Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 67 Attack Kunlun (1)

Chapter 67 Attack Kunlun (1)

Chidi cleaved the stone table open with one palm. Nascent Soul hurried to kneel down. “Grandmaster was fooled by the Goddess of the Moon this time. Not only did he get the Pangu Divine Being Heavenly Book, but also made a mess of himself.” So Nascent Soul did not dare to look up. Since junior uncle master return to his position as Devil God, his temper grew perceptibly. However, Nascent Soul would be always loyal to Chidi. After all, without Chidi, there would not be Nascent Soul of today.

“Supervisor Yuan, the Pangu Divine Being Heavenly Book is...?”

Di Qing arrived there hotfoot. He was occupied and battered with multifarious affairs in the human world, looking over everything big or small himself. Worse still, Lin Xiaosa had a grudge to him. Being the Emperor of Qi Kingdom, Di Qing did not have a confidant around him. It was not so easy to be an Emperor. And now he was called to the Mount Da Huang, but he had to obey the rule, because Chidi was more powerful who controlled Di Qing’s life and death. If Chidi wanted to kill him, it was as easy as pinching a nonentity to death.

“Emperor Qi, no one mentioned it to you?”

“How can a mortal know it?”

“The Pangu Divine Being Heavenly Book is a unique book left by Pangu family.”

In the royal hall, Chidi collected his anger gradually. “How can I fail to control my temper? Is the Devil God’s position that I’ve returned too small? I’ve just gathered some influences, so I should not cast a chill over my subordinates. I should not have growled at Nascent Soul. And the Junior Sister is so wicked. Dared to play tricks on me! Changxi, wait and see how I will fix you. You hid the Mentor’s Heavenly Book without telling me. And I got nothing but a bad reputation...”

“Your Majesty, the Immense Sea is quite bustling now. It is said that the new Head of Kunlun has also come to the Immense Sea.”

“Did Supervisor Yuan mean Xu Linghe?”

Di Qing felt delighted inwardly. “Since Xu Linghe has come to the Immense Sea, it is the very moment to attack Kunlun. I should persuade Chidi to give a hand to annihilate Kunlun, leaving no place for Xu Linghe to live.”

“Your Majesty, it is a good time to attack Kunlun now.”

“Junior Uncle Master, we should grab the Heavenly Book first. If someone else seize the opportunity before us, we may have one more enemy.”

“We will grab the Pangu Divine Being Heavenly Book, and can’t miss the chance to attack Kunlun as well.”

Di Qing knew that Chidi also wanted to eliminate Kunlun, so he said full of confidence.

“Your Majesty, it is imminent to wipe out Kunlun. One, we can beat the dog before the lion. Two, we can let the three realms feel more awed. Isn’t it better?”

“Emperor Qi, do you have this strength? Shenzong is not a soft touch. Don’t go for wool and come back shorn.”

“Nascent Soul, you should not flatter others while despising yourself. What Emperor Qi said is right. But the situation in the three realms remained unclear. Remember my passing tribulation? Someone secretly helped me to become the God. The person’s Spirit Power is unfathomable. He used the celestial incantation. And only the Zhu family in the Immense Sea can use it.”

“Pangu’s Zhu family?”


“Have Pangu family been wiped out by Black Emperor? How can someone show up again... Is there anyone escaping from the calamity?”

“Supervisor Yuan, who is the Pangu’s Zhu family? I know little about it, since I am from the human world.”

“Emperor Qi, there is something you don’t know. Pangu family had a good relationship with Black Emperor. Later, they carved up the world with Emperor Jun, but could have balanced interest. By coincidence, Black Emperor gained the Heavenly Book Heavenly Book, and Pangu family wanted to get the Heavenly Book back. During a heavenly battle, Pangu family was extinguished by Black Emperor. And now the Immense Sea is set up by the remnants of Pangu family. Don’t underestimate this influence. The emergence of the Pangu Heavenly Book will stir up a foul wind and a rain of blood again.”

“Your Majesty, I think, we should attack Kunlun first, and then go to the Immense Sea.”

“Sine Emperor Qi has your own ideas, let’s divide the army into two.”

“Nascent Soul, take orders. This time, I will appoint you as a vanguard officer, and Emperor Qi assists you.”

Chidi had his own plan. Since Emperor Qi was so desperate to rid of Kunlun, Chidi was willing to follow his intention. After all, Chidi himself hated Kunlun to the core as well. Why not attack it? On the other hand, Emperor Qi wanted to destroy Kunlun, probably because he was afraid that Xu Linghe’s growing influence would have a negative impact on him. Anyway, for Chidi, the most urgent concern was how to get the Divine Being Heavenly Book.

Di Qing never expected that Chidi would agree with him readily. “What a great event! Kunlun can’t exist any longer. Chidi has his own plan, but I am not a fool.”

The army was divided into two: one was led by Chidi with his confidants and followers heading to the Immense Sea; and the other was led by Nascent Soul and Di Qing. Nascent Soul spread his golden feathers while Di Qing transformed himself into a Black Dragon. They two flew to the palace of the Qi Kingdom. In the journey to the human world, Chidi’s devil army would be stationed in the Qi Kingdom. But when the Qi’s soldiers saw the devil army, they all fell into a panic, because for common people, those devil soldiers were nothing but a flock of monsters. The Emperor of the Qi’s Kingdom, Di Qing, seated himself in the military camp. When hearing the devil soldiers come to the palace, all the women of the palace would like to have a look at the devil soldiers’ imposing manner. However, the Queen’s maidservant, Ni Shang, laughed in her sleeves. “These ignorant women dare to be curious about the devil. They may not know how they will die in the future.” The Queen of the Qi Kingdom, You Qingcheng was more arrogant with favor. With her father assuming the position of Grand Marshal of Qi Kingdom, she dared to dress herself in man’s clothes. Nishang had to follow her. When they arrived at the military camp, the small soldiers did not know the Queen. You Qingcheng waited there for a long time and still could not see her father. Besides, it was getting dark. So Ni Shang had to play the sorcery to let the soldier fall to the ground. The Queen was a little surprised. She didn’t expect Ni Shang would know the sorcery. Ni Shang still cautiously followed the Queen, because she knew it was a must to behave prudently in the heavily guarded military camp, and it was foolish to barge in like a chicken with its head off. However, how could You Qingcheng know that? Viewed from afar, Di Qing was having a banquet to treat the leader of the devil army. Ni Shang knew the leader well. He was nobody but Chidi’s favorite person, Nascent Soul of the fire tribe. Ni Shang once saw him in the Qi’s palace.

“Your Majesty, women are forbidden in the military camp. We’d better see them from afar.”

After waiting for a long time, there was no echo. Ni Shang said in a lower voice, “Terrible!” If something bad happened to the Queen, Ni Shang herself would lose his head without doubt. Now Ni Shang had been already homeless and had to rely on the Queen to survive in the palace. Ni Shang stepped up her pace.It was dangerous for a woman to go to the military camp. In particular, the Queen was fair as a flower and beautiful as the moon. Even though she had disguised herself in a man’s clothes, it could not still cover up the feminine of a woman.

“Your Majesty.” action

Ni Shang lowered her voice, only hoped that the Queen did not walk away far. The ripping sound of clothes rang from the grass. Ni Shang knew that something terrible happened, because it was the same voice as she was once forced by the Wolf King. Then came the woman’s cries. Exasperated, Ni Shang knew that the Queen must encounter a rapist, so she thrust a palm toward the man. Then, the startled woman clenched her collar tightly and kept sobbing. Thinking about her own previous weakness, Ni Shang sympathized with the Queen more. Unexpectedly, the rapist tore away. How could Ni Shang allow the villain to feel free and easy to flee? She gave out another palm. When Ni Shang came closer, the strong scent of alcohol drilled into her nose. It seemed that the man was emboldened by wine. You Qingcheng picked herself up. What had happened just now must be the most humiliated shame she had ever encountered. The more she thought, the sadder she was. So You Qingcheng came up to beat and kick the man until she was tired and breathless. She threw herself into Ni Shang’s arms, wailing. Ni Shang condensed her Spirit Power quietly and charged it at the man. The man had been somewhat rumpled, and now became more embarrassing. To Ni Shang’s surprise, the rapist had a palace token.

“Your Majesty, the rapist is sent from the palace. Look at it!”

Ni Shang handed the waist token. Seeing it, You Qingcheng felt more sorrow. To her surprise, the man served for her younger sister.

“Nothing happened.”

“Yes. We never came out of the palace and have been always in the palace.”

You Qingcheng swept away her weakness, with vicious expressions in her eyes. She pricked into the rapist’s heart with a knife and walked away. Behind her, Ni Shang become inured to the darkness and was not surprised at it. The reason why Ni Shang changed herself into a maidservant and hid in the palace was to find a dwelling place and keep an eye on Di Qing. If it had not been for the conspiracy among Di Qing, the Wolf King and Ming Zhu, Jiang Wuyou would not have died. Those people should be to blame for the Spirit Master’s death.

No one could think that the Queen was tarnished in the military camp, while Di Qing was flattering the high-ranking military officers of the devil army. Ni Shang helped the Queen to come out of the barrack. As to what would happen when they returned to the palace, whether there would be any infighting between sisters was not Ni Chang’s business. She only wanted You Qingcheng to know how loyal Ni Chang was. Only by helping the Queen could Ni Chang come closer to her goal. When the military camp was vague in sight, Ni Shang put down the curtain.

After some drinks, although Nascent Soul was slightly drunk, he was still clear-headed, but still could not figure out what the Emperor Qi wanted. When it was just at dawn, the Qi’s soliders and the devil soliders had been waiting for the Emperor Qi’s final order. You Hu, Di Qing’s father-in-law was appointed as the Great Marshal of the Qi’s army. You Hu attained the highest level in one step by taking advantage of his daughter’s special favors granted by Di Qing. Besides, her daughter did not let him down, and gave a birth to a little prince. For Di Qing, the boy was Di family’s descendant in a real sense. And You Hu did have the ability to become the Great Marshal, and he sat on his mount and followed Di Qing closely. Nascent Soul was inebriated and had been lying in the military camp for the Commander. Not until the assembly call rang did Nascent Soul realize why Di Qing fuddled him. As a matter of fact, Di Qing planned to have the devil army be the first to bear the brunt and the vanguard to open the road for him. Seemingly, both sides had the same amount of military force. What would Di Qing do if an Army Supervisor was missing? Nascent Soul knew the answer well, that is, having the devil army blaze the trail. By doing so, Qi Kingdom could conserve its own strength. What a clever move that could shoot three hawks with one arrow! To kill the enemy through the hands of the devil army! Nascent Soul propped himself at the end of the bed, sitting on the bed for a while. When his mind got refreshed, he flew away by the wind. But when he came to the the drill ground, there was no trace of Di Qing. The empty drill ground looked rather deserted. Nascent Soul was a bit anxious and spread his golden feathers to fly to Kunlun. It had been halfway when he caught sight of Qi’s army. Nascent Soul swooped and landed on the sand. It was known to all that speed was crucial in military affairs. Both Di Qing and Nascent Soul knew that well. Rising dust came from straight ahead. Nascent Soul, wrapped in the dust, looked ghastly. Di Qing had expected that, but could not expect that Nascent Soul would wake up so early. Di Qing thought, “If Nascent Soul had slept for more hours, my plan would prevail. I should have fuddled him with more drinks to make him sleep bettler so that I can conduct my plan smoothly. Pity that Nascent Soul is a liquor-lover. My plan had to become dead water now. Anyway, the cardinal task now is to attack Kunlun. My soldiers and horses are picked groups. Even without the assistance of the devil army, I can win for sure.” In the sand, Nascent Soul looked rather calm. After all, he was in other’s territory, so he’d better endures a while uneventfully. Although each of them hid with his own axe to grind, they still shared a final purpose—to vanquish Kunlun. Nascent Soul thought, “Since Grandmaster made me be the vanguard officer, he have also wanted to conquer Kunlun since long time ago. I will not let Grandmaster down. Since Di Qing is adept at tricks, I should take adavantage of it and have a good game. Previously, did Grandmaster seized Di Qing’s weakness to stir up trouble between them and make them become enemies, though they had been brothers for decades? Even finally, Di Qing killed his brother himself. Therefore, Di Qing is a total hypocrite. Chidi and I are fully aware of it. But as Di Qing can be used, it shows that he is still useful. Well, I should give him some benefits and continue to use him. As long as Di Qing does not step beyond the bottomline, both of two parts will still enjoy peace and harmony. If not, Chidi will not tolerate him any longer and get rid of him like a rubbish.” However, what Nascent Soul could think about was what Di Qing had thought before. “As I’ve sought the assitance from Chidi to some degree when I am full-fledged, I will not be your puppet in your hands. You can use me. Well, I can use you, too. In the three realm, I can depend on others when I am in the weak situation, while I will choose a sound wood to rest as long as you don’t have nutrition to nurture me.”

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