I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 194

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 194

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 194

“What should I do?”

Li Yue’s whole body became cold at once.

Just now, they had casually looked down upon this Volkswagen.

Because in their minds, they knew that even a better Volkswagen would cost at most two hundred to three hundred thousand.

That was why they didn’t bear that in mind.

Clearly, they had forgotten about the expensive Phaeton among the Volkswagen’s series.

It really was a nightmare that came true!

“Oh no! You would have to pay a lot for that. The rear end of the Phaeton is deformed!”

Mrs. Li was nervous as well.

“How about this, Li. Quickly give the owner a call and beg him to not make a big deal out of this. Otherwise, if it doesn’t work, should we get Uncle here to settle this?” that friend said again.

“Damn, there’s nothing to be afraid of. So what if I crashed into his car? It’s his fault that his car was parked so near mine. F*ck. Besides, do you think I can’t afford this million-dollar Phaeton? Please, I’m only driving this 7 series during this period of internship!”

Li Yue’s temper flared up and he sounded pretty aggressive.

Nevertheless, he still called the owner and told him to come settle this!

Not long after he called, a weak young man who wore glasses came walking out of the restaurant. Next to him was a fragile girl. It seemed like they were a couple.

“You crashed my car!” the weak boy came over and said softly.

From the looks of it, the boy seemed to be a dunce.

He seemed as if he was unfamiliar with the ways of the world.

On the other hand, Li Yue was ecstatic to see this.

Meeting such a weirdo was excellent. It was a no-brainer that he was some rich upstart who spent extravagantly to impress. Also, he looked like he hadn’t gone through anything major in his life.

If he was an adult, Li Yue might even be more polite.

At that moment, Li Yue said ferociously, “Are you blind? Why did you park so close to my car? I couldn’t even reverse my car out. So tell me, how are we gonna settle this?”

Li Yue rolled up his sleeves and walked toward the boy in glasses, followed by Wang Liang and his friend.

The petite girl beside him rebutted, “It was you who crashed into our car, so you should go fix our car. Why are you asking what we should do?”

“That’s right, you should fix my car!” the boy in glasses said softly.

“What? Your car was in the way and you want me to fix your car? F*ck!”

Li Yue raised his foot to kick the boy’s stomach, pointed at him and scolded, “You should have tried to find out who I am first! Do you think I’m easy to mess with? Boy, where do you come from? Go on, give me an address!”

Li Yue threatened.

The boy held his stomach, too afraid to speak.

“Ahh, Young Master Li Yue is too amazing!” Mrs. Li looked at his tyrannical actions and admired him greatly.

“It’s nothing, Mrs. Li. Li Yue’s family is indeed rich and powerful!”

Wang Liang said proudly.

“Now scram. Next time if you block my car, I’ll beat you to death!”

Li Yue stomped on that boy again.

The boy’s girlfriend helped him up and went back inside the restaurant.

“That’s amazing Li! The problem was solved just like that!” the friend said with admiration.

“If his car wasn’t more expensive than mine, I would have made him pay me even if I crashed into his car!”

Li Yue said smugly and prepared to drive Zhao Yifan and the girls back, before sending his car to be fixed later.

At this moment, clomp!

A clatter of footsteps rang out, and suddenly thirty to forty boys ran out of the restaurant.

Li Yue and the others were immediately surrounded.

The leader was a tall boy in a T-shirt.

At this moment, he looked at the boy in glasses and asked, “Four-eyes, which one of them hit you?”


The boy pointed at Li Yue.

At first, Li Yue was not afraid. But after seeing the leader’s face, he paled instantly.

“You’re Shen Qiang? I’ve met you once!”

Li Yue gulped and asked.

Shen Qiang!

When they heard this name, Wang Liang and the friend, including Yang Hui and Li Rui were startled.

They had been studying in Jin Ling for a while now, hence, they knew a thing or two about great people there.

Shen Qiang was the son of Shen Wanhao. Their family owned several of the largest entertainment clubs in Jin Ling.

Moreover, Shen Wanhao was one of the old members of the underground forces in Jin Ling.

The Wanhao Group was considered to be much more ruthless than the Haishan Group. After all, the Wanhao Group couldn’t be bothered with whatever the Haishan Group was wary of.

They completely went by the rule of putting up a fight to solve their problems.

It didn’t matter how strong their opponent was!

As to Shen Qiang’s name, everyone had heard of him.

He didn’t go to university, but even then, he became a top-dog in Jin Ling.

Someone had gotten on the wrong side of him before, and he led his people directly into that person’s home to fight. The guy was pretty ruthless.

As for Li Yue, he did not stand a chance.

At that moment, he was scared and immediately tried to act close to Shen Qiang.

“F*ck! So you crashed into his car and even hit him? Brother, how can you be so unreasonable? You have to give us an explanation for today, otherwise, I will not let this matter rest!”

Shen Qiang squinted, his lips curving into a sneer.

Seeing that, Li Yue shivered all over.

At that moment, he patted his own face as he spoke, “It’s all a misunderstanding, Qiang, a misunderstanding!”

“Haha, misunderstanding. Alright, this restaurant is owned by one of my uncles, so I won’t make a scene here. Come on bro. Come with me into my private room and we’ll see what misunderstanding there is!”

Shen Qiang said and glanced at Wang Liang and that friend who stood behind Li Yue. With a wave of his hand, two strong boys came over to grab Li Yue by his shoulder.

“Four-eyes, the rest of them didn’t hit you right?”

Shen Qiang asked.

“No, just him!”

With both hands in his pockets, Shen Qiang then brought Li Yue, whose legs already turned to jelly, into the restaurant.

“What do we do? What do we do? That Shen Qiang seemed quite fierce.”

Mrs. Li had quite a fright.

“Of course he’s fierce. Like father, like son. I heard that two years ago, Shen Qiang even raped a female celebrity!”

Wang Liang said. Apparently he knew what kind of guy Shen Qiang was!

“Liang, why don’t we call the police? It is certain that Li would be badly hurt today!” that friend said hurriedly.

“Are you crazy? There’s no way we can help now. I reckon that Li’s father would hear about it soon!”

Wang Liang said as he lit a cigarette. novelbin

As for Chen Hao, he just acted as a spectator.

He had nothing else to say except that Li Yue had it coming.

Also, he wasn’t friends with him and he was uncomfortable with how he behaved. That was why Chen Hao didn’t bother to interfere.

Then he said, “Aunties, we won’t be able to help him either way. Let’s go find a hotel for you both to settle down first!”


Mrs. Li and Mrs. Xu replied in unison.

Then, they all left and found a hotel to settle in.

In the afternoon, Yang Hui didn’t make any other arrangements so they had to wait until dusk to go to Yunmeng Mountain.

On the other hand, Wang Liang had brought Mrs. Li for a stroll around Jin Ling in his car.

Mrs. Xu was extremely jealous and did not like Yang Hui one bit!

Thank goodness it was already a little over five o’clock.

By this time, Mrs. Li had also returned.

Yunmeng Mountain was holding a huge festival today so it was very crowded. Some celebrities had even showed up.

Therefore, Mrs. Li and the others were definitely dying to go.

As for the tickets, Wang Liang had already gotten them a while back.

More importantly, they were VIP tickets which he had acquired from some unknown source.

With this VIP ticket, they did not need to spend extra money on food and games at the event.

On the other hand, Yang Hui only had normal tickets.

“Ah, Wang Liang. Since you’re so capable, why didn’t you help get Mrs. Xu a VIP ticket as well? That way, Yang Hui could save some money. Otherwise, with his normal ticket, he would need to spend his own money on food! Haha!”

“Oh, I had forgotten. I thought Yang Hui could get his own tickets. It’s fairly simple, you just need to have connections for it!”

Wang Liang scratched his head with a bitter smile.

“Hmph, how capable can he be? When Li Yue was taken away earlier, he didn’t even dare to say anything!”

Mrs. Xu had enough of the insults and retorted coldly.

“Yes, our Wang Liang isn’t much and his connections aren’t great but at least he’s better than the boyfriend of someone’s daughter, whose friends are only here for free food!”

This sentence, apparently, was directed at Chen Hao and Li Rui.

Chen Hao chuckled bitterly and helplessly.

Yet, he didn’t say anything.

Soon after, the group had arrived at Yunmeng Mountain.

There was already a ticket office built at the entrance.

“Huh? Wang Liang, didn’t you say that your classmates would be waiting for us here? Where are they? Are they even going to come?”

Li Mei suddenly asked.

“Of course they are going to come. My high school classmate was the one who gave me these tickets. Damn, he’s really something now, a rich second-generation heir! Look, there he is waiting for us!”

Wang Liang pointed.

Following where his finger pointed, Chen Hao looked toward the direction and froze…


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