I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 178

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 178

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 178

“I’m fine, Li Yue. Stop bothering me!” Qin Ya rebuked lightly.

The man that barged in was dressed in a suit. His fair complexion gave him a clean handsome look.

Although it was obvious that Qin Ya refused to acknowledge his presence, Li Yue did not mind at all.

“Oh no! Qin Ya, your bracelet broke!”

Zhao Tongtong gasped audibly when she saw the jade bracelet that had broken into pieces.

“Chen Hao, why are you so careless? Are you jealous because Li Yue gave Qin Ya attention?” another girl chided.

Needless to say, their conversation caught Li Yue’s attention.

Yes, Li Yue was head over heels in love with Qin Ya. It reached a point where he became obsessed with her.

However, Qin Ya was not interested in Li Yue at all.

Although Li Yue came from a wealthy family, it did not change Qin Ya’s impression towards him. Sigh, she can’t help it though, no means no.

Of course, it was also not possible for her to develop feelings toward Chen Hao just because he saved her.

Actually, it was obvious that her friends were making a joke out of Chen Hao because everyone saw how Chen Hao lost his grip because of Li Yue’s push.

“It’s okay. It was just a bracelet anyway, I can buy a new one!”

Qin Ya felt somewhat embarrassed that her friends messed around with Chen Hao. After all, he was the one who helped her out.

“Young Master Li, we all saw what happened. Since you and Chen Hao broke Qin Ya’s bracelet, both of you should compensate for what you’ve done!”

It was evident that the girls spoke more respectfully toward Li Yue.

“Haha! I can always get Qin Ya a new bracelet. However, how is this guy here going to pay for it?”

Li Yue glared at Chen Hao disdainfully.

“Since this is none of my business anymore, I’ll be leaving now. Qin Ya, please rest well!”

Chen Hao knew that if he stayed any longer, he would be teased even more relentlessly. Moreover, there was also Li Yue that treated him with complete hostility.

As for the girls, Chen Hao did not want to fuss around too much.

If he wanted their admiration, all he needed to do was to drive his car over.

After all, people only bully you because you were poor and naive.

Moreover, his encounter with Qin Ya today was just a coincidence. Chen Hao did not want to dwell too deep into it.

About the bracelet, Chen Hao thought, Since it was more or less related to him, he should just buy her a new bracelet to replace the one he broke, he decided.

Qin Ya had the intention to ask Chen Hao to stay when he was leaving. However, she also knew that it was hard for him to fit into her social circle.

Maybe someday when they have the chance to meet again.

After leaving the infirmary, Chen Hao headed to the library to do his revision.

It was noon in a blink of an eye .

Right at this moment, Chen Hao received an incoming call from Li Zhenguo.

“Young Master Chen! It’s done, Haishan Real Estate Group won’t exist in Jin Ling City anymore!” Li Zhenguo declared happily.

“You did a great job, General Manager Li!” Chen Hao replied.

As for how he executed it, it should be nothing more than forceful coercion.

In the past, both companies earned and took what was rightfully theirs. They never interfered with each other.

However, if they were to become enemies, Haishan Real Estate Group was definitely no match for his family!

“By the way, Young Master Chen, the CEO has a few other properties in Jin Ling that were registered under your name, are you busy now? There are a few documents that need your signature. Of course, I can go over to you too!” Li Zhenguo added dutifully.

“That won’t be necessary. I will come over right now!”

Chen Hao decided that he was done with his studies anyways. He wanted to go to the jeweller at Jin Ling Commercial Street to get a new jade bracelet for Qin Ya that was just like her old one.

That would suffice as compensation.

The rain stopped.

Chen Hao took a cab to Hot Spring Villa to sign the documents and stopped en route at a jewelry shop on Jin Ling Commercial Street.

“Excuse me, I am looking for a jade bracelet!”

Chen Hao looked around at the shop and finally found one that looked similar to Qin Ya’s.

“Sir, this bracelet is made from high quality nephrite and is exclusive. Are you sure you want to purchase this?” the receptionist asked with a polite smile.

Although she was smiling, it couldn’t cover the look of disdain on her face.

Yeah, this young man infront of her was simply dressed.

Coming in looking like that and still wanting a nephrite-made bracelet.

By the looks of it, he was just here to joke around.

However, she couldn’t express her disdain toward him due to her professional work ethic.

Chen Hao ignored her gaze. He checked the product and said, “Please wrap this up for me! I will be buying it !”.

“Huh? Are you sure, Sir? This high quality nephrite-made jade bracelet costs around fifty thousand… Do you want to take a look at other products instead?”

The receptionist’s smile slowly slipped off.

“Stop spouting nonsense and get it done!” Chen Hao instructed coldly.

Only then, the receptionist packaged the bracelet and took the payment terminal out.

However, when Chen Hao swiped his card, it was rejected with a beep.

Suddenly, Chen Hao remembered, Sh*t, this credit card only processes a minimum purchase of two hundred thousand!

“Wow, I didn’t know Tai He Gold Shop also catered for the lower class now? Is it true that anyone can enter as they please now? What happened to providing great customer experience?”

At this moment, a middle-aged man entered the store with a lady that looked about thirty years old.

They bumped into the scene where Chen Hao’s card was rejected and scorned.

Weren’t all humans like this? Making themselves look more powerful by stepping on others?

The receptionist smiled apologetically toward the couple.

When she turned back to face Chen Hao, she started looking impatient.

Of course, Chen Hao was just some poor loser coming to experience something new as an eye- opener. After all, Tai He Gold Shop was globally known.

They experienced too many people coming in just to take pictures with their phones in the past. It was nothing new.

So, obviously, Chen Hao was this kind of person in her eyes.

“Sir, I will have to ask you to leave if you’re not going to buy that item. Please do not disturb other customers from making their payment!” the receptionist instructed and signaled for him to leave.

“Who said that I’m not buying? This item is too cheap. I would like to pick something more expensive!”

Chen Hao thought, Damn, they really set themselves up to receive a slap in the face.

The lady on the middle-aged man’s arm sneered at him, “Huh? I didn’t know this is how kids nowadays behave. How prideful!”

“I know, right? If I have a son like this, I would have chopped off his legs!”

“I will get this instead, please wrap it up for me! I will still pay by card!”

Chen Hao ignored their sneers and selected another jade bracelet in the middle of the display counter.

“Tsk, this jade bracelet is handmade and polished by a famous grandmaster himself. This is sold in the market for around twenty-one hundred thousand, are you sure that you want to purchase it?”

At this point, the receptionist stopped trying to keep up her facade of being friendly.

“Not only this, I also want the jade bracelet just now that is worth fifty thousand! I will buy them together!” Chen Hao added nonchalantly.

“Ha! That totals up to twenty-six hundred thousand! Haha, young man, this is not how you play pretend!” the middle-aged man started laughing at him.

However, the receptionist played along and swiped to process his card.

Hmph! This guy still wants to pretend that he’s rich! The receptionist thought angrily. I will let you embarrass yourself even more.

“Hm, I’ve never met anyone so ignorant!” the lady held herself and chided.

However, what happened next made all three of them widen their eyes in shock.

The payment terminal showed that the transaction was successful after Chen Hao entered the password for the card.


All three of them were stunned.

They felt their faces burn with embarrassment. They all thought that he was a loser, however, he was actually a rich guy!

“You better go and package my items nicely now. If I see even a small wrinkle on the packaging paper, I will make sure you’re fired,” Chen Hao calmly added.

“Y-Y-Yes Sir, I will be extra careful!”

The receptionist immediately bowed toward Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was used to it at this point. It is always like this. When you treat others kindly, they will think that you can be easily imposed on. It is only with an attitude like this that you can get respect from others.

“Sir, please wait for your items at the resting area!” the receptionist added anxiously.

Chen Hao then directed him to a seat while he waited for his items to be packaged.

The bracelet that cost 50,000 would be for Qin Ya to pay back for her old one. As for the bracelet that cost 210,000, he would keep it for Su Tongxin.

“Shihan, come on! Can you give me another chance? I really love you!”

“Haha, sure! You said you love me right? Then get me jewelry from here!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t compare you to Ding Hao. Just get me a cheap one. If you can afford it, I will get back with you! What do you think?”

Right at this moment, a young couple entered the store quarreling.

Chen Hao’s brows lifted when he looked up and saw them.

Wasn’t that Li Shihan with her ex-boyfriend Ma Fei?


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