I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 356

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 356

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 356

Chen Hao did not reject any further and went into the cafe with Wang Xiaohua.

“Gosh, they’ve actually followed us in!”

Although Fang Yi was also haughty and aloof, she could not help but softly inform Fang Jiannan about the sight she saw through the corners of her eyes. Fatty Wang and Chen Hao had just walked into the cafe together.

“It seems like we need to look into the background of that guy!” Fang Jiannan replied in a low voice.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. Look at that guy, he seems kind of gullible. I think you might be too sensitive. You had tons of admirers in the past, but you’ve been too sensitive and told your people to investigate them. Eventually, after a few days, all the families of your admirers were frightened to death, and the boys started to hide from you! Not only your admirers, even those who chased after me or talked to us would be warned by our family. I am honestly speechless! Although we are allowed to come out for our studies, what’s the difference with staying at home?” Fang Yi complained.

“Stop complaining. If grandfather heard your words, you will be reprimanded again! Perhaps he would even take back your opportunity to study outside! Grandfather told us before that we have enemies, so we must be extremely cautious!” Fang Jianan reminded her.

“Fine, I’ll listen to you!” Fang Yi stopped her vents.

Meanwhile, Chen Hao and Wang Xiaohua sat at the table beside them.

To be frank, Chen Hao was not willing to trail them.

He felt that it was inappropriate to snoop on others, and it might even lead to negative consequences.

However, Wang Xiaohua was brimming with confidence about this, so Chen Hao did not have the heart to reject him.

Wang Xiaohua focused on listening to the two girls’ conversation, but to his disappointment, they did not chat for the whole time.

The only words they spoke was ‘Let’s go!’ after they finished their coffee and were preparing to leave.

Fang Jiannan was aloof as usual.

But this time, Fang Yi looked at Chen Hao and gave him a warning glance before heading off.

“Wow. That girl looked at you, Chen Hao!” Wang Xiaohua gasped enviously.

“But what a pity. I didn’t manage to eavesdrop on their conversation this time. That’s strange. Why did they talk so softly this time? I could always hear them before,” Wang Xiaohua said, depressed.

Chen Hao patted Wang Xiaohua’s shoulder and shook his head while looking at him.

If he was not mistaken, he and Wang Xiaohua had been exposed from the beginning!

Only the pitiful Xiaohua did not realize this.

After Chen Hao parted ways with Wang Xiaohua, he went back instead of returning to class. After all, there were no more joint classes in the afternoon.

He felt that it was pointless to keep his doubts in silence, so he decided to find a chance and talk to Fang Jiannan.

While he was pondering that, someone called him.

After checking the caller ID, Chen Hao was stunned.

This was a specific number which was only used by Dragon Tiger Brothers.

They would only use this number for communication on urgent matters.

With this thought, Chen Hao answered the call immediately.

“What happened?”

“Young Master Chen! Go back now. Someone is tailing you! Your identity in Chengdu must have been exposed!” Tian Long sounded anxious.


Chen Hao could not help but look to the back from the corner of his eyes. In his sight, the entire street was crowded with pedestrians and it was rather busy. After all, it was a street in University City, so it was only natural to be crowded.

However, Chen Hao had a highly precise security instrument on him, so the Dragon Tiger Brothers could get hold of his movements at any time and the presence of the people around him.

Therefore, they would inform him whenever they noticed any problem.

“Young Master Chen, I have dispatched my subordinates over to you. It’s safer if you go back now!” Tian Long advised.


After the call, Chen Hao hailed a taxi immediately and went back.

His identity was not exposed, so who would send people to tail him?

“Boss, we lost sight of that guy!”

Among the crowd, a group of young men with grim eyes gathered together.

“What are you waiting for? Go after him!” The leader of the group instructed coldly.


Suddenly, a few people crowded over. It seemed like these few people had started a fight and stirred chaos in this area, causing the group of young men to be blocked.

“Get away!”

The young men shoved them out of his way furiously.

But when they made their way out, there was no sign of Chen Hao.

The leader of the group stamped his foot irately!

Helplessly, all of them returned to a secluded manor.

“Where is Miss?” The young man asked a man, who looked to be a butler.

“She is at the wushu center!”

After that, the few went to the wushu center.

In the center, Fang Jiannan was sparring with a few opponents in her spotless white taekwondo uniform, her hair tied into a ponytail.

On the other hand, Fang Yi was munching on her chips while cheering and clapping for Fang Jiannan when her opponents were hit mercilessly by her.

“Miss, your skills have improved. I’m going to run out of skills to teach you!”

A group of twelve walked over and bowed to Fang Jiannan.

These twelve people were renowned experts in taekwondo and karate from all around the world.

They were also Fang Jiannan’s specialist coaches.

“Coach, you are beyond modest. Someone, bring my coaches to have a rest!” Fang Jiannan said.

“Jiannan, you’re awesome. Even seven or eight people couldn’t approach you when they attacked jointly. I wish I was as awesome as you are!” Fang Yi applauded delightedly.

“I did ask you to train, didn’t I? But you have been lazy ever since you were young!” Fang Jiannan looked at Fang Yi and smiled resignedly as she spoke.

“I don’t want to train hard. I guess I’ll just be a gentlelady. Besides, I’m not equipped with determination like you. Who knew that a girl with a frail appearance like you could fend off seven or eight grown men? I remember that several students in the past who were bold enough to flirt with me ended up getting beaten by you, and were paralyzed from the waist down!” Fang Yi laughed as she recalled the past.

“They deserved it. Alright, let’s not talk about this!”

Fang Jiannan smiled before looking at the subordinate who was standing at the side. “Find anything?”

“Miss, we failed!” The leader of the group replied.

“You failed? This is the first time that all five of you have failed,” Fang Jiannan said in disbelief.

“It was unexpected this time because we met with an accident. A few people were fighting in the square, obstructing us when we were chasing after that guy. When we finally made it out, that guy had left in a taxi!” The young man explained.

“It’s great that you have failed. I’m glad that this mission was a failure. Jiannan, I honestly think that you are over worrying. That guy is with Fatty Wang, and he’s just admiring your beauty. He isn’t worth investigating. Besides, I actually want to get to know him and Fatty Wang more!”

“Don’t you dare! If you talk to outsiders, I’ll tell grandfather and you’ll be grounded again!” Fang Jiannan warned angrily.

“Fine. I’ll listen to you and I won’t talk to them!” Fang Yi gave in.

“You may leave now and you can stop investigating him for now,” Fang Jiannan looked at the five men and said.

“Yes, Miss!”

On the other hand, Fang Yi pursed her lips and walked to a side, crushing the chips into pieces and throwing them into the garbage can.

Looking at Fang Yi, Fang Jiannan shook her head and approached her.

“What’s the matter? Are you unhappy that I scolded you just now?”

“No, I’m not mad at you. I’m just angry at that person who made us different from other people since young! Why? Why?!” Tears rolled down from her eyes as she spoke.

Upon hearing her complaints, Fang Jiannan’s face turned gloomy as well. She then recalled the time when she was young…


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