Chapter 210 - The Barn

Chapter 210 - The Barn: Part Two

Finn couldn't help but stare at her. She was beautiful, with dark brown hair that fell around her heart-shaped face with deep blue eyes that seemed to pop out with the light makeup around her eyes. There wasn't too much; he could tell that she was naturally stunning, and putting makeup on just wasn't fair to the men around her. Ugh, just the thought of other men near her made his blood boil.

No, she couldn't be.. Even if she was, how could she be? Hunters hated werewolves. This girl was a hunter.. he was a werewolf. If she was his mate, then was he being mocked? Did he do something for the Moon Goddess to punish him?

Finn's eyes roamed her body just as she was looking at his. It was strange, he could see she was attracted to him, so she wasn't scared of him? This hunter looked at him without disdain. His eyes flickered back to hers; he didn't want her thinking he was checking her out, even though he was. She was in the usual hunter's attire of black combat boots, trousers and a black top. Though her frame was relatively small, the clothes seemed a bit big on her; how was she a hunter?

But the man from before said she would have been killed if she was weak.. His chest tightened just thinking about it. The girl blushed and retracted her hand, fisting it in her lap where the needle lay. Finn completely forgot she was still touching him, but now that her hand was removed from his skin, he felt suddenly cold without it.

"What is your name?" Finn asked softly.historical

The girl looked away from him. He could tell from her look alone that it wasn't from disgust but shyness.

"Sariah," She whispered; the girl then looked up through her lashes, and he felt his mouth go dry. She was stunning. "I did not mean to touch you," Sariah said, her voice an octave louder than before. "Erm..What is your name?"

One side of his mouth curled up. "I've been kidnapped for a few days now, and you don't even know my name?" He replied light-heartedly.

Sariah's eyes widened, and she placed her hand over her lips before shaking her head. "I'm sorry! I-"

"I'm joking! I don't expect you to know my name.. Which is Finn, by the way.." Finn interrupted with a full-fledge smile and chuckled. Sariah's cheeks heated up, and she looked down. She was cute and possibly the worst hunter he had ever met. Weren't they trained about getting too close with their captives? Or were they all simply meant to hate them so much that they wouldn't want to strike up a conversation with such things?

But unlike earlier, where she seemed nervous, the girl's tense body was now relaxed. Did she feel comfortable around him? Then does she feel something towards him? He couldn't help but scan her face; he didn't know about werewolf and human mates. Nothing had ever been mentioned before, but surely there must be? Or maybe there was a trait in her that was part werewolf?

He didn't fricken know.

"Finn," She whispered. His heart skipped a beat. He liked how his name left her lips; it was so sweet. "Have we met before?"

They stared at each other. Should he say something? He parted his lips then snapped his eyes to the side where the valley was on view from the barn. A girl's scream echoed through the woods.

"Aila?" Finn gasped. He pulled at his restraints unconsciously, which dug into his wrists even more, causing a slight sizzling sound from where the silver dug deeper into his skin.

What the fuck! What was she doing here!? Why did she scream!? What the fuck were they doing to her?

He looked back at Sariah, who was looking at him baffled. Oh, that's right, her scream wasn't loud enough for the humans to pick up on, and he wasn't meant to hear anything. But he could see she understood what happened. Her eyes flickered down to the needle in her lap.

The barn doors suddenly slid open, only enough space for another hunter to pop his head in. "Are you not done yet?! Fucking hell, how hard is it to stick a needle in him?"

Sariah was looking at the man, her hand wrapped around the needle by her side. "He just needed some water first-"

"This ain't a fucking hotel. Stick 'im and get out! Otherwise, it'll wear off!" The man snapped; Finn could hear him tapping his foot impatiently. But he didn't care at the moment; Sariah, his possible mate, was going to inject him with wolfsbane. It really was a cruel joke.

Sariah whipped her head back, whispering gently, "I'm so sorry, but this is going to sting."

Their eyes met, and in that singular second, it was as though it was only them in the room. Finn's eyes seemed to become clearer as he gazed into the endless blue hues of Sariah's eyes. But all too quickly, time sped up again, and she stabbed the needle in his neck roughly, pushing on the lever.

Finn felt a small tingle, but no liquid was injected into his system. He stared at Sariah, his eyes questioning, but she widened her eyes as if to say, act you fool! Finn gulped, then hissed in fake agony and made a slight groan sound. She removed the needle, mouthing an apology to him before straightening up and marching back towards the barn doors. Her petite frame left his view.

Finn's brows drew together before his eyes caught onto a small puddle of liquid soaking into the hay next to him. No.. She emptied the wolfsbane. Did she know what she just did?

"See, stop being a wimp." The barn doors closed behind her, and he listened in to their continued conversation. "You can be in charge of his fucking care now. I don't want to see that mutt as much as possible. You feed him, inject him and take him to the toilet. With wolfsbane in his system, he's too weak to attack. Think you can handle that?"

"Oh, okay," Sariah replied back breathlessly. He heard some footsteps retreating and a sigh escaping the girl's lips.

"Look, I will help you as much as I can, but I can't promise anything," She whispered, knowing well that he would pick up on her words.

Finn blinked at the sudden change in events, and he knew even without his wolf present that Sariah was meant for him. She took that first step away from the hunters when she sprayed the wolfsbane into the hay and pretended to inject him. It was risky. His hands fisted behind his back at the thought of Sariah getting caught attempting to help a werewolf.

All he needed to do was figure out how to escape, help Aila escape, and take Sariah with him. But would she go with him? He was now in her care, so if he ran, then she would be killed.. So, really whether she wanted to or not.. he was saving her life.

Finn nodded in agreement with himself. He would take her with them when the time was right. He could only hope that there would be no experiments on him and Aila could last a little longer. He hoped his Luna was okay; she screamed in agony earlier..

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