I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 516

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 516

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 516

“What?” Zhang Tie stood up in shock.

Everyone in the room was skilled.

Right at the door, a waiter who was about to enter the room with food in his hand stood rooted to the ground.

Lu Zongyuan lowered his foot to the ground slowly.

The atmosphere in the room froze.

Initially, everyone thought Chen Hao was just an immature young man without any skills.

But the technique he displayed just now—using a leaf to destroy the wooden door—was of very intricate skills and force.

“A single flower or leaf can also be a weapon!” Zhang Tie mumbled as cold sweat trickled down from his forehead.

In order to lighten up the awkward atmosphere, a man from the Lu Family smiled and asked, “M-Master Zhang, what did you just say?”

A bead of cold sweat dropped from his chin and he had a vacant expression on his face.

“A single flower or leaf can also be a weapon!” he repeated.

“I’ve never known that such kung fu existed. It is eye-opening indeed!” Zhang Tie shivered.

The way he looked at Chen Hao had completely changed.

“M-Mr. Chen, I’m sorry for being too ignorant to recognize you. This is the map that you wanted!” Zhang Tie passed the map to Chen Hao respectfully.

Lu Zongyuan exchanged glances with the members of his family, and everyone in the Lu Family stood up.

“Mr. Chen, I am deeply sorry for the disrespectful behavior just now. I sincerely ask you to save the Lu Family from the current predicament! Take it as a favor from Master Meng as well!” Lu Zongyuan bowed deeply.

Chen Hao kept the map and asked coolly, “What’s going on? Even Master Meng can’t solve it?”

After all, he had to help to solve their problems after taking their money.

If it weren’t for the map which was very useful to him, Chen Hao couldn’t be bothered to know the affairs of the Lu Family, even if Meng Kang asked him to.

“Mr. Chen, this is what happened…” Lu Zongyuan quickly told him what exactly happened.

In the past, the Lu Family had an enemy who went to other countries and had somehow learned some extremely menacing skills.

Even the top bodyguards in their family were not a match for him.

He announced that he would kill a descendant from the Lu Family every ten days until everyone was dead.

Up to this day, two younger members of the Lu Family were already murdered.

Lu Zongyuan had forbidden anyone to leave the family, and everyone hid at their homes.

The name of their enemy was Wang Dahai. His ultimate goal was simple—to let the Lu Family perish in anxiety and fear.

Hence, Lu Zongyuan invited many skilled people and organized the exchange convention a month in advance so that many people were gathered.

They could give the Lu Family some encouragement.

Chen Hao thought, No wonder Lu Han and a few others sneaked out to have some fun.

“Wang Dahai was one of the descendants of a big family in Long Jiang, but both Wang Dahai and his father were guilty of all kinds of crimes. They were banned and boycotted by the companies in Long Jiang. Because of them, their family fell and perished. Hence, Wang Dahai bore grudges against the companies. I’m afraid that after taking revenge against the Lu Family, he will hunt down the rest of the families one after another!” Meng Kang added.

“We’d made a promise to fight Wang Dahai tomorrow, once and for all. However, he is greatly skilled. I’m ashamed to say that I’m not a match for him!” Meng Kang shook his head and sighed.

“If you’re willing to lend us a hand, that would be a blessing to our Lu Family!” Lu Zongyuan said respectfully.

Lu Zongyuan did not leave a good impression on Chen Hao.

Chen Hao then turned to Meng Kang and replied, “Alright, I will accompany Master Meng to the duel tomorrow.”

“That’s great!”

After dinner, Chen Hao and Lu Zongyuan left the hotel.

Just then, a butler walked toward them and said, “Mr. Lu, someone from the Long Family came to pay you a visit.”

“The Long Family? What are they doing here? Who is coming to meet me?” With Chen Hao’s help, Lu Zongyuan’s confidence rose quite significantly.

“The second mistress of the Long Family is waiting for you. She brought some extravagant gifts as well,” the butler continued.

The second mistress of the Long Family? Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, “Is her family name Yang?”

The butler replied, “Yes, that’s right, Mr. Chen.”

Seems like it is Yang Xia after all.

Chen Hao had a peculiar feeling when he heard Yang Xia came to the Lu Family as well.

He had forgotten about her for the past year. With the passing of time, what had happened between them was no longer relevant.

However, Chen Hao could never forget that she saved his life when the Mo Family and the Long Family were trying to hunt him down a year ago.

Chen Hao thought, It’s been a year. I wonder how she’s doing now?

He snorted bitterly, it’s better we don’t meet If she wants to live her life peacefully.

“Mr. Chen? Mr. Chen?” Lu Zongyuan gently asked.

“Yeah?” Chen Hao was absorbed in his thoughts.

“I have no idea where you are staying right now, but if you like to, you are most welcome to come stay with us. I’ll ask the servants to prepare the best room for you!” Lu Zongyuan offered. novelbin

“Sure!” Chen Hao nodded and moved into the Lu Family.

Lu Zongyuan went to the meeting room to meet the visitor from the Long Family.

“Greetings, Miss Yang. I saw your gifts—they are too spectacular. How could we accept such gifts from you?” Lu Zongyuan said politely.

“Oh, you’re being too humble, Mr. Lu. It’s an honor for the Long Family to meet you—you’re a busy man after all!” Yang Xia replied.

Lu Zongyuan smiled at Yang Xia.

This lady, at such a young age, is able to represent the Long Family in business. She must be skilled in certain expertise. When we chatted, her reply was formal and serious as well.

Lu Zongyuan automatically held her in high regard.

“Mr. Lu, since you’re a busy man, I will go straight to the topic. I wonder if you’ve looked through the business proposal? If possible, the Long Family would like to work together with the Lu Family. To show our sincerity, the project that costs ten billion will be taken charge by the Lu Family.”

Lu Zongyuan’s eyelids fluttered as he was tempted at the offer.

But he did not show any emotions on his face.

“Thank you for placing your trust in us. There’s no rush about collaboration—we can discuss it later. I heard that you have a few cousins here in Long Jiang. I guess you are familiar with the way we do things here? Perhaps you’ve heard your cousins mention it?”

In the business circle, everyone knew that the Long Family and the Mo Family were close.

The relationship between the Mo Family and the Lu Family, however, was just average.

As the Long Family suddenly sent a representative here, Lu Zongyuan had to do some detailed research on them.

When he heard that Yang Xia was coming, he immediately asked his people to look into her background.

“Mr. Lu, you sure know a lot of details. It’s true that I have some relatives here as this is my parents’ hometown, but we haven’t been keeping in touch for years. Technically speaking, this is my first time here in Long Jiang. Hence, I’m unaware of the way you do things here.” Yang Xia smiled. “All I can confirm is—if we agree to collaborate, the Lu Family will profit from the project, and the relationship between Long and Lu Family will deepen. Isn’t that right, Mr. Lu?”

Lu Zongyuan nodded.

Just then, a butler walked into the room and reported, “Mr. Lu, everything is well prepared for Mr. Chen. Is there anything else that you would like me to do?”

Lu Zongyuan replied, “That’s all. Make sure that Mr. Chen is well served here. He is our top priority right now!”

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