How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“Matsuda-kun, just sit next to me.”

Following Miyuki’s guidance, I sat down somewhat nervously and looked at the

dining table.

A feast was spread before me. The main dish appeared to be… sukiyaki?

Judging by the simmering pot, it seemed like they had turned on the induction

stove right when I arrived.

There was also saba miso-ni—mackerel cooked in miso. The side dishes mostly

consisted of home-cooked meals like spinach and lotus root, but they were all

beautifully plated. It was evident that a lot of care had gone into the


So Miyuki was right.

Compared to this, I haven’t been eating well indeed.

Perhaps, that’s why she prepared all of this?

As everyone took their seats, Wateru, who sat at the head of the table, spoke.

“Firstly, I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, not only for

graciously accepting our invitation but also for being the esteemed benefactor

who saved our Miyuki.”

The atmosphere suddenly became solemn. I sensed that showing discomfort with a

simple ‘no need to thank me’ wouldn’t be appropriate here.

I looked at Wateru and slightly bowed my upper body.

“Thank you for inviting me as well.”

In the Japanese custom of Ojigi, or bowing, my gesture was the lightest form

known as Eshaku.

We had exchanged pleasantries at the door several times, so I thought a simple

bow like this would suffice now.

After all, since I’m here, I should aim to get closer to them or at least earn

some points.

And as expected, smiles blossomed on the faces of Wateru and the rest of

Miyuki’s family.

“To spare you the lengthy talk, shall we eat now?”

Upon hearing Wateru’s words, Midori, Miyuki, and Kanna all chorused their

agreement, saying they would eat well.

Matching the timing as their words came to an end, I spoke in a

straightforward voice, devoid of any pretense.

“I’ll also eat well.”

“Wow... Just listen to that nice voice...”

That was Kanna, who couldn’t help but exclaim.

Wateru, who glanced at her with stern eyes, turned to look at me and broke

into a slight smile.

“Eat a lot.”

“Yes, sir.”

I wonder what dining etiquette is like at Miyuki’s house.

I had a rough idea from playing Tokiaca, but this is the first time Sukiyaki

has been served, so I decided to figure it out first.

Everyone naturally held the rice bowl while eating.

When serving Sukiyaki, everyone scooped a fair amount into their own bowls.

It seems you don’t immediately dip the beef from the Sukiyaki into a raw egg;

first, you let it drain.

When eating the side dishes, you also pick up a bit of the plated ingredients,

like the sliced onions on top. I did the same.

Midori kept refilling the water when it ran low. If I were to reach for the

water myself, it might come across as intrusive, and Midori could feel


Better to just graciously accept what is given, as a guest should.

My expression and my consistent sampling of the side dishes served as my

unspoken praise for the meal.

In response, the corners of Midori’s mouth arced upward.

“Is the food to your taste?”

I chewed and swallowed the food in my mouth before answering.

“Yes. It’s so good it makes me want to live here.”

The family, starting with Midori, burst into a sincere yet light-hearted

laughter. Perhaps it’s because I’ve garnered a favorable impression during the

previous meal that they take even my hyperbolic compliment in stride.

“Feel free to come by whenever you’re hungry. Ah, peel the skin off the fish

before you eat; it can be a bit oily.”

A helpful assist from Midori.

I promptly used my chopsticks to peel the skin off the mackerel.

“Yes, ma’am.”

With that, the floodgates of conversation opened.

“Matsuda, do you drink alcohol?”

At Wateru’s question, I respectfully nodded.


“Do you enjoy it?”

“To be honest, I do. Although I haven’t been drinking much lately.”

Miyuki’s lips twitched immediately.

Judging by the way her lips twitched even without food in her mouth, it seems

Miyuki is itching to bring up something about my past.

Pretending to adjust my clothing, I subtly lowered my hand and discreetly

poked her near the hip.

Startled, Miyuki quickly regained her composure and flashed me a playful smile

before giving a slight nod. She understood my gesture as a sign to refrain.

Unaware of our silent exchange, Wateru posed another question.

“So, how about a casual drink later tonight?”

“My dear, Matsuda-kun drove here today, remember?”

Caught off guard by Midori’s chiding, Wateru replied.

“Ah, right...”

Given that he even considered offering me a drink, it seems Wateru holds me in

high regard.

While it’s mentally exhausting to be so constantly aware of my actions, the

rewards seem to be worth it. I can see myself coming back here often.


“Ahem... Matsuda-kun, have some fruit.”

While seated on the living room sofa and chatting with Wateru, I turned my

head upon hearing Miyuki’s voice from behind.

“Fruit? I’d love to...”

But my response was cut short in surprise.

It was because Kanna, wearing a wide grin, was holding out a plate of fruit to


She had imitated Miyuki’s voice, just like at the Itshiki Beach.

Is teasing me that fun?

Quickly regaining my composure, I stood up from the sofa and took the plate.

“Thank you, Hanazawa-san.”

“Were you startled?”

“A bit. But why do this...?”

“It’s fun. Matsuda-kun is quite amusing to tease.”

Seems you’re overflowing with playful mischief.

Having two sisters with the same voice ‘together’... It’ll be quite

challenging to handle.

“Kanna, is it always jokes with you? You even do the same with Tetsuya...”

At Wateru’s reprimand, Kanna responded with a bright smile.

“Tetsuya-kun’s reactions are boring. He’s so shy, he doesn’t know what to do.”

“If he’s shy, doesn’t it mean Tetsuya’s reactions are better compared to


“No, Matsuda-kun is more fun to tease.”

“Why though?”

Right in front of the person in question, the family suddenly launched into a


As I was listening to their conversation while peeling an orange, I quietly

got up from the sofa when Miyuki, who had silently approached, tugged on my


Leading me out to a small flower garden, Miyuki asked,

“Is the house too noisy for you?”

“No, I like that it’s lively.”

“I’m relieved to hear that. I was thinking of taking a walk to help digest,


Miyuki trailed off at the end.

She seemed anxious that Tetsuya, who lives in the same neighborhood, might

spot us.

“If you were that worried, you should’ve hidden my car too. Or you could’ve

just told me to walk here in the first place.”

You keep trying to deceive Tetsuya, but won’t that just deepen the pain he’lljosei

feel later on?

Though to be honest, I like what you’re doing.

“No, the car’s fine.”

“Um. But, Miyuki… don’t you want to go on a walk? I mean you must be full. You

ate a lot...”

“What full? Are you underestimating me?”

At my playful jab, Miyuki chuckled and deftly changed the subject.

“Are you heading back right away?”

“Yeah, I don’t want to overstay my welcome... Maybe I should go meet up with


“That’s definitely not happening.”

Quite firm, aren’t you?

“Why not? He’s been remorseful.”

“He’s worse than even the old Matsuda-kun. That’s why I really dislike him.”

“How about other friends, then?”

“That’s also a no-go. A lot of your friends are bad people, you know.”

“Why are there so many restrictions? Are you my guardian? Are you my mom?”

“Wasn’t I listed as your guardian at the hospital? And you did call me ‘Mom’

once before, didn’t you?”

So you were conscious of it. Or maybe you’re just getting sensitive now that

we’ve grown so close.

Whatever the case, her reaction was a positive development.

But now that she’s said that, I’m at a loss for words.

Scratching the back of my head awkwardly, I looked out over the fence and shot

a question at Miyuki.

“So what should I do, then? Meditate?”

“Just stay here. It’s fine to stay for a while.”

I slowly turned my head to stare directly at Miyuki, as her voice carried a

hint of shyness.

Was my gaze making her uncomfortable?

She cast her eyes downward and softly said, “I don’t mean anything by it...

Just stay here, and later, let’s go out... just you and me.”

This is the first time Miyuki has initiated a date. And she said ‘Just you and

me,’ conspicuously leaving out Tetsuya, who she always tried to include. She

didn’t even seem to hesitate while doing so.

Why so forward all of a sudden?

It’s both unfamiliar and heart-fluttering.

After watching her for a moment, I asked.

“Where are we going?”

“Just... anywhere... You decide, Matsuda-kun.”

How about a love hotel, then?

“Should we go inside and think about it?”


Judging by the situation, it doesn’t seem like Miyuki will invite me to her

room first.

If that’s the case, then I’ll make the first move.

“Can we think it over in your room?”

“My room...?”

Miyuki’s eyes roll around, big as saucers. She looks like she’s contemplating

multiple thoughts.

After a moment of consideration, her response was...

“It’ll be hot in there...”

Not bad. Time to push a little more.

“I want to take a look, though.”

“There’s nothing to see...”

She’s nervously fidgeting with her fingers. Cute.

“Still, I want to go.”

When I say this with a sly expression, Miyuki bursts into disbelieving

laughter. As if admitting she can’t deter me, she nods her head, and words of

acceptance fall from her lips.

“Fine, wait for me on the second floor...”

“Why? Making the bed?”

“No, that’s not it...? I did it as soon as I woke up…”

I saw her shoulders twitch. What’s she denying? I’ve hit the nail on the head,

haven’t I?


Following Miyuki’s directions, I headed to the second-floor bathroom and took

a mouth-freshening tablet from my pocket, popping it into my mouth.

As I chewed it with my lips tightly closed, the solid tablet transformed into

liquid, tingling my tongue.

Thoroughly freshening my mouth, I stepped out of the bathroom. Then I went to

the door of Miyuki’s room and pushed the doorknob right after knocking twice.


The door opened smoothly. Miyuki, who was adjusting her bed covers, looked at

me, startled enough to jump out of her skin.

“Ma-Matsuda-kun! You’re supposed to open the door when I tell you to come in,

what are you doing...!”

“Sorry. Should I close it and ask again?”

“...Forget it. You’re such an idiot... Just come in.”

Walking in with unhurried steps, I quietly closed the door behind me.

Tap. Tap.

Then I heard the sound of something hitting the middle of the door. It was

unmistakably the Maneki Neko necklace that Tetsuya had given her.

I’ll have to get rid of it later, and hang something new. And I should also

replace all those star stickers on the ceiling, the ones Miyuki and Tetsuya

put up when they were kids.

Not just that. I’ll completely change everything in this room that holds

memories of Tetsuya.

Fueled by a flaming resolve, I looked around the room.

The scent of plum fills the air.

While I was using mouthwash in the bathroom, she must have sprayed some air

freshener, as the smell was rather strong.

Books of all sorts were neatly lined up on the bookshelf built into her desk.

On the desk itself, a notebook and pencil case were arranged tidily.

It’s exactly as I had expected. Just like Miyuki.

“Don’t just stand there... Um, sit down over there for now...”

Following Miyuki’s gesture toward the desk, I crossed the center of the room

and quietly pulled out the chair to sit.

Then Miyuki, who had delicately perched herself on the bed, asked,

“Isn’t it super cramped?”

It may be small, but I like the room.

The bed’s a single, so it seems perfect for holding you tight as we sleep.

“It’s cozy and nice. Have you made the bed?”

“I told you, I made it as soon as I got up, okay?”

“Then why were you straightening the cover just now?”

“That’s because... it was just a little rumpled...”

“Fine, let’s go with that. What time did you wake up today?”

“Um, eleven o’clock...”

“Sleeping in late, huh?”

“It’s the weekend, isn’t that allowed? That can happen, you know...!”

“I’m not criticizing; why are you getting defensive?”

Miyuki’s lips jut out in a pout. Perhaps irked by my cheeky demeanor, she’s

grumbling and glaring at me.

I find myself wanting to pinch those fluffy-looking cheeks and stretch them

out long.

Ignoring her gaze, my eyes land on the notebook placed on her desk and I call

out to her as if something just came to mind.

“Hey, Miyuki.”


“Did you do something interesting at school recently?”

“Something interesting?”

“Like doodling in your notebook.”

“.... What are you... Ah...!!”

She looks bewildered for a moment before her eyes go wide.

Her ears turn red in an instant, and she barely holds back a choked voice.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about...?”

“Really? Then what was that ‘Ah’ just now? By the way, you drew really well.

Is that supposed to be you and me?”

“I don’t know... what you’re talking about... Did you snoop through someone

else’s notebook? You shouldn’t do that... It’s bad behavior...”

She begins to fan herself, her eyes restless as if she truly doesn’t want to

discuss the matter.

I should drop it for now. There’s always time to tease her later.

The atmosphere in the room is somewhat subdued right now.

Miyuki seems different than usual today as well.

Is she vaguely aware? That something important might happen today?


From now on, I shouldn’t act too nonchalant.

If I do, Miyuki could misunderstand—thinking that I’m behaving this way

because I see her as just a friend.

Of course, given our history, Miyuki is unlikely to jump to such a drastic


Still, it’s important to maintain a certain level of tension and let her see

that side of me.

Even if we don’t go as far as a kiss today, I’ll at least aim for a peck on

the cheek.

That’s why I took extra care with my mouthwash and pretended to look around

the room...

If I just leave without making a move, the regret will keep me up all night.

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