I Am a Corpse Collector In the World of Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Destiny Fragment

Chapter 223 Fragment of Destiny


On the ground, the blood of the immortals dyed the ground red, and the blood was soaring into the sky, and densely packed immortals were fighting in blood.

It is not evenly matched, but a one-sided massacre.

The invaders were menacing, and there were so many masters. Just out of the legendary fifteen immortals, three of them appeared.

The camp that was slaughtered was only a few fourteen cents.

Bang bang bang!

Bloody fireworks bloomed, and the sound of misery was endless.

Less than half an hour later, the earth was devastated and corpses piled up like mountains.

"This is the worst of times, but also the best of times." A fifteen immortal said in a low voice, overlooking the battlefield below.

"This faction is not weak. It has never fought against anyone. It has been practicing in a low-key manner, and it has enough immortal medicines." Another fifteen immortals looked at the storage bags that were being delivered continuously, and smiled like a spring breeze.

There is no faster way to gain resources than by destroying a faction.

Originally it was just a war between weak camps, but there were also some peak powerhouses like them who ended up in person and plundered the elixir.

On the battlefield, everyone must be prepared to die.

There is no kindness and pity, either I will kill you or you will kill me.

The original beast nature belonging to the immortal has been fully released in the ruins.

Only the watering of immortal blood can make some people excited and satisfied.

It is cruel, but it is a fact that has lasted for tens of millions of years. It cannot be changed, but it can only be accepted.

Soon after, the weaker side was slaughtered, and the invaders were satisfied one by one, with bright smiles on their blood-stained faces.

"Let's go, it's still early, let's go to the next place!" A fifteen immortal stood on the bow of a huge boat and shouted loudly.

"Fight!" The invaders roared.


A huge warship sailed in, and suddenly approached a certain valley.

"Huh~? This place is good, the sea of ​​chaos, but there are no fifteen immortals guarding it." A fifteen immortals looked far away, looking thousands of miles ahead.

"It seems that we are lucky, God has given us an extra land of opportunity."

Immediately, he ordered to temporarily change the target, but was quickly stopped by another fifteen immortals.

"Quick! Take a detour." The Fifteenth Daoist who just appeared eagerly shouted, his face extremely solemn.

"Why is this, a mere camp that doesn't even have Fifteen Dao Immortals, why should we detour?"

"Don't drag us down if you want to die, it's Ming Wangyu!"

"Who is Ming Wangyu?

"Hurry up, detour, go around far away, don't run into them, by the way, I heard that they have an ally living nearby, send spies to investigate carefully, and be careful not to provoke them." He issued several orders in succession. , the body is shaking.

"I was careless, I didn't notice that this is the territory of that person, we have done nothing wrong, there should be no conflict." He was beating a drum in his heart, praying non-stop.

"It's okay, it's okay, you are still so reckless, and almost ruined the big thing." Another fifteen immortals also looked scared, but luckily he showed up in time.

【(I can’t be a fairy) Mingzhao: Everyone, don’t go out for the fairy banquet in three days, so as not to miss this grand event. 】

【Xue Wuyi: Another banquet? 】

【Xi Tian Blowing Bubbles: Feasting? I like eating seats the most. 】

【Detective His Grandpa: You just like to eat free seats. Last time Mingzhao said that everyone gathered together to hold a banquet with fairy medicine, but you didn't say a word. 】

【Xi Tian Blowing Bubbles: You genius local tyrants, you don’t know the value of immortal medicines if you are not in charge of your family. After leaving the ruins, you are still high-ranking big shots, enjoying resources. We ascetic monks rely on ourselves. 】

【(Hunting the Fourteen Immortals) Absolutely: It’s hard not to agree, there are still 70,000 years to go, don’t be too extravagant and wasteful, and eat fairy medicine as a dish. 】

【(I can’t be a fairy) Mingzhao: Then I won’t do it. 】

【Xi Tian Blowing Bubbles: Don't. 】

【(Hunting the Fourteen Immortals) Absolutely: It should indeed be done. In this peaceful and prosperous age, celebrations should be celebrated, and there are no other activities. 】

【Zhongtianfu Yuxian: You just want to **** for nothing. 】

【Ren Tianxing: Who is going to Chaos City? 】

Chaos City, a huge city was opened up by the top camps in the ruins. No one dared to use force inside, so it was safe.

【Tomorrow: I'll go! 】

【Xue Wuyi: I quietly followed the two upstairs. Every time they went to Chaos City, they went to a place called Mengxianlou. 】

【Xi Tian Blowing Bubbles: Where is that? 】

【Xue Wuyi: Brothel. 】

【Ren Tianxing:...】


It has been ten thousand years since Chen Shen made a move for the Ming Wangyu camp.

During this period of time, no one in Ming Wangyu dared to offend, and everyone was afraid of the reputation of Time and Space Immortal.

The fairies always had smiles on their faces, because they no longer had to hide from XZ, and were afraid of the enemy coming.

Just like just now, in fact, Mingzhao and many other immortals have discovered the warship that suddenly appeared.

The other party came aggressively, and finally seemed to notice something, and immediately turned around and left, not daring to stay at all.

And this all depends on the power of the space-time boss.

Everyone can practice quietly, without competing with the world, as if they have returned to the Ming Dynasty.

Even Mingzhao organizes a feast every millennium to celebrate the present, and at the same time wants to thank the time and space masters.

It can be said that he held a banquet just to thank one person.

Of course, Mingzhao, who is a descendant of King Ming and a candidate, has the confidence to celebrate like this.

Immortal king disciples like Wenxuan and Xue Wuyi can't afford so many resources for the time being, and they are reluctant to part with them.

"Murderous, obviously just destroyed a faction, and based on the communication between the two immortals just now, it is estimated that they will go to kill."

Chen Shen's eyes reflected **** warships, and he said to himself.

Then he shook his head and stopped paying attention.

Such killings are not uncommon in the ruins, and they are becoming more and more cruel.

This has become the norm. Apart from a small number of powerful camps that no one dares to provoke, many camps have already participated.

"The fusion of time and space and immortality is really difficult."

A spinning top light spot appeared on his fingertip, surrounded by countless tyrannical regular bodies.

Sometimes there is time rhyme, but also the power of space.

However, this spinning top is not very stable, showing signs of breaking at any time.

The two immortals are repelling each other, unwilling to merge.

"In 10,000 years, the progress is less than one-third. I don't know if I can become the Supreme Immortal when the real immortal comes." He whispered to himself.

【Grandpa Detective: Destiny Fragments appeared in Chaos City, do you need it? 】

【Xue Wuyi: Is there any **** fruit? 】

[Grandpa Detective: No, only the fragments of fate appeared. I heard that someone got the fruit of reincarnation, so I don’t know if they will sell it. If there are big bosses who need the fragments of fate, they will set off to Chaos City now and have a chance to participate in the competition . 】

【Ren Tianxing: Forget it, the immortal way has been cultivated to the limit, it is impossible to change the way, if someone controls the destiny, you can go. 】

【Tomorrow: Destiny is illusory. This kind of supreme way is very mysterious. Ming Wangyu has never heard of anyone who has practiced it. You can ask the master of time and space. 】

【Grandpa Detective: Time and Space Boss hasn’t been online for ten thousand years, so he should focus on practicing. 】

No, Chen Shen has been watching the screen silently.

"I didn't expect the fragments of the Avenue of Fate to appear in Chaos City." He was a little surprised.

This kind of way is very mysterious, and few people master it.

But speaking of it, this Tao still has some origins with him.

Because of luck, it is also a branch of fate!

When he comprehended the Grand Canon of Luck, the scriptures also explained the avenue of fate.

But the author himself didn't understand very well, and he spoke very generally, which was not as thorough as Chen Shen's understanding.

Of course, many years have passed, and due to luck, he hasn't used it for a long time.

Now hearing the news of the fragments of the Avenue of Destiny, he feels emotional.

Compared to now, he prefers when he was a luck master.

The years are quiet and good. From time to time, I can drink with my friends, chat about the gossip of the imperial city, and talk about state affairs. I am very carefree.

It's just that you have to look forward to be a human being or a fairy.

And he needs this kind of avenue fragment now!

Over the past 10,000 years, Chen Shen has collected many fairy and spiritual objects needed for changing lanes, enough for him to switch between two lanes.

Of course, the cost of immortal medicine is also huge, about two million plants of immortal medicine were spent.

Converted into fairy stones, four to five billion.

Not too much, not too much, I can’t say that it means medium, but it means small.

After all, Chen Shen obtained more than five billion immortal medicines in the ruins.

Hugely rich.

Over the years, he has also collected several fragments of the Supreme Avenue for future enlightenment.

Such as life and death, reincarnation and so on.

This is the first time I heard about fate, Chen Shen has to go to Chaos City again.

Three days later, led by You Jue, a group of immortals headed for Chaos City set off on a warship.

As one of the few camps that can rest comfortably, the immortals will not always practice in seclusion, and sometimes need to replace some resources.

The relics of the gods are very large, but most of the rare objects that are cherished come from the center of the relics.

Such as the avenue fragments, they all appear in the deepest part of the ruins.

Of course, it was said that they were going to Chaos City to exchange for the strange things they needed, but Chen Shen felt that most of the people on board were there to relax.

Because among these immortals, he had seen many faces in Mengxianlou.

Well, Chen Shen abides by male virtues and never does anything out of line. He left with Zhong that time.

"Friend Zhong Daoist, goodbye!"

Chen Shen didn't go with him. This time to seek the fragments of the Avenue of Destiny, it will definitely attract attention, and he has to hide his identity.

Today he is seeing off his friend, who seems to be in love with Mengxianlou.

Every time a large army goes to Chaos City, this guy is never absent.josei

Time passed, and more than a month passed.


On this day, Chen Shen opened the space-time channel and went to Chaos City.

In the afternoon, he arrived, one step earlier than Jue et al.

This is the horror of Time and Space Immortal.

Since the two paths of time and space began to merge, his traveling speed has doubled.

Beyond a hundred times the speed of light!

"Come and take a look, take a look!"

Chaos City is very large, and it is a trading city opened up by several super camps, providing a safe platform for transactions for immortals in all realms.

So, entering the city requires a fairy medicine.

Sure enough, there are business opportunities everywhere, and those big forces are very good at earning resources.

Chen Shen had just stepped into Chaos City, and familiar shouts rang out. Some immortals were reluctant to buy resources to buy shops, so they set up street stalls.

He didn't wander around, there were very few chances to pick up leaks at the booth, and there was no almighty grandpa and any leak-picking system, such opportunities did not belong to him.

If someone resells the corpse, he can take a look.

At least a thousand years ago, he bought the corpse of a fifteen immortals and spent him ten thousand immortal medicines.

As a result, he didn't even get the Taoism of the Immortal King, so he died at a loss.

Of course, Chen Shen doesn't need to be careful, cautious or anything.

He is invincible in the ruins, alas, that's how inflated.

Five days later.

A grand auction is in full swing.

Familiar bidding, familiar harsh words, whether it is the lowest level Qi practitioner, or the immortal who is now looking down on the world, in fact, their temperaments are similar.

Using power to bully others, betrayal, black hands, everything that one expects to find.

"The following auction is the piece of the avenue that has attracted the most attention this time."

On the stage, the wonderful fairy is still hosting the auction.

"And it's not just a piece of the general avenue, but a piece of the highest avenue, the piece of destiny!" She smiled and introduced it to the immortals.

A treasure box was brought onto the stage, and she opened it on the spot, and an inexplicable Dao rhyme spread immediately, giving people a mysterious, hazy, illusory feeling.

"This is discovered by the Time and Space Immortal in the time-space domain when he was walking in the sea of ​​​​chaos. It is extremely rare."

"Because of the particularity and rarity of this avenue, the starting price is very high. According to the request of the Time and Space Immortal, the starting price is one million immortal medicines!"

"I'm sorry, it's so expensive, there are few people who master this kind of Tao, and it's so expensive, it's not pure heart and don't want to sell it."

As soon as the voice fell, someone complained.

I feel that the price of this avenue fragment is too expensive.

It should be noted that some of the highest avenues that have been repaired the most are not so expensive.

It's not that rare things are expensive, but fragments of the Supreme Avenue, none of which are common.

On the contrary, some of the highest cultivators have more people and are more expensive, so the supply exceeds demand.

Of course, complaints are complaints, there are still bids.

The first person to speak was Chen Shen.

"One million!" He held up a number plate.

As Chen Shen opened his mouth, the auction started completely, and then some people followed suit.

"1.1 million!"

"Two million!" Chen Shen spoke decisively, looked at the young man, and calmly raised his sign again.

It means that you have money, and if you have the ability, just follow the price.

The host on the stage burst into laughter. It seems that he met a big client, probably a fat sheep.

"Two and a half million!" A female voice sounded, and the fairy blinked at Chen Shen.

"Four million!" Chen Shen spoke again.

All of a sudden, the scene became quiet, and the faces of all the immortals were complicated, even if they have money, they can't do this.

However, he is really rich!

"4.3 million!" Someone still followed.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised. The price is extremely expensive and not many people repair the supreme fragment. It seems that there are many people who want it.

Even Chen Shen was surprised. He just wanted to dispel other people's bids with an absolute price, and was too lazy to bid.

But it seems that some people really want to get this piece of fate.

"five million!"

"Five and a half million!"

"Seven million!"

"Okay, accept, no more bidding."

At this time, in a private room on the second floor of the auction house, a white-clothed immortal spoke with a voice.

"Shi Tian, ​​yes, a piece of fate can earn so much." A young man in red robes sat opposite the fairy in white, he laughed.

"I just did it casually, but I didn't expect to meet someone who was taken advantage of. This person seems to need the fragments of fate very much." The Immortal Immortal named Shi Tian said with a smile.

In fact, Destiny Fragments can't earn so much elixir at all. He sent people to bid maliciously, originally just wanting to earn two million or so.

I didn't expect to meet someone who took advantage of me and made seven million in one fell swoop, which is a huge profit.

He looked at Chen Shen, who had a painful expression below, and said again:

"But I earned the elixir, but I don't really want to give the fragments."

"What are you?" The red-robed youth was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little puzzled.

"Look." Shi Tian took out a fragment of the avenue.

"Another piece of fate?" Feeling the inexplicable Taoist rhyme, the red robe was startled, but quickly realized: "Could it be that the piece shown below is fake?"

"No." Shi Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "This piece is fake, but you can't see it if you have already controlled the destiny and immortality, let alone those who have never been enlightened."

"Two birds with one stone, Brother Shi, your trick is really vicious, but I like it." Hong Pao was stunned, then nodded.

"Okay, I have to hand over this fake piece to the big client, I believe he will be very happy." Shi Tian got up.

I'm not in good condition, I'll try harder tomorrow

(end of this chapter)

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