Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 461

Chapter 461: Dianas Moment to Shine

Chapter 461: Diana's Moment to Shine

Adam didn't believe a single word that came out of Hebi no Miko's mouth, and he immediately instructed Sludge to swivel around while swinging its arms through the air like a pair of battering rams to destroy the entire building.

Sure enough, as soon as the building was demolished, it was revealed that they were inside a massive underground laboratory.

In this space, all of their heights had been proportionately shrunk down. Alternatively, it could also be said that the space had been enlarged. In any case, the area was extremely vast and spacious.

However, the environment was extremely cold and bleak with ice-cold mist permeating through the air and hundreds of ice coffins arranged all the way into the distance. All of them were placed vertically with red warning lights flashing from their surfaces, and it was impossible to see exactly what they contained.

However, they definitely didn't contain anything good, and right at this moment, Hebi no Miko's voice rang out across the entire hall again.

"Congratulations on passing the first level. Now, you get to see the place where I grew up. Isn't it a little familiar?"

Hebi no Miko was a super spy with immense combat prowess that was matched by her tactical nous and cunning, so Adam knew that he had to expect her to play tricks on him in her own psychic world.

However, using her past experiences to try and disrupt his thoughts and emotions wasn't something that he had expected.

Could it be that due to Masao Yamamoto's death, she's become more wary of me and decided on a more cautious strategy? No, that's definitely not it!

This definitely wasn't Hebi no Miko's plan. Instead, it had to have been a plan devised for her by the people who had requested her to come after him.

With that in mind, Adam unfurled his bandages and dragged Diana and Shae behind him. Both of them were also feeling rather disoriented by the changing environment.

"Don't be affected by her strategy. Otherwise, you run the risk of falling into her trap," Adam cautioned while invoking Clown, which instantly conjured up hundreds of clones that began firing indiscriminately at the ice coffins in the laboratory, seemingly completely unconcerned about the prospect of friendly fire.

Amid the rapid string of gunfire and explosions, one ice coffin after another was destroyed, revealing the nude human bodies inside. Almost all of them were familiar faces to Adam, including both enemies and allies, and there were even voter representatives of his.

The familiar figures were presented to him one after another in an attempt to sway his emotions, but the plan wasn't very effective.

What a childish little trick.

Adam didn't even bat an eyelid as he looked on with a cold expression, watching all of the people within the ice coffins being pulverized and destroyed.

The figures within the ice coffins didn't possess any offensive prowess, and they were quickly reduced to masses of blood and mangled flesh that flowed all over the ground, presenting a harrowing sight to behold.

Adam allowed the remnants of their bodies to come up all the way to his ankles as he looked up with a cold expression and declared, "Your tricks aren't going to work on me, so let's cut to the chase!"

"But that would be so boring! I really want to see you suffer and grovel, and there are also many other people who want to see whether there's a sniveling little boy behind that brave facade of yours!"

Her voice sounded completely deranged, yet there was an extremely strong sense of purpose to her words, and this was clearly some type of advanced verbal strategy.

Adam knew that his allies had miscalculated. His enemies had already joined forces in secret, and they had even convinced Hebi no Miko to comply with them to a certain extent, setting up illusions like this to test his mental fortitude while observing his reactions and determine his personality traits, as well as to secure some footage that they could potentially use against him.

Adam couldn't help but wonder if it was the Gaia Organization behind this, or someone else, or a combination of the two.


Such a direct way of exacting vengeance didn't seem like a course of action that the Guild of Immortality would adopt.

In any case, no matter who it was that was behind this, he was going to make them pay!

All of a sudden, Adam withdrew Clown, then instructed Diana to expand her body through psychic communication.

Diana duly obliged, taking on her enormous black dragon form before destroying the surrounding building, then quickly shrank back down and allowed herself to be wrapped up in Adam's bandages.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding environment changed once again, and they found themselves in a modern city of steel and concrete.

This was an environment that everyone was familiar with, and they were situated on the rooftop of a pair of twin skyscrapers. If Adam hadn't anticipated this in advance, the three of them would've been very likely to have been completely separated, leaving them vulnerable to be struck down by Hebi no Miko one by one.

Hebi no Miko finally appeared, standing on top of the opposing skyscraper over 100 meters away.

She was wearing a Japanese kimono that was riddled with embroidered flowers, giving her the appearance of an elegant gentlewoman.

However, there was a deranged smile on her face, and her gaze was as sharp as a blade, transmitting a type of strange energy to all those in her line of sight.

"Let me take her on!"

Diana wasted no time with words as she took on her giant dragon before springing up into the sky.

Her heart was filled with hatred toward Hebi no Miko and the determination to fight to the death, allowing her to break through her past limits, causing her body to swell to close to 200 meters in length.

As she spread her wings, the entire sky seemed to have fallen dark, and she let loose a thunderous roar as a massive hexagram appeared directly above her.

The hexagram had a diameter in excess of 100 meters, and at its center was an inky-black vortex that collapsed inward before releasing a vast expanse of light, producing an enormous black ball in the blink of an eye.

The ball had been forced out of the vortex, and it was almost larger than the entire hexagram. The enormous ball of black light instantly devoured all of the surrounding light, to the point that the sky had fallen completely dark, making it impossible to see Diana.

A burst of indescribably powerful suction force arose, and all of the buildings in a radius of several kilometers began to tremble violently as countless cars, trashcans, chairs, and other miscellaneous items were drawn up into the sky before being sucked into the ball of light.

After that came the streetlights, trees, and the outer walls of the surrounding buildings, all of which disintegrated before being swept up into the sky.

Diana was displaying power far beyond her past limits, and Shae was astonished as she exclaimed, "How did she become so powerful all of a sudden?"

Adam shook his head in response, wondering the same thing himself.

He could clearly sense that in this instant, Diana was displaying power equivalent to a level eight anomaly, and she was also giving off a sense of authority that she had never displayed before. josei

Is this an outcome of her visualization, or has she overcome some type of mental barrier?

In the blink of an eye, everything in the surrounding area had been sucked into the ball of black light, and some of the wooden buildings were beginning to collapse.

At this rate, given enough time, she could destroy close to half of the entire city.

Hebi no Miko looked up at Diana, and for the first time, the mockery and derision on her face faded as she pressed down onto the skyscraper beneath her feet to prevent it from being sucked away. At this point, all of the windows and outer walls of the skyscraper had already been shattered, but the resulting shrapnel wasn't being allowed to rise up into the sky.

"Looks like I underestimated you in the past, but I won't make the same mistake twice. Here I come!"

All of the sharpanel quickly converged to form an enormous blade as she spoke before piercing viciously toward Diana's belly.

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