I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 542

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 542

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 542

“The Dragon Energy?”

Mo Canglong eyelids twitched violently.

Then, he took several steps back.

Taking advantage of the brief pause, Chen Diancang shouted, “Chen Hao, go now!”

Immediately, the engine of the helicopter started.

Chen Hao was reluctant to leave. However, his grandfather had used up all of his Inner Energy to protect him.

If he were to stay any longer, his grandfather’s efforts would have gone to waste.

At that moment, he hopped onto the helicopter.

As Mo Canglong was trying to go after him, he was caught by Chen Diancang’s hold.

“Chen Diancang, you are even more ruthless than I am. You deflected the energy from my Magical Mirror by straining your Dragon Energy. Although I could not kill you, you would still suffer a destructive blow. Granted that the Holy Water Ritual is just three months away, I’m afraid your life is going to end soon!”

There was nothing that Mo Canglong could do to Chen Diancang who was all raged up.

After all, the Dragon Energy was not something easy to deal with.

Especially for the time being, Mo Canglong thought it was not worthwhile putting his life at stake to fight with Chen Diancang.

If Chen Hao managed to get away from him, his ambition to achieve further advancements in his skills would be dashed.

He backed away from Chen Diancang.

Mo Canglong straightaway made a dash in the direction of the helicopter.


Chen Diancang vomited blood. He knelt down on one of his knees as he was too weak to go after Mo Canglong. He stared at the helicopter with his eyes full of anguish.

“I am flying the helicopter at a great height. Young Palace Lord, I don’t think he would be coming after us! Even so, he won’t be able to do that as well!” said the pilot who was flying the helicopter.

“Hmm, I wonder how my grandfather is now. Sigh, in the beginning, I thought my grandfather would be able to finish off Mo Canglong easily. Unexpectedly, that magic tool in Mo Canglong’s hand turned out to be formidable!”

Deep down, Chen Hao was consumed with worriness.

“Don’t worry, my Lord is extremely skillful. No matter how formidable that magic tool of Mo Canglong is, it would not be able to cause any harm to my Lord. Now that Mo Canglong is coming after you, my Lord would finally have a breather as long as we manage to escape!” said the bodyguard.

Out of nowhere, the body of the helicopter shuddered.

It was as though the bottom of the helicopter had caught onto something.

Thereafter, a human figure appeared at one side of the helicopter.

It was Mo Canglong.

“Little boy, are you trying to escape?”

Mo Canglong smirked coldly.

With a tremble of his wrist, a beam of white light flashed through the sky at the speed of lightning.

With a bang, the body of the helicopter started to become shaky.

The helicopter then spiraled downward to the ground.


Sparks and fire were coming in all directions; debris and small rocks flew everywhere.

A mess was all over the ground in the aftermath of the explosion.

The pilot lost his life.

On the other hand, Chen Hao was injured.

Since he was already half a Grandmaster, his body was not like those of normal folks.

At that moment, he supported his body with one of his arms. Slowly, he got to his feet.

“Why are you running away from me? Please follow me. Before the Holy Water Ritual, I would like to achieve some advancement in my skills!”

Standing aside, Mo Canglong wore a subtle grin.

“It’s impossible!”

Gritting his teeth, Chen Hao mustered up all the strength in his body.


With that sound, he secretly flung out his dagger.

It was aiming for Mo Canglong’s chest.

However, Mo Canglong responded to it swiftly. He got hold of the dagger in between two of his fingers.

“Trying to use a secret weapon? Little boy, you’re still too green for that!”

He let out a bitter laugh.

Seeing this, Chen Hao plunged into a state of depression.

At first, he thought he still had a slim chance to survive. Even if he was destined to die, he would like to attend the Holy Water Ritual before his death.

However, he did not expect that he would be caught by Mo Canglong today.

He would rather put a quick end to his life now than to be captured and later tortured by Mo Canglong.

A suicidal intent grew in Chen Hao’s eyes—he was ready to kill himself.

All of a sudden.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

The dagger in between Mo Canglong’s fingers started producing a sound.

On top of that, the dagger started to shake vigorously.

Chen Hao was taken aback by the sight.

Mo Canglong was even more surprised. He exerted greater force on the dagger, in an attempt to keep it in between his fingers.

However, a layer of red glow started to appear all over the dagger which was originally black in color.

Suddenly, the dagger looked as though it had just been taken out from the furnace.


Mo Canglong let out a scream due to the searing heat emitted from the dagger.

He couldn’t help but let loose of it.

The dagger then flew back to Chen Hao’s hands on its own.

“Magic tool! That is a magic tool!” Mo Canglong exclaimed in shock.

His eyes were filled with scorching enthusiasm.

“It surprises me to see that your family owns such a magic tool other than the Sun Totem. What a powerful tool! If I am able to maneuver this well, it would be a great enhancement to my already marvelous skill! I would be unstoppable and I would shine at the Holy Water Ritual!”

Looking like a crazy man, he thought aloud.

Unsteadily, Chen Hao was taking continuous steps backward.

“I am blessed by God. Not only have I controlled the Magical Mirror, I have even found Chen Hao with his special constitution. Coupled with this magic tool, I would be invincible!”

With lights shining brilliantly from his body, he made his way toward Chen Hao.


All of a sudden, his body froze.

His left arm started to tremble nonstop.

The veins on his arm turned red and bulged out. It looked as though numerous earthworms were resting on his arm.

Even his face had turned purplish-red.

A pained expression flashed across his face.

“Is he suffering from a backlash?”

Judging from the situation, Chen Hao knew that his chance to escape had come.

Hurriedly, he used his magic tool once again.


Consumed with misery, Mo Canglong defended the blow with the Magical Mirror.


At the sight of Mo Canglong, Chen Hao did not stay there any longer.

While Mo Canglong was suffering from a backlash, Chen Hao immediately made his escape.

“Stupid boy, no matter how far you run, I will be able to capture you. I will definitely get both your magic tool and your body!”

Despite Mo Canglong being immobilized, his vicious eyes were fixated on Chen Hao’s back while he was yelling at him.

Chen Hao made his way through the jungles in the mountain without making a single stop throughout his journey.

He had no idea where he was, neither was he sure how far he was from the Northwest Desert.

As soon as he confirmed the direction of the Northwest, he ran wildly toward it.

In the blink of an eye, three days and two nights had passed.

At that time, Chen Hao arrived by a river.

As he was very thirsty, he made a stop to drink.

“It seems like I have not made the wrong choice back then. That unique aura in you has fully revealed now!”

Chen Hao fished out that shiny, black dagger which he brought with him everywhere he went.

As he spoke up, he couldn’t help feeling overjoyed.

“Eh? What’s this?”

Suddenly, Chen Hao noticed something was different with the dagger. Some weird patterns and calligraphy appeared on the dagger.

Breaching Army.

Several Chinese characters were written on the surface of the dagger.

I reckon this is your name? Breaching Army. What a badass name! Chen Hao thought inwardly.

Some intricate patterns and graphics were found on the other side of the dagger.

As Chen Hao was observing the dagger, it was as though the patterns were talking to him.

Several mini dark figures were moving actively on the surface of the dagger.

It seemed like they were displaying some moves repeatedly.

“Is it possible that the Breaching Army has been consecrated after coming into contact with Mo Canglong’s magic tool just now? It seems like the little figures on the dagger are displaying the ways to use the Breaching Army!”

Painstakingly, Chen Hao tried to fathom it.

By now, the dark figures on the surface had displayed four moves in total.

Chen Hao was puzzled as only one out of the four moves was designed specifically to the usage of the dagger.

As for the other three moves, they looked similar to how a sword should be used.

The more Chen Hao stared at it, the more he understood the moves.

Gradually, Chen Hao started to imagine himself as the dark figures on the dagger.

Thereafter, his Inner Energy was transferred into the dagger.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

A slicing sound rang continuously from the dagger.

In an abrupt move, Chen Hao swung out the dagger.

The sound of it cutting through the air was frightening.

Wherever the dagger passed, rocks and trees blew up. The impact grew increasingly intense as it went further.

After hitting the target, the dagger made a rapid return.

This time, Chen Hao did not grab it. Instead, he controlled the dagger with his mind to execute another attack.

Now, it was as though the dagger had come alive and became Chen Hao’s helping hand.

It could wander around in search of Chen Hao’s opponents’ weaknesses.

As it turned out, this was the correct way to use the Breaching Army…


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