Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 451

Chapter 451: Deadly Invitation

Chapter 451: Deadly Invitation

This was Adam's second time coming to Area 69, the wealthiest area in Sandrise City. josei

The pristine air, the peaceful environment, the wide roads, the prevalent gardens... Everything about this place gave off an air of wealth and extravagance.

"It smells like money here," Diana remarked in a concise and straightforward manner, and Adam couldn't agree any more with her statement.

However, at the same time, he could also smell the blood, sweat, and tears of the lower social classes here.

The vast majority of people in the low and middle classes were constantly having to toil away, using their blood, sweat, and tears to support the extravagant lifestyles of the tiny minority of super wealthy individuals.

Any single square meter of land here was worth the same as close to half a house in more secluded areas.

"This is why we have to completely overthrow them and return the power to the people who rightfully deserve it," Adam said as he clenched his fists tightly.

Thunderbird and the others, who were standing nearby, exchanged a few glances with one another, and all of them shook their heads slightly. Adam's vision was naturally one that was extremely grand and magnificent, but it was also going to be indescribably difficult to fulfill, so they were just going to focus on the task at hand.

As for Shae, she merely gave a nonchalant shrug in response.

They had been invited to come here by Masao Yamamoto, and Adam's name was the only one on the letter of invitation, but there was no set number of people specified.

There was no way that Adam would've come here alone as that would've been no different from committing suicide. He had already decided long ago that he was going to take down Masao Yamamoto, and seeing as his target was taking the initiative to extend him an invitation, he was certainly more than happy to oblige.

Hence, he had called up all of his trustworthy allies, but he had decided against bringing along Guang Fei and the psychic mutant trio.

Guang Fei was far too unpredictable, while the psychic mutant trio would've been completely out of their depth in this situation, so it was best for them to remain safely in the veterinary hospital.

In addition to that, he had also notified several important figures of what he was doing, and he was escorted by a small army of Mechguard units as he made his way down the streets of Area 69.

The fact that he was bringing along such a formidable lineup was a clear indication that he didn't trust the security in this place, and that drew a great deal of ire and disdain from the residents here.

Meanwhile, all of the security guards had been notified of Adam's arrival by Mechguard in advance, so Adam and his entourage encountered no resistance, enjoying a smooth trip to the Yamamoto Family estate.

It was a Japanese dry garden style estate that was nestled deep within a pine forest, and the entire place was extremely peaceful, with only the sound of flowing water punctuating the silence.

However, the peaceful atmosphere was completely spoiled by the sound of the Mechguard units' clunking footsteps.

At this moment, Masao Yamamoto was sitting in a pavilion while brewing some tea, and Adam looked directly at him as he said, "What's fake will always be fake. No matter how well you disguise it, it'll only be a fragile illusion that can be broken with ease."

Masao Yamamoto offered no response to this. In fact, he didn't even bother to stand up or look at Adam, and he was displaying an attitude of disdain through his demeanor and actions.

He was wearing a loose-fitting kimono and was seated in front of a tea table with his legs crossed, going through a complicated tea ceremony. He was extremely invested in what he was doing, and he seemed to have been appreciating his own work.

Adam slowly made his way into the pavilion, where he looked down at Masao Yamamoto's head while pondering to himself how big a box would be required to contain his head. Finally, Masao Yamamoto finished what he was doing, and he picked up his teacup before taking a sip.

He then heaved a blissful sigh, seemingly very pleased with his own handiwork, and only then did he look up at Adam with a calm expression.

"You know, in Japan, inviting a guest into one's home is considered to be a very serious manner."

He sized up Adam from head to toe, and he could tell that a comprehensive set of prosthetics was concealed under his clothes, and he hadn't even bothered to remove his shoes before treading onto the pristine wooden floor of the pavilion.

Adam had no time to waste making small talk here, and he cut straight to the chase as he said, "My time is very precious, and there are many criminals that I still have to catch, so I'm afraid I won't be able to live a leisurely lifestyle like yours, Mr. Yamamoto."

A faint smile appeared on Masao Yamamoto's face, and he gently tapped his fingers against the table as he replied, "You could easily lead a lifestyle just like mine if you so pleased?"

Is this a final attempt at extending an olive branch?

Adam turned down the peace offering without any hesitation.

"Our objectives are completely different, so there's no way I can live like you. You know what I want."

It seemed that even at this point, Adam's enemies were still trying to persuade him to surrender and become their lapdog.

Masao Yamamoto tapped a certain spot on the tea table, and the image of a completely redacted report appeared on the table.

"This report contains everything you want to know about yourself, including an original cell sample, the location where you were nurtured, and information on the end user."

This was the information that Adam had been desperately trying to uncover, and he would be able to obtain it as soon as he bowed his head to the enemy. This was the same offer that Mr. One had made to him last time, and just like that time, he was going to refuse it yet again.

"I'll get what I want through my own power. I don't need your charity."

Masao Yamamoto nodded in response as he closed the report, and a look that was as sharp as a blade had appeared in his eyes, piercing straight into Adam's soul.

Even with Adam's immense psychic power, he was still struggling to withstand the tremendous psychic pressure exerted by Masao Yamamoto, and this only confirmed his speculation that Masao Yamamoto was indeed an adapter on the same level as May.

Masao Yamamoto only released his psychic pressure for an instant before withdrawing it, and he couldn't help but be surprised at the rapid improvement that Adam had made. No wonder he had managed to survive this entire time despite his reckless actions.

It seemed that Adam was going to be a formidable opponent, but thankfully, he had made ample preparations. With that in mind, he took another sip of tea, and after a brief pause, he asked, "How does doing all of this benefit you in any way? With your power, you could easily rise above all of the billions of normal people and control this entire world alongside us. You could have immortality and whatever else you could possibly dream of."


Masao Yamamoto spread his arms open as he spoke, as if he were embracing the entire world.

Adam shook his head with a determined expression as he declared in a resolute voice, "All immortals deserve to die."

"In that case, there's no point in continuing this conversation."

Masao Yamamoto slowly rose to his feet as he swept a sleeve through the air, and the sound of urgent footsteps suddenly rang out across the estate.

At the same time, Adam said, "Since I stepped into this estate, you tried to invade my psychic world on three different occasions, but failed each time. You wasted all this time spouting nonsense so that the people hiding in ambush can prepare to attack me, isn't that right?"

"You are a bright talent. It's a pity that you refuse to see the light."

Masao Yamamoto's voice had a disorienting quality to it, and reality was beginning to tremble and warp, but not because there was an earthquake taking place. Instead, it was the result of both of their clashing psychic power as each of them simultaneously attempted to invade the other's psychic world.

In the end, it was Adam who came out on top in this clash, and he was able to draw Masao Yamamoto into his own psychic world. However, Masao Yamamoto had forcibly altered the location to his estate, and they were still in the same pavilion as the one in the real world.

What was different was that everything was 10 times their original size, with every single pillar becoming extraordinarily thick and standing at several dozen meters in height.

Masao Yamamoto had transformed into a four-armed monster with countless eyes on his chest, all of which instantly released beams of light in unison.

As soon as Adam entered the psychic world, he immediately fused as one with Mummy while also invoking Hellhound to fuse with Shae. Meanwhile, Diana had already soared into the heavens and transformed into a giant black dragon, which let loose a thunderous roar before launching a string of indiscriminate attacks at all of the psychic bodies in the area.

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