HP: A Magical Journey

Chapter 421 High Speed Chase

Chapter 421 High Speed Chase




"Voldemort can die today. I can kill him today." The words couldn't have made Harry stop any quicker. Quinn straightened himself as Harry turned to look at him. This was it, the final chance to make Harry turn back to life.

"What did you say?" Harry asked, skeptical.

"You heard me; Voldemort can die today."

A glint of heat flashed behind Harry's eyes as he took firm steps toward Quinn. "I don't know what you're trying to do," he stabbed a finger into Quinn's chest, "but if this is one of your deceptions, then this is not the time and place for those things, Quinn."

"I'm not lying," Quinn swatted Harry's finger away. "We can put an end to Voldemort today. I want to get rid of him today, bury him in the ground, or better burn the disgusting thing that he calls his body into ash and let them scatter in the sky."

"Oh, is that so? Please enlighten me on how are you planning to do that, Mr. Invisible Vigilante."

'A secret is strongest when only one knows about it,' the thought flashed in Quinn's mind. The moment it was shared, he was going to create a link that could be exploited. . . But, desperate times called for desperate measures. He had to play a risky hand to win. "I know the identity of another one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. It's his snake familiar, Nagini— it's always around him, slithering. . . if we can dispose of her, we can kill Voldemort today. And I know for a fact that the snake is in Hogsmeade," he had read Gerald's mind, and Nagini was with Voldemort had entered Hogsmeade.

"Okay, you got one more, so what?" Harry retorted, but Quinn could sense something in his voice, it was weak, but it was there when it wasn't there before— it was a traitorous glimmer of hope. "What about the remaining two? What are you—"

There came the time to strike the hammer. "They're already taken care of," it was short, quick, and spoken with no chance of being misconstrued.

"You— !!!" Harry's outburst died before it could even close his mouth after that one word.

"We just need the snake," Quinn repeated to reaffirm his point. "I can get it today, and then with Dumbledore's help, we can put an end to the biggest evil that stands in the way of peace."

"When did you—"

Quinn again cut Harry off, and maybe they were astral projections in the form of their soul, Quinn's emotion leaked without him wanting to. "When you were uselessly wallowing in your emotions, thinking someone will come and kiss everything well— I was working hard so that I could put an end to the maniac; I was sacrificing everything good in my life so that everyone else could live a better future! That's when!"

Quinn breathed deeply and combed his fingers through his hair as he cooled down. "The point is that you can be free today if you come back to life. Without you, Voldemort will douse the flames of determination in everyone's mind who fights against him for the just cause." He glared at Harry, "I'll still kill him, even if you don't come— the only difference is that you would've wasted away a chance at a life that you always wanted. . . . What is your choice, Harry Potter?"

Harry glanced at the raw-looking thing that trembled on the side of the tunnel. The ugly creature and Harry stared at each other for a silent minute.

"I don't know what my sister sees in you."

Quinn grinned at the look in Harry's eyes.


- (Scene Break) -


Quinn gasped and then coughed as dirt entered his mouth. "Argh!"— every muscle of his body spasmed, and he ended up on his knees. It hurt badly, and Quinn attributed it to his out-of-body experienced. It hurt enough that he didn't want to do it ever again. The pain, however, went away as quickly as it came, only leaving a dull ache behind.

Quinn fought through the discomfort and focused on his magic. He reached out to his artificial eye, and as he expected, it was mid-fall. . . the time flowed differently in Limbo and the real world. He exerted his control back and focused on the forest clearing.

Harry still lay facedown on the ground. Quinn could sense the slight moments in his body from where he stood and hoped Voldemort didn't notice. He needed the Dark Lord to drop his guard to make his move.

'Stay still!' prayed Quinn.

"That will do," said Voldemort's voice. It seemed that Voldemort had fallen briefly unconscious for a moment just as Harry had been hit with the Killing curse— the eradication of Horcrux might be the cause, thought Quinn. Voldemort returned to his feet: Various Death Eaters were hurrying away from him, returning to the crowd lining the clearing. Bellatrix alone remained behind, kneeling beside Voldemort.

"My Lord, let me—"

"I do not require assistance," said Voldemort coldly, and Bellatrix withdrew a helpful hand. "The boy . . . Is he dead?"

There was complete silence in the clearing. Nobody approached Harry, but Quinn could tell their concentrated gaze; it seemed to press him harder into the ground, and he was terrified a finger or an eyelid might twitch.

"You," said Voldemort, and there was a bang and a small grunt of pain. "Examine him. Tell me whether he is dead."

Quinn's heart soared when he saw the person chosen to check. Maybe it was fate; whatever it was, he was delighted with it.

"Lucius," Quinn sent a faint whisper through his magic, "tell him that he is dead." He was glad that he returned the memories to his spy— but only after Voldemort had thoroughly 'interrogated' Lucius. Their relationship hadn't been the most pleasant since then, but Quinn could bet that Lucius hated Voldemort more than he did him.

Lucius' hand froze at the sound of Quinn's voice, but the double-spy braced himself quickly. He touched Harry's face, pulled back an eyelid, crept beneath his shirt, down to his chest, and felt his heart.

The moment was excruciating for everyone.

"He is dead!" Lucius called out to the watchers.

'Yes!'— cheered Quinn.

And now they shouted, now they yelled in triumph and stamped their feet, and through his artificial eye, Quinn saw bursts of red and silver light shoot into the air in celebration.

"You see?" screeched Voldemort over the tumult. "Harry Potter is dead by my hand, and no man can threaten me now! Watch this! Cruc—"

This was it, the moment Quinn had been waiting for. Voldemort was elated, his guard was down, he was mid-spell, there was no better moment than this.

'Let's do this. . .'

Boom! Crack! Creak! The ground in the clearing exploded as crevices appeared on the ground, spreading out instantly. Everyone within reach stumbled without fail— even Voldemort was shot off-balance.

And that's when Quinn appeared. The ground split, and Quinn jumped out in a dust Noir gear. He had been hiding underground because that was the only place he thought Voldemort won't check, and his guess had been correct.

There were no snarky words, no time to even think. Quinn looked at Harry, and rings made from Empyrean manifested around Harry's body— they appeared around his wrists, forearm, upper arm, neck, chest, torso, head, thigs, calves, and ankles— enough that Quinn had complete control over Harry's body.

'Go time.'

Quinn pumped as much magic as he could muster and launched a storm of air out. The trees around the clearing leaned out, and someone even got uprooted a little as Quinn launched in the air with Harry in tow behind him.

Every gust of wind that Quinn could possibly control, he commanded to fly as fast as he could because he couldn't apparate inside Hogsmeade because of the ward. He took to the sky and launched himself towards Hogwarts with every ounce of his strength.

Then he yelled so that no one could possibly miss it.


And then he sprinted over the village, heading towards the castle. Of course, he never expected the short flight from the edge of Hogsmeade to Hogwarts to be easy and without interruption.

Quinn felt a scorching heat behind him. His heart jacked up, and he immediately steered to the side just in time to miss a large jet stream of horrendous Fiendfyre flames that gashed the sky itself. He didn't have to look behind to know who it was; his ears did the job for him.

"Give me that body!"

Quinn closed his left, and the artificial eye on the back of his mask opened up as the literal eye in the back of his head. He saw the furious Voldemort flying behind him— Quinn couldn't have hated Voldemort's ability to fly more than this moment. He pumped more magic into his wind magic and immediately changed his directions, threw in a few zig-zags, and ensured that he didn't even smell the scent of the Fiendfyre flames.


"I will have that body and your flesh!"

Quinn froze ice bolts the size of trolls and shot them towards Voldemort. There was a little surprise inside them because the moment he was out of reach, the ice exploded, turning them into giant ice grenades that rained shrapnels of death everywhere. Voldemort swept his wand and conjured a shield that turned every ice piece into a soft vapor.

'Shit!' cursed Quinn— but then he saw Voldemort appearing from the parting white mist. 'Mist!' Quinn exclaimed.

Quinn snapped his fingers, and rings upon rings of black smoke blasted and bloomed out from him as the epicenter. In a moment, the entire village of Hogsmeade was surrounded by a black thicker than squid ink.

The next moment, he was by the Hogwarts ward.

"I! Am! Here!" Quinn pounded on the ward with magic. His throat dried up when his artificial eye showed him the black smoke splitting, creating a smoke-less path with him on one end and Voldemort on the other end. "COME ON! OPEN THE FUCK UP!"

As if everything divine answered his call as Dumbledore apparated in front on the other side of the ward; he was flying on a broom because they were above ground. The old Headmaster's blue eyes flashed, and a small portion of the golden Hogwarts ward turned red.

Quinn never loved Dumbledore more than he loved him now. He immediately flew towards the red part of the ward— Ting! Ting! Ting! — Bells rang in Quinn's mind. The snakes that he had sent out to search for Nagini had found the only living Horcrux. . . So many thoughts passed through his mind that, for the first time in so long, his mind was packed with no room for any other thought.

"Shit! Shit! SHIT!" Quinn grabbed Harry and shoved him through the ward into Dumbledore's arm. "Close the ward, but don't go anywhere; I will be right back. I have a snake to kill. . . ." He stared at Dumbledore, and for his last words, Quinn whispered, "The thing that caused his scar is gone. . ."

Dumbledore's eyes widened as expected, but Quinn had no time to appreciate it. He turned to face Voldemort as the ward closed behind him. He opened both his eyes and graced the full menacing presence of Dark Lord Voldemort.josei

"Give me the boy's body," Voldemort said coldly.

"That wasn't part of the deal," said Quinn.

"I am going to kill you then."

Quinn's eyes turned purple behind his mask. "I don't have a liability with me anymore, so I don't think so."

It was time for the most dangerous fight of his life.




Quinn West - MC - Let's have a go at it. . . bitch!

Harry Potter - Liability - WHAT THE HELL!!!!

Voldemort - Dark Lord - How dare you defy ME?!

Albus Dumbledore - Headmaster - Is also overwhelmed.

FictionOnlyReader - Author - Huh. . . I just realized the story is about to end. . .




If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.

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