Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: Master Invocator

Chapter 419: Master Invocator

Adam charged at his opponent as he spoke, and before the anomaly had a chance to react, one of its wrists had already been severed.

The meat slicer anomaly tried to retaliate with its other arm, but Adam had already appeared behind it in a flash before stabbing a poisonous spike into its body, administering an injection of hallucinogenic toxins.

At the same time, a hexagram array appeared beneath his feet, and with Adam's technomantic power and the toxins acting in unison, the meat slicer anomaly was struck by the urge to put an end to its own life.

It raised its remaining meat slicer, then plunged it into its own belly, using the sharp pain to regain its senses.

Spider was roughly somewhere in the middle of the pack among level seven anomalies, while the meat slicer anomaly was at the bottom of level six anomalies, and this vast disparity in power and battle experience was simply far too huge a gap to overcome.

At this point, the meat slicer anomaly had finally realized what it was dealing with, and a horrified look appeared on its face.

Even anomalies felt fear. In fact, some serial killers were far more fearful than the average person. They spent their days torturing and killing others, but they were horrified at the prospect of the same fate befalling themselves one day.

This applied to Two-face, whose host had exclusively targeted underage victims, and this meat slicer anomaly was in the same boat.

"Help! Hurry!"

The meat slicer anomaly had been extremely arrogant and domineering just a moment ago, yet when faced with the threat of death, it couldn't even maintain as much composure as a normal person.

"Your brutality is matched only by your cowardice! Let me show you how it feels to be hunted down yourself!"

Adam snapped the anomaly's other arm, then plunged the meat slicer blade on the end of the arm viciously into its body.

Viscous fluids erupted in all directions, and the anomaly was instantly torn into pieces, meeting its demise.

Even though Adam already knew that no anomalic power would arise from these manufactured anomalies, he still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by the lack of anomalic power provided by these enemies.

"What are you going to do? Attack me all at once?"

Even with the death of the meat slicer anomaly, there were still 11 more opponents, and Adam kicked the pieces of the anomaly's body away before turning to its allies.

"What do we do?"

"Get him!"

"Kill him!"

"But he looks really strong!"

"Don't worry, we outnumber him!"

"No matter how strong he is, he can't beat all of us!"

"You're right, we have strength in numbers!"

The 11 anomalies quickly reached a consensus, and Adam nodded in agreement.

"You're right, strength does indeed come in numbers."

As Adam was speaking, countless streaks of light flew out of his body, and his anomalic army was invoked. josei

The tallest member of the army was Sludge, which stood at around 20 meters tall, while the shortest ones stood at less than a meter in height.

These dozens of anomalies of different levels were standing together like a legion, presenting a formidable sight to behold.


Adam immediately directed his anomalies to attack without giving his enemies any chance to react.

This was his first true large-scale battle as an invocator, and he was having to divide his attention, instructing the higher level anomalies to charge at the front, while also directing the lower level and more fragile anomalies to keep their distance and provide assistance from afar.

The sight of the formidable anomalic army immediately scared the enemies into retreat.

They were new adapters who had no battle experiences, and they immediately fled in all directions in horror. In fact, they were so new to this that they didn't even know how to break through psychic boundaries.b

These people are so incompetent, it reminds me of the entitled trash from the Psychic Church.

That was the first time that Adam had realized the importance of battle experience, and the second time was during the psychic battle royale.

That hellish battle royale had given Adam a wealth of experience.


He had witnessed many combatants overcoming opponents more powerful than them thanks to their experience, and likewise, he had also seen many formidable combatants fall due to a lack of experience.

There was a huge number of powerful adapters among them, including the likes of Eyeless and Medusa.

In contrast, these seemingly fearsome and brutal anomalies were just complete noobs in the field of adapters.

Despite their inexperience, they were quite powerful, and Adam quickly realized that one of them was a level seven anomaly, so they were even more powerful than the meat slicer anomaly, but they were also sorely lacking in experience.

Eyeless was also roughly on the same tier as a level seven anomaly, but he would've been able to slay this anomaly in seconds.

Even so, a bunch of anomalies between level five and level seven still formed quite a formidable lineup, and there was no way that Adam would've dared to challenge them on his own in the past.

However, in the face of his current anomalic army, these opponents were nothing more than cannon fodder.

Sludge was leading charge like a moving fortress, Horse Face was manipulating their emotions and amplifying their fear, while Camera was slicing through their ranks, decapitating one anomaly after another...


The higher level anomalies naturally displayed very impressive combat prowess, but Adam was paying more attention to the lower level anomalies.

He had previously thought that there was an insurmountable gap in power between low-level and high-level anomalies, and that no matter how many low-level anomalies ganged up on a single high-level anomaly, the former would still be defeated.

However, it appeared that this wasn't necessarily a sure thing.

Among the low-level anomalies, many of them possessed very interesting abilities that were similar to abilities such as Nun's Lights Out, Horse Face's Emotional Disruption, and Clown's illusions.

Even when unleashed by low-level anomalies, these abilities could still cause some trouble for their opponents.

One or two low-level anomalies was very much manageable, but if there were dozens of them appearing all at once, then even high-level anomalies would struggle immensely against them, significantly limiting their combat prowess.

In contrast, the purely offensive low-level anomalies were rather useless, with the most ineffective ones being the ones that specialized in close-quarters combat, like Sludge.

Perhaps they were quite formidable against anomalies of the same level, able to defeat opponents slightly more powerful than them, but their abilities had no impact on the battlefield as a whole, and there was no way they could pose a threat to anomalies so many levels above them, so all they could do was stand around and watch.

These low-level combat-type anomalies can be used to protect the technomantic anomalies, Adam analyzed.

The low-level anomalies were all quite frail, particularly the ones that specialized in technomancy.

Given their frail nature and the vast level disparity between themselves and their opponents, each of them was at risk of dying to a single attack, so it was a good idea to assign them bodyguards.

This is a good learning experience!

Adam was constantly adjusting the formation of his army and arranging them in different ways for experimentation.

For the first time, he was experiencing what it felt like to be a master invocator.

He didn't even have to do anything as his invoked entities could do all the battling for him.

In fact, his anomalic army hadn't even unleashed much of its power yet, and the battle was already close to over.

As the final opponent fell, Adam's excitement was tinged with a hint of disappointment.

If only they put up a bit more of a fight.

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