Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 600 The Truth, Confusion

Chapter 600 The Truth, Confusion

"Alicia, tell me right now what it is that you did wrong. I don't want to hear any lies coming from you. In case you give out even a single lie, I'm going to make sure that I punish you thoroughly." Wade stated with a stern expression on his face as he looked at Alicia.

Left with no choice, and with Jack's presence here, Alicia did not have any other way out but to say the truth. So, she went ahead and explained what she had done during the time that she had gone to the normal world.

And when Ruth heard what her daughter had done, she was completely dumbfounded. Why was it that the information that she had received was completely different from what it was?

In fact, it was not that the information that she had received was false, but it was just that it was incomplete. She had not expected that James was not going to give her full information.

Of course there was that person that she had sent over in order to protect Alicia in secret. But still, to make sure that he was not noticed, he did not follow Alicia around every moment. But instead, he just scrutinized his surroundings, making sure that there was no danger that approached Alicia.

Due to that reason, he was not present during the time that there was a confrontation between Jack and Alicia. So, had he been there, he would have already noticed where the source of the problem came from.

Wade on the other hand was completely speechless. He was not sure what he was supposed to do in this situation now. It seemed that Alicia had gone ahead and provoked Jack the wrong way.

It was true that she loved Jack, and that was the reason why she did that. But, the method that she was trying to use in order to get Jack only managed to gain his hatred. And that was the reason why Jack was here, intending to deal with her.

Of course what Wade did not know was the fact that Jack did not know that Alicia belonged to the Storm family. He only knew about that today, but he did not care about it. To him, he had to deal with Alicia, no matter what.

Sylvia was also dumbfounded about this matter. To say the truth, she had never expected that Alicia was going to cause trouble like this. But, Sylvia could not blame Alicia on this matter.

She understood that Alicia was not a bad girl at all. But instead, she was young, and due to that, she did many things due to impulses. And it seemed that when she tried to control Celine, she tried to make sure that the two of them, Celine and Jack, broke the engagement between them.

But it was already good enough that Alicia had thought through the matter, and she did not attack Celine directly. Otherwise, if she had ended up killing Celine, Sylvia did not doubt that right now, they would not be having any conversation.

The moment that Jack would have spotted Alicia, she would have already been killed by now. So, at this moment, Sylvia thought that this matter was not unsolvable. historical

It was just that It was going to be difficult to be able to solve this problem. Looking at the expression that was on Jack's face, she was clear enough that he was not joking this time around. He was serious about the matter, and just thinking about what Alicia had done, it was clear that it was a little overboard.

But then again, there was another thing that confused her. That was the fact that, during the time that she met with Celine, Celine was already a superhuman who possessed a special ability.

But according to the information that Alicia was giving, Celine was just a strong ordinary human. Of course she was quite strong when compared to the normal humans. But in the ranks of ordinary humans, she was ranking amongst the lowest.

Could it be that there was something that Jack did for Celine to be able to transform that easily? If it was before she met Jack, she would have thought that it was an impossibility for a person to be able to reach the superhuman level that easily.

But right now, looking at the abilities that Jack possessed, he had enabled Samantha who was previously an ordinary guardian within the Butterfly organization, to suddenly become a superhuman.

And right now, Samantha was strong. Although she was not sure about how strong she was, but right now, Sylvia believed that Samantha was stronger than she was.

In the end, Sylvia sighed. She was not sure about how Jack was going to handle this matter, but Alicia was definitely not going to have it easy. From the personality that Jack possessed, he would definitely not let go of anybody that had just gone ahead and caused him trouble.

From the records that she possessed, anybody that had come to cause trouble for Jack in Stronghold number 17, all of them were currently dead. So, what Sylvia hoped was that Jack did not kill Alicia. Otherwise, if he tried to do something like that, he was definitely going to have to fight against the entire Storm family.

But if the two sides fought, she was the one that was going to be in deep trouble. The reason behind that being that she had already signed a contract, a contract that agreed that her family was going to support the organization that Jack was going to create.

But if the two sides were enemies, didn't that mean that she was also going to die? After all, how could the Storm family agree to support an enemy of theirs? That was an impossibility.

Wade remained silent for a moment. Then, he looked at Jack and said, "This is negligence from my side as a parent. I didn't teach her well, and I allowed her to go out and cause trouble. I hope that you can forgive her for what she did."

At this moment, Wade did not care about the fact that he was the leader of the Storm family. But instead, he just went ahead and apologized to Jack sincerely. To say the truth, he had not expected that there was going to be a hostile relationship between Jack and Alicia.

So, now, it was going to be difficult for him to be able to create a good relationship with Jack. But nevertheless, he hoped that things did not escalate that much.

"To say the truth, my very first intention was to kill her at first sight. But right now, I have changed my mind. You are not going to compensate me directly, but instead, you are going to compensate my fiancée.

She is the one that suffered from the mind control ability that your daughter possesses. So, you are going to ask her what she wants for compensation. As for me, I'll support whatever decision she's going to make." Jack stated simply.

To say the truth, initially, he had intended to kill Alicia. But right now, he had changed his mind after realizing that she was related to Sylvia. And other than that, she was also related to the Storm family, a family that Sylvia had signed a contract that it was going to support the organization that he was going to create.

So if he ended up killing Alicia, that implied that there was going to be enmity between the two sides. And if it existed, the Storm family was definitely not going to agree to support his organization.

It might be true that he could have just gone ahead and canceled the contract between him and Sylvia, but still, he did not want to do that. In fact, during the time that he was going to conquer this entire stronghold, he was not intending to have as many obstacles as possible.

The less the number of obstacles in his path, the better. To control an entire stronghold was definitely not an easy thing. Additionally, it was not something that was going to take a very short period of time. It was just that he was going to force things to work.

When Wade heard that, he was a little relieved. But still, he was quite curious about this fiancée that Jack was talking about. He was not sure about the personality that she possessed, so, he was not sure about the decision that she was going to make.

What if she suddenly decided that she wanted Alicia dead? Wouldn't they still go back to the beginning? But to say the truth, Wade held some hope that this fiancée that Jack was talking about did not decide to give Alicia a harsh punishment.

As for the matter of compensation, this was something that Wade understood. At the end of the day, it was Alicia who had gone ahead and provoked the other party. It was good enough that until now, Jack had not done anything to Alicia.

"Okay. But I hope that she can be lenient on my daughter. I do agree that my daughter was at fault, but still, no damage was done. I'm not trying to take the blame off my daughter, but instead, I do hope that the punishment is not too severe." Wade stated.

Jack did not respond to that. Of course, he was expecting something like this from Wade, considering that he was Alicia's father. There was no way that he was going to stand idle if his daughter was going to be killed, right?

"Okay, that matter aside, can I receive the information about the Ace group?" Jack asked.

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