the great nobles of the empire and royalty. However, a high lord of the Helmond Clan was acting absolutely obedient toward Eugene.

‘Let’s not think about it more. It is what it is.’

‘It’ll be easier if I just give up on thinking.’

The two figures sighed quietly.

Eugene spoke, “Markus will only act as a messenger and a guide.”

“Ah, yes…” Christian muttered. If an unexpected situation arose during the encounter, it would be difficult for a lord to face off against a high lord… Christian was worried, and it could be seen in his anxious expression.

Eugene spoke with a smirk, “I know what you are worried about. But did you really think I entrusted only Markus with this issue?”

“What? You mean…”

“I’m saying that I contacted my vassal in Brantia quite a while ago,” Eugene said.

Eugene informed Christian of how he had dispatched an elven knight to Markus with information pertaining to Christian. Markus would have relayed the message to Luke as quickly as possible, and Galfredik would have gone to Mungard to verify. Although Galredik and Romari appeared to be constantly bickering, Galfredik cared greatly for the wizard. His reaction would be obvious after finding out that Romari had been kidnapped.

‘Compensation is compensation, but you should still pay the price.’

A single measly high lord could not be compared to Romari, but it would serve as a good warning. Eugene spoke to the trembling Christian, “You should hope they’re not from the same clan as you. It wouldn’t feel nice knowing that someone from the same clan as you is going to become minced meat.”



The fierce wind and strong waves continued to bash against the ship. The weather was starting to become worse with the changing of seasons. The powerful waves caused the ship to rock, but the sailors focused on their respective duties even while being battered by wind and seawater. However, there were about ten people gathered to the side of the deck, and those people were stretched out doing nothing. They seemed indifferent to whatever the sailors were doing as if it had nothing to do with them.

Sailors were second to none when it came to being rough and tough. However, none of the sailors rebuked any member of the group. Rather, the sailors never even looked toward the group. Even their employers, the knights of the empire, could not hold their heads properly in front of the ten-or-so passengers. In particular, there was one person whose gaze even the captain of the imperial knights avoided.

It was only natural for the sailors to tread carefully. Of course, the sailors would have treated the figure similarly even if he hadn’t been a distinguished guest of the imperial knight captain, but rather a single passenger. It was all because the appearance and the impression the said person was giving were extremely vicious.

“Um… Why don’t you loosen your expression, Master?” Selena asked cautiously. She was Essandra’s niece, and she still served Galfredik as his aide. She had been allowed back to his side after Brantia was stabilized. She wasn’t as afraid of Galfredik as other people. Even though he was still a little scary, she had come to a better understanding of his personality during her time as his aide. As such, she could now express certain things on her mind.

“Why?” Galfredik asked.

“I think the sailors are getting nervous whenever they see you, Master,” Selena answered.

‘And honestly, I’m a little scared as well.’

Selena stopped herself from blurting out her true thoughts. Galfredik scratched his head while returning her gaze. “Is that right? I was just thinking. These days, my face gets stiff whenever I’m thinking.”

No? It wasn’t the same as any other time, as he looked outright savage right now.

Selena had to hide her inner thoughts once more

“What are you thinking about…? Come to think of it, I’ve seen you deep in thought quite often lately, Master.”

Selena highly doubted that a man as vicious, ignorant, simple, and radical as Galfredik would be capable of ‘thinking,’ but the fact he was ‘thinking’ so much was worrisome in its own right. Selena’s expression darkened.

“It’s really nothing else, but the one stuck underneath the deck…” Galfredik said.

“Yes. You are referring to Sir Rohime, right?” Selena asked.

“Sir? My ass. Anyway, that bastard used strange abilities when he was fighting me, right?” Galferdik said.

“That’s right…” Selena nodded. She still felt goosebumps on her body when she recalled the scene. It was no longer any secret that Eugene and Galfredik were vampires. After living in Mungard for a while, Selena had become accustomed to the city’s culture of accepting members of other races. As such, she had fully adapted to the fact that her master was a high-ranking vampire noble. However, it was an entirely different matter to have witnessed vampire nobles fighting while revealing their powers and mysteries. In particular, she had almost peed her pants when the empire’s vampire, Rohime, turned into black smoke or when he transformed into bizarre monsters.

It was a matter of course for her to have been rendered stiff with terrible fear. However, her master had defeated his opponent, even though the high lord had been no different from a mystical, intangible existence. Moreover, Galfredik had only relied on his ‘strength and skills as a knight’ to do so.

The crimson energy emitting from Galfredik’s eyes and sword could not be considered human, he had defeated Rohime without turning into black smoke or a monster.

“He’s obviously much weaker than I am. So, I wonder why I can’t use those abilities,” Galfredik said.


‘Master, are you crazy?’

‘What kind of a monster do you plan on evolving into if you start to use such weird powers as well?’

Selena forced a smile. She had to suppress her thoughts quite a few times by now.

“W-well, even if you don’t use those mysteries, you are plenty strong, Master. From what I heard from Miss Romari, Sir Rohime is a very strong vampire even in the Roman Empire. You’ve managed to defeat such a man so easily…”

“That’s that. This is something else. Anyway, I’m going to ask him when he wakes up,” Galfredik said.

“Uh… What about those vampire knights? The ones who serve Sir Rohime? Why don’t you ask them instead?” Selena suggested.

“No. Those bastards are just lowly runts. Expensive armor and weapons are wasted on those useless pricks. They should be able to earn their keep, or rather, earn their meat,” Galfredik responded.

“The dark knight knows what he’s talking about!”

“Those who can’t earn their meat should have their fangs pulled out!”

The beowulf warriors grinned while showing their fangs. They had willingly responded to Galfredik’s orders to gather. The beowulfs were nice to Selena, but she was still a little afraid of them. They were currently in human form, but the way they slaughtered was still fresh in her memories. The beowulf warriors had transformed into lycanthropes wearing black plate coats, and they completely pummeled the vampire knights.

‘Such monstrous beings are heading to the continent?’

Selena felt her hair stand on edge. Beowulfs were incredibly powerful warriors, and they would leave a trail of blood in their wake. They had defeated the soldiers of numerous lords and members of various different races in Brantia.

“Dammit! Why can’t I do something like that? Should I ask my master to teach me?”

“Ahhh! Meaaat!”

“Why don’t you try catching some fish?’

“I don’t like them. They’re too fishy.”

“They smell better than your junk, though, right?”

“You little dogbrain!”

Unfortunately, their demeanor was quite pathetic.

‘Anyway, Sir Rohime was sent by the Crown Prince of the Roman Empire, right…? I wonder if the Crown Prince knows about the current situation.’

The crown prince had caused the whole incident by giving orders to kidnap Romari, but Selena thought he would still be quite shocked if he discovered the current situation. Thinking so, Romari spoke with a sigh, “Everyone, please calm down. I’ll head down below deck and grab some jerky.”

“Kwuooooo! You’re quick to read the room, just what I expect from his aide!”

“Your fangs may be small, but you are the best, dark knight’s aide!”

“Ah… yeah.”

‘I’m not a vampire. I’m a human being, you dogheads!’

Selena forced herself to smile as she trudged along.


“Excuse me, Your Highness. The King of Maren. Should we just leave him as he is?” Count Maruk asked cautiously. Having spent his childhood with the crown prince in the imperial castle, Count Maruk was the only one within the delegation privileged to converse with the crown prince. Maruk had been absent during the meeting between Eugene and Voltaire. As such, he was rather doubtful after belatedly hearing about the situation.

“It’s nothing for you to worry about, sir,” Crown Prince Voltaire responded.

“My apologies. However, there’s the matter with His Highness Localope to worry about as well. I’m only worried that it will brew problems for Your Highness in the future if you leave without taking any measures…” The count trailed off while stealing a glance at the crown prince. It was clear that Voltaire’s pride had been greatly damaged.

However, Voltaire grinned in response. “Thank you for your concern, sir. However, there really is no need for you to worry. I have already taken appropriate actions.”

“Are you perhaps referring to the Holy Light Seal?” Maruk asked.

“That’s merely entertainment. I don’t know about the Count of Caylor, but I don’t expect those idiots from Assir to succeed,” Voltaire said.

“Then…?” Maruk asked, hesitating.

Crown Prince Voltaire leaned against the soft chair of the carriage and gave a mysterious smile.

“The wizard of the king,” he said.

“A-are you perhaps…” The count could not bring himself to ask if Voltaire had given orders to kill the wizard.

Voltaire responded while shaking his head, “No. I will return the wizard to the king. I cannot break an oath made to the glorious, golden blood. However… I never said how I would return the wizard."


“That’s right. Rohime would have already inferred my intention, and he must have taken appropriate measures toward it. That’s why I deliberately sent a high lord instead of a lord or a banneret,” Voltaire explained.

“As expected! Then it will be impossible for the subordinate of Maren’s King to track them down. It really is killing two birds with one stone,” Count Maruk exclaimed.

“Haha! It’s just as you say. You know exactly how I think and feel, so I have no choice but to trust you,” Voltaire said.

“I’m flattered.”

“Huhu… Anyway, I wonder what kind of expression the cheeky king will have when he gets his wizard back. It’s unfortunate that I won’t be there to see it,” Voltaire said. His eyes glowed with a mysterious golden light.

It would not be as great as the humiliation he suffered, but he would be able to return a part of it. Moreover, it would also work to warn his younger brother, who was clearly completely reliant on the King of Maren. After all, Localope didn’t even show his face.

‘You will end up like the king’s wizard as soon as you take a step back home, Localope.’

Crown Prince Voltaire smiled with satisfaction. He had no idea that the wizard was currently heading to Maren in perfectly good condition, albeit a little seasick.

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