How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 320

Chapter 320

“…!!!” Crown Prince Voltaire’s mouth showed no signs of closing. As the Crown Prince of the Roman Empire, he had seen the ranks of many armies, including the imperial army. However, the dignity of these vampire knights was enough to instill shock in anyone. As someone who wanted to become a member of the Dark Clan, Crown Prince Voltaire knew exactly how terrifying and unrealistic was the sight before him.

- One hundred vampire knights can match a legion of the imperial army.

Crown Prince Voltaire recalled the words of one of the hidden figures from the imperial castle. Those hidden figures never said absurd words. Whenever they spoke of something, it would most likely be true. Moreover, one of the reasons why Crown Prince Voltaire wanted to become a member of the Tribe of Darkness before ascending the throne was their strength. Unlike the regular troops of nobles of the empire, vampires weren’t obliged to respond unconditionally to the summons of the imperial family, although there were some who were hired as escorts and would obey the summons. Vampires only followed the orders of noble vampires above them in seniority. As such, after becoming a vampire master, Crown Prince Voltaire intended to form a group of vampires directly under his command comparable to an imperial legion.

Although a single legion sounded rather lacking, it was a force capable of completely decimating an ordinary nation. But now, there weren't a hundred, but rather three times as many troops lined up to take orders from a single figure. Moreover, all the clan masters and the high lords of the four clans had gathered as well.


Crown Prince Voltaire felt all his hair stand on end. The entirety of four clans had gathered, and including the troops sent over from abroad, the group would easily number more than two thousand. The Firebird Legion and the soldiers of the nobles would never be able to occupy the City of Petrucca. However, Legion Commander Baron August was completely unaware of this fact.

“Truly… Are you really planning to go to war with our empire?” Crown Prince Voltaire spoke while clinging onto the last bit of hope.

Eugene responded with a smirk, “Empire? I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m only punishing a traitor of the empire and the crazies who sympathize with him.”

Crown Prince Voltaire retorted, “Do you really think that makes any sense? The army situated outside the city is an army of the empire, and it is a fact the citizens of this city recognize. Attacking the imperial army means—”

“Imperial army or not, those who stand on the side of the traitor are traitors as well. And I think you are misunderstanding something here. I never said I would beat those who gathered outside the city,” Eugene said.

“What are you—”

Crown Prince Voltaire started after flinching, but he was interrupted by a voice.

“If the commander of the sixth legion is a true knight of the empire, he will not raise his sword against the King of Maren and me, brother.”


Crown Prince Voltaire jerked around. Although several years had passed since he last heard that voice, it was a voice he would never forget.

“You… You…” Crown Prince Voltaire stammered with shock in his eyes.

Prince Localope bowed slightly, “It has been a long time, brother.”

It was Prince Localope, the prince forced to turn his back on his homeland. The unfortunate prince who was forced to wander the wilderness amidst the threat of his brother and was eventually forced all the way to a faraway island country. Prince Localope was finally standing before the crown prince.


Prince Localope arrived in Petrucca with the expedition last night, then they secretly entered the Government General with only a few guards. After meeting with Eugene, Prince Localope heard the shocking truth about the Roman Empire and himself.

Everything from being forced to leave the empire due to the unprovoked hostility from his eldest brother, being chased by vampire high lords instigated by his brother, and the fact that his father, the emperor, had taken no action and remained silent even when his brother was trying to harm him—all these were because of his brother’s evil greed.

Detaining his father and attempting to kill his younger brother was a violation of one’s humanity. In addition, trying to become a member of the Dark Clan as someone carrying the golden blood was an insult to the very heavens itself. The revelation was so shocking that Prince Localope did not believe it at first.

Although he looked up to Eugene, he knew Eugene was still a sinister vampire. Prince Localope chose not to believe Eugene because of the affection he still had for his brother with the same blood as him. However, the arrogant, self-respecting Master Helmond knelt before him and pleaded guilty, even going as far as to swear that he would accept any punishment for the Helmond Clan, including himself. After hearing the testimony of a key figure involved in the situation, Prince Localope had no choice but to believe. Afterward, he made up his mind. He would punish the one who betrayed both humanity and the heavens. He decided to live up to the expectations of Eugene, who was an honorable knight before he was a king and kept his promise with Localope.


He knew the day would inevitably come; however, Crown Prince Voltaire forgot his dignity and quivered with shock when he faced his younger brother. The Localope he reunited with after a few years was no longer the fragile child he knew. Prince Localope’s wide shoulders were filled with confidence, and his rough skin made it hard to believe that he was a member of the imperial family. Moreover, his eyes were deep and calm.

Indeed, the short but hard years of experience had transformed a weak boy into a hardened young man.

“I heard everything. How could you have done such a terrible thing? How could the crown prince disregard the weight of the throne? Can you truly call yourself someone who carries the glorious, honorable golden blood, brother? Are you even human?”

“Shut… up.”

Crown Prince Voltaire gnashed his teeth, forgetting for a moment that he was right next to Eugene. Although his appearance had changed, Prince Localope was still just a mere child to him. Localope was just a toy and a sacrifice who could easily be taken care of at the flick of his finger, so how dare he judge him?

“An insect like you dares—”


Crown Prince Voltaire’s vision dimmed upon receiving a strong impact. He could no longer see Localope. He could only see the King of Maren with a slightly surprised expression.

And it was because his face was forcibly turned to the side…

His weakling of a brother had slapped him.josei


Crown Prince Voltaire fell into a daze. He was even more stupefied after receiving that slap than when he was done in by Eugene. It was just a slap, but the shock he felt was overwhelming.

“Get a grip! You are a traitor and a sinner who harmed our father and disgraced the empire!” Prince Localope shouted.

Keugh! Keugh

Crown Prince Voltaire was jolted awake, and he started invoking the power of his golden blood as he boiled in anger.

“Stop right there.”

However, his attempt was immediately stopped by Eugene’s quiet voice. The latter then spoke with a small flame in his eyes, “You have resigned from the throne of humans, and there is no place for you in my tribe. Do you know what that means?”

Crown Prince Voltaire quivered with a pale expression, and Eugene delivered the final nail in the coffin.

“It means you have nothing left…”


“Does this make any sense?!”


The bishop, priests, and some nobles expressed their dissatisfaction, but Count Rudiger remained silent.

“Governor! A foreign army is in the empire’s sea. Moreover, they seem to be prepared to land at any time. Get it together, Governor! Are you going to make way for a foreign army? Are you truly an official of the empire?!” The bishop shouted angrily while pointing at the dozens of ships on the sea.

“Treason! It’s high treason! His Highness the Crown Prince—”


The bishop’s words were interrupted by the opening of the door. The bishop and the priests angrily jerked their heads.

“Who is it? Who made that noise?!”

“It’s me.”


The bishop held his breath when he saw the man who came in under the escort of red-eyed vampire knights. As the bishop of the City of Petrucca, he rarely visited the imperial castle. However, he could still remember the faces of the emperor’s direct descendants. Although their appearance had changed slightly with the passing of time, the bishop immediately recognized the newcomer.

“How dare you?!”

“Who do you think you are speaking to?! Where do you think this is??”

However, the other priests and nobles had no idea of the newcomer’s identity. They couldn’t identify the young man since he had no beard and was dressed like an ordinary knight.


“Are you acting impudently because you believe in the power of the invader, the King of Maren?!”

“You dirty traitor! You seem to have lost your fear in the presence of evil vampires!”

The bishop’s face turned pale, but the priests and the nobles did not notice it as they enthusiastically went wild. They had been enjoying the privileges they had for dozens of years in the City of Petrucca. It was foolish to expect that they had lost their sense of privilege overnight. As such, they couldn’t grasp the reality of their current situation.

“Traitor?” the newcomer asked.

“That’s right. You…”


The priest hesitated. The same was true for the others who were about to chime in with red faces. Although they served as priests and nobles in a sovereign city located far from the imperial castle, they were still leaders of the Roman Empire. They had been told countless stories about the golden blood, and some of them had witnessed it personally. As such, it would be impossible for them to be mistaken about what lay before their eyes.

“Who dares to take up treason with me, who succeeds the glorious golden blood of the empire?” the young man asked. The priests and nobles took several steps back with shocked expressions. The unique energy they were facing was indisputable proof that the young man was a direct descendant of the emperor. They finally remembered that a certain ‘someone’ had entrusted himself to the King of Maren several years ago.

“P-Prince Localope…”

“That’s right. I am Localope.”

Although Prince Localope responded in a monotonous voice, his voice was overflowing with dignity befitting the imperial family. Everyone knelt on one knee.

“W-we have seen Your Highness.”

One person—the bishop—remained standing. As the supreme leader of the church in a region of the empire, he only had to show respect in the presence of the entire imperial family.

“Why is Your Highness…” the bishop muttered.

Prince Localope’s cold gaze turned to the bishop. The bishop gulped unknowingly. He could not believe that the young man had been the same small, vulnerable boy he once saw in the imperial castle about a decade ago. Still, he chose to remain standing tall.

‘W-we hold the justification. Even if he is a prince, it doesn’t change the fact that he cooperated with the traitors.’

It was the bishop’s hidden ace. However, his hope and expectations were completely shattered by Prince Localope’s following words.

“I cannot believe that a man infatuated with greed and blinded to the truth is a priest who receives the will of the gods… Aren’t you ashamed to stand in front of His Majesty and the Holy Father?”

The bishop retorted, “W-w-what do you mean? You cannot insult me like that even if you are the prince, Your Highness! Moreover, Your Highness has taken part in the traitorous acts with those evil—”

“Who is the traitor?! If not the one who forcibly imprisoned His Majesty and abandoned the glorious golden blood to live as a member of a different race, who is the traitor?! Who dares to call me a traitor?!” Prince Localope roared.


The bishop’s lips turned blue as he stood there, quivering. From the looks of it, it seemed that the bishop still couldn’t understand what was being discussed.

“Hear! The Crown Prince! No, Voltaire cooperated with evil forces…”

Prince Localope raised his voice. He was no longer the ousted prince who had to wander the wilderness but a reliable pillar of the empire—the rightful successor and future leader of the empire. Everyone was subdued by the charisma of a true monarch he was exuding, and they lowered themselves before him. However, the two beings watching the scene after coming in late appeared unaffected by his authority.

Wowieee. The princey is pretty good. Well, he’s still nothing compared to you, sir. Kiehehehe!

“That’s right. He’s all grown up now,” Eugene said with a proud smile. He looked as if he had just witnessed the growth of his child. Of course, it wasn’t as if he had done a very good job as a ‘parent’ until now.

“But, sir, why don’t you just beat up those rude bastards and get rid of them yourself? Isn’t it better to just pummel them and take everything they have? You can take this place as your own as well!” Mirian asked. Even now, she still couldn’t hide her desire for wealth.

Eugene responded with a grin, “Because it is just right to leave the empire’s problems to the empire. If I wanted power, would I have entrusted Brantia to my aide?”

Kieh? Then, is the princey going to become like aide number two? Or is it number three?” Mirian asked.

“Well, something like that. Anyway, it is much better for the prince to handle the things related to the empire as the mainstay. However...” Eugene paused before quietly leaving the room. He stared at the eastern sky, more specifically, in the direction of the imperial castle before calmly saying, “I will personally handle the affairs of my tribe.”

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