I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 475

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 475

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 475

“I really don’t have money with me!” The girl frowned.

Someone in the bus said while laughing, “Forget about it, fatty. It’s only three bucks. I will pay for this beauty!”

“Sigh, I can’t believe there’s actually people like you in this world. You want the cookies but you won’t even pay 3 bucks for them!” The fatty pouted.

The girl frowned even more.

A strong sternness flashed across her beautiful eyes.

The girl said coldly, “Fine! If you want the money, get off the bus with me later. I would even pay you 3,000 instead of 3 bucks. Do you dare to follow me?”

“Hmph! Of course, what’s there to be afraid of? Keep to your words, you’ll have to give me 3,000!” The fatty sneered.

“Fine!” The girl took a deep breath.

As for the man in the black coat, he glanced at the girl and raised his eyebrows slightly before retrieving his gaze.

After a while, the girl suddenly shouted, “Driver, stop the bus!”

“Stop here? Lady, there is nothing here!” The kind driver reminded her.

“It’s none of your business!” the girl spat.

The driver had no choice but to stop the bus.

After shooting a glance at the fatty, the girl carried a white case and got off the bus.

“Hmph! You promised to give me 3,000!” The little fat man also got off the bus with the cookies in his arms.

But to the driver’s surprise, a man in a black trench coat led two pale-faced young men down the bus as well.

Apart from that, there were another four to five burly men who also got off the bus with their luggage.

“What’s going on? Why is everyone getting off halfway?”

But since the driver was old, he didn’t bother with questions and drove away.

All of them had arrived at a deserted place.

“Hey, give me the money!” the fatty said to the girl.

The girl stopped, and then laughed. “Do you see that? Turn around to see your money!”

“Behind me? That’s a man! Where’s the money?” the fatty asked.

One of the burly men said, “Brother, this beauty is still waiting for us! We can really enjoy ourselves this time! Hahaha!”

Then, they threw their luggage and quickly walked toward the girl in black and surrounded her.

The burly men asked, “What’s wrong, beautiful? Do you feel lonely traveling alone? Why don’t you let us keep you company?”

The little fat man was stunned.

“Guys, don’t tell me that you’re here to rob us?”

“Go away if you don’t want to die!” The burly man shoved the fatty away.

As for the man in the black coat, he also came along with two weak young men. But, they only stood aside and watched.

The beautiful girl smiled sweetly and asked, “Keep me company?How do you want to accompany me?”

“Hehe! We will accompany you however you like!”

Just as they finished speaking, they prepared to pounce on the girl.

Suddenly, the girl asked, “Is your boss named Li Hu?”

“Huh? H-H-How do you know?”

The burly giants looked at each other in confusion.

“Of course I know. Because, soon, he will die by my hands, just like you freaks!” The girl sneered.


And at this moment, the girl suddenly moved at lightning speed. In a blink of an eye, a short dagger appeared in her hand.

Swish! Swish!

The throats of the four men were slashed in an instant.


The fatty shuddered in horror and screamed out loud.

The man, who was in the black trench coat, also raised his eyebrows. He then quickly averted his gaze.

“You! If you don’t want to die, carry the suitcase and follow me to a place. After we are done, I will give you 10,000!” The girl glanced at the fatty.

Then, her gaze fixed at the three men who were walking slowly to the other side.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

The girl thought to herself, The man in the black trench coat is so strange!

But she quickly pushed the thought aside as she obviously had something more important to do.

She then squatted down and removed the communication devices off the four guys. After that, she left with the traumatized fatty.

“Master, senior, w-w-where are we going? If you want money, I can give it to you. My family is rich, so whatever you want, the Mo Family will surely give it to you. Please let me go! I am hungry and thirsty!”

It turned out that the two young men were Mo Jian and his underling.

He dared not speak along the way until they were deep within the valley. Only then did he dare to open his mouth to question.

“It’s just in front!” said the man in the black coat.

“Huh?” Mo Jian was surprised.

The man in the black coat continued, “The Mo Family must be going crazy looking for you, seeing how a massive search team is hot on our tails now. It seems that the whole of China would soon be turned upside down now that you’ve gone missing!”

Mo Jian nodded fervently and said, “Senior, it’s best that you can understand that. My father loves me the most in his life. He must have tried every means and sent all the masters of the Mo Family to look for me. Senior, you don’t have to go against the Mo Family. Surely we can work things out and be on friendly terms!”

“He won’t give up until he finds you,” said the man in black.

“That’s right, senior! Why would you…”


Suddenly, the man in black locked his hands onto the throat of Mo Jian’s man, and he crushed it effortlessly.


Blood spurted out from the mouth of the man and he died on the spot.

“Huh? Senior!”

Mo Jian was shocked.

The man in black sneered. “Your man is very smart, he was leaving marks along the way!”

“Young Master Mo Jian, would you like to find out who I am?” asked the man in black.

“Senior… W-W-Who exactly are you?” Mo Jian asked.

The man in black took off his cap and the voice-changing device on his neck.

Then, he took off his mask to reveal a handsome looking face.

Mo Jian was horrified when he saw that face.

“Y-Y-You are Chen Hao?” Mo Jian was shocked.

As he was searching for him everywhere, Mo Jian naturally became very familiar with Chen Hao’s appearance.

He was obviously frightened when he recognized Chen Hao in front of him.

“That’s right! Both of you, father and son have been hunting me for half a year now. I bet you never expected to fall into my hands, right?” Chen Hao gave a wee smile.

However, his smile terrified Mo Jian.

“Chen Hao, Young Master Chen, I didn’t expect you to be the owner of the bloodline as well. I’m sorry for being disrespectful. The things that happened before might have just been a misunderstanding!” Mo Jian said in fear seeing how Chen Hao was very strong and ruthless.

“Misunderstanding? My friends have all suffered at your hands. Also, the Chen Family has been overwhelmed by your tyranny for the past six months, not to mention that I was chased around like a dog by you and your father. And you’re telling me that all these are just misunderstandings?” Chen Hao sneered.

“Why don’t you kill me since you’ve caught me then? What are you going to do?”

Mo Jian gulped and stumbled backward.

Chen Hao replied, “Well, I’m just looking for the right place and the right time to kill you.”

“I understand now. You want to divert my father’s attention and allow the Chen family to slowly regain control! But Chen Hao, do you really think that you could escape from us just because you’ve caught me? You may be powerful, but don’t forget that you are now challenging the whole Mo family, most importantly, my father!”

Mo Jian made his final threat. “My father will be here any minute. You have to consider the consequences of killing me! If you kill me now, you’ll have nothing to bargain for!”

Chen Hao nodded. “That’s why I have been thinking for a long time on how I should kill you. I’d thought of setting you on fire, but it might leave traces behind. Then finally, I’ve thought of a brilliant idea!”

“The deep valley in front is called Wild Miasma Valley. It is also known as the Toxic Mosquito Valley, whereby it contains hundreds of millions of highly poisonous mosquitoes. If I throw you into the valley, I’m afraid that your body including your bones and flesh would all be gone within half an hour. By then, I’m sure your father will spend a long time looking for you! Therefore, I’ve decided to let the mosquitoes bite you to death!”

“Chen Hao! Y-You’re vicious! Bastard! My father will chop you into pieces!”

Mo Jian was terrified as he roared with a pair of red eyes…


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