How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

“My lord.”

“Your Excellency.” Dozens of servants and maids dressed in neat, clean clothes politely bowed following the butler’s greeting.

“Yes,” A pale-faced man wearing a feather-topped hat nodded in response while leaving through the open door. He was holding a staff plated with pure gold.

“The Baron of Balik has sent an invitation. He is asking you to attend his daughter’s engagement. Lord Malta…” the butler said.

“Tell Sir Balik that I will not be able to attend because I’m busy. Take care of the rest as well,” the man answered.

“Yes, my lord,” the butler answered while opening the doors to a carriage waiting in front of a large, elegant fountain. The carriage soon departed.

The two horses pulling the carriage slowly circled the fountain once before heading down a small road and passing through the front gates. A swordsman standing in front of the gate took off his hat and sent off his employer.

The front gates closed with a squeak after the departure of the master. There were stone statues of a dragon lining both sides of the gate.

The Black Dragon Manor—the manor was widely known as the Black Dragon Manor, and the one who had left through the main gate was none other than the manor’s master, Count Delmondo.


Ah! Your Excellency, you’re here!”

“Thank you for inviting me, Sir Ilocke,” Delmondo took off his hat and returned a polite greeting at the welcoming words of an old, bald noble.

Hahaha! Is there a need for such formality between us? Now, now, come on. Come this way.”

Delmondo entered the banquet hall following Sir Ilocke’s warm welcome. The sight of the banquet’s host personally guiding a guest drew attention from all directions. Many people recognized Delmondo, a celebrity of Petrucca—one of the three major port cities of the Roman Empire. They quickly approached him with a welcoming look.

“Sir Delmondo! How long has it been?”

“Sir Levien.”

“Haha! Is it our first time seeing each other since Veritas? How have you been until now, Your Excellency?”

“Sir Obreo. It’s been a while.”

“Sir Delmondo!”

“Your Excellency!”

In an instant, more than ten nobles surrounded Delmondo and busily chatted away. Delmondo, who had grown a thick mustache, personally responded to everyone’s greetings with a smile that slightly revealed his fangs. Everyone present knew well that he was a member of the Dark Clan. In fact, some of them were also vampires who had been living in Petrucca for a long time. However, it was a surprise how such vampires actively approached and attempted to build a rapport with Delmondo.

“Sir Delmondo. I have recently received some healthy and beautiful slaves from Pasaton. Would you like to choose one? They would be great slaves to feed on.”

“One of the high lords of Larsamaine wants to meet you. When will you be available?”

The vampires acted kindly toward Delmondo as if he were a part of their clan. It was quite surprising, considering that vampires often closed themselves off to outsiders, even to other vampires. Naturally, they hadn’t been acting so favorably toward Delmondo from the very beginning. In fact, some of them even wanted to kill Delmondo.

However, the situation changed dramatically in just a few months.

He was fluent in the language of the Roman Empire, and his graceful words and actions clearly represented his prestigious background. On top of that, he was filthy rich and a count of Brantia, which was an official country, though it was located on the periphery.

Such conditions allowed the vampire count to quickly become a celebrity in the port city of Petrucca. However, above all else, there was another reason why the nobles of Petrucca wanted to make friends with Delmondo.

“Your Excellency Delmondo. I chanced upon a rumor, but is it true?”

Hmm? What are you talking about?” Delmondo asked with a puzzled expression. His appearance was that of a dignified, prestigious noble, which contrasted with how he looked when he first met Eugene.

Baron Ilocke, the host of the banquet, spoke in a loud voice so that the surrounding, curious nobles could hear him. “The one that Your Excellency serves, His Majesty Jan Eugene Batla of Maren.”


The nobles of Petrucca quietly gasped when Eugene’s name was mentioned. Indeed, one of the decisive reasons why Delmondo quickly became one of Petruccas’s most distinguished figures was that he was serving the King of Maren. When he first arrived in Petrucca, Eugene had only been considered a lucky knight with some reputation in the countryside.

But now, everyone knew the name Eugene. It wasn’t limited to the City of Petrcca either. Rather, his name had become known in numerous cities and territories across various kingdoms and countries.

“You mean my master? What about him?” Delmondo asked. He feigned ignorance even though he knew exactly what Baron Ilocke was about to say.

Baron Ilocke was overjoyed at being the first one to distribute the ‘latest information’. He excitedly looked around Delmondo and the nobles before speaking, “No, well—they say that His Majesty the King of Maren was blessed by a high priest of the Holy Empire!”


“I-is that really true?”

“No, how could he have…?”

“Which great priest of the Holy Empire?”

Exclamations of shock and questions erupted from all over the place, and Baron Ilocke continued excitedly, “The saintess! Ah, you all know that she was kidnapped by evil pirates, right? There had been some talk about sending soldiers from Petrucca because of that as well, right?”

“That’s right. So what?”

Ah! Perhaps…”

“That’s right. It’s exactly what you all are thinking. His Majesty the King has personally led his knights and warriors to destroy that evil, vile group of pirates! Hahaha!


Bursts of admiration filled the hall. The heat immediately descended upon Delmondo.

“Congratulations, Sir Delmondo. A blessing of the Holy Empire’s high priest! The one you serve has truly been honored!”

“Isn’t this a first for a member of the Dark Clan? Haha! It’s certainly a call for celebration!”

“Please congratulate His Majesty on my behalf. Haha!

The nobles fought to offer their congratulations, and Delmondo bowed humbly in response.

“Thank you, sirs.”

The thrilled Baron Ilocke burst out laughing and stepped forward again.

“Hahaha! By the way, that’s not all...”


Baron Ilocke enjoyed how the eyes of the nobles flocked to him. He continued proudly as if it were his own achievement. “The high priest of the Holy Empire has invited His Majesty to the Holy Empire. To the papacy, sirs.”josei


An even greater shock filled the nobles. It was within the realm of their understanding for a high priest of the Roman Empire to give her blessing to the King of Maren. Although the pirates wouldn’t have laid a finger on the delegation unless they were completely out of their minds, it remained true that the king had rescued the high priest. Therefore, since the king himself had come in person, the high priest’s blessing was totally understandable, even though the king was a member of the Dark Clan.

However, inviting him to the Holy Empire, and to the papacy no less, was an entirely different matter. No member of the Dark Clan—even the great clan masters—had ever been to the Holy Empire. No, they actually couldn’t go there. It was due to the unwritten law that came into existence when the pope officially recognized the Tribe of Darkness.

However, the unwritten law had finally been broken. Moreover, the invitation couldn’t be withdrawn, not when a high priest, who was also the saintess, had personally invited him to the papacy. After all, high priests had the greatest status in the Holy Empire aside from the pope.

It was clear what this situation meant…

‘The Holy Empire…’

‘Are they trying to empower the King of Maren?’

The eyes of the nobles glimmered. The Holy Empire was still the Holy Empire, even if it had long become a toothless tiger. It was the religious center and a place protected by the three gods. It was the land of faith and glory, and its title held enormous value. No tyrant in history had ever denied the Holy Empire. Even when priests and holy knights were killed, no one ever touched the pope. Even if one could depose and raise a new pope, denying the Holy Empire and the pope was akin to denying the gods and religion itself. The people would rise if that happened, rather than the knights and the nobles. The one responsible would have to face the curse of the entire world, and they would be labeled a sinner.

No one would willingly follow a person whose entire existence could only be described by the word ‘sinner’. Although it was toothless, the Holy Empire still had a profound influence on kings and nobles thanks to its powerful claws. Therefore, an invitation to the papacy had never been handed out freely. In the first place, not just anyone could visit.

But now, the King of Maren had received the very first invitation after so many years. It was safe to say that the Holy Empire wanted to provide support to the King of Maren.

“So, will His Majesty be heading to the Holy Empire?”

“When is that going to be? Ah! He has to stop by Petrucca to head to the Holy Empire, right?”

“Sir Delmondo! Has His Majesty found a place to stay when he comes? My mansion is—”

“The finest inn of my family is—”

“I would like to invite His Majesty…”

The nobles swarmed Delmondo. As the leaders of Petrucca, they were directly or indirectly involved in various businesses around the city. Friendship with the King of Maren had only been something to boast about. However, that was yesterday’s news. Today, his prestige had increased yet again by several levels.

A highest-ranking vampire noble with the support of the Holy Empire—it meant that he could not be touched in any nation or territory, even in places that regarded vampires as evil and ominous beings. Rather, everyone would have to do their best not to offend him so that they wouldn’t receive a ‘message of regret’ from the Holy Empire.

It was hard to predict what benefits he would gain with his newly found support. As such, the nobles of Petrucca desperately held on to Delmondo, the only connection they had to the King of Maren.


Delmondo boisterously laughed inside. He suddenly remembered how he had been when he first met Eugene. His past self could not be compared to who he was now, and it was all thanks to his great, exalted master.

He was trembling with exaltation, but Delmondo tried hard to suppress his emotions and put on an elegant smile. He had to stay calm. His master was watching, so he needed to fulfill the order his master gave him for this place.

“I am not sure when my master will come. Of course, he will definitely be in contact with me. When that time comes, I will make sure to deliver all of your words. My generous master had always listened to my humble self,” Delmondo said.


The nobles of Petrucca burned with even more determination. They were wealthy and prestigious, but they pursued even greater profits and honor. And right now, Jan Eugene Batla, the King of Maren, was the one most capable of allowing them to satisfy their desires.

“However…” Delmondo glanced at the eyes of the nobles, which were glistening with desire. He stopped his gaze at the vampires of Petrucca and continued with a wistful expression, “If I am to do something here, wouldn’t I need permission from the clan masters which you sirs serve? Even if my master is the Duke of Brantia and the King of Maren, he is still a stranger here as a member of the Tribe of Darkness.”


The eyes of the vampire lords and bannerets of Petrucca filled with surprise. Why was he suddenly saying such things? The vampires acted according to their instincts and quickly looked around at the nobles.

‘This is…!’


Even though they used monsters and slaves, they still consumed human blood. However, the gazes of the other nobles made it seem as if they were the prey instead, even though they were vampires.

‘We’re fucked.’

‘If we were to reject him here, then...’

The vampire lords and bannerets realized that they had no choice in the matter.

“I-I will bring this to the high lord.”

“I will also write to the clan and—”

Ha…” Delmondo sighed with regret after hearing their response.

“This might prove difficult. I apologize. I think I have made a difficult request for all of you.”

“N-no, that’s—”

“Sirs!” Baron Ilocke shouted in an agitated voice.

“What’s so hard about that? Why are you hesitating, sirs?!”

“That’s right! Isn’t His Majesty also a highest-ranking aristocrat of the Dark Clan?”

“Exactly! He could even establish his own clan with the status he has, right? Someone like him will be visiting Petrucca, so the clan masters should…”

The other nobles voiced their agreement with Baron Ilocke.

‘Good. Good, good!’

Delmondo became filled with confidence as he inwardly grinned. He had no idea which of the clan masters would arrive, but one or two clan masters should show up by the time his great master arrived.

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