Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 449

Chapter 449: Risky Strike

Chapter 449: Risky Strike

Hyena seemed convinced that he had found a way to save himself, and he was cackling in triumph, but his laughter was distorted by the excruciating pain that he was experiencing, producing a sound that was even more hideous than sobbing.

Adam wasn't surprised to hear this at all.

"I'm guessing that not only do you have a way to save yourself, the people above you also have measures in place to prevent you from betraying them."

Having dealt with so many subordinates to the Guild of Immortality, he had become very familiar with the habits and tendencies of the guild's members.

Hyena faltered slightly upon hearing this, then began to struggle even more violently in an attempt to break free from Mummy's restraints.

However, in the face of the vast disparity in their psychic power, he was completely unable to escape, and right at this moment, Thunderbird arrived on the scene from behind.

Prior to this, Thunderbird's trio had been observing from afar this entire time instead of directly participating in the battle, focusing on protecting Adam's flanks, while also being prepared to return to the real world at any moment if required.

They had heard Adam's conversation with Hyena, and their experience told them that Hyena wasn't bluffing.

"Get out of here and track down his body. Make sure his vital signs are stable, then rescue as many of the victims and workers as possible. Lastly, try to secure the data and the equipment in the facility, but above all else, act fast and keep yourselves safe."

Following the departure of Thunderbird's trio, Adam and Hyena were the only ones left in the psychic world.

Adam invoked Distortion before releasing his bandages, and Distortion immediately pounced onto Hyena.

No matter how many new limbs Hyena sprouted, they were all completely restricted by even more black shadows, and in the end, he was bound up into what appeared to have been a deformed hedgehog.

Hyena's eyes immediately rolled into the back of his head, and his entire body began to tremble and spasm, as if he had fallen into some type of nightmare.

Ever since Distortion reached level seven, Adam had very rarely deployed it in battle, not because it wasn't useful, but instead because its abilities were so powerful that he was afraid that it would inadvertently hurt his allies.

At this moment, Distortion was using its recently acquired fifth ability, Mental Distortion.

Wisps of mist began to rise up from Distortion's body before squirming into all of Hyena's orifices, and wounds, as well as the gaps between the countless squirming insect-like bodily structures, and even the tiny pores that were invisible to the naked and the barrels of his cannons were completely filled.

In the next instant, Distortion seemed to have vanished, while Hyena's body underwent a rapid series of spasms before abruptly falling still.

His eyes had turned an eerie red color, and there was a harrowing grin on his face.

Through his psychic connection with Distortion, Adam came to realize just how terrifying this ability was.

He had taken complete control over Hyena's psychic core, forcibly depriving Hyena of his bodily control by distorting his senses. As a result, he had been plunged into a hallucinatory vortex that was essentially a chaotic nightmare without any rhyme or reason.

He began to ramble nonsense, speaking so quickly that it was impossible to make out what he was saying.

At the same time, all of his memories were revealed in Adam's psychic world, including his upbringing, the major turning points in his life, the events that had molded his personality, the heinous crimes that he had committed on the battlefield, his first foray into the illegal organ trafficking trade, and eventually, his complete descent into depravity.

His experiences were extremely extensive and varied, but he had committed virtually no good deeds in his life. Instead, his entire life was filled with brutality and bloodshed, committing countless heinous crimes against humanity that warranted the death sentence countless times over.

It was taking tremendous self-restraint from Adam not to strike down Hyena on the spot. josei

He recorded everything, both to serve as incriminating evidence, as well as material to derive information from.

It seems I've discovered a new use for Distortion.

All of a sudden, Adam was reminded of the fact that upon reaching a certain level, all anomalies would attain abilities related to psychic domains, as had been the case for Distortion's fourth and fifth abilities.

These abilities made up for his shortcomings and resulted in a comprehensive improvement in his overall combat prowess.

Everything progressed very quickly in the psychic world, and hundreds of memories were displayed at once. In the end, Hyena seemed to have been trying to convey the most secretive parts of his memories, but those parts were restricted by some type of force, making it impossible for him to convey them.


Looks like his memories have also been tampered. Is it Madam Tree again? No, it seems to be someone else this time.

The person responsible for restricting Hyena's memories had to have been extremely powerful, someone too powerful even for a level seven Distortion to deal with.

With that in mind, Adam immediately withdrew Distortion back into his body. If he were to keep forcing the issue, there was a good chance that he would force Hyena's psychic body to self-detonate, and the situation would be completely untenable. However, he had already gotten more than he had bargained for.

After exiting the psychic world, he inspected his surroundings to find that he was under the protection of Thunderbird and a pair of Mechguard units.

Many victims were in the process of being transported onto the container trucks that Hyena had prepared, and the Mechguard units had forcibly taken over these vehicles' autonomous driving systems before driving them out of the factory so that they would be out of range of any potential explosion.

"You should evacuate as well, Captain."

Thunderbird's trio was mainly responsible for assisting and protecting Adam during battle, so their top priority was ensuring his safety.

Adam naturally wasn't going to make their jobs more difficult, and he nodded in response, then began to make his way outside, accompanied by the pair of Mechguard units.

Right at this moment, loud alarms suddenly rang out from the drones patrolling the area outside the factory, indicating the presence of intruders.


Thunderbird grabbed onto Adam, then immediately activated his rocket boosters.

Flame and Patriot also immediately flew up into the air, and mere seconds after they flew out of the facility, they spotted a pair of extremely stealthy objects rapidly approaching from afar. They were traveling far too quickly to be intercepted in time, and they plunged straight into the factory that the medical center was situated in.


A violent explosion erupted within the factory, and powerful shockwaves swept through the entire area, causing even more destruction in an enclosed space. All of the people that were still yet to evacuate from the facility were instantly killed, and most of the equipment inside was also destroyed.

Looking at the smoke that was billowing out of the exit of the building, a hint of lingering fear welled up in Adam's heart. Thank heavens he hadn't gone inside. Otherwise, he would've at least sustained severe injuries from that explosion.

The second wave of missiles quickly arrived, and there were four of them this time, landing in the area around the factory, resulting in explosions that demolished the entire area with virtually no blind spots.

Adam and the others had flown very quickly out of the affected area, but even so, they could feel the waves of heat surging through the air behind them, and there were pieces of shrapnel and debris clanging off the bodies of the accompanying Mechguard units.

The final container truck that was carrying medical equipment from the facility was also destroyed before it could make it out of the factory.

However, the majority of the victims had been rescued, alongside most of the workers and Hyena, so this operation was still a resounding success.

Adam and Thunderbird's trio quickly descended onto the ground, following which more Mechguard units and drones arrived on the scene to form protective encirclements around them.

The two camouflaged drones had been discovered, but they were far faster than the patrolling drones, and they were able to make an escape after firing off the first wave of missiles, quickly vanishing out of sight.

They may think they've made a successful cover-up, but they're only going to draw more attention to the situation by doing this, Adam scoffed to himself.

At the crisis group headquarters, the young man in the suit could see that Adam was completely unharmed from the surveillance footage, and he slammed a hand down onto the table in frustration.

"Those idiots!"

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