How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

“A crest?”

“That’s right. I think I need to give proof to the branch manager of Moffern and Veron. But I’m not very good when it comes to those things, so I think it would be better for you to create one for me since you are the most knowledgeable among us as a wizard.”


Most wizards were quite intelligent.

However, Romari had been constantly scolded and rebuked ever since meeting Eugene. She could not help but be astonished after being entrusted with such an important task.

“Do you have any ideas? Or perhaps my expectations of you are too high…” Eugene started to renege on his words.

“I do! Something just came into mind!” Romari quickly answered before desperately thinking of ideas.


“Usually, people think of bats when they hear about the Tribe of the Night. However, Origins are different. Origins are definitely closer to… dragons! What about dragons?”


Eugene showed interest in Romari’s hastily-devised plan, and she continued excitedly. “The moment I saw you, Sir Eugene, I knew instinctively! I thought of a black and red dragon. I think it might be good to mix the two colors.”

“Not bad. Then try making it.”

“What? M-me?”

“I will do it! I can do it! I am a master at drawing dragons!” Mirian popped out her head and shouted, but Eugene ignored her and responded to Romari.

“Why? You don’t want to? How unfortunate. In that case, the wyvern tail and the wings…”

“My heart races when I imagine the beautiful crest. It will be an honor for me to have the opportunity to produce such a wonderous, noble crest. If you will graciously leave it to me, I will produce something that will be to your utmost satisfaction.”

“Good. You will need to create a flag and a ring with a seal. It should be finished by tomorrow, right?”


Although that would not be enough time and creating a crest had nothing to do with the works of a wizard, Romari was determined to do her best.


The accommodation introduced by the branch manager was excellent. However, it became impossible to rent the entire inn as originally promised. It was because there were too many people, and an unexpected event even took place.

“Oh! Sir Eugene! It is an honor for me to serve the first Wyvern Slayer like this.”

Gardye, one of the city’s famed figures and the leader of the merchant guild, greeted Eugene with a bright smile.

“Kieeeeek!? S-silk clothes! This human resembles a halibut, but he must be swimming in gold! Haaaak! Haak!”

The spirit of desire gasped uncontrollably after a long time. As Mirian said, Gardye’s face was quite large and flat, but his clothes and accessories were luxurious, to say the least.

“Thank you for providing us accommodation.”

“You don’t have to mention it. Now, now, everyone must be tired from the long expedition. Please relax and enjoy.”

At Gardye’s words, the servants and maids flocked to guide the troops. Some of the troops’ jaws went wide agape as soon as they laid their eyes on the maids. It wasn’t surprising, since all of the maids boasted a voluptuous figure. It was as if they had been picked for that very reason.

However, the troops remained silent and still. They weren’t willing to do anything rash while they were in Eugene’s presence.

“They are treating us quite nicely. They worked hard as well, so it might be good to let them loose for today.” Galfredik whispered by Eugene’s side.

“I was thinking of telling them that as well.” Eugene nodded in agreement. Knights desired merit and honor, but mercenaries coveted money and women. A good, respected employer and a captain were required to appropriately satisfy their subordinates’ needs.

In the first place, most of Eugene’s subordinates were simple, ignorant men. They lived according to their instincts, so it was better to have them relieve their desires once in a while to prevent them from having any other thoughts.

“Have fun and enjoy yourselves today. However, those who drink too much and cannot wake up in the morning will not receive even a single coin, so control yourselves.”

“Yes, sir!”

The troops answered in one voice. Their loyalty and obedience towards Eugene had grown massively due to the recent events.

‘Ho! Even those rough hooligans are helpless in front of him.’

Gardye was pleasantly surprised by how the troops reacted. Such strict, militaristic discipline could only be seen in the prestigious armies of the great nobles. He knew that most of these men were essentially robbers until not too long ago. For them to show such discipline in a short period of time was only a testament to the great abilities of their captain.

“Now, now, please, have a seat.”

Eugene took his seat at the head of the table. Romari had already left for the annex of the accommodation to work on the crest, and Galfredik was with the troops excitedly groping one of the maid’s butt.

‘Did he tell me to let them loose because he also wanted to have fun? That sneaky runt.’

Eugene was rather flabbergasted as he observed Galfredik. Gardye interrupted his thoughts with a generous smile. “Please have a drink, Sir Eugene. You! Come here and serve Sir Eugene.”

Gardye gestured, and a young, sensuous, brown-skinned girl stepped forward while holding a bottle of wine. She continued to smile flirtatiously while pouring Eugene’s drink. It was evident at first glance that she was trying her best to seduce him.

“This is my youngest daughter. Please feel free to indulge yourself if you so please, Sir Eugene,” Gardye spoke in a subtle voice.

In the past, Eugene might have considered him a madman for saying such a thing, but he now knew that it was only natural to gift one’s daughter or son to a promising noble for a night. Moreover, the Carls Baggins Peninsula was also famous for its passion and straightforwardness.

Eugene shook his head. “Thank you for the offer, but it’s fine. I suffered a minor injury during the subjugation, so it would be best for me to relax for the time being.”

“Ah! I see. But since you possess the blood of the elves, the injury should heal quite quickly, no?”

“It should be fine in a day or two.”

“That’s a relief. Hahaha.”

Gardye chuckled before waving away his disappointed daughter. He continued in a subtle voice. “By the way, would you perchance be interested to have a guess as to why I have invited yourself, sir, and your men to my house?”

“I have an idea from what I’ve heard. The city might feel burdened by the presence of my men and myself.”

“That’s right. It can’t be helped that everyone will be cautious towards a Wyvern Slayer.”

It would be impossible for the entire city to know about Eugene’s deed when it had just recently happened, but the merchant guild leader definitely knew better than anyone else.

“Moreover, the number of troops under your command has increased recently. I already know about Veron, but could that knight possibly be Sir Rudrian, the one known as the Silver Flash?”

Almost no one knew that Rudrian was a fake knight. It was only natural, since he had a clean appearance, and he could also read and write.

“That’s correct. He swore his loyalty to me.”

“As expected, you are amazing, sir.”

Gardye expressed his admiration before lowering his voice once again. “Anyways, the reason I invited you to my house, sir, is because I wanted to ensure that you would avoid any unnecessary hassle you might experience if you stayed at the inn.”

“And in addition, the people of the city won’t have to worry about her presence?”

“Yes. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for your consideration.” Gardye bowed politely. He was glad that Eugene was reasonable, unlike some of the other knights.

“There’s nothing to be gained if my relationship with Moffern turns sour. But it seems you already know quite a bit about me. Did you look into my background?”

“I beg your understanding. It is uncommon for more than forty troops to enter the city.”

“Then you should already know that I am managing Paranan, Ronan, Mintan, as well as the nearby areas, right?”


“Hmm? You didn’t know? Lord Beogalan wrote a certificate, and he is currently in the process of gathering seals of approval from the other nobles as well. I thought that was why the branch manager introduced me to you, the guild leader. Was I mistaken?” Eugene was genuinely confused. He had naturally assumed that the guild leader was already aware of the fact.


Gardye became wide-eyed and numerous thoughts flashed by his mind like lightning. The villages mentioned by the knights would be quite formidable with all of their populations combined. In addition, Eugene mentioned ‘nearby areas.’ It meant that there were other villages and hamlets under his control as well.

‘This knight is going to become a lord!’

“Oh my! I was about to make a huge mistake.”

Gardye had been speaking with Eugene in a comfortable manner. He quickly unbuckled his crossed legs and apologized, “Please forgive me for being discourteous, Sir Eugene. I failed to recognize someone who is set to become a lord.”

“That’s fine. You didn’t know about it after all,” Eugene responded indifferently. He was used to it. However, Gardye was skilled and experienced enough to take his place as the leader of Moffern’s merchant guild. He was able to infer and recognize the true thoughts and intentions of others from their facial expressions, eyes, and tone of voice.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t always completely accurate.

‘That cold, chic expression! Is he telling me to get my act together, now that I know what kind of person he is?’

He wasn’t sure how the knight managed to do so, but Eugene succeeded in a ruin subjugation that ended up in failure several times prior. In addition, he was able to get his hands on several villages in such a short period of time as well. Finally, Baron Beogalan had personally recognized him as a master of a few villages. There were no further validations required.

“If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know anytime. I am but a humble merchant, but I give you my word that I will aid you to the best of my abilities.”

“Hmm? Ah, I would appreciate that.”

Eugene wasn’t sure why the merchant was suddenly acting like this, but he nodded for now. He previously imagined merchants to be cold-blooded, iron-skinned creatures that would do anything for money and profits, but strangely, all the merchants he encountered so far appeared to be quite generous and kind.

“Haha! I just cannot stand still after establishing such a good relationship with Sir Eugene. I am sure that you will need people capable of reading, writing, and working numbers to manage the villages. I will see what the Moffern merchant guild can do to help you with that. Hahahaha!”

“I am glad to hear that.”

Apparently, both the branch of the Palin Association and the Moffern merchant guild were willing to help. Eugene felt a little uneasy to be so fortunate, but for now, he decided to quietly revel in his lucky encounters.


The night after the banquet.

Eugene took off his armor after a long time and took a warm bath. He was currently staying in the best room of the merchant guild leader’s mansion. Mirian was snoring away after completely indulging herself with food and drinks at the banquet.

Knock, knock.

“Sir Eugene, I apologize for bothering you at such late hours, but there is someone who wants to see you.”

A servant carefully reported from outside after the knock.

“Someone is here to see me? I said I wouldn’t be meeting with anyone.”

“Yes. We were going to send him back, but he said you would meet with him if we relayed his words to you, sir.”

“What did he say?”

“He spoke of the cold, red blood of Noferos.”

It was Delmondo.

Eugene immediately responded to the servant. “He is my distant relative. I will be meeting with him, so bring him here right away.”


Soon, Delmondo entered the room. He looked much cleaner than before.

“It has been a long time, my distant cousin.”

“What? Ah! Yes, it has been a while, Sir Eugene.”

Delmondo quickly understood Eugene’s intention and bowed his head while responding. He was quick-witted as a member of the Tribe of the Night.

“He will be staying here for a while.”

“Yes, sir. Then I will be on my way.” The servant bowed before leaving the room.

Delmondo immediately fell to his knee and bowed his head. “I, Delmondo, a lowly, foolish child of Noferos greet the honored, venerable Origin of the…”

“No need for that. Stand up.”


Although he stood up, Delmondo appeared quite scared and anxious. His posture was quite awkward, and his shoulders continued to tremble.

“You. I told you to go around the villages and the hamlets to look over them, but I don’t think you did your job properly. Other than one or two places, they were occupied by crooks.”

“I-I can explain.”

Delmondo continued diligently.

In conclusion, it took a long time for Delmondo to recover from the serious injuries he suffered from Eugene, which was why he failed to complete the mission properly.

“…So I decided that it would be better for me to come here first and wait for your noble, honorable self to report the situation instead. However, that is also my fault. I have no excuses!”

“Hmm. I see.”

It was understandable since the situation was unavoidable. Regardless, Delmondo kept his promise even though he would certainly be reprimanded for failing to properly complete his orders. This meant that he wasn’t completely useless.

“What is your specialty?”

Delmondo asked cautiously. “Well, are you referring to my specialty as a member of the tribe?”

“No, I am referring to things that you are better at compared to others. For example, being able to read, write, or being able to fight well.”

“Ah! Although I was never officially trained as a knight, I learned quite a few techniques from my father. I am capable of handling two or three mercenaries without having to exert the powers of the tribe.”

“I see. And?”

Eugene nodded. It seemed that Delmondo was quite strong.

“I am literate. I know all the numbers, and I am able to speak four languages as well since I wandered from place to place after becoming my father’s child.”

“What? Is that true?” Eugene spoke with surprise.

Delmondo hurriedly bowed his head, instinctively recognizing that this was an opportunity. “Yes! How would I dare to lie? Before becoming a member of the clan, I served in a middle-level administrative role in the Roman Empire. To be exact, I was in charge of finance and managing personnel in a city called Leno. Although it was a long time ago, I would say that I was well-recognized for my work.”


Eugene was quite surprised, just as Delmondo sensed.

Eugene did not expect much since Delmondo did not possess many abilities as a vampire, but it appeared that he was highly talented when compared to humans.

‘Hmm? Could this be…?’

An idea came to mind, and Eugene spoke sternly while releasing a bit of his vampire fear.

“Delmondo of Noferos.”

“Yes, oh great Origin.”

An ordinary human would have felt a slight jolt, but Delmondo felt a great, crushing pressure pressing down on him. It was as if a boulder was resting on his head.

“You will work for me.”


“If you do it properly, I will forever pardon the sins you have committed. I swear it on my honor, no, on the cold, blue blood of the Night’s Tribe.”

“I will serve you to the best of my abilities in the name of Noferos!”

Eugene grinned while looking down at Delmondo. It seemed that he just netted himself a very competent administrator of lands, who was also acting as his fake cousin.

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