I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 245

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 245

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 245

“Uncle Jiang, Aunty Tang, I am here to visit you!”

Chen Hao held a bag and said, smiling.

Chen Hao planned to place the bag down.

Tang Lan glanced at Chen Hao and did not say a word.

Jiang Weidong lay on the bed and did not even bat an eye.

Jiang Ranran who was watching on from the side felt rather awkward that Chen Hao was neglected. After all, Jiang Ranran knew that Chen Hao might have a rather powerful status in Jin Ling City.

He had even managed to own a G Wagon.

That day he even sent her to the bus station.

To be honest, she felt rather grateful towards Chen Hao.

However, she did not have the opportunity to inform her father yet. Jiang Ranran just returned and something like this happened to her father. She felt like her world had crumbled.

Thus, she was not in the mood to narrate the interesting stories in her life.

At the end of the day, she decided to walk over and took over the stuff Chen Hao brought and placed it on the table.

Jiang Ranran said, “Thank you, Chen Hao, for dropping by to visit my father.”

Lin Dong on the other hand winced and glared at Chen Hao with enmity.

Chen Hao did not know what to say as well thus he just sat down in one corner and listened to them talk.

Chen Hao was already mentally prepared for such a reception from Jiang Weidong.

Jiang Weidong sorrowfully groaned. “Sigh, funds, we need funding. Where should we go to look for funding to take over this property?”

“Uncle Jiang, have you tried looking for Jin Ling Dreamer Investment Group? They are planning on investing ten billion in Ping An County. Have you tried approaching them for this project?”

“Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I knew a few managers of the Group and we used to be rather close as well. However, now that I paid them a visit it didn’t work. None of their companies were willing to take over the property!”

Jiang Weidong painfully shook his head.

“However, they are the only hope we have left as this amount of money is miniscule for Dreamer Investment Group. We can beg them and as long as they nod their head in agreement, everything would be resolved! That was what my father said!”

Lin Dong knew that he was the key to everything thus he felt great about it.

“Dong, I hope that you could request for your father to spend more time on this matter. Me, your Aunty Tang and Ranran would all be forever indebted to your kindness.”

“Dont worry Uncle Jiang, my father will do his best and try to help you convince Dreamer Investment Group!”

Gosh, why would my father spend time and effort on this matter.

If it wasn’t to court your daughter, Jiang Ranran, I wouldn’t even waste my time talking to you here.

However, as a sign of respect and to show face, Lin Dong still had to be courteous about it.

“Good, that’s good. I feel more relieved with your affirmation. Dong, don’t leave tonight, stay for dinner. The same goes for Ranran’s classmates and friends, you are all welcome to stay for dinner. I will ask your Aunty Tang to go and prepare the food now!”

Jiang Weidong’s expression finally became much better.

Tang Lan quickly said, “Alright, let me get the things prepared. Sigh, but there won’t be enough vegetables, I will have to go purchase more! Oh right, I have to get some chicken, duck and fish ready as well. My hands are tied and I wouldn’t be able to multitask!”

Just then, her gaze swept over to Chen Hao who was sitting quietly in the corner and sipping on his water. In a rather disrespectful tone, she said, “Chen Hao, since you have nothing to do here might as well head to the supermarket outside of our community and help me buy some vegetables back! I will write down a grocery list for you.”


Chen Hao was stunned.

Well, it looks like they see me as a servant.

Sigh. However, Chen Hao also felt that it was rather awkward staying behind and having to deal with all the disrespectful looks from Jiang Weidong and the others.

I might as well give Li Zhenguo a call when I am downstairs and inform him to just take over the property.novelbin

That way I would have successfully accomplished the mission my father assigned to me.

Thus, Chen Hao agreed.

If it was not because of his father, Chen Hao would not help out!

He was not the kind that would keep his head low and flatter others!


“Chen Hao, let me accompany you!”

Jiang Ranran said as she saw Chen Hao holding onto the basket and got ready to leave.

“Ranran! What are you doing? Can’t you differentiate between important and unimportant guests? Go and attend to Dong and get him some water!”

Jiang Weidong panicked as he heard what his daughter said.

Tang Lan even noticed that something was amiss.

What happened to my daughter? Since she entered the house, it seems like her attitude toward Chen Hao had changed.

The whole Chen Family was not up to any good!

Tang Lan even pinched Jiang Ranran and hinted to her to stay behind to accompany Lin Dong.

Chen Hao left and once he got downstairs, he immediately gave a call to Li Zhenguo.

He informed Li Zhenguo about the matter.

Certainly, Li Zhenguo had no problems with that and he started planning to handle that right away.

Then, Chen Hao had no choice but to head over to the supermarket and purchase all the necessary vegetables.

Just as he returned back to the house, he noticed that the Jiang Family had undergone enormous changes.

“Congratulations Uncle Jiang!”

“Yes, I did not expect Dreamer Investment Group to agree and take over the property. Not only that, it was paid in full, I certainly did not expect that!”

Jiang Weidong also pulled out his intravenous drip and his expression had recovered extremely well.

He held onto the cellphone in his hand as if he was hugging onto something extremely valuable.

Jiang Weidong said, “Come, come, everybody must accompany us for drinks tonight! Especially you, Dong!”

He felt that it must have been the help of Lin Dong’s father.

Or it could also possibly be his own personal connections.

Nonetheless, his leader called and informed him that his government official position has been reinstated and that he would be in charge of the matter.

Next up, he would just have to gather another round of funding and everything would be resolved.

As such, he was extremely delighted.

He even glanced over at Lin Dong and Jiang Ranran and a different idea emerged in his mind.

“Ranran, let me tell you…”

“Chen Hao, eat up!”

Just as he was about to say something, he saw that his daughter actually helped place food on Chen Hao’s plate.

Jiang Weidong’s eyes popped out and he said, “Ranran, what are you doing? Chen Hao has hands, can’t he reach for the vegetables himself?”

Jiang Ranran said, “Father, you have no idea, Chen Hao…”

Lin Dong glared fiercely at Chen Hao and said, “Sigh, Uncle Jiang, you might not know this. Chen Hao is no longer the same person as he used to be.”

Since the matter had to be revealed anyway, it was better than he was the one that brought it up.

Aunty Tang brought over another dish and asked, “What is the difference?”

“Haha, Chen Hao had won the lottery and bought himself a Mercedes Benz G500. So amazing! Of course Ranran has to be nicer to him!”

Lin Dong said in a jealous voice.


All the guys and girls seated around the table were stunned.

“How much did you win?”

Aunty Tang asked.

Chen Hao had no idea what to say.

After all, in order to keep his identity a secret, he lied to Jiang Ranran and said that he won the lottery. However, he had no choice but to continue lying and make sure his secret was hidden.

As such, Chen Hao said, “I bought a G Wagon!”

“What? Bought a G Wagon from the prize money? Damn! You won 2 million?”

Everyone was shocked.

Chen Hao remained silent.

All of a sudden, with an ice cold stare, Jiang Weidong smashed his chopsticks on the table with a loud bang.

“Nonsense! You are so dumb!”

Jiang Weidong said, “Chen Hao, it’s okay for other people to show off but don’t you know your own financial situation? Why would you show off and buy a Mercedes Benz? There are so many other things you could do with this 2 million!”

Jiang Weidong shook his head.

Lin Dong felt elated as he felt like he had taken revenge. He smiled and said, “Exactly! Uncle Jiang, think about it, this car costs 2 million. If he had taken out 1 million for fundraising or some sort, that way Uncle Jiang would also be able to arrange some labor work for him. Haha, yet Chen Hao only knew how to splash his money away and upgrade his life in order to be comparable with other rich heirs!”

“Exactly, Dong is much more knowledgeable. Chen Hao, let me ask you. Have you bought a house in Ping An County?”

Chen Hao shook his head.

“Have you found a job?”

Chen Hao shook his head again.

“Sigh, I have never seen someone as stupid as you. How about this, since you just bought the car not long ago, go and sell it right away. That way, you could donate a million and use the rest of the money to buy a house. That way, I could still arrange a stable job with fixed income and proper insurance coverage for you. Something like selling roasted buns and you could just have a stable job and live your life like that!”

“Oh right, there is also something else…”

Jiang Weidong sipped his alcohol and said to Chen Hao.

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