How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 338

Chapter 338

The Marecasio effectively controlled the successors of the Roman Empire for hundreds of years, serving as the true rulers of the huge empire. And he was Marecasio Helmond, a man respected by even the emperors throughout the generations.

But now, he was being called a sore loser and an attention seeker.

“No wonder Sir Eugene gave you no attention. How is it possible that you know Sir Eugene less than me, even though I’ve only known him for a few years? You… are you really Marecasio? Aren’t you just a child?” Romari continued.

“You… You wench…” Helmond growled. Even though he was defeated and captured, he was still Marecasio. When enmity filled Helmond’s remaining eye, those with weak spirits faltered while trembling. However, it had no effect on Romari.

“Wench this, wench that. Stop it. It’s quite distasteful.”


Marecasio Helmond was shocked. Even if he was weakened, the fact that she wasn’t affected by his Fear meant…

“I see. You are a wizard and one of their followers. Blood Shadow School,” Marecasio Helmond said with understanding.

Huh?” Romari was astonished.

“Even the founder of your school did not dare to raise their head in front of me. So how dare you—”



Marecasio Helmond’s head swirled as blood splattered on the ground. Galfredik grinned while stroking his gauntlet and asked, “You talk a lot for a defeated dog. Do you really think you’re in a position to be raising your head like that in front of me?”


“Go on, Miss Romari,” Galfredik prompted.

Ah… Yes, yes.”

Romari almost thanked Galfredik without realizing it. Eventually, she continued while looking around at those around her, including Prince Localope.

“To be honest, I am quite disappointed in all of you as well.”


Everyone’s eyes filled with shock. They soon took on strange expressions. In terms of status and authority, Romari had no say among them. Only those with the highest ranks were gathered, including a prince of the empire, the most prestigious nobles and lords, as well as vampire clan masters. A mere wizard wasn’t in the position to step forward.

However, no one could voice their thoughts freely. Romari was Eugene’s wizard. Moreover, had they not seen a Marecasio take a blow for calling her a wench? Still, quite a few of them could not hide the discontent from their faces. Even so, for a mere wizard to say that she was disappointed in them…

“What the attention seeker said just now. Some of it is true. In particular, it’s true that Sir Eugene isn’t very interested in others, and it’s a fact that he mainly thinks about himself—however!”josei

No one had any idea what she was saying, but Romari continued in a slightly excited voice. “Has anyone here made a loss because of Sir Eugene?”


“I’m asking if anyone’s situation has gotten worse since they met Sir Eugene,” Romari asked while meeting the gazes of those present, starting with Prince Localope.


No one could answer because…

“No one, right?”

Romari was right. None of the people here had made a loss since they met Eugene. In fact, most of them would have fallen into the abyss if it wasn’t for Eugene. And regardless of what anyone said, the one who best represented this was…

“Your Highness,” Romari called out.

Huh?” Prince Localope recoiled.

Romari asked, “Do you remember how you were when you first met Sir Eugene in Brantia?”


“I remember. One servant and a few escorts. But look, who is standing behind you now?” She asked.

Prince Localope turned his head. He saw the nobles and lords from many territories, as well as their knights and soldiers. Moreover, there were tens of thousands of soldiers of the imperial army lined up behind them. Prince Localope felt complex emotions blooming in his chest when he saw the overwhelming sight. In addition, he saw his past overlapping with the scene. The sight of him fleeing the empire and wandering the wilderness overlapped with the magnificent sight.

Prince Localope couldn’t help but tremble when he realized how things had changed for him. Moreover, he recalled a certain someone’s words.

- I keep my promises.

Indeed, the King of Maren had kept his promise. Eugene had led him back to the empire and granted him a power no one could ignore. He was no longer a fledgling prince running for his life. He had become a man with the great responsibility of leading the great Roman Empire.

And it was all thanks to one person…


Everyone turned their attention to the prince.

“I will trust in the King of Maren…” He declared.


Prince Localope turned toward the astonished crowd. Determination was evident on his face, which appeared rather stiff at first glance.

“We are mortals. Mortals have to live lives suitable for mortals, so does it make sense in the first place for us to stand by the side of an immortal being?”

“Y-Your Highness…”

“Even if this moment and our existences are just a passing moment to someone… That’s their business rather than something for us to worry about. We simply have to take the opportunity given to us and live our lives…” Prince Localope continued.


“An insignificant act of good for one person can present as a golden, life-changing opportunity to another. Sirs, that opportunity has come to us now. And who is the one that gifted us the opportunity?”

The same person came to everyone’s mind. There was no need for them to confirm their thoughts.

“The ship has already sailed! We are already on the back of the tiger! Our claws and fangs are headed toward those who attempted to destroy the empire! To those traitors who tried to harm His Majesty the Emperor! This is an irrefutable truth! Isn’t that right?!” Prince Localope roared.


The atmosphere surrounding the nobles and lords started to change.


Prince Localope drew his sword. He was no longer a young boy but a reliable man. He raised his sword and thundered as his cape fluttered against the wind. “We will advance to the imperial castle! For His Majesty! For the great empire! Loyal swords and shields of the empire! Come with me!”


The people roared in response as a gust of wind blew across them.


“I don’t know where he is,” Lefersha said with a shrug.


Eugene felt as if all the strength had left his body in an instant. Lefersha continued while puffing her cheeks slightly. “It hasn’t been long since I returned here. I don’t even remember exactly where I saw the Beholder the last time, so how could I know where he is now?”

“Her shamelessness is just like yours, sir. A carbon replica. She’s basically Eugene MK Two,” the spirit said in the background.

Eugene had no idea what MK Two meant, so he ignored the annoying spirit and replied, “You said your children got his help when they were dealing with me.”

“I did,” Lefersha responded.

“Are you joking right now?” Eugene asked.

“Ah, you finally got it?” Lefersha exclaimed with a cheerful smile. Eugene was struck with an impulsive desire to smack her head, even if she was his child.

“You used to like it in the past. You’ve changed quite a bit,” Lefersha said.

She wiped the smile off of her face before explaining, “I don’t know where he is, but I know how to summon him.”


Eugene silently pressed her for an answer, and Lefersha gestured at his waist.

“You can use that.”

Eugene’s gaze naturally followed suit.

She was looking at Wolfslaughter.

“You should know since you’ve been using it for a while, but that’s no ordinary sword.”

Obviously, Wolfslaughter wasn’t just an excellent sword. Even with minimum maintenance, the blade did not dull, and it could be used for the rest of his life. However, Lefersha appeared to be referring to something else.

“The armor you are wearing, the spear, the gauntlet, and the shield. You think all of them originated from a single family, right?” Lefersha asked.

“Don’t tell me…” Eugene muttered.

Lefersha nodded. “Yes. They are all from the Beholder.”


Eugene was astonished. However, Lefersha ignored that and continued, “They would be considered precious objects in just about anyone’s hands, but in the first place, they were made for our tribe… or rather, the Beholder made them for you.”

“For me?” Eugene asked.

“I don’t know why. That’s what I heard from you. Anyway, among the equipment, the blade of the sword was made from a mixture of black meteorite and a part of the Beholder’s horn. It contains a sliver of the Beholder’s authority,” Lefersha explained.

Eugene was genuinely surprised. Until now, he had considered Wolflslaughter to be the least exceptional of all his equipment. The others contained magical powers, and he could express them freely using his Fear. However, even though Wolfslaughter was indeed an excellent sword, it didn’t possess any other abilities. It was simply a sword.

Eugene frowned while looking down at the sword in his hand.

“This sword, Wolfslaughter, was gifted to me by the lord of the land close to where I opened my eyes. Perhaps…” he muttered.

“You’re right. The Beholder definitely arranged for the sword to be with that family.”


Eugene was dumbfounded. He had found it a little strange that such a great sword was with a rather ordinary noble family, but it certainly made sense if it was a part of the dragon’s plan.

“The children probably didn’t know. I was convinced that the Beholder was responsible for everything and that the two children had minimal involvement because of that blade,” Lefersha said.

“So… this sword can call the dragon?” Eugene asked.

“Yes. I don’t think I need to explain to you how to summon him.”

It was in plain sight. If it was a sword containing a sliver of the dragon’s authority, and if it was a gift from the dragon, there would be only one way to draw out the power hidden in the blade.

Eugene slowly raised Wolfslaughter. He took off his gloves using his teeth, removed Black Scale, then drew across his palm with the blade.


A thin line of red appeared on his palm, and blood fell on the surface of the blade. Even though Wolfslaughter was a great sword housing the power of the dragon, Eugene’s wound still instantly healed.

Eugene evoked his Fear and focused on the sword.

The blood slowly began to seep into the blade. Once the red could no longer be seen on the blade, Wolfslaughter’s surface began to shine in brilliant silver.



Lefersha frowned, and Georg retreated while hastily raising his hand to cover his face. However, Eugene stood unmoving while narrowing his eyes and staring at the sword.

Wooooong! Woong!

Strange symbols appeared on the blade’s surface. The red letters contrasted sharply with the silver of the blade as they quickly devoured the blade.


Wolfslaughter shattered with a sharp, metallic sound. Eugene’s most cherished sword, his first blade, had shattered into pieces.

Kieeeeek! I-it broke!” Mirian fussed.

However, the real surprise was only beginning. The dozens of shattered pieces started swirling in the air without falling to the ground. A small golden ball the size of a fingernail appeared in the middle of the pieces.


In an instant, the golden sphere grew to the size of a fist, and the pieces were absorbed into it. The golden light emitting from the sphere fluttered like a haze. Georg could only stare with shock at the remarkable sight, and Eugene stared with a serious expression.

Only Lefersha stood in place without a change in her expression.

“The Beholder gave you, me, and the children a sign of the covenant. Caravan and Helmond summoned him at the expense of it,” she explained.

“I see… But is this the end? You said he was a dragon, right? He should be enormous, so how could he appear in the underground?” Eugene asked.

He was dazzled by the mysterious sight, but he sensed no change.

“Should we get out of here and wait? Maybe a spire or—”

“There won’t be a need for that, monarch of the Demon World.”


Eugene moved like lightning and turned around. None of them, the Origin, the Queen of Darkness, and even one of the top ten devils, had sensed the other party’s presence.

A young man with sunken golden eyes was standing there as if he were an illusion.

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