Chapter 171 - The Hunter & Werewolf

Chapter 171 - The Hunter & Werewolf

Aila and Chase were bored being stuck in the luxurious penthouse and started sparring together, which was both fun and advantageous for each party. Aila got to see how well-trained Chase was. Even though she was super quick and strong, Chase was still capable of keeping up with her. Of course, he struggled against her inhuman skills, but he was a highly trained hunter, taught how to fight from the age of four.

Aila learnt new skills and how to manage different grappling holds from Chase. She was a quick learner, and by the end of the day, she won more fights than him by technique alone. The exhausted pair were sprawled out on the sofa, sweaty and covered in bruises as they spoke about their time at university and life in general. It was true from the week they had together in the hunter's compound, Aila had met a real friend.

Aila was eating an apple, lying sideways on the couch, wearing shorts and a sports bra while Chase slouched next to her in sweats and a shirt, flicking through the movies on Webflix.

"What about Twilight?" He winked, looking at the title shown on TV.

"Eww, vampires.." She mocked before crunching into her apple again. With her mouthful, she tried to be as ladylike as possible, "Seriously though, I'm feeling something more fun, and.. mundane. You know, everything our lives are not?"

Chase chuckled, "Alright, alright. Let's see.."

Later into the evening, it was still the pair of them. By now, Aila and Chase were used to calling room service, and like how they did when Aila had her 'pretty room' in the hunter's compound, Chase ordered them two large pizzas. It was nearing midnight when the front door swung open, followed by Ajax and Finn. Aila and Chase, by that point, had fallen asleep to a series, but they jumped up from the sofa when the werewolf and shapeshifter plopped down on the couch.

Aila yawned and rubbed at her eyes as she assessed her friend's gaunt facial expressions. She was not worried, though, which was why she fell asleep so quickly. Finn phoned before dinner to say he picked up Ajax and that the compound had not yet been abandoned by the hunters. Once they were to return, they were going to seek their next course of action.

But the pair came back late, and Cassius was adamant about meeting his friend the following night. Until they knew exactly what this friend of his could do, or help with, then they couldn't do much planning.

"There were loads of hunters. They seemed to be packing shit up, though," Finn began as he leaned forwards and relaxed his arms on his legs and glanced at Aila.

"Excuse me, Mr Finn. But it was me who scouted the place, so I should say what I saw.." Ajax pouted and leaned back into the seat, his arms resting casually on the back of the sofa. Aila looked at him expectantly and grinned. "So, there were loads of hunters. They were packing shit up.."

Aila's lids dropped, and she looked at him, unimpressed that he repeated precisely what Finn said. "But they didn't seem in a rush. I would give it two or three days before they're gone," Ajax continued.

Aila crossed her legs and started tugging on the ends of her sleeves on the black hoodie she was wearing. "Did you see Silas?" Chase spoke up before Aila could ask exactly the same question. She looked intently at the shapeshifter, but his expression already answered for him.

Ajax shook his head and raked his hand through his unruly raven locks. "I'm not sure. I was there for ages, but unless I went inside the building, I couldn't say for sure," He grumbled and sighed before throwing his head back into the couch and closing his eyes.

"My father has about five-set locations he goes to. One of them he blew up," Chase said thoughtfully. "But he knows you guys rescued me, so if he was smart, he wouldn't stay there long, IF he is in that compound. That one is one of the four remaining compounds he goes to."

"It's surprising how close the hunters really were to me all along.." Aila muttered.

"Anywhere is too close.." Finn muttered. "We need to get rid of them."

"Silas is the one we need to kill," Aila murmured and looked at Chase. "Sorry.."

Chase scoffed, "It's fine. I knew what the end goal was when I agreed to help you."historical

Aila nodded her head.

"You better remember that when the time comes," Cassius' chilling voice broke out through the heavy silence that had followed their conversation. They whipped their head to the side to see the vampire standing near the window, looking out at the view with a glass of red wine in his hand. "If it comes to it, you might be the one to have to take his life."

Cassius turned his head slowly, his blue eyes cold as they stared at Chase. The ex-hunter's jaw ticked, and he held the vampire's gaze. "I know how to take a life, Gabriel," He replied coldly. Aila wasn't watching Cassius now; her attention was on Chase. Could he really kill his father? Even though Silas had tortured him and beaten him up previously. It was one thing to say it, but to do it..

"Killing a vampire or werewolf is different to killing your own flesh and blood," Cassius replied in a low chilling voice. He was faced away again, looking at the lights of the city below. "Plus, you seem to have a conscience now.. It might intervene."

Chase stood up and glared at the vampire before storming off to his room with his hands fisted by his sides. Aila watched his broad back shrink the further he got away and walked down the hallway out of sight.

"He's not some stone-cold killer, Ca- Gabriel," Aila muttered defensively.

Cassius chuckled lowly. "Oh, sweet, Aila. You really don't know the man well enough to make such statements. Chase Hunt," He scoffed and turned his head back to look at her. "is not infamous for flower arranging.."

Aila pursed her lips, her hands still playing with the ends of her sleeves as she bent her knees towards her chest, glancing at the remaining guys who did not meet her eyes.

"That man has hundreds of creature's blood on his hands. Chase Hunt, son of Silas Hunt whose ancestors created their little organisation." The vampire finished without emotion. His words made her skin tingle with goosebumps.

She knew Chase was a hunter, but to say he had killed so many seemed ridiculous to her. He was the same age as her.. Chase couldn't possibly have killed so many. But then she remembered their training earlier and realised how well he kept up with her. He told her how much he trained and the pressure his father put on him to be the best.

Aila stared off to where Chase had escaped to and felt her brows knit together with a mixture of emotions swirling in her chest. Chase was a good person; she knew that he had a messed up past and had done evil deeds in the past. She could see the weight of guilt and regret on his shoulders, along with the burning hatred she would see flashing in his eyes. It wasn't hatred for them though, it was for himself. 

But all that mattered now was the choice he made to help her.

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