I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 174

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 174

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 174

Could the suit have belonged to Chen Hao?

When she recalled the power bank incident, Meng Cairu could not lie to herself anymore.

There was something strange about Chen Hao, and he was definitely keeping a lot of secrets from everyone.

The first time she was kidnapped to the hotel, Chen Hao seemed to be the first person to know about it. Hence, she was rescued in time.

In addition to that, she found her power bank which she had lent to Chen Hao in Li Feihong’s car.

This time, Chen Hao was also the first person to know about their kidnapping, which led to the four of them being rescued in time.

Moreover, they even found Chen Hao’s suit and phone.

Initially, she thought that Young Master Chen was behind all these. This time however, he had not done everything in favor of her, but for Ma Xiaonan instead.

And who had the best relationship with Ma Xiaonan? Of course, it was Chen Hao!

Furthermore, when Chen Hao had angrily beaten up Wang Yang, who was the Vice-President of the Student Council, the Head of Department had treated him with respect instead of punishing him.

Besides, Chen Hao had unexpectedly become rich, filthy rich! The most important thing was, Young Master Chen’s surname was Chen, and Chen Hao had the same surname as well!

Oh my God!

If Chen Hao was indeed Young Master Chen, then everything would make sense!

Meng Cairu’s face suddenly turned pale.

Even Han Siyu and the rest of them had come to realize a few things in hindsight.

Everybody was scared out of their wits.

“Could Chen Hao be Young Master Chen and Ordinary Guy as well?” whispered Han Siyu anxiously.

“I don’t know, but most likely he could be!”

Meng Cairu said listlessly, “Don’t panic first everybody. Let us secretly observe Chen Hao first until we can completely determine his identity. Only then will we discuss our next step.”

Meng Cairu could only come up with this idea now.

She never imagined that she would fall in love with Chen Hao.

In short, it was quite a strange dinner scene as some of the girls were having a perturbed state of mind.

Meanwhile, Chen Hao had already gone back to the villa to retrieve the high-end caravan to pick up his sister’s butler and the rest of the entourage.

They were reportedly assigned to his sister directly by his family, hence they did hold a certain level of status in the household.

Chen Hao had never been on a plane before, so he did not know how the airport’s pick-up service worked. He couldn’t just stand at the exit with a paper sign, right?

He might as well have parked his caravan at a more conspicuous place just outside the exit. After all, they did not allow any cars to stop within the vicinity of the airport.

The butler was notified of the car’s license plate via the phone number that was left behind by his sister.

However, it wasn’t long before Chen Hao regretted his decision.

Because when he parked his caravan here, many young people, especially girls, kept casting sidelong glances in his direction.

Some of them even took pictures of themselves with the caravan.

It made Chen Hao, who was in the caravan, embarrassed.

Currently, at the entrance of the airport.

“Grandfather, didn’t you say that Young Master Chen would arrange for someone to pick us up from the airport? Where is he then?”

Four people emerged from the airport.

One of them was a white-haired, gentle and honest-looking old man. Walking along next to him was a teenage girl who seemed to be around eighteen to nineteen years old.

A pair of twin brothers were seen trailing behind them.

They seemed to be around thirty years old.

They were dressed in suits. However, the suits could not hide their arrogant nature.

They seemed to be the bodyguards of both the old man and his granddaughter.

“Yes, Young Master Chen will arrange somebody to pick us up. He had already told me the license plate of the car. Tian Long, Di Hu, can you guys help me find it?”

“Ok, Mr. Kang!”

Both of them started to survey their surroundings.

“Grandfather, I heard that Jin Ling has the most unique delicacies. I have never tried them before. Can I eat them later?” the young girl pleaded with her grandfather. She seemed to be a willful and naughty teenager.

“Fine, we will be in Jin Ling for quite some time, so you can eat whatever you like!”

At this moment, both Tian Long and Di Hu had returned.

They had obviously found the caravan.

Chen Hao was waiting for them as they arrived in front of the car.

However, Chen Hao was too embarrassed to introduce himself when he heard the words of the teenage girl next to the old man.

“Grandfather, do you think that Young Master Chen is a handsome young man? Chen Xiao is quite a beautiful lady, so Young Master Chen must be handsome as well!”

Before they reached the caravan, Chen Hao overheard the girl’s conversation.

“Of course, Young Master Chen is an extraordinary and handsome young man. However, Duoduo, when you meet Young Master Chen later, don’t say anything nonsensical and don’t you dare act wantonly. He is not Miss Chen, who would spoil you rotten. If you make him angry, I can’t help you out, alright? Just look at your unruly temper!”

“I understand. I heard that although Young Master Chen looks cool on the outside, he is actually a passionate, wild person on the inside. Not only that, I heard that he is also quite dirty-minded, and that

he has many wives!”

The girl stuck out her tongue and smiled.

“You rotten brat! I will silence that mouth of yours. Where did you hear this from?”

“Well, that is what the kids from the other families in the Southern region were saying. They said that Young Master Chen, who is going to return to the family soon, is a Casanova in Jin Ling. In addition to that, he had gotten many women pregnant before. They even said that Young Master Chen will impregnate you if you offended him. That is why I’m very scared of him,” said the girl as she rubbed her belly.

“I think those brats don’t plan on living any longer. How could they second-guess a person like Young Master Chen and make up such preposterous rumors? Duoduo, I heard from Miss Chen that Young Master Chen is a good person. Stay away from those brats who speak or act based on hearsay, and who dare to speak these irresponsible words!”

“Miss Chen is Young Master Chen’s sister. So, of course she would speak up for him!”

“Enough, you rotten brat, you better shut your mouth!”

Mr. Kang fumed and glared at her.

Only then did he notice Chen Hao who was standing at the sides, with his face flushed.

Chen Hao was too embarrassed to introduce himself after hearing her words.

What the h*ll? How did the rumors end up like that?

“Haha, I am so sorry that you had to witness such an embarrassing scene, young man. My granddaughter does not really know Young Master Chen very well. Don’t you worry though, she did not

mean to mock him at all. Are you his personal driver?” asked Mr. Kang with a smile.

After all, this guy was Young Master Chen’s man, and Young Master Chen was the future heir of the Chen family. Therefore, his position was higher than Chen Xiao.

Even if he was Young Master Chen’s driver, in the eyes of others, his status wasn’t low at all. Apart from that, this driver obviously heard his granddaughter’s description of Young Master Chen.

In fact, Chen Hao had been a hot topic of discussion amongst his family members.

There were all kinds of descriptions about him.

Some people described him as a reserved person who liked to keep a low profile, while some described him as a wanton person. Good things were said about him, as well as some preposterous things by those bold enough to do so.

After all, the future successor of the powerful Chen family was definitely a hot topic for discussion.

“Huh? Haha, I-I am not…”

Chen Hao smiled awkwardly.

Of course, Chen Hao had heard Mr Kang’s granddaughter’s words loud and clear. Hence, he was too embarrassed at the moment to reveal his identity.

He could impregnate girls, and he would do that to anyone who offended him.

Putting aside the absurdity of it, even if it was true, then all the girls in the entire Jin Ling College would be in trouble as all of them had offended him before.

If he were to reveal his identity now, then it would be an awkward situation.

Might as well laugh it off as a joke then.

At this moment, the girl said, “Haha, this is wonderful. Since you are Young Master Chen’s driver, then you are definitely familiar with this area. Why don’t you bring me around to eat some of Jin Ling’s unique delicacies? You are definitely familiar with all the good places to eat and play in Jin Ling, right?” Duoduo asked Chen Hao with delight.

“Hmm, I think so.”

To be honest, Chen Hao had never tried any delicacies in Jin Ling before due to his poverty.

“Hahaha, great. Bring me there at once!” said the girl.

“Enough Duoduo, don’t be naughty. If the driver accompanies you to eat, then who is going to drive the car?” Mr. Kang said while laughing.

“Hmph! Tian Long and Di Hu are still here. Grandfather, I have been looking forward to this day for such a long time. Please let him come with me. Don’t worry, today is my treat!”

“Please say yes. If you refuse, then I will tell Young Master Chen these rumors in detail when I see him later. At most, Young Master Chen will just impregnate me as well,” said Duoduo as she sniggered.

Mr. Kang did not know how to handle his granddaughter, hence he smiled and said, “I surrender then. Young man, why don’t you accompany my granddaughter and bring her around. We should be able to find the Hot Spring Villa by ourselves. I will personally explain this to Young Master Chen later.”

“Ok then!” Chen Hao scratched his head.

Sigh! Originally, Chen Hao wanted to have a proper gathering with the people from his household.

However, he did not expect that he had given other people such an impression.

But wait, if he accompanied Duoduo for a meal, then who were they going to meet later?

Forget it! It would be better if he admitted it now.

“Mr. Kang, nice to meet you. Actually, I am…”

“It’s him!”

At this moment, a girl’s surprised voice rang outside the entrance. There was a trace of delight within her voice as if she had found something by chance after a long and unsuccessful search.

“Liao Hong, who is it?’

“Hmph! Young Master Xu, this is the person who landed me in the hospital. That is him alright! He and Bai Xiaofei had beaten me up. You said that you would avenge me when you return to the country. Well, this person is standing right before you!”

Liao Hong’s eyes started to look red as she jumped up and down angrily.

A group of bodyguards in suits were standing right behind her. Other than that, a fleet of black Mercedes-Benz cars were parked at the exit as well.

Next to her, a Young Master who wore a pair of sunglasses, and attracted the attention of numerous girls, was none other than Xu Wei.

“What the f*ck! Liao Hong, are you sure?”

Then, Xu Wei threw away his sunglasses and glared coldly at Chen Hao…

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