I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 361 - A Fuming Xu Nan

Chapter 361 - A Fuming Xu Nan

Chapter 361 A Fuming Xu Nan

“How old are you? Even robbing a bank won’t get you money this quickly,” Xu Nan retorted. However, the confidence in her tone was lost right after that. Thinking back on Ye Lingchen’s capabilities, she could not help but feel that it made sense. Based on her master’s capabilities, earning money really seemed to be a piece of cake.

“Student Ye Lingchen, the one staying with you is a girl right?” Xu Wanqing instead pointed at the clothing being dried on the balcony.

“That’s right. To be exact, there are two girls.” Ye Lingchen nodded, acknowledging the statement.

“Student Ye Lingchen, as a teacher, I have to remind you. First, you need to know your limits. Secondly, a man needs to be responsible!” Xu Wanqing warned him sternly.

Beside her, Xu Nan pouted as her expression darkened. “Master, you’re illegally staying together. I have the right to arrest you!”

“You’ve gotten cocky eh. How dare you speak to your master this way?” Ye Lingchen raised his hand, ready to give Xu Nan’s forehead a flick.

“Hmph!” Xu Nan harrumphed, then turned around to avoid Ye Lingchen’s hand. She cocked her head sideways, muttering, “Men and women should keep their distance. I can sue you for harassment!”

Ye Lingchen shook his head as he smiled bitterly. This missy’s temper was a little too weird.

Xu Wanqing looked at Ye Lingchen, then toward Xu Nan. Her gaze indicated that she was considering something.

Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt!

At the very next instant, all three of their phones vibrated at the same time.

Taking out their phones, it was just as they expected. It was a public news update. Taking a look at the contents, Ye Lingchen showed no reaction, only keeping a straight face. On the other hand, Xu Nan and Xu Wanqing’s expression instantly turned pale.

The news was none other than the incident of the autonomous vehicle exhibition.

Although it had barely just happened, it was the biggest news in recent years. It immediately attracted attention from all major media platforms. They were all rushing to report on it, leading to this immediate news update.

All over the news were [Autonomous vehicle technology was incomplete. Wanrong Automobile Group experiment despite public concerns, resulting in 97 wounded! 21 of the wounded suffered heavy injuries. Fortunately, there were no casualties... Our channel will continue to keep you updated as soon as possible. If this led to any casualties, Wanrong Automobile Group’s chairman might have to face prison time!]

Apart from that, they also had a rough estimate of Wanrong Automobile Group’s losses from this incident and the setbacks it would face in the future. The article was written in a judgemental tone.

Weibo News, Tencent News, and even the official China Central News reported on it immediately. Chairman Xu went from a highly respected chairman to a street rat hated by the public in an instant.

Without a doubt, waves of outrage flooded them online. The autonomous vehicle technology that Wanrong Automobile Group depended on turned into their downfall, flushing their reputation down the drain.

[They dared to boast with this technology? This kind of heartless company should be shut down!]

[They’re hoping to use autonomous vehicle technology to scam our money right? Luckily their experiment failed. If it was a success, how many families would be destroyed when this is widely adopted?]

[So scary. They’re too irresponsible! This is playing with the lives of others! I suggest the country give this company a thorough audit. There’s definitely something fishy going on!]

[Damn it, I’ve been so supportive of this company previously! What nonsense, claiming to be the first in the automotive industry! You’ve embarrassed us internationally, do you know that!?]

[That’s right. Even the international news are reporting on this incident. Your boast amounted to nothing, but the face slapping sure is loud!]


As they continued reading, Xu Nan and Xu Wanqing’s got more nervous. They were both slightly dazed.

They had expected the autonomous vehicle to fail, but they did not expect such dire consequences. It must be such a crushing blow to their father.

Their hearts were burdened with guilt. They should have listened to Ye Lingchen in the beginning and risked their relationship with their father to prevent this exhibition from happening.

“Master...” Xu Nan looked up at Ye Lingchen. Tears were flowing helplessly down her cheeks.

Xu Wanqing quickly called her father instead.

Meanwhile, at Wanrong Automobile Group headquarters...

The conference room was deathly silent. Everyone had a gloomy expression and nobody voiced out. They felt as though a huge rock was on their chest, making it difficult to breathe. josei

‘How did things turn out this way?’

At that moment, Ouyang Qing’s heart felt desolate. She was not standing but was instead kneeling in the middle of the conference room. Her teeth biting hard onto her lips, almost causing it to bleed.

“Uncle Xu, Father, and fellow shareholders, I’ve failed Wanrong Group.” With that, even a strong woman like her could not stop the tears from flowing.

Nobody replied. The room maintained its deathly silence.

It was too late.

Ring ring ring!

Chairman Xu’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, then picked up the call after a long sigh.

“Father, is the situation still salvageable?” Xu Wanqing asked while holding on to the last glimmer of hope.

She was met with a long silence on the other end of the call.

What was there to be saved? A brand’s worst nightmare was a bad reputation. Furthermore, the losses from the incident was huge. It could be described as horrendous. In the future, Wanrong Group would lose a lot of its investors and other companies would cease their collaborations as well. It was almost a hopeless situation.

Most importantly, it was not difficult to infer from the news that Wanrong Group’s competitors and some international companies were using this chance to slander and suppress Wanrong Automobile Group. Given such circumstances, how would one turn things around?

It would all come crashing down!

Xu Wanqing felt her heart sank. Right at that moment, Xu Nan grabbed the phone from her and shouted angrily, “Dad, I’ve told you earlier that I’m against this exhibition. My master told you that the autonomous vehicle technology was flawed, yet you dismissed my words. I’m your daughter. Do you think I’m trying to bring you harm? You’re really pissing me off!”

At that moment, Xu Nan’s bottled rage and sorrow melded, and she was crying as she shouted, “You never trusted me and always claimed that I’m reckless. You’ve never listened to me! At first, I brought my master to the exhibition hoping to find a chance to do some last-minute fix, yet you prevented us from entering. Do you know how much we sisters have to lower ourselves to beg my master time and time again? I’ve been trying to help you, but did you give me a chance?!”

“And that Ouyang Qing, let that Abbess Miejue take this call! All this happened because of her arrogance! She’s the main culprit! My master had already written down the solution for the autonomous vehicle technology for her, yet she did not even look at it! On what grounds was she worthy to look down on my master? In my heart, she’s not even worthy to lift my master’s shoes!”

The entire conference room was eerily silent. Everyone could hear Xu Nan’s voice clearly. It was uncomfortable for them to hear that, and they pouted bitterly. If only they listened to Xu Nan’s suggestions earlier, things would not have come to this...

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