I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 553

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 553

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 553

That huge tree was named the God Tree by the people of this country because it was dangling from the sky.

At that time, the people in this country thought that this must be an invitation from Heaven, where this God was sent to invite them for a gathering at the Sky Palace. However, something must have happened along the journey that led the God and the Celestial Army to their deaths.

The King thought, Since it’s an invitation from Heaven, they should uphold their courtesy and go up to inform Heaven about the mishap of the God.

Therefore, the King sent the best three hundred warriors of the country to climb this huge tree.

However, the warriors did not return no matter how long they had waited.

Even then, the King was not willing to give up. Every year from then on, a troop of warriors would be chosen to climb the God Tree.

Until the day before the God’s palace was built completely and during the moment of interment.

Something strange happened.

A great lightning struck the God Tree, causing it to be caught in large flames which burned for over a month before finally vanishing.

The King was extremely angry and thought that Heaven was blaming them for not cherishing this opportunity.

However, burying the God was the utmost important task at that time.

After that, it was a detailed story where an old beggar objected to the burial of the God and his lover in the same grave.

According to the mural, the old beggar explained sternly to the King why they should not be buried together, but the King did not believe him.

Therefore, he demonstrated magic and pointed to the wall. At once, a scene appeared on the wall and it showed the doom of this country.

The mural said that when the old beggar demonstrated his ability, all the nobilities and ministers were shocked.

At once, everyone bowed at him, even the King himself too.

At last, the King took the old beggar’s advice.

The King wanted to appoint the old beggar as the country preceptor and asked for his advice in protecting the country. However, the old beggar declined his request. After that, he drew two pictures for the King.

One of the pictures was just a symbol.

But Chen Hao recognized it clearly that it was a symbol of the League of the Sun.

Another picture was rather abstruse.

“Why does it look like… The Chen Family’s magic tool—the Sun Totem?” Chen Hao scratched his forehead and asked in bewilderment.

But later on, the story only stated that after this country obtained these two pictures, it had indeed prospered for a few years and even almost unified a few hundreds of neighboring countries.

The King revered it as a holy treasure and inherited it.

Looking at it now, Chen Hao could not help but inhale a mouthful of cold air.

Could it be that the Chen Family’s heirloom, the Sun Totem, is closely related to the League of the Sun? More importantly, could it be that the creator of the Sun Totem, which has the ability to predict the future, is actually this old beggar? Chen Hao speculated in his heart.

The curiosity bubbling in Chen Hao’s heart urged him to continue reading it.

In the later part, the happenings during the burial were told.

This underground palace took over ten years to build, and another few years’ time to be safekept.

During this period, continuous strange things happened in the supposedly prospering country.

The most shocking incident was a giant carcass falling from the sky.

In the mural, the appearance of this giant carcass was detailly carved out.

Chen Hao looked at it closely and realized… It was actually a dragon’s carcass!


Chen Hao widened his eyes in shock.

He could almost confirm it.

The mural stated that a dragon had fallen from the sky.

It was over thirty meters long and had claws of steel which could crush a human’s skull. novelbin

The mural also described that this giant dragon carcass was covered in hard scales.

Some of these scales were golden and some were jet-black.

This was a golden black giant dragon.

When it fell from the sky, the carcass was already emitting a foul smell.

Everyone scampered to hide from it.

Initially, they planned to bury this dragon carcass, but a plague arose and it caused many deaths.

The King had no idea what to do with it.

At this point, the old beggar was mentioned again.

After three years, the old beggar finally came back.

But this time, he was not an old beggar anymore. Instead, he dressed formally.

He told the King that he was just pretending to be an old beggar in the past because it was more convenient for him to do certain things. He was not an actual beggar!

Naturally, the King was overjoyed and rendered him the highest rank.

When the King asked for his advice to solve the problem of the dragon carcass, the old man suggested to cremate it immediately and emphasized that it must be done without delay.

The mural at this point stated again that the old beggar was highly skilled in medicine. He cured the infected commoners of the plague as well as the Prince who was also infected.

In the end, he made a request.

He wanted to look around in the underground palace.

In addition, he requested to look around in private, so all the craftsmen and workers who were carving the mural at that time would have to be dismissed.

Due to his elation, the King agreed to all his requests.

This old beggar then stayed in the underground palace for ten days. When he entered, he had taken a bag with him.

Later on, the whole country kneeled and begged him to stay, but the old beggar declined again.

The mural described that it was almost evening that day. The old beggar stood on the city wall, facing the kowtow of the whole city. He then pointed to the moon which had just appeared in the sky.

Everyone raised their heads to look at the moon.

By the time they realized, the old beggar was gone.

That time, in order to commemorate him, the commoners specifically built a temple to allow the future generation to venerate him.

“The Celestial Army that fell from the sky, the God Tree, the peculiar old beggar and the giant dragon! As well as that flying ship!” Chen Hao mumbled.

Up to this point, Chen Hao was even more confused by the information revealed by the murals.

These murals and the story it told seemed as vivid as life.

Was it really just the imagination of the ancient people?

At this moment, Chen Hao was in doubt.

He was rather dubious before this, but now, Chen Hao was highly convinced that these might have actually happened!

Was there really a different civilization that had existed ten thousand or even a few ten thousand years ago?

The legend of the dragon is long-standing, but was it really just a legend?

Chen Hao was surprised and bewildered in his heart.

He took a deep breath and tried to find out the whereabouts of the girl in white.

To his disappointment, the girl in white was not mentioned anywhere in the later part.

The old beggar seemed to have the ability of knowing the past and the future, but did such a sorcerer exist in this world? Chen Hao raised this question in his heart.

He then looked at the giant python behind him.

“By the way, when did you come in? I doubt that you were this huge when you first came in to be a tomb-guarding creature.” Chen Hao asked.

The giant python flicked its tongue and pointed at one of the murals.

That mural was describing the scene when the old beggar entered the underground palace with a bag.

Chen Hao was stunned for a while.

Upon a brief ponder, he could not help but tremble in shock.

He gaped at the giant python. “Are you saying that a few ten thousand years ago, you were in the bag which the old beggar brought in?”

Chen Hao felt that he was almost suffocating.

The giant python nodded.

My God!!!

Chen Hao felt numb all over. “You’ve been alive for a few ten thousand years?”


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