I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 434

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 434

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 434

Chen Hao thought deeply for a while. Then, he touched Xiaobei’s head and said, “Let’s talk about this next time. That’s right, tomorrow is your birthday. Let me tell you this beforehand—I will prepare a big surprise gift for you,” Chen Hao said with a smile.

“Eh? What gift?” Xiao Bei asked. She then playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

“Just wait and see tomorrow.” Next, Chen Hao returned to his room.

When she saw the back of Chen Hao who was leaving, Xiaobei suddenly felt that Chen Hao was lonely. Although he played the role of a loving elder brother, the attentive Xiao Bei also noticed that Chen Hao was actually unhappy. In fact, he had a lot weighing on his heart. It was especially so, since she didn’t know what happened between Chen Hao and Qin Ya.

Since Chen Hao wasn’t sharing his thoughts with her, Xiaobei didn’t push him for answers either. However, as his cousin, Xiaobei thought that she should do something for Chen Hao.

The best way to get Chen Hao out of his darkness was to divert his attention. Chen Hao didn’t have many friends to hang out with in Yan Jing. So at that moment, Xiaobei came up with a plan.

Soon, it was the next day, which was Xiaobei’s birthday.

The original plan was to make a reservation in a restaurant. However, she received a phone call from her family early in the morning, saying that the Yang Family were going to hold a celebration banquet on the very same day, for the launch of their projects, and all the executives in the family were going to be there.

The Yang Family had not held banquets for the sake of celebrating successful bids of projects for the past ten years. So, this rare occasion was exceptionally grand, even more so than Madame Yang’s eightieth birthday celebration. This time, they invited every guest that they could invite. Xiaobei didn’t

dare to not attend, so she had no choice but to arrive early with Guo Caifeng. As the person in charge of the project, Xiaobei and Yang Ye were positioned at the entrance to welcome the guest.

“Hey, Young Master Yang, congratulations on becoming the person in charge of the project!”

“Young Master Yang, you are still so young and you’ve already made it at such a young age. Not bad. The Yang Family’s future hope is on you.”

“Young Master Yang… No, I should call you President Yang. Congratulations!”

Most of the guests were there this time, after having heard of the reason behind the celebration. Since five major projects had been signed, it was the time for the Yang Family to shine and they would no longer be what they used to be. However, the person who had put in the most effort—Xiaobei—was standing at one side and given the cold shoulder.

“Hehe, Yang Xiaobei, don’t think that because you signed so many projects, then you would be given a higher position. Let me tell you that as long as I, Yang Ye, am here, you will always be beneath me. Always!” Yang Ye looked at Yang Xiaobei and smiled coldly.

Yang Xiaobei was so angry that she didn’t say anything.

“Right, Yang Xiaobei, isn’t it your birthday today? Hehe, from the looks of it, you won’t have a chance to celebrate,” Yang Ye said with a smile.

Xiaobei glared at Yang Ye fiercely.

Soon after, Madame Yang led the family members out.

“Xiaobei, why do you have such a cold expression? Look at the occasion today! There are so many guests here and if you put on such an ugly expression, surely the guests would think that you are being

unwelcoming!” When she saw that Xiaobei’s expression was off, Madame Yang, being a person that cared a lot about image, couldn’t help but instantly lecture her.

“Grandma, maybe you have forgotten that today is Yang Xiaobei’s birthday. You dragged her here to welcome the guests and because of that, she can’t celebrate her birthday. So, surely she is unhappy,” Yang Ye said.

“Huh. So today is Xiaobei’s birthday. I say, how inconsiderate of us. Because of our family’s event, our capable Xiaobei cannot celebrate her birthday,” Guo Ru added.

“It’s not that!” Yang Xiaobei hurriedly refuted.

Instead, Madame Yang frowned. “No matter the reason, what’s important is that you and Ye, as the people in charge, should have the right attitude since you two are welcoming guests at the entrance. Look at how well Ye is doing it, then compare him with yourself! Xiaobei, Aunt Guo Ru said that you lack executive experience, and I thought that you would be able to adapt quickly. But what your Aunt Guo Ru said is true, when it comes to entertaining guests, you don’t know how to behave properly. Let’s do it like this, you don’t have to welcome the guests anymore. Go inside and see what other things you can help!” Madame Yang said seriously. Then, along with the other family members, she moved on to other places.

“Hehe!” Yang Ye laughed coldly.

“Yang Ye, don’t get too cocky. There will be karma waiting for you for your snide words!” As soon as Yang Xiaobei said that, she got ready to leave.

Suddenly, she saw that Chen Hao had arrived. On top of that, he held in his hands a little cake that was 6 inches wide. It was only then that Xiaobei felt a little more secure on the inside. “Cousin, you’re finally here!” Xiaobei called out happily.

“I went to order a cake for you to celebrate your birthday today.” Chen Hao shook the little cake in his hands.

“Hehe, turns out that you really are from the rural areas. Who eats cake to celebrate their birthday? Ha!” Yang Ye smiled with disdain.

“I like to eat cake. What’s that got to do with you?” Yang Xiaobei retorted.

“I have no time for both of you!” Yang Ye snorted coldly.

“Hi! Xiaobei!” At this moment, a car stopped at the Yang Family’s front door. Next, four or five girls that were the same age as Xiaobei got out of the car; they all looked good and were pretty tall.

“Mei Mei, Yang Yang, you’re here!” Xiaobei waved her hand.

They were Xiaobei’s close friends from university. Madame Yang said that when the family held a celebration banquet like this, the more the merrier. That was why the family’s younger generations all invited their own friends. For example, there were a few of Yang Ye’s male schoolmates standing next to him and accompanying him.

“This is so lively, Xiaobei!” The four or five girls walked over and they gave her a smile.

“Since I’m free now anyway, come, let’s go with Chen Hao and walk around!”

Xiaobei had an ulterior motive behind inviting her friends living in the same hostel as her here; she wanted Chen Hao to get to know a few more friends so that he won’t be lonely. Since she didn’t know what happened between Chen Hao and Qin Ya, maybe one of her pretty schoolmates was fated to be with Chen Hao. When it came to something like fate, nobody could know anything with certainty.

“Hey, this is Chen Hao, your cousin? He is so sweet. Look at him holding the small cake. Did he specially buy it for you because he knows that it’s your birthday today?” Although the girls spoke well of him, they couldn’t completely hide the disdain in their eyes; they came from powerful families in Yan Jing, after all.

Usually when they celebrated birthdays and gave presents, they would spend a minimum of five thousand if the person was a friend. But now, Chen Hao only bought her a small 6 inch cake. According to Xiaobei, Chen Hao was a good person and his family was from a village in the rural areas, which was why they couldn’t help but look down on him from the start.

On the other hand, next to another good-looking guy, stood three or four tall, handsome, and well- dressed men. Naturally, they attracted the attention of the girls.

“Ladies, how are you? What a coincidence, it is also our first time visiting the Yang Family. Let’s take a walk together,” said the good-looking guys.

The pretty girls ignored Chen Hao. Instead, they turned around and looked at the good-looking guys and replied, “Okay!”

Yang Ye also smiled and said, “You all are sure thick-skinned enough to be walking around with ladies. Why don’t we do it like this? Let me assign a house helper and I’ll tell him to bring you all around. That way, you can spend some quality time with the pretty girls.”

“Yes, for sure!” The pretty girls jumped with joy.

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