I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 264

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 264

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 264

When the door was opened from the outside, the girl was seen walking into the room together with the female staff of the hiring department.

Finally, Chen Hao could see her face clearly.

“Liu Yanan? It really is you!”

Liu Yanan was Chen Hao’s classmate from his junior high school. She was the headmaster’s daughter. At that time, Chen Hao, Li Xiao and her had outstanding academic results.

Together, they had participated in numerous extra-curricular activities and competitions.

They were quite close to each other back then.

Later on, the two of them got into the same high school. However, they were assigned to different classes.

In the beginning, both of them had little new friends in the new environment. Everyday, Liu Yanan would ask Chen Hao to join her for a meal at the canteen. After school, she would have a chat with him to update him about her recent happenings.

However, after a few days, Liu Yanan began to head to the canteen with her own housemates. It became less often for her to chat with Chen Hao.

Later on, they started to meet each other once a week. After that, they greeted each other at school occasionally each semester.

In the end, she began to ignore Chen Hao as if he was totally transparent to her.

When they were in the final year of high school, they had become so estranged that they were like complete strangers.

Subsequently, both of them were accepted into universities. Liu Yanan went to one in Yan Jing City whereas Chen Hao got into one in Jin Ling City.

It had been three years since they met each other.

Surprisingly, Liu Yanan had quite a successful career. She was already a supervisor.

“Chen Hao? Why are you here?”

Liu Yanan was taken aback at the sight of Chen Hao.

Indeed, it had been such a long time since they met. Liu Yanan still remembered how they started off by being such good friends and ended up being complete strangers by the time they left high school.

Hence, she felt rather awkward and shocked to see him all of a sudden.

“I was successfully accepted into the company after passing the interview. I am going to work here!” Chen Hao said with a smile.

“Oh, I see!” Liu Yanan smiled lightly before taking a look at Chen Hao and Yang Minxue’s profiles.

“Yanan, you’re so impressive. You’re already a supervisor now!” Chen Hao commented with respect after glancing at the name tag affixed on Liu Yanan’s chest.

“Thank you. However, when you are at work in the future, you may call me Team Leader Liu instead of Yanan,” Liu Yanan said with some wariness.

“Okay!” Chen Hao nodded his head.

“Assistant Li!” Liu Yanan closed up the files and said. “In the beginning, as our operation team was newly formed, we were short of two members. However, we have decided to prioritize quality over quantity. Hence, I will only accept one new member out of the two,” said Liu Yanan.

When Yang Minxue heard her, she became nervous.

Since Chen Hao and Liu Yanan knew each other personally, Liu Yanan would definitely pick Chen Hao over herself.

Sigh, why was she so unlucky?

However, Liu Yanan glimpsed at Chen Hao nonchalantly before fixing her gaze on Yang Minxue and said, “Yang Minxue, we need a girl in our team. So, you’re chosen!”

“As for Chen Hao…”

Liu Yanan looked at Chen Hao and said, “As far as I know, the Office Support Department is short of a member. You may join that department and you will be in charge of providing the required materials to members of any team.”

Before Chen Hao could even speak, the female assistant said, “But Supervisor Liu, Chen Hao has graduated from Jin Ling College…”

“I know, but I can’t do anything about it. It would have to be arranged in this way for the time being. Chen Hao, are you okay with the arrangement? If you’re okay, I will transfer you to that department first. If your performance is outstanding in the future, I will make the application to the team leader to have you transferred to my team. What do you think?”

Liu Yanan said somewhat perfunctorily with a smile.

Apparently, her reason for doing so was because she paid no regard to him. After all, as Liu Yanan’s thinking got more and more mature during high school, she came to realize that it was slightly embarrassing to be around Chen Hao.

After all, he was known to be impoverished.

Most of the girls became vain during that phase of their age.

Their vanity would peak while they were in university.

“Okay, then!”

Chen Hao nodded his head. In fact, he was not the least bit bothered about which department he was in. He was just slightly uncomfortable at Liu Yanan’s icy attitude toward an old friend.

Everything was settled then. After getting the registration done, Chen Hao and Yang Minxue started to work on their duties.

Chen Hao was assigned to a table located at a far corner of the office area. He was in charge of sorting out the files and distribution of materials.

This post suited him well. Some of the documents would be handed over to him, which made his investigation work easier.

When Chen Hao went to the toilet to wash his hands, he heard someone talking over the phone indistinctly in the ladies’ washroom.

“Please come over to have the interview these two days. Act fast. I have already reserved the post for you. You can sleep soundly now!”

It was a girl’s voice.

“What did you say? Aren’t both of the vacancies filled already?”

“Sigh, at first, one of the vacancies was going to be filled by my team leader’s relative. However, for some unknown reason, his relative was not chosen. In the end, a guy who is my old friend from junior high school was chosen. Hmph, I know his financial status, so I assigned him to do some menial tasks. I came up with an impromptu idea of transferring him to the Office Support Department. He already accepted the post happily. Therefore, you must act fast. The post will not be vacant forever.”

As Chen Hao was listening, his face turned pale.

The voice belonged to none other than Liu Yanan.

As it turned out, she was trying to play games with him.

At first, Chen Hao was wondering why the female assistant was looking so shocked.

It turned out that Liu Yanan was arranging for someone she knew to take on the post.

What was more, the person was the team leader’s relative.

It appeared that the newly formed Dreamer Investment Management Company was a filthy mess.

In his opinion, becoming undercover in his own company had turned out to be a very fruitful experience.

Since Liu Yanan paid no regards to their previous friendship, Chen Hao would be ruthless to her when it was time to deal with her.

Chen Hao took note of this incident in his mind before returning to work.

As his work was quite light and easy, he had a lot of free time during the day.

Soon, it was time to go home.

In the beginning, Yang Minxue had asked him earlier today to have a meal together after work.

He reckoned Yang Minxue wanted to offer some comfort to him as she was selected instead of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao knew that Yang Minxue was a very considerate person.

He decided to go along with her as nothing bad could come out of having a meal.

Currently, her department was still having a meeting, so Chen Hao waited for her in the lobby.

Yang Minxue was seen at the lobby after around 10 minutes.

However, she was not alone. She was with Liu Yanan.

“Chen Hao, I’ve forgotten to tell you that I will have to cancel our arrangement. Supervisor Liu is going to introduce a friend to me and we are going to have dinner together,” Yang Minxue said while smiling apologetically.

“Of course, no problem! You go ahead!” Chen Hao forced out a smile and said.

As for Liu Yanan, she merely gave Chen Hao a glance. She considered that she had acknowledged him. After that, she drove away together with Yang Minxue.

Chen Hao had no choice but to head home.

At that moment, his phone rang.

It was a phone call from Li Zhenguo…


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