I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 536

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 536

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 536

“It turns out that the Young Palace Lord is no longer an ordinary human! No wonder!” Uncle Wen suddenly realized.

Qin Yifan, Chen Hao’s master, who exactly is he? I’ve never heard of this man, but it’s incredible that he has transformed Chen Hao into such a terrific state within just half a year. What kind of cultivation base does he have? Chen Diancang thought.

“Ah!” A horrified scream suddenly reached their ears.

Everyone raised their head and looked up. They saw blood gushing out from Mo Changkong’s mouth and he fell from the sky.

His face was full of horror. “Y-Y-You are already a Grandmaster? I-I-Impossible! How is that possible?!” Mo Cangkong was completely shocked and aggrieved.

Grandmaster is the legendary state. Uncle Canglong, who has such a great cultivation base, just barely reaches the Grandmaster state. It turns out that Chen Hao, who was just a poor loser back then, is now a Grandmaster! He is even gaining the upper hand in the battle now. This is impossible! Mo Changkong couldn’t believe it.

“You can die in peace now, Mo Changkong. You are the one who has gone too far without showing any mercy in the past! I will pay off the old scores today!” Chen Hao clenched his fists tight.

He had waited for this day for one whole year.

He had been escaping and running away from his home to keep himself safe for a year.

On the other hand, the Chen family had always been in the eye of the storm, where his parents’ and sister’s lives could be in danger at any time. However, Chen Hao could do nothing but watch and pray in secret.

All this was because Mo Changkong had gone too far and had been too merciless all this time.

All the hardships that Chen Hao had endured for the past year were worth it now!

Seeing that Chen Hao had every intention to kill him, Mo Changkong couldn’t help but gulp nervously.

He had had a great life with a great career, and was thought to be able to take over all the rich families.

And now he was going to be killed by a brat!

No way!!!

“No! Chen Hao , y-y-you can’t kill me today! I’m the elder of the Hidden Tribe, the Mo family! How dare you kill me?” One hand on his chest, Mo Changkong got up from the ground and said while taking steps backward.

“Mo Weiping, he is going to kill me! You should stop him!” Mo Changkong looked at Mo Weiping.

“There is always the risk of death in a battle. If he doesn’t defeat you, he would be the one who dies!” Mo Weiping said coldly.

To be honest, Mo Weiping was actually hoping for Chen Hao to kill Mo Changkong so that he could be rid of one big problem.

“Haha, even your family member doesn’t help you, Mo Changkong. I can imagine how bad your attitude was all this time. Don’t worry, I’ll let you die quickly!” Chen Hao said coldly.

“No! Listen to me first! Chen Hao, you’ll regret killing me! You’ll regret it for the rest of your life!” Mo Changkong continued moving backward till he reached the flower bed where he fell on his bottom. .

His face was as pale as a sheet of paper. The punch on his chest that he received from Chen Hao a while ago had made him lose all this strength.


“Exactly. I know that you’re investigating the case of the League of the Sun and want to search for your fiance. I saw that picture of Chen Pingan hanging on the wall in the hall. That picture is directly related to the League of the Sun!” Mo Changkong gulped.

Chen Hao looked at his grandfather, Chen Diancang, and saw him nodding his head, brows knitted.

Chen Diancang took big steps forward and said, “B*stard, I could consider sparing your worthless life if you really know where the map is!”

“Haha, I’ve seen the scenery in that picture before. It’s a very mysterious place which has Shapeshifting Powers, thus, the shape of the mountain is changing all the time. Without a special badge, you would never be able to find the place no matter how long you look for it. That place is called The Hidden Mountain!” Mo Changkong said in a hurry.

“Badge? What badge? How can I find The Hidden Mountain?” Chen Hao asked.

If he could successfully find the place, he would be able to discover the secret of the League of the Sun one day. He might find Tongxin and Uncle Pingan too.

He was distracted.

“About the badge……” Poof!

As he said that, Mo Changkong’s expression suddenly changed and he took out two marbles from his pocket to throw at the feet of Chen Hao and Chen Diancang.

The marbles exploded at once and only thick, billowing smoke could be seen after that.

Mo Changkong had disappeared into thin air in a blink of an eye.

“That b*stard is really a cunning fox. Wen, send someone to chase after him immediately! Don’t let him run away!” Chen Diancang yelled.

The people in the Soul Palace immediately set out in pursuit of Mo Changkong.

“Useless!” Mo Weiping came forward at this time.

“Mo Changkong is really cunning. He is indeed powerful, and his Agility Skill is his biggest strength. Even Uncle Canglong has praised him before for that. It will be very difficult to catch him once he has escaped. He’s an expert in hiding!” Mo Weiping shook his head.

“Grandpa, it’s all my fault. I was distracted once he mentioned Tongxin and Uncle Pingan. Leave this to me, I’ll get him!” Guilt flashed across Chen Hao’s face.

He was guilty that this happened because Mo Changkong’s words caused his heart to pound hard and his mind to go completely blank just now.

However, Chen Diancang raised his hand and said, “Don’t waste your energy. He has nowhere else to go. We know where he’s going even though he has escaped from us. I’m sure that he is going back to the Mo family. He’s clear that Mo Canglong is the only one who can save him now! Chen Hao, don’t act recklessly, ” Chen Diancang said.

Chen Hao clenched his fists tightly and nodded his head resentfully.

“Mo Canglong, Mo Changkong…” Chen Diancang mumbled to himself before continuing, “Chen Hao, follow me. Jindong, you all follow me as well!” He turned and said as if he suddenly thought of something.

As for Mo Changkong, he was sprinting as fast as lightning. His Agility Skill was indeed extraordinary.

Although he was injured severely, he never stopped even once. He wanted to rush back to the Mo family in Yan Jing as soon as possible.

One day later.

At the Mo family’s residence, in front of a quiet house at the back of the mountain.


Mo Changkong cried with grief and knelt down.

“The unworthy descendent, Mo Changkong, requests to see Uncle Canglong!” he cried and kowtowed heavily.

“The unworthy descendent, Mo Changkong, requests to see Uncle Canglong! I have something important to report!” Again, he kowtowed.

There wasn’t any response after a long time. Mo Changkong kowtowed and the sound of his head hitting the ground got louder. But it seemed like it didn’t make any difference.

“Since Uncle Canglong doesn’t want to meet me, does it mean that two of my sons have died in vain? Well, if that’s the case, I’ll risk my life to go and fight against Chen Diancang and his grandson at the Soul Palace. At most, I will die protecting the thousand years of honor of the Mo family!” Mo Changkong stood up and said, blood flowing down his forehead from the kowtowing he did just now.

“Hold on… Who did you say? Chen Diancang from the Soul Palace?” At this moment, a voice from an old man could be heard in the courtyard.

Following that, Mo Changkong saw the door, which was covered by thick spider-webs, open gradually.

A gray haired, skinny old man tottered out the door…

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