Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 430

Chapter 430: Imperfect

Chapter 430: Imperfect

paw? ].

You're not almighty! You're also imperfect, just like everyone else!

As soon as this thought arose in Adam's mind, his psychic world abruptly shuddered, and an invisible wall was toppled.

As he turned to Succubus Beth again, he discovered that the latter was still indescribably beautiful and seductive, but he was no longer struck by the urge to kneel to him and submit to his beck and call.

There was still awe, amazement, and appreciation, but this was a very normal mindset, a type of reaction that the vast majority of normal people would experience at some point in their lives. It was no longer that sense of twisted, all-encompassing desire, and Adam was left wondering how this change had come about.

He had to ponder this matter as it was extremely important, even more so than the unfolding battle.

Succubus Beth was quite a formidable adapter, almost comparable to Raven when it came to combat prowess, so he was able to withstand both the Lamenting Wall and the Fountain of Contamination, and he was even able to protect a few of his puppets in the process.

He was still as alluring as ever, but there was no longer that sense of unreasonable, all-consuming seduction about him.

All of a sudden, Adam realized that this change had come about right after he had heard what Doctor Edwards had said.

With that in mind, Adam suddenly realized why Succubus Beth's seduction was able to work on everyone without fail, as well as the key to breaking this ability of hers. The key was disenchantment.

Thinking back, when was the first time he had developed the idea that Succubus Beth was going to be an extremely difficult opponent to overcome? It was when he saw his battle footage.

His first impression was love at first sight, and he was unable to suppress the sense of desire and hormonal secretion that came with falling in love. From that instant forth, he had been enchanted by Succubus Beth.

From there onward, whenever he saw footage of him or heard his name, he would unconsciously embellish his image of him, thereby strengthening Succubus Beth's hold over him.

It was through this repeated process of bias affirmation that he had developed the idea that Succubus Beth was perfect and extremely difficult to defeat. In addition to that, Succubus Beth had carried out many successful operations and become extremely notorious among the media and the general public, thereby placing him on an even higher pedestal in Adam's heart.

As a result, as soon as he was pitted against Succubus Beth, all of these subconscious notions were instantly brought to the fore, making him succumb to Succubus Beth's ability.

In reality, everyone had failed to consider one question, which was that if Succubus Beth really was perfect, then why did he only ever act in secret? josei

This was because there was one person that his ability had no effect on, and that was the director.

That was a weakness, a flaw.

Very few people in Sandrise City knew of the director, so they wouldn't even consider him, but thankfully, Adam had encountered a second person who was unaffected by Succubus Beth's ability in the form of Doctor Edwards.

It was precisely what Doctor Edwards had said that had snapped Adam out of his stupor and begun the disenchantment process. Thanks to how immense his spiritual power had become, he was able to complete this disenchantment process in an instant.

We've returned to a level playing field now. Let's see if you're still as untouchable as you've alway been.

At this moment, Adam was feeling extremely relaxed, and a twisted smile had appeared on Mummy's face.

Shae's first reaction upon seeing this reaction was to wonder whether Adam had gone insane.

"He's not perfect!" Adam suddenly yelled at Diana and Shae.

What's that supposed to mean?

The two women had no idea what he was talking about, but they could tell that he was overjoyed and extremely confident.

Adam spread his arms open, and Mummy's bandages revolved around him as the runes inscribed upon them began to glow, slowly elevating him upward so that he was looking down on Succubus Beth, who was struggling within the Lamenting Wall.

"You're not perfect!"

Adam's voice was like an almighty declaration of condemnation that resonated deep within Succubus Beth's heart.

All of a sudden, the mystical charm around Succubus Beth seemed to have worn off a little, and not only was this the case for Shae and Diana, even Succubus Beth's puppets were rooted to the spot.

Some of them were unable to resist the urge to turn around, and for the first time, they were able to catch a clear glimpse of Succubus Beth's face. He was still breathtakingly beautiful, but they were able to look directly at him for the first time.

This isn't right!

Succubus Beth pointed at Adam as he screeched, "Kill him!"

This was the first time that his puppets had ever seen him lose his composure like this, and their perfect image of him was shattered like glass, leaving them completely disoriented.

A battle in the psychic world could often be decided in the blink of an eye. Adam's gaze was scouring the entire battlefield, and he immediately seized this opportunity as he invoked Camera.

Following a flash of white light, everyone stiffened momentarily as if they had been captured in a photograph, immediately following which most of the puppets present were abruptly sliced in half.

One of Succubus Beth's arms had been severed, and for the first time, he wasn't looking so invulnerable. Only the burly figure wearing the Jason mask was able to pull his own body back together after it was sliced in half, and it appeared that he hadn't sustained any damage at all.

That guy's gonna be trouble.

A hint of wariness welled up in Adam's heart, and he immediately withdrew Camera, but right in the instant before Camera vanished, Jason swung his machete at it, and a massive rift was torn into the Lamenting Wall.

Even though Camera wasn't directly struck by the attack, it was still wounded.

Jason and Succubus Beth took the opportunity to rush out of the area that had been corroded and destroyed, while Adam looked on in astonishment.

That was an incredibly powerful attack!

Having reached level seven, Horse Face's defenses had become quite formidable, so there was no way that anyone would've been able to slice open the Lamenting Wall so easily unless they possessed offensive prowess of the same caliber.

However, Jason had clearly paid a price for that attack. His body had clearly shrunk down, and his machete had also been shortened as well, indicating that he couldn't just keep using this attack indefinitely, which was quite a relief for Adam to see.

Despite Succubus Beth's insistent orders, Jason didn't immediately begin to retaliate. In the past, it wouldn't have even required an order from Succubus Beth before he charged into battle, without any regard for his own safety.

He turned and peered through his mask at Succubus Beth, seemingly observing him for a moment before turning away again.

Succubus Beth immediately flew into a thunderous rage, as if he had just received an unimaginable insult.

"Why did you look at me like that?"

He was beginning to panic.

His foolproof seduction was his greatest weapon, yet not only was it not working on his enemies, it was losing its effectiveness on his own puppets as well.

High up in the sky, Diana also discovered that she had suddenly been freed from Succubus Beth's enchantment, and a cruel smile appeared on her face as she opened her mouth to blast forth a plume of draconic flames.

Shae also did the same, lowering Hellhound's heads before releasing a string of Explosive Fireballs with all her might.

The two types of devastating flames collided as they swept toward Succubus Beth and Jason, and a mushroom cloud rose up into the sky, while scorching light and heat erupted forth in all directions.

The surrounding area was razed to the ground in the blink of an eye, then reduced to a sea of magma that was several hundred feet wide.

The two women were clearly venting their fury at Succubus Beth, and Adam was forced to withdraw Horse Face for now before instructing Sludge to shield him from the shockwaves resulting from the explosion. Only after the scorching shockwaves had passed him by did he jump onto Sludge's shoulder and peer into the distance.

"Hmm? What happened?"

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