I Am Born With A Sliver Spoon

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 570

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 570

I Am Born With A Silver Spoon Novel Chapter 570

A young man dressed in a black robe walked toward them slowly.

Everyone had quietened down.

“Senior Brother!” the young monks at the door called as they bowed.

“The esteemed guest that Master has been waiting for is already here!” the young man said mildly, then swept his gaze across the crowd. He smiled and asked, “May Young Master Chen Hao from the Southern Region please step up?”

“That’s me!”

Chen Hao frowned. Who knew that this Master Ghost actually had some skill, and even managed to predict that Chen Hao would come to find him?

“Young Master Chen Hao, our Master has been waiting for you for a long time. We have already made tea for you. Please follow me,” the young man said with a bow.

Chen Hao felt stunned.

“When did your master say I would arrive? Did he predict this? I remember clearly that Yang Wei only received the invitation yesterday night. Does Master Ghost know my actual identity?”

Chen Hao wasn’t willing to believe that anyone or anything in this world could have this kind of power apart from the Sun Totem.

To be honest, Chen Hao was extremely thankful that such a mysterious person existed. However, he was also jealous and hated him through and through.

It was because this person knew everything, and could toy around with the information however he wanted. Chen Hao hated people like this.

He felt like destroying Master Ghost.

“Our Master predicted that this would happen a year prior,” the young monk replied slowly.

This stunned Chen Hao as it was unexpected.

Since he was allegedly so powerful, Chen Hao wanted to experience it for himself today.

“Lead the way!” Chen Hao said.

He followed the young man into the temple and entered the main hall, where people prayed to statues of the gods. After that hall was an inner court.

The court was filled with the scent of incense.

An old, frail man was sitting cross-legged in front of an incense burner, meditating.

There was a tea table in front of this old man. The room was filled with the scent of tea.

“Young Master Chen Hao, we finally meet!”

When he heard Chen Hao’s footsteps, the old man lifted his extremely wrinkled face and opened his eyes.

That young monk had already left.

“You can predict everything? I don’t believe it!” Chen Hao said as he sat down with his legs crossed, facing the old man.

“I cannot predict everything. I can only predict what will happen to a human being,” Master Ghost said as he smiled bitterly.

“Then you must know why I came here, right?”

“Young Master Chen is here to look for someone,” Master Ghost said.

“Yes. Can you find out where they are? If you can read this accurately, then I’ll give you anything you ask for, whether it be money or anything else on this earth,” Chen Hao said.

“Hehe, there’s no rush, Young Master Chen. Before I read their whereabouts, would you like me to help you do a reading, too? Perhaps a reading on your future? To be honest, Young Master Chen, your ophryon is currently glowing red. I’m afraid that you will be faced with a great calamity not long after!” Master Ghost said, looking up at Chen Hao with a smile.

These words caused Chen Hao’s heart to skip a beat. Could Master Ghost possibly be truly omniscient? Everything had been predicted accurately by him.

The Sun Totem had indeed predicted that Chen Hao would face a calamity.

What was more, this was a calamity of life and death.

The reason he started on his journey to look for the Sea Palace was to unravel the mystery of how he could avoid this life-or-death calamity, and what connection that girl in white had to the god that looked identical to himself!

“I already know of all these things that you speak of. However, I’m most worried about whether I can find who I’m looking for, and whether they are alive or dead,” Chen Hao asked, starting to believe Master Ghost.

“It seems like the people Young Master Chen are looking for are extremely important to you. Alright, then. I will help you do a reading on these people first!” Master Ghost nodded.

After that, he waved his hand.

In a second, all the doors closed and curtains above all windows in the room fell.

Then, the floorboard in the middle of the room glided open, and an ancient-looking large display emerged. Nine dragons were carved around a three-tiered structure, their heads facing up.

This display seemed to be made of ancient bronze.

In the olden days, when these displays were built, the dragons would hold pearls in their mouths. However, the one in front of Chen Hao was different. Instead of pearls, they held large copper coins.

“Young Master Chen, please place your palms on the heads of any two dragons!” Master Ghost said.

Chen Hao walked over and followed his orders.

He chose two dragons and put his hands on their icy cold heads. Shortly after, the eyes of all nine bronze dragons suddenly lit up, glowing bright green. These dragons then emitted rays of light, as if they had suddenly been brought to life.

Chen Hao watched in shock.

After a short amount of time, they heard some tinkling noise.

The copper coins in the nine dragons’ mouth had fallen out and landed on the ground, forming some kind of shape.

Master Ghost had already walked over.

He started to study these copper coins closely.

After a long time, he nodded lightly.

“What is it?” Chen Hao asked.

To be honest, Chen Hao was extremely confused about many things right now. But frankly, he still couldn’t completely trust this old man. That was why Chen Hao wanted to see if he could manage to read who Chen Hao was looking for. If the old man’s predictions were mostly correct, then Chen Hao would truly believe him.

“I have your answers. The hexagram shows that you have a lingering fate. When you find this lingering fate, only then will you find who you are truly searching for! Apart from that, this person you are looking for is still alive!” the old man said with a smile.

Chen Hao frowned. “Then, do you know where I can find the person I am looking for?” Chen Hao asked, a little agitated.

Master Ghost shook his head. “Her location is extremely blurry to me. She is not close, but not far either. She isn’t in the East, but neither is she in the West. I can’t tell for sure, not at all! The hexagram shows that you still have fate that remains from your last existence, which means that your heart is not being true. If your heart is not true, then there is no fortune for me to read!”

Fate from his previous existence?

Chen Hao was feeling confused.

After he fell in love with Su Tongxin during college, he had never looked at another girl romantically since then.

What sort of lingering fate could he possibly have?

Toward Qin Ya? He only felt guilt toward her. It was a complicated sort of feeling—it wasn’t love, and yet he cared for her. However, he had already decided that he would come clean about everything to her.

Toward Shen Lan? He saw her like he would an older sister even though she was his fiancée. So, it was not possible that Shen Lan was his lingering fate.

As for Zhao Yifan, it was even more impossible.

“I don’t have any sort of fate from my previous existence! Apart from Su Tongxin, who I am searching for right now, I have no one else that I love,” Chen Hao said.

“Hehe. Lingering fate means a remaining fate from all your previous existences. You may not have such a person in your life right now, but that doesn’t mean you will not have one in the future. That’s because your love with this person has been decided by the heavens, and has been cultivated over many, many centuries!” Master Ghost said with a smile.

“That’s bullsh*t! To love or not to love, that is up to me! The heavens? I hate people like you the most, always blabbering on and on about the heavens’ will. Everyone’s lives are controlled by themselves and themselves only!”

Chen Hao felt a surge of rage.

He really hated this feeling of being toyed around by others.

“Young Master Chen, you have no choice but to believe in this. The hexagram showed that you definitely have lingering fate, but it hasn’t shown itself yet. If this lingering fate is not resolved, then even if you destroy the very edges of the earth, you will still fail to find your true love!” Master Ghost shook his head.

Chen Hao took a deep breath. “Then, tell me. How can I find this lingering fate?”

Master Ghost replied, “This lingering fate is in your own heart. Why not try asking yourself? Why exactly did you come to Sea City?”

Chen Hao heard this and thought, I want to go to the Sea Palace and find that white-clothed girl’s corpse. She was in love with that god that looks like me, and he loved her too, but they ended up being separated.

There were way too many clues that led to that girl in white.

He had to find her for that God, and bury her alongside the God. Then, he would be able to uncover the secrets of his own identity.

Could it be that the lingering fate mentioned by Master Ghost was between Chen Hao and this white- clothed girl?

How could that be?

Chen Hao laughed bitterly.

“That’s strange!”

At that time, Master Ghost muttered again. “After a closer reading of the hexagram, it says that it’s your lingering fate, but it isn’t at the same time. She has a direct connection to you, but she also has completely no relation to you. Strange!”

Master Ghost frowned.

He thought for a very long time.

After that, he spoke again. “Young Master Chen Hao, all I can say is, you must find this lingering fate before you find that other girl. Your hexagram is extremely messy. I can only read this much.”

He shook his head, looking a little guilty.

That means I must first find this white-clothed girl! Chen Hao thought.

He didn’t mention how he found ‘another him’ in that ancient tomb. This girl in white seemed to be the lingering fate of that ‘other him’.

No matter what, Chen Hao had to find her.

Today, just being sure that Su Tongxin was still alive was enough to satisfy Chen Hao.

“Oh, right. How much do you know about the League of the Sun?” Chen Hao asked suddenly.

“The League of the Sun? I’ve only ever heard my master talk about the myth of the League of the Sun. This group was established very long ago, in an era back in ancient times. It remains extremely secretive, and no one has ever properly studied its secrets. However, the group seems to have left some trails behind in Sea City!”

Master Ghost lowered his voice. “I noticed that Young Master Chen is different from others, and thus, you will naturally do different things from others in the future. To this day, I haven’t been able to figure out the trails that were left behind, but you, Young Master Chen, might be able to!”

“Trails that were left behind?”

“Yes. Fifty years ago, these trails were dug up. At that time, some people looked for my master to help them study these trails. They are stone tablets…”

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