I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 428

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 428

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 428

The presents didn’t stop there. The whole Yang Family, including Madame Yang, was dazzled. In fact, those were extremely rare treasures; every gift had a profound origin and were probably priceless. Madame Yang was very touched. Despite being so old, she had never come across an occasion like this.

“Madame Yang, this is the gift list. Please take a look.” The leading young man respectfully presented her with a gift list.

“I don’t have to look, I don’t have to look. A big thanks to Young Master Chen for the congratulatory gifts. These congratulatory gifts are too valuable. Right, I have never met Young Master Chen, nor have I gotten to know the Chen Family. May I know who your host is?” Madame Yang said as she smiled. The previous gloom that resulted from the lack of guests for the event, was completely gone.

“Madame Yang, if there is nothing else, we will take our leave first.” Obviously, these people were not willing to tell anything more.

“Stay for a glass of light liquor, perhaps?” Madame Yang said.

“Thanks, but that is not necessary.” As soon as the young man finished speaking, the whole group of them returned to the car and left right away.

“How extravagant!”

“Even the bodyguards are so calm and collected. Really, who are the Chen Family members?” The Yang Family members were all stunned.

“Mom? Young Master Chen from the Chen Family? We have never gotten to know them. So why did they give us such expensive and valuable gifts? I estimated that the total cost of all these gifts would come close to one billion!” Yang Yuting was so touched that her hands were shivering.

“Yes, this is more than one billion. Young Master Chen from the Chen Family is very capable. However, our Yang Family has never communicated with the Chen Family before. Besides, despite being alive for so long, I’ve never heard of the Chen Family. Perhaps they are acquaintances of our grandchildren? Are they your schoolmates?” Madame Yang said in disbelief.

The younger ones looked at each other. Even if they were very close schoolmates, they wouldn’t send birthday gifts that cost more than one billion. Obviously, this reason was far-fetched.

“Mum, no matter who sent it, since somebody cared enough to send it at all, all of these are ours now. All we have to do is sell any one of these items, and we would have solved our family’s economic crisis,” Guo Ru said as her eyes flickered suddenly.

“Shut up, you are talking nonsense. The Chen Family sent these birthday gifts and they are very valuable. How dare you sell them away? At the very least, until I determine the identity of Young Master Chen from the Chen Family, nobody is allowed to touch any of these items. If anybody has any plans to touch these birthday gifts, I will kick them out of the family,” Madame Yang said. At the same time, she stared at the leaving convoy.

“Mom, what are you looking at?” Yang Yuting said as she tried to change the topic, now that she realized that she would not be able to leverage the idea in relation to the birthday gifts.

“Judging from the people that came out of the car just now, Yuting, couldn’t you tell something? They were all very well-trained. Usually, big families don’t have that kind of control over their underlings. Therefore, there is probably a first-class family behind them. As such, we must clarify Young Master Chen’s identity as soon as possible, make contact, and they might be able to help us through this difficult time,” said Madame Yang after some deep thoughts.

“Yes, mom.”

“Yes, there is another possibility,” said Aunt Xu Sen suddenly.

“Huh? How is that possible?”

“Could it be possible that Young Master Chen is attracted to a young lady from our Yang Family? Then, with the intention of eventually proposing marriage, he sent these birthday gifts beforehand?” Aunt Xu Sen said with a smile.

Among all of them, Aunt Xu Sen’s daughter, Yang Yan, was the most beautiful and had the most outstanding disposition. When Aunt Xu Sen said that, wasn’t it an equivalent of telling everyone that Young Master Chen was attracted to her daughter?

“Hehe, Sen, you have quite an imagination.” When Guo Ru heard this, she was unhappy. So far, within the three generations of the Yang Family, her son Yang Ye had the most potential to be the future head of the family. Now, what Aunt Xu Sen said might just give Madame Yang some ideas. Although they usually moved as a single clan, when it came to individual benefits, there would be unavoidable conflicts.

“Huh? But what Sen said was not without reason. When the masters of proper, big families act, they are never loaded with trivial details. It is really possible that Young Master Chen is attracted to a girl from the Yang Family. Yang Yan, you studied abroad all those years before coming back to the company. You must’ve met many people and attended many events. Do you remember meeting such a capable young master?” Madame Yang asked. She knew very clearly that Yang Yan was the most beautiful. Yang Xiaobei was also quite outstanding, but she had never been to any big events. Naturally, Madame Yang didn’t think of her.

Yang Yan thought about it and said, “I think I have, grandma.”

“Hmm, if that really is the case, then it is the blessing of our Yang Family. Yang Yan, from now on, if you need or want anything, don’t hesitate to mention it to me,” said Madame Yang.

“Thank you, grandma,” Yang Yan said, touched. These words indicated that Yang Yan could possibly be elevated to a superior position in the family. Madame Yang then held Yang Yan’s hand and walked back in.

At this moment, Yang Yuting suddenly received a phone call. “What did you say? Can you say it again?” The expression on Yang Yuting’s face suddenly changed. Then, she ended the call, her face instantly paled.

“Mom!” Puzzled, Yang Yuting walked over to face Madame Yang in a daze.

“What happened?”

“Something happened to the enterprise.”

“What happened?” Madame Yang said, her expression changing.

Yang Yuting gulped. “For the past few days, the enterprise’s capital chain had been in a bad state. So, as per my usual habit, I took a bridge loan. Unexpectedly, just now, my subordinate phoned and informed me that there is a problem with the loan. For the time being, the bank will not be lending us money.”

“What?!” Madame Yang didn’t think that this would happen. “Then what have you used as a mortgage?” Madame Yang asked.

“I used the Yang Family’s land as a mortgage for that existing project. This method had been very secure before. But now, the bank said that they would not release the money and even further negotiations are useless!” Yang Yuting then added, “It’s the Long Family. It must be the Long Family!”

It turned out that Yang Yuting’s third-party was the Long Family. As a matter of fact, it was a high- ranking member of the Long Family that personally approached her for discussions. Who would’ve

thought that the Long Family intentionally dug a trap for her; they wanted that piece of land too. Yang Yuting realized this a bit too late.

As for Madame Yang, she was so angry that she viciously slapped Yang Yuting across the face. The Long and Yang families were in constant competition. However, Yang Yuting was so desperately in need of money that she must have gone crazy that she would actually dare to make such an arrangement with the Long Family. The Long Family was very powerful, and dealing with a bank was a piece of cake for them.

“Y-You! Are you trying to anger me to death?!” Madame Yang said, a walking stick held in her hand.

“Mom, what should we do? We are already halfway through our project. Is the Long Family trying to take over our work now that we have laid the foundations?” Yang Yuting said with a tearful face.

Smack! “You useless thing! Don’t ask me!” Madame Yang gave her another slap. At that moment, she was so angry that she didn’t even want to celebrate her birthday anymore, and thus she left the venue then and there.

Everyone was speechless.

“Xiaobei, are you alright?” Yang Xiaobei ran back crying and Chen Hao followed behind her. Unexpectedly, Xiaobei ran to Uncle Yuxing’s room. She tugged on Uncle Yuxing’s hand, and cried over the unjust treatment like a little girl.

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