Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 436

Chapter 436: Human Farm

Chapter 436: Human Farm

After leaving the psychic world, Adam returned to the deathly silent real world. There was no moonlight right before dawn, so even the insects made no sound.

"Looks like we got all of them at once."

The fact that a trap had been set up in advance indicated that the enemy had predicted his plan, which was a slight surprise to Adam, but he wasn't overly concerned.

There were only so many resources that he could draw upon, yet his enemies owned virtually the entire world.

Any internet searches that he conducted would leave trails behind, and as long as his enemy wasn't too stupid, they would be able to narrow down several potential targets for his future operations.

Given their power and the resources they had access to, they could've easily set up multiple traps, but ultimately, they had underestimated him.

In fact, there was only that one enemy unit in the hospital, and there weren't even any backup units.

"Looks like they're still just as arrogant and conceited as they were 30 years ago."

There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes and a hint of cruelty in his smile. Adam took a glance at him, and it appeared to him that Guang Fei had thought of some rather unpleasant memories.

"Let's break the door open, there won't be any more security to confront us."

A spider leg sprang out of his back, at the tip of which was a laser cutter, which burned through the electronic lock to force the door open.

The corridor was brightly lit and completely deserted. Adam led the way as he scanned the rooms on either side of the corridor with his life detector, quickly making his way to the end of the corridor before taking the stairs to the next level.

They couldn't use the elevator as it was very easy to get trapped in there, but thanks to their prosthetics, they were able to virtually fly down the stairs, reaching the bottom floor in no more than a minute.

Sure enough, the entire hospital was essentially deserted.

The hospital was only acting as a front for the human farm anyway, so very rarely was it actually frequented by patients.

The two of them made their way to the surveillance room, where the door was ajar, and there were two security guards laying unconscious inside. Judging from their physiques and skin tones, they were clearly military personnel who trained regularly in the wilderness.

Adam continued to search through the hospital, while Guang Fei remained behind to examine the surveillance footage, particularly looking out for blind spots, and it didn't take long before Adam tracked down the soldiers concealed in the other rooms of the hospital.

All of them were holding guns and wearing bulletproof vests, while the elite adapters that didn't belong to the Komi military and the tuxedoed commander were all hiding in the underground bomb proof bunker.

They really take no chances, do they? Are they that afraid of death?

Through this observation, Adam developed an even clearer idea of the mentality of these people. They had been complacent for too long and didn't know the hardships of life. They had been wrapped in cotton wool ever since they were children, and even if they wanted to fulfill their twisted desires to commit heinous deeds, they had to do so under the protection of a bunch of bodyguards.

Adam grabbed the ID card from the tuxedoed commander's body, then thought about it for a moment before deciding to carry him to the surveillance room.

"I found three suspicious blind spots that were intentionally created."

Guang Fei was clearly very experienced in this area, and he was able to pinpoint some suspicious locations in a very short time.

After that, the two of them made their way into the basement, where signs of criminal activity were most likely to be found. There was an extremely well-disguised door at the back of the elevator, and through the use of his X-ray radar scanner, Adam determined that it had been reinforced with lead boards.

In a normal hospital, no such measures would've been set up unless it was in the X-ray facilities.

"This should be it."

Adam grabbed onto the commander's hand before pressing it against the wall and sliding it up and down a few times. Finally, a touch screen lit up, and after fingerprint, iris, and ID examination, the doors slowly parted down the center.

Inside was another large elevator that was spacious enough to fit an entire ambulance van. After entering the elevator and pressing the on button, the elevator quickly descended for at least several dozen meters before finally stopping.".

Adam raised the commander's body in front of himself as a meat shield in case of unforeseen attack, and right as the elevator doors opened up, he activated his neuron transmitter once again, releasing a signal that extended as far as an entire street.

Upon arriving in his own psychic world, Adam discovered that it was completely deserted.

Is this entire factory completely unmanned?

This was rather surprising to Adam. Under normal circumstances, there should've been many workers wearing AAA rated hazmat suits in the area. After all, no matter how intelligent machines were, they were ultimately limited by their rigid programming and were unable to deal with unforeseen changes.

However, Guang Fei seemed to have already anticipated this, and he swaggered into the area without any qualms.

"There's no one here because those bastards don't trust others to keep their secret. They know how heinous their actions are and how demanding they are to their subordinates, and they're afraid that someone will tamper with the technology here," Guang Fei chuckled in a derisive manner.

Adam didn't know how to feel about this. He had seen the horrors that those people had created, he was aware of all of the illegal and immoral crimes that they had committed, and he had met workers who had developed mental problems from the high-stress working environments they had been subjected to.

If any of them dared to resist or try to seek revenge, then they really would have the chance to cause massive losses for those above them if they could access a place like this.

After stepping out of the elevator, Adam and Guang Fei made their way down a lit corridor that stretched for at least several hundred meters. It was deathly quiet, and despite the fact that they were underground, the air was extremely clean, abnormally so.

The two of them made their way to the end of the corridor, and by referencing the layout of what was above them, they determined that they were situated somewhere between the hospital and the sanitarium.

They encountered another door that required the same hand, iris, and ID card scans to open, and a red warning light lit up in silence, while cold air surged out of the gaps before spreading along the ground.

Adam was immediately reminded of a scene that he had witnessed deep in Kim Garcia's memories.

He began to tremble involuntarily, as if there were something terrifying that was about to emerge from the other side of the door. He unconsciously clenched his fists so tightly that he almost crushed the bones in the commander's arm, but thankfully, he was almost dead, so he couldn't cry out in pain.

The door was completely opened, revealing a spacious area that was filled with steam. A series of transparent pipes were hanging down from the ceiling, at the ends of which were orderly rows of man-made wombs.

Tens of thousands of infants and children were sleeping in man-made amniotic fluids, and their hands and feet were occasionally twitching unconscious, indicating that they were perhaps dreaming.

Many mechanical bees were buzzing faintly as they flew through the area in an agile fashion, monitoring the conditions of all of the infants and children in the wombs.

If they encountered any problems, they would examine the child and make some adjustments, or simply drag the child out of the womb before tossing them into a nearby tank.

Adam shuddered violently as blinding rage and disgust surged through his heart. All he wanted was to destroy everything here, but he couldn't do that. He forced himself to remain calm as he carefully recorded everything around him with his recording equipment. josei

Even though he had already seen this place many times in the psychic world, he didn't want to miss even a single detail, and he wanted to ingrain this hellish sight firmly in his own mind.

He had been born in a place like this, and he couldn't allow this horrific tragedy to continue any longer.

Adam made his way over to a young boy who appeared to have been in his teens, and looking at the boy's gently fluttering eyelashes, he hesitated momentarily before taking a? deep breath and pressing a finger down onto the lid of the transparent pod right above his glabella.

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