I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 311

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 311

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 311

Chen Hao took out his phone to check, and realized that it was Li Zhenguo who called.

“Young Master Chen, it’s regarding the jade. We finally have some news about it!” Li Zhenguo said on the other side of the call.

“Oh? Where are you now?” Chen Hao asked.

He had actually met Wei Zhongyuan, also known as Mr. Wei, the well known appraiser of antiques from the Southern Region in the banquet previously; he even made a toast with him at the time. He had something to do after the banquet, hence he asked Li Zhenguo to bring along Mr. Xu to Mr. Wei’s place. With Mr. Xu’s expertise, he could only tell that the jade originated from Southwest Chengdu. However, they still couldn’t figure out the specific place of origin. It seemed like the results were determined since Li Zhenguo called him.

“I’m currently with Mr. Xu in Mr. Wei’s manor. Young Master Chen, do you want to come over?” Li Zhenguo asked.

“Alright, wait for me. I’ll be right there!” He bid goodbye to Huang Yonghao and the others once he ended the call, and rushed directly to Mr. Wei’s manor.

Mr. Wei and his family had been thriving and making a name in the Southern Region. However, according to Li Zhenguo, his hometown was here in Jin Ling. He built his foundation in Jin Ling back then, and only returned to his hometown, Jin Ling as he approached his later years.

Even in that banquet, the Wei family was also considered as a reputable family. That was the reason why Chen Hao wouldn’t dare to treat them with negligence and went there directly in person.

The Wei family’s residence was situated in a manor. When Chen Hao arrived, Mr. Wei was seen to be savoring tea with Li Zhenguo and Mr. Xu.

“Young Master Chen!” Li Zhenguo and Mr. Xu arose as they greeted him respectfully.

Chen Hao nodded to them and said to Mr. Wei, “I’m really grateful for this matter, Mr. Wei!”

“Young Master Chen, you are being courteous. Please take a seat!”

After exchanging greetings, Mr.Wei went straight to the point.

“Young Master Chen, I recognize this piece of jade. It should have originated from a family in Liang City of Chengdu. This type of jade is very rare. Fortunately, fifty years ago, I followed my master to Liang City. I was fortunate to come across a similar one at the time, worn by a local teenager. This should be their family’s crest!” Mr.Wei said.

“Which family is this?” Chen Hao asked right away.

Honestly, Chen Hao initially had no interest in looking for this woman, Mengxin, on behalf of his dad. However when he found out that the woman Su Ziyue was looking for had many similarities with the Meng Xin that his dad was looking for, he was intrigued. Was it possible that Su Ziyue was his half sister? Why did he have an inexplicable sense of familiarity whenever he was with Su Ziyue?

There were definitely some things to uncover. Chen Hao knew that even if he questioned his dad, he wouldn’t get any answers. Therefore, he was determined to find things out on his own.

Mr. Wei shook his head. “Earlier I was just discussing this with Mr. Xu and Mr. Li. The teenager at the time was rather young, so I only had a glance, which was why it left an impression on me. However I don’t know which family he’s from in Liang City. Mr. Li and I scoured all the major families in Liang City, and as a result, we couldn’t find any families with such traditions!” Mr. Wei said.

“Alright, but since this jade originated from Liang City, I believe it will not be hard to investigate when the time comes!” Chen Hao smiled lightly.

After that, everyone just started discussing some casual matters.

At this time, Mr. Xu got up and walked toward a pendulum clock in Mr. Wei’s home, and asked out of curiosity, “Mr. Wei, this pendulum clock, if I’m not mistaken, it is from the Republican era of China?”

Mr.Wei nodded and said, “You’re right, this is indeed a clock from the Republican era of China, a product of M Country, and it was formerly placed inside the Presidential Palace of the Republic of China!”

Mr. Xu was completely shocked. “How were you able to obtain this?!”

“Ah, you’re being funny, Mr. Xu. This was given to me as a gift by the Long family of Yan Jing City!” It seemed that Mr. Wei didn’t realize that there was some animosity between the Long family and Chen Hao. He definitely didn’t feel like anything was off. Chen Hao merely smiled lightly and sipped on his tea.

“Grandfather, you still have guests at this hour?” At this moment, from the second floor, a girl in her pajamas walked out. She was staring curiously at Chen Hao and the others.

“That’s right, Jiao. Come here and greet Young Master Chen. Weren’t you curious about Jin Ling’s Young Master Chen a while back?” Mr.Wei smiled and said.

“So he’s the Young Master Chen, Chen Hao?” Wei Mengjiao was walking down slowly as her eyebrows rose slightly, staring at Chen Hao from head to toe. “Hehe, greetings, Young Master Chen, my name is Wei Mengjiao, but you can just call me Jiao!” Wei Mengjiao said.

“Yes, Jiao, it’s nice to meet you. You may call me Chen Hao!” Chen Hao said, shaking hands with her.

This girl was definitely gorgeous; she was a rare type of beauty. After chatting with her for a while, she definitely seemed amicable towards others.

Chen Hao had a very good impression of her. Furthermore, she was rather good at conversations, talking with Chen Hao about this and that.

“Chen Hao, since you’re the important Young Master Chen, what kind of activities do you do for entertainment?” Wei Mengjiao asked.

“Me? Well I don’t usually participate in a lot of activities!” Chen Hao shook his head.

“Hmm, I don’t believe it. You must be the type that plays really openly, haha!” Wei Mengjiao said abruptly. Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, she added, “Ah yes, I’ve got some friends from Jin Ling coming over tomorrow. I’m hosting a get together with them. If you’re free tomorrow, would you like to join us?”

Chen Hao kept silent.

“Jiao, preposterous! How could young master Chen be playing around with your bunch of friends!” When Mr. Wei heard this, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“Fine!” Wei Mengjiao pouted.

As for Chen Hao, he realized that he owed a great favor to Mr. Wei, and it was embarrassing to reject someone’s granddaughter like that. So, he nodded and smiled. “Alright then, if I’ve got some free time tomorrow, I’ll definitely go!”

“Okay, then this is your promise!” Wei Mengjiao smiled.

Not long after that, Chen Hao and Li Zhenguo left Mr.Wei’s home. Originally, Chen Hao wanted to return to Cloud Mansion and rest over there, but he recalled that Cloud Mansion was now occupied by Yang Xia. Thus he let Li Zhenguo arrange a hotel for him to spend the night.

“Stinky beggar, scram away from here, do you hear me?” Chen Hao heard several guards saying as they pushed an old man away at the entrance of the hotel as he arrived there; the old man had a muddied appearance, his hair was dirty and in complete disarray.

“What food? I don’t want any food, I just want to borrow your facilities to take a shower,” the old man said.

“In our dreams, do you not realize what an important place this is in Jin Ling?” a guard sneered coldly.

“Heh, then let me tell you all. I’m no outsider, I’m actually Jin Ling’s Young Master Chen’s grandfather. Young Master’s Chen is my grandson. Hurry up and let me in!”

“Damn you! You filthy old man, I’ll take care of you!” The guard was about to make a move.

As for Chen Hao, he didn’t really bother with people coming to make trouble, because the guards were there. With regards to what the old man said, he didn’t really mind it at all. But after Chen Hao glanced at the old man, he paused for a moment…

“Hold it right there,” Chen Hao said immediately.


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